New Age Hoax

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The New Age of Disgrace

The New World Order is upon us and there is no rock big enough to
crawl under and wait for it to go away. It is not going to, it is here to stay
and it is the prophesied Satan-led end time deception that will seek to
ultimately destroy mankind. The New World Order and the New Age
Movement are synonymous, they work so closely together there is no
difference between them.
Where the New World Order has overcome and conquered the political
realm for one world government, the New Age Movement has and is
doing the same to religion.
But what is the New Age and why is it a disgrace? The New Age
Movement teaches lies that all that is, is God. We are all divine, gods in
ourselves. They re-define Biblical atonement for At-one-ment, all is one,
one is all. New Age best-selling author Shirley MacLaine said in Out on
a Limb (where she must have been when she wrote it) that We are all
god. We just forgot it. She claims that this is the best kept secret of the
twentieth century.
New Agers seek to accomplish a universal cosmic consciousness(mass
scale demonic possession) that will herald the beginning of a new human
race, a new evolution(counterfit ascention/rapture/more demonic
possession directly from fallen angels to think people
ascended/raptured/evolved to godhood) of mankind in which this present
age of worshipping not genuine God:Genuine Holy Trinity:Abba
names/Ashtar Sheran/Sananda Imannuel/St.Germain/Santa Claus/Satan
Cumara/ Maitreya as the Father,Son as-Apollyon/Abbadon/Khtuluoriginal names Obama/Maitreya/Immam Mahdi/Hare
Krishna/5th Buddha/,and Holy Spirit will be false mother Mary Ascended

Master Lady Nada/Lilith-original name-/ Kali/Gia/Diana

- Revelation 17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written,
ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Satan claiming to be creator and
Antichrist claiming to be messiah and false Mary claiming to be mother of
YAHSUHUA and or even Holy Spirit,this counterfit blasphemy trinity
featured by false phrophet who can call fire from haven(haarp-weather
machine-technology+magic(elemental magic)=hermetics=manipulating
weather by hermetics=strong delusion foretold in the bible and foretold
false signs and lying wonders and Devils sick and twisted desire to be
like God imitating everything of God and wanting to be worshiped as
one,that new agewill start with beginning with Lord Maitreya the New
Age Christ-Antichrist,must begin who will bash the truth of the bible even
also using bible some of bible verses to twist it to approve themselves
these ascended masters the fallen angels who will deceive the wolves in
sheeps clothing foretold in the bible the false christs: Matthew 24:5 For
many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive
Its leaders(these wolves) point out that a great superhuman world
teacher and leader is soon to come (Maitreya, Sananda or GermaineLucofrage Rofacale Sataniel-Devil in flash the prince of darkness deciver
of all decivers-father of all lies,the murderer from begining).He will,they
have declared, establish a glorious kingdom of 5D utopia on earth in
which all humanity will live in peace, harmony, and unity,the blasphemy
copycat counterfit millennium regin of YAHUSHUA on
Earth: (Revelation 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first
heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more
sea.).Possessing unparalleled wisdom and knowledge, and wielding
marvelous psychic abilities, all the powers of the universe will be at his
command,that is all counterfit devil counterfits everything of God,the
trinity,the peace and prosperity which that one is also exposed of the
devil: ( Daniel 8:25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to
prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by
peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of
princes; but he shall be broken without hand.).This leader will have
realized his godhood supported by supernatural powers that
Satan/Lucifer will give him to back up his claims-false signs and lying

False Christs:
There Will Be False Christs! For many will come in my name, claiming, I am the Christ, and will
deceive many. Matthew 24:5
He replied: Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in
my name, claiming, I am he, and, The time is near. Do not follow them.
Luke 21:8
Mark 13:6; 21-22
Many will come in my name, claiming, I am he, and will deceive many.
At that time if anyone says to you, Look, here is the Christ! or, Look,
there he is! do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will
appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the electif that were
possible. So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time.
MAITREYA Antichrist will claim to be The Savior of the lesser known
religions as well, SAYOSHANT To Zoroasterism, THE BEAST to The
Satanists, MITHRA & HERMES to The Illuminati, The Great Lord to the
Witches, The Return of QUEZECOATAL (Mayans) and The GREAT
WHITE BROTHER of Hopi Indian Prophecy and the Egyptian god,
OSIRUS, resurrected from the dead. AND THROUGH PEACE SHALL
According to Share Internationals website on Maitreya, this world
teacher does not intend to build a new religion, but rather to teach
humanity the art of self-realization. Much like the serpent in the Garden
of Eden, he intends to deceive millions by convincing them that they are
gods themselves.
2nd Corinthians 11:3,4; 13-15
But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his
subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in
Christ. For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have
not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received,
or another gospel which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with
him. For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming
themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself
is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his

ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose

end shall be according to their works.
1st Timothy 4:1
God clearly revealed that in later times some will abandon the faith and
follow deceiving seducing spirits and things taught by demons.
Satan has totally decieved you,wake up already!!!Whether youre a
ager,sorcerer,warlock,pagan,crystal ball
user,astrologer,buddhist,hindu,muslim,satanist,kaballah prist,divination or
fortune teller-all of them derive from Satan/Lucifer.Wake up and turn to
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH(Jesus Christ)who is the Alpha and the
Omega,the beginning and the end,the first and last,Almighty
GOD.Revelation 23:13-14.
The Bible tells us that in the end-times these false christs will perform
great signs and wonders that will deceive many:
Matthew 24:11
and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.
Matthew 24:24
For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs
and miracles to deceive even the electif that were possible.
MUM=40, ALEPH=1, TET=9, TAV=400, RUSH=200, YOD=