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UPPER INTERMEDIATE Virginia Evans - Bob Obee Published by Express Publishing Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 GHW. Tel: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 e-mail: http: Fawwwexpresspubl sing ‘© Vironia Evans — Bob Gee, 2008 Design and iustration © Exovess Publishing, 2008 First published in this edition 2008 Made in £U All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored i 9 retrieval system, er transmitted in ry form, or BY any sreans, electronic, photacopying or otherwize, without the priot written permission of the publishers This book is not meant to be changed in any way ISBN 978-1-84867-083.4 Contents UNIT} Crossing Barriers. 5 UNTT2 Moods and Feelings .. 6 Self-Assessment Module 1. - p 28 UNT3 Making a Lving p29 UNIT4 Mae Yourself at Home p. 41 Self-Assessment Module 2... 33 UNITS Modern Living .. 55 UNITS Going Places... p. 65 Self-Assessment Module 3. p. 76 UNIT? History . ne nN UNITS Learning Lessons... 89 Self-Assessment Module 4. eo ac (pelt UNITS Planet IsUeS on » p. 102 UNTT10 The Cycle of Life... nate pen Self-Assessment Module 5 enn 124 Further Practice 126 Checklist 128 Peer Assessment Checklist . a . 139 Key to Workbook - 140 Unit 1 — Crossing Barriers Vocabulary: English in the world; the Internet; means of communcation; aspects of language; spaal/saynel/tak; toucvhadcontact Reading: multiple matching (reading for main points) multiple choice (ieading for detail Listening: multiale choice; note-taking. (istering for. gist main points, detai, function, location, coles & relationships, attitude, intention, feeing, opinion, specfic information) Speaking: raking suagestions responding postvelnegativly, comparing nd cortrasting:, making, assumptions expressing preference: saying. goodbye: English in Use:_Key' wold transformations, open. doze, word formation; forming abstract pouns Grammar: articles and determiners; partitives; countable and unceurtiable nouns Phrasal verbs: switch; put; hang; nun; get; call: cut (related to commmunicatien) Writing: letters (formaysemi-formalinformal style) Lead-in (p. 7) Read out the title. Discuss the meaning, First, aicit the ‘general meaning of ‘barner’. A barre stops something from happening eg. en abject like a fence or a wal or a faw or a pgbien. It could also be a language eg, a language bares’ — ppeogle wiho dont speat the same language mey not be able to communicate, 1. Ask Ssi they have ary experience of the highlighted places, ‘on the map (if they've been there, if they know anyone who lives there eto) and what they kaow about them, Then ask them whet they thnk the highighted regions have: in Suggested Answer Key | thinkthecommon elements that nal othe highlighted regions the English lenquage Is mportant some places its a native langeage (eg, Brtan, keland, North America Austrafa ond New eoland in soine places it's on offal lanquoge (eg. Papua New ‘Guinea, Hong Keng) although diferent iocl languages exist too; In other paces essed widely asthe language of admisiration nd business (ea. Singapore, Inca), ondin some places itis simoly ai important second language that most peaple lear (eg. South ‘Amica. Some of the regions include ermer Bish colonies ‘many Abkan states, Indie, Hong Keng, parts ofthe Carbbean ec) and so have been inilvenced by the English language and culture The nate cunures and regions in the highighted arees vary wide. Eralsh can be seen as @ way of cressing the barress created by diferent cultures, eligion sand natiresanguages 2 a, Explain the task and let Ss look through the sentences ‘and guess what the missing words/phrases could be. Play tha cassette. $5 do the exerase. Check $5” answers, ‘Answer Key 1 websites 4 celebrities: 2 peocetalcs 5 productsand services 3) holidaymakers Unit b. Gatthrough the ist. Ss do the exercise ‘Ariswer Key Themed Inernerionolerade Werid pities Tours The internet Elicit ether factors from Ss; then lst thei ideas an the board. Suggested answer Key ‘Other factors which have encouraged the wie of English around the worlc: Ss wentingto.come Englishspenking county 0 “study, job prospects in thew own counuy 3° & Go thvough the lst. Allow $5 two ‘minutes to do the ‘exercise, Then $s compare their Ist to their partner's b. Ask Ss what they find difficutt while learning English {(€9. pronunciation, phrasal verbs, rarnmar idorns ete). \Wrte them on the board. Go threugh the table, then ‘get tio 5 to read out the example. Ss work in Closed ‘ais. Check round the cass then ask some groups to ‘act out their dialogues. Suggested Answer Key ‘> Tyegota problem with pronunciation, 8 Ff were you, tid watch fms. A: Theta gcodidea. 4. Toll S¢ to look at the two quotations anc explan what they mean. 55 in pairs discuss which one they agree with Encourage $s to explain vihy, Suggested Answer Key The fist one means ther If people a over the word spoke one Janguage, camimunication would be easier and 50 the word would be more peaceful, The second one means tht every single one of the worlds languages is very important, so when a language disappears ‘becouse nobody speaks it ary more something important isos. 1 ore sth ihe second one, because the fist one wives te ‘impression thatif would be a good idea f everyone spoke the sare language. 55. Sseliscuss in closed pigs. Check pairs round the clas. ‘Suggested Answer Key A Lihink that English wil be more widely spoken in the future ‘More and mare young people still want to learn English, and ‘many want to go and study in an English-speaking country. That’ ‘rue, In many countries, Engish is still the key to 0 successful coveer | think. that Englsh wil continue 10 be the language of computers and the Interne, Reading (pp. 8-9) 1. a. Were “the interet”‘on the board. Ask the dass the questions. Find out how many Ss lock up websites in English, and how many look up websites in their native language. Write the figures on the board. Ask for Corhments on the resus. Whydo yeitinkse manyof youpreerwebsitesin? Unie b. Go through the-statements and lice" quesies. Ss sean lines 9-24 of the text to check if thelr questes yere correct. Answer Key Yo Tue 2 Tue BT a Fale & ASE'S§ ta look at the ttle of the article Blet Sees ‘about the contents of the article Draws! attention to the strategy bok. Rernind Ss that it is not necessary to understand every word in the text to do this exercse, ‘Ask Ss to. skim the whole text for general meaning, Emphasise the importance. of getting an overall idea of what the text 5 about before attempting to fit the sentences into the gaps. (Check general comprehension by asking ‘What change isthe text about?" and ist an easy change to make?’ Ie: a20ut the change fm mamly English swebstes 1 webstes in many ciferen: languages. Pensong the sites intocfexent Tarquoges willbe df and ala of work) [Ask Ss to fead the santonces AH and start by fitting in the set chocs. Ask them to justify their choices with reference to the main text After one oF two of the easier choices have ‘een establsted, SS can go on to complete the more dificult tones by themselves. Remind therm to vead the sentences before and after each gap to see if the inserted sentence ‘makes sense. Encourage them to:pay attention to reference. words. For example, the word ‘They! in sentence E relates to ‘smal local companves’ in the sentence before gap number 7. Ss should uncerlie-the relevant portions of the text that justify ther chovoes: Point out that itis perfectly normal to change your mind about ¢ choice when eloing tis task: Allovr Ss time to complete the’ task." Then aik'them to Compare ansiners and the plirases they have underlinad in airs. Finally check S5"ansivers end the underined phrases a5. cles. iniiver key TF tnalh.., isthe mather tongue of only 5% ofthe wort population ‘numberof proficient speakers. onl slighty higher, "0 reltiely small number oF te weld population con communicatevel in Engle 2 € ‘bath Europe and Asia have become growth neds forthe Web’ 'AsCusinsses these regions crease tet use of theinernet” 4H ‘creating mulifingucl website & not an easy t3F, “ath technical and linguistic dffcuties they are: problems with no soy sslutone 4B» ‘Corsparies ae unable to ose the uitsmated transation ‘items hich aleady ext. The reason or this. the ‘uals rot good enouat This has lft businesses al ‘over the ward facing o huge challenge” ‘compares willed to a¢ao: thei ecvertising mater, They may aso have to change their wey. of doing business to srt certain custornes, re Japan fer example’ 6D. how many texts there cream the Web ‘growth inthe use of the Internet is guaranteed, Companies ... simply ‘eed time fo tanslate their stes inte the various languagesnecessary 7..£. $mak local. compories... will > © Da this es a brainstorming exercise with the whole class Suggested Answer Key ideo conferencing: graffiv; sign language: gestures; focal emresions d. 5s work in pairs. Ask $5 to discuss: which means of arimunication from Ex. 12) could be desciibed by exch ‘adjective. Stopeet hue Ray {think taking face to face personal because you cn see the ‘pecson youare taking to. + [think waiting attr or sending a fax sipersonal Because Yyoucannot se the person + think sending an email isefclent becouse itarves much festerthanaiete: + think witieg¢ letter or sendiog an email can be ineticent becouse the person might ra check their ral sraiaht ancy + Think sencing tert messages econorial tcaure each ‘message costs much ess tan a phone cll + (thibk aling ¢ phone cals casly because you have to pay vpetminate + think wing o letter or sending fa is formal because we usually wit ful sentencesand include adteses + think varting ante or sending an email is irformal because ‘weusualy wricein nate form, + I think meking @ phere cals relable because telephones rely bec down, +f think unto arated unreliable because the ncte might get fost. > [think noting letersi: somettnes complicated because you have toespeess yourse carely. 1 think talk foc to face with someone is easy because we ‘ean usually communiemte quickly. a Explain the meaning of the verbs, Then, Ss work in ‘pars, and match the pictures ta the verbs. Answer Key 1d 3G 58 TA 26 4c 6 F . Boplain thebias Ss cannot be sure exactly, what each ‘station is, they need to use the language in the box to ‘snow that thay are guessing. Ss do the exercise in pais. Suggested Answer Key A Icon’ be catain, bur it looks es if hes whistling because he's honey. She musts yavining becouse shes ied. ‘She may de aiggiing because’ toia her joke. ‘Hernust be yeling because hes very upser about something. ‘She could be weeping because shes had bed marks ct school, Judging ram ther hopey feces, the people might be lamp their hands because they are enjoying © perfomance, Hernust be whispering a secretin her ear & amose Ueie 8 3. ay Byplainto~Ss- that this exercise also deals. with collocaticns, this time connected. wth the: topic of language. $ the exercise in pairs. BicivExplain the meaning of each collocation when checking answers Answer Key 1) body 3 ative = Tanguage 7 talk 2 fist 4 accent’ 6 tongue 8 speech 1b. Seco the exercise in pairs. Check $6! answers (Se’ownanswers) 4 Explain to Ss that they are going to think about gestures and what they mean. Ast $s to define what gestures are and why people meke-destures: a gesture isa movertent of ‘art of te body usualy invoking hanes ort arms: people moke ‘gestures to express eration, corwey information ete A gesture is aon-verba, though it sometimes cccomponies work, Ask Ss to give exampies of gestures from thei county, a. 3$00 the exercise in pairs Answer key ean ee Cede Cer eae bi Elicit answers fom ciffevent students Suggested Answer Key (con uselariguage orn Ex. 20) The people in peture seer o be pleased because they cre hoppy tomeet each other The man in picture 3 seems to be cisapocinted becouse he may Ihave received some bad news, ‘The mar in picture 4 seems ta be Uncertcin because he Is thinking ‘about aproblerstuation, The man in picture 5 seems to becolm becouse he i reassuring his employeeicclleague. The man picture 5 seems to be uncertain because he doesnt ‘enow the oriwer toa custo, ‘As at extension $5 1 ars try to think of other situations ‘where the zentancosa to'fean be used. 5 Write say, te, talk aod seeieom the board: Point out that collocation: can often help them decide which word to use Elicit colocations Ss know with these verbs ahd wirke them on the board under the right verb, eg 13 el the time, to say youre sory, etc. Tell $s that iis important to,record whole ‘allocations in thelr vocabulary notes, not just individual svotus. $5 do the exerdse in pals Anewer key 1 totelline diterence 4 taiksronstop 2 sprokyeui mind 3 tellingpeople what co do 3 don't say e word 6 talk business “Sentence 4 matches the picture. (Aichatterbox!) 6 Elicit the meaning 6F ‘diorrs’ and ‘fed phrases’: groups of words vithoura necesialy ensparent meaning, 8 may Know the meaning of individual words, but ot the overall meaning when they are put together in a particular way. For ‘example, to burn the candle at both ends. Ask $5 for cther ‘examples, $5 do the exercise in pairs. Check Ss\ answers. Answer key 2 gethaldof 5 Relethe tine 3 losercuch with 6 comeinta cemiaer with 4 lesteontactwith Asan extension, remind Ss of other useful fixed: phrases Using these words, eg. get in touch with, keep in touch Alternatively, ask $s to choose an idiom and draw a picture based on that. Ss show their pictafes to the dass’ The class rust uncestand the idiom. 7a. Ssshould work in pairs. Tell them to-do as many as they ‘can on their own, then to check a dictionary for the ‘est. Ss should memonise these phrases Answer Key 3 at 7% toith 11 ot a with fewith 8 avto 2 with 15 with Sat 210 1B with 5 at 0 10 . Ss-can either continue with this story or invent one themselves, using. all the verbs and. prepasiions in 7a Suggested Answer Key 53: | chatted to her for ¢ few minutes, 54 Then Isaw sorseone waving at me fom across the oad, 55: sie him but couldn think who he was. Sh He came over andishook hands with me etc 8 Retritid Ss of the importance OF phrasal verbs A@vse therm {0 lear thet in context rather than fsts. Ask $s whether they are'more likely to Find phrasal veros (multiwword vero) im speech or wating (i soeech, Tel Ss that there is usually 3 forrmal singe verb equivalent. Give an example: Put up wit tobe. Ask Ssto give examoles of ptvesa verbs they already kroiv using the verbs given, Wire thern on the board, 55 do the exercise incividually Check Ss" answers anc the misaning of each phrasal verb. ‘Answer key 1 switched 4 hanging 5 ut 7 ca 2 put 4 on 5 ge 8 hung For further practice, $5 in pairs or for homework) make up a dialogue usina as many of the phvasal verbs from tis exettise as possible. Listening & Speaking (pp. 12-13) 1 TallSs thay ae geing to listen To eight people taking. Draw their attention to the strategy box. Remind them hovr important it's to reed the questions coefull Eriphasiso how much information they can get fom the questions. Ss then co the exercise pais Suggested Answer Key 1 Key words to be underined: tcking about the organisation she works for Wot service? cheb! * onepersan + Faty formal onguagecnd vocabutery about the blind + shewilltakaboutasenice forthe blind 2 Key words to be undertined: conversation In an office: Why hhesthe man gone there? + twoormere people + feity nforralionguege + thereoson why the man hosgoreto theofce Unit 2) Rey words to be underlined: get connected (othe Internets cellahelple; het doyou hove todo? + -eneortwo people + fai fomnaltanguage + inscuctions about he ineernet 4 Keyword te beundetined: eovingaessage- answerphone: Wat beste wart the person tod ternartow? + one person + fail aki + aregusst abou! tomar 5. Key words to be underlined: racio mienwew: How does the ran fea? + prebady twopeeple + faity afore *+ questions answers, the man wilexpress feelings 6 Key words to be undertined: news prograrame; What I the repon about; news + probe oneperson + fait torre’ + something new about medns of communication perhars rmebile phones 7 Key words to be underiined: couple iiking ina cafe: How does the man feetabout what the woman is showing him? + two people + Informal + the woman wil talc about something she shows the man. hevwllexpressan opinion abour it 2 Key wordsto be underlined: taking 1o< group of people: the mans purpose?; a product + probably one + fay formal + the man wil say sormething about a predic, and wiley te.afect tiegroups opinion Sb Ibten to ech Speakerfeonversation twice. Stop the recording after the second playing of each one to check the answer Also elct edence fer the answers by asking Ss to recall what they heard that helped them to Chose the right answet I necessary play ech section ‘again <0 check the eviderite, oF ask Ss to fook at the tapeicipt at the back of ther books. ‘AnswerKey Te 34 58 7¢ 2A aA 6 a8 Evidence for answers: 1 Brailefteracy,noblind person shoul belimited in choosing what she would like t0 reod: access to whatever Baile publication they reed: ‘about the phones. ewe hod tis problem ean se thot | youneedhelp with setting up yout Anderson nine internet conection please press 1 4 Thetoken the Fatt the garage anditshoulei be okay topickit Luptomarrew, so could you? ‘5 hesitation anc reetton throughout 6 Thenew Wesley model: et the ouch ofjusc one bution, you are instantly cernected to another mobile, and you can leaveashori voce message 7) “And how mich would that te; Probably about a hunched ul Forget. € The oerial ebout 10 be installed tas been inspected ond approved by scientists: copies ofthe certcate of safety are ‘vallable . the aerial hos been manufactured in compliance th the guideline sued by the goverment 2 a ‘8. Tell Ss that they ere going te heer-a report about public Phone boxes. in the UK, and about haw:people are {sing them lass 1 Ask the whole class these questions, 2 Draw, Ss attention to the strategy box Go through the. incomplete sentences in Ex. 20, emplainirg unknovig vocabulary kems and eliciting swhattype of information missing. Suggested Ansiver Key 1 adverb describing how much the money has decreased, 9 Grameticaly, 0 lot, etc, 01 @ period of time eg. in the last 5 ‘years ‘Aperlod oftime, ep. Smonths, 2. yeas etc: (number) ‘roun~maybe some word ike ofices? rroun - maytse some word ee toom? ‘exhective- possibly describing the colour of Kiosks ‘oun society? nay of ite? oun ~rane ol eoiow ‘Past participle increased? deubled? ‘rumberor adjective —public2new? ‘pumber~an amount of money z Play the recording twice, while Ss listen arc waite their answers, Check Ss" answers as a dass; iF necessary Teplaying relevant Sections of the recording unti Ss tind he correct answers, Ansner Key 1 byhalisince 1999 6 ature 2 Byecrs 7 ser 3 1ee4 & doubled 4 callotice 9 “ethousand’1,000 5 wooden 10 rrorethan $2,000 & Diact Sto the tapescription p. 238. Ask Ss to. work in Frais 10. underline the parts of the:scnpt that relate to the items in bold, and see how the information is worded different, Answer Key yoits— money, fall decreased introduced anpear laced ~ inated as was known back then — mas hikialy refered tas housed found ithad hopesto establish self ~ wanted ro create wanted intended Fer om diseppearing— not dscppear putup- staled ‘market buy Ss discuss the question in pais fora few minutes. Then get feedback from the class. Explain ta $s that in this task they wl be in pais. Fist one student wil have to speak for about a minute about two photographs The student will be esked io compare the photographs, and say something else (the question will vary according to the photographs) Then the other student val have to give a brief answer to another question about the same photographs After that, roles are reversed with ancther set of two photographs. nie 8: Ask $510 lodk at the two pictures and elct- what they show. Read out the rubric arid check that Ss understand the meaning of ‘compare’ (they should try to talk about smilanties and differences between the picures; not ssmpiy describe ther) Present the useful language on corrparing and efcit severa’ example sentences about the two pictures: using the’ language given Give Ss vocabulary 25 needed: Then direct S5° attention to the second part of the question, and elist possible answers from several students Insist thats give reasons for their choice, Then ask one or two students to try and speak for 1 minute on the question ine, The rést of the class ‘keep time ard listen Suggested Answer key See ropescrot for Bierce 4p. 1349 the Ss Book, b. Read cut the question and present the useful language. Eicitbsef enswer from @ few student, insisting thet they Se one ofthe stuctures ftom the useful anouage box. Suggested Answer Key ‘See opescrint fer Evercse4,p, 13iotheS’ Book: © &d. Ask $5 to look at the two pictures: Elct the situation i Gach one, giving vocabulary input f necessary Feed out the rubrics and put 55 9 palis to 0a Es 3¢ and 2d (one should be Student &, the other Student 8). Remind them that Student ® should try and speak for 1 minute, without interruption trem Studerit A (who can keep tine), atid then Student A should answer question d briefly Suggested Answer Key Seetapescriotforbxercise4 p. 13intheSs Book. Sxplain that Ss wil hear-a model interviawe based on the tasks in 38-0. Ask Ss to listen are think about whet is cood about the students! performance. Use class feedback to explain the assessment criteria (Ihe model candidates perform very well on all the poirts.) ‘Oral performance at FCE leval is acsoxsed according to four different criteria. 4. Grammar and Vocabulary + The ability to use a varety Of diferent ‘Grernmaticel structures end to produce them correct The ability 10 use © variely” oF vecabulary opropriately 2_ Discourse Management = The ablity to connect ideas using irking words + The ablity to organse ideas and produce a contribution of suitable length 3. Pronunciation ‘The ability to pronounce indivhial sounds eeaity and to use stress and intonation pattems to hightoht meaning 4. Interactive Communication ‘+ The ablity to speak fivently without frequent pauses to search for mords + The ability to communicate ideas and take part in a discussion with a partner ‘Ask $s to‘asess their lassmates! peiformance ectoiding 10 these criteria, but try not to discourage them’ Point out that theit performance will improve: greatly with the oral Practice they wil do duning’the course. For more formal peer assessrient, photocopy the Poer Assessment Checklist at the back of the Teachers Book. 5 Emiain to 5s that ths exercse involves brief exchanges made by people vihen they are saying gcodbye to each ‘other. Draw their attention to the example, and ask them ‘what they think the situation is: Tio ends are talking (lace to. foce of on the phone) ard one's wating the other something postive forthe future. Ask them to do the erercse in paits ‘They should uy to imagine thesituation, and then complete the exchange. Suggested Answer Key 6b & Havea good weekend! 3 Youtoo. © A: Lethmeet(orcofieesometime. B_ Sure, call me whenever de Tmheading oft the meeting now. B Seeyou thore Reading: Culture Clip (pp. 14-15) 1 Write ‘THEATRE’ on the board and ask Ss iF they ever go, and what is enjoyable about the theatre. Use ths discussion To. check that 56 know basic vocadulery to do, with the ‘theatre that will be used in the text (NB 'to act’, ‘actor’, ‘auiience’, “the stage’, @ play's ’s performance’, ‘a musta, “ines and producer) ‘Alternatively, tk Ss, in pais, to werk out mindmaps with “THEATRE: spotights stage directions stage technicien actor/actress curtain eee audience tickets director performance reheasal_ ‘This wil help $s revise vocabulary related to theatre Ask Ss to lock at the poster: Bit what is advertised fa periomnance forthedeal and i Ss have attended one. Ask ‘Ss wy’ deaf people: might not normally go to the theatre, andl how a performance scecally for the deaf right be different b Blict answers from the whole class. f necessary, explan “sign language’ and interpreters’ ‘Suggested Answer key The text willbe about the work afsign language interpreters, who probobly help deaf peorle understand and enjey the theatre by ‘using sian language (Sign ‘anguoge 's movements of your hands ‘and arms used to communicete. The deaf have got their own ‘official's fanguage to communicote) Unit ‘& Write some of Ss! suggested! questiors on the board, ‘then ack Ss to scan the text to 500 if their questions aro answered there. Check Ss’ answers and help Ss with vocabulary “if necessary Then’ elicit further basic infornation from the text that has not been, covered by Ss’ questions, e.g. where the interpreters are during the peiforance i tebstion to the actors ~ the three styles ‘placed’, where thay are away from the actars and don't move, ‘zoned’, where they are on stage and move a bit, ‘and ‘shadowed’, where they ‘ollow the actors aroun Make sire Ss understand the word ‘shadow’ ) ‘Suggested answerkey) = Bo theatre interprets Rave’ 0: Wot ef work? (rot. mary perfermarces but af oF work erscch one especialy musicals) ‘Bo they reed special reining 0 qualifcaions? (not stated, buterebabiyos ther are protessina’s) + Wha do they actualy do during the pefonmenice? (tre std somewhere where the audience con see therm ond use sign lengucgeto show whatis beng said) Ask to read the rubric andl check they Understand the task Go through the stratecy tox vnth the Ss. Demonstrate the stateay by going through the frst two or three: questions with the lass:'€9. for question 1, ask Ss to read the question stem, underine the hey words (theatre inepreters ‘ecomecommanplace because), then find the relevant part of ‘the text (paragraph t)and read carol Ss ook atthe choices «and urdatine the key words Ae avoiding & wanted to become more access Ca nes aw. corypisory 0: amract dence Fonte, honere, that Ss must pay-attentor to te whole meen of the otras, ust vat they imagine tO be the hey werds Hela S to choose the right answer (lend check exactly where the information is in the text fines 25 the Americans with Daabites Act which quires that theates become ‘eccenble fo deaf peop). Ale help Se to uncerstand why the ‘other answers ate wrong (A: not stoted that deat people were ‘evoidng the theatre 8:tnenres were obliged bythe law to become more accessbe: O: net the reason wy theatre Interpreters are cornent, Fepaat this precedute forthe next question or two, then ask ‘$5 to continue on thelr oan for the remahing questions. Ss check ther answers n pairs batore dass feedback. For each ‘question focus particularly the evidence in the tect ‘Answer Key 1 © tes 25 the Americans with Dietilties Act. which requles that theaties become accesible 0 deaf people” ‘nes \7-20 exes are aso s0id0 heerng people who are intereted inseetra theatre ineroreters at work” 2.5 3A fines 26-30 The worHloadis immense. we hve (0 learn the whole ply in a mach time’ 4.8 fines 42-50 " placed, where interpreters donot move: ‘zoned wher interpetes..nove only during a change of scene act"shadewed: where interpreters move rly ‘nai 58-61 The zoned syle of interpreting Ws @ happy ‘medliyn between tne placed ad ihe Shadowed sys ines 70-73 ‘plocing the interyetes diectiy within the ‘ction .. The interpreters ore Blocked into each scene, ‘and literellyshadow.the actors ines 86-88 ‘producers nowadeys think of interpreters for thedeat asc.reweverueiacreativiy Ghenboietex) 5s of the importance of recording new vocabulary in context. 5s fe‘ead the text to look at the items in context ‘ard match them fo the meanings, ‘Answer Rey audience: ede who watcha pearance ‘eens: prectiseand prepare fo a perfomance ‘placed: fredin onepositon ‘Zoned: limited to certain areas ‘shadowed: fofowing the actors stage right right side of stage foran acto facing te aucience stage left let ofa stage Noor ofthe house: the aveaof te thedre n/ere he seats ore scene: 0 scrailer section of a play fect: large section ofa play ss an ecnion help Se with other useful vocabulary items fom thee 29. Ine 21 a cobsal iet lavelytignse tine 26 ‘entire’ (whole) tie 27 immense’ (rey 5 ine 55 interact (onrmunca ine 66 ‘patron’ (merberof the aukence) ine 75 tn dose pax: veynea), 4 Help Ss to work oust the meaning of the phrases, faery 1 abigproft 2. inthe rec where actors peta te play 4. Inbismind ses the actorand the inter egeter es one >eson 5S. a Ask Ss to undertine lan, Cox's words and then, in pais, to discuss the questions thatthe reporter askeci him Suggested Answer Key {nes 24-35 Hon fang does it ake you to prepore for one ay? it alot of work? How does it compare with what an actor has to Jo forte same pay? sit diferent for musical? UUnes 82-88: What is theatre, for you? And what is interpreted theatre? How do producers see ntepretrs forthe deaf? (ther possible questions Do you fee asf you are an actor? Which sive of interpreter placement de you prefer? Why? Do you thine ‘interpreted theatre willbacame more common Inde tre? Optional activity; In pars, Ss can ole oly the inteniew Betwean the feporter and lan Cox. Ss work in pais. Ask some pars to report back tothe cass, Suggested Answerkey Tews, conferences and meetings. interiens, ete English in Use (pp. 16-17) 1. Bl fomemind 50f some ofthe bes jules or articles When talking about peoplelthings in General no-artcle. * We use ‘the! when its the orly one, @9.themaon. We use "the! to refer to something/someone previously mentioned, Refor Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more deta, Allow $s two minutes to de’ the-exeicise individually, then compare their answers with their partner. Check Ss! _answvets round the class. Answer Key 1 a= J authesthe S$ ay-ythe;the,the 2 the the 45 V1 nie? 12 2 1 leit fromMRemnind $s. of the two mein: functions: of determiners: toidentiy things, the] and to sayhow much orhow many weaie taking about (some, most els that inthis exeraze they hove to dade which determiner oes ‘with each dass of noun Refer Ss to the Gramma Reference secton for more deta $s work mn ps, Answer Key Singular Nouns: every c/an each tithes ang elie, ohothier ‘iuralNouns:a fev; ery any, bata, fener encugh, othe severe, al sarve Uncountable Nouns: les, any enough, other muy ity lite, some 'b. Tell Ss that they should choose from the determiners in the lst to replace the determines used in the sentences. ‘The meaning must be exactly the sarbe, Ss work in pairs. Check Ss’ answers round the dass. Suggested Answer Key Fj Neltner ofthegirs seem hoppy. Fewerstudents come thistime. Severl/ Many peoplecalled eater ‘Mineedattle tmeto check my messages. very room hes a phone. ‘Arother person asked fr youiter you left Bilt from/Remind 5s of the relstionstip between the too ‘and enough structures. Write a couple of examples on the board g its foo warm for snow. = tisn't.cold enough for snow. 1S too dark to see whats happening. =It in ight enough io ee whats hoppening. $5 work in pairs. Suggested Answer Key 2 theyre 190 hays tinntsiveng enoveh. 3 Tmtoo poor! net rich enough 4 She’ too nervous, Shes not brainy enough ‘AS an extension, ask Ss to complete the following sentences, Using 199 or enough 29. T: lean't soe in here! SI) Ws toodark S2: There isn't enough light. Suggested sentences: Idon' feel ike going out | missed the appointment. Heart dive 2 cat Close the window, please, a. Remind Se that the Bartites can often be Used with move than one noun, and that there is often an element of collocation involved. Se do the exercise in pals. Answer Key alee ofeavce ar ofhoney asumafrreney drop olvcin tecxpoon ofsuger gray sunshine <2dop of thunder ‘Suggested Answer Key ound «sur of morayion the ground and | ended icin 1 the police station. Johin takes three teaspoons of sugar in histea. Inthe middle ofthe storm, there wos a huge clan ofthunder which maid everybody jure: [My fiends brought me backer of honey rom Greece, ‘Suddenly a large drop of ran fel on my nose {can Seea ray ofsurshine coming through the dork couek, be: Explain: to" Ss that they: are going to look at nouns whose plural form has a different meaning or use from the singular, Show Ss the example: 5s use. their dictionaries and werk in pars to do the exercise. Suggested Answer Key 2 Wor isatastthatyou have todo, warks means foctoy: + Shave afotof moka dof ant fo pass tisexor, Themen aren svkeat the steehnorks. 4 ‘Damoge'isharm thas dene o an obect ora situation fone person as harmed the propery or reputation of another ‘person, a court can ere ‘damages (= money) tc be paid by theirst person tothe second person. ‘Tesever storm caused alot ofdamage to the house. + Shewas owarded £5,000in damages. 4. Peoples the plural. of ‘person’ peoples isthe plural of the Singular pour ‘a people which means the men, women ond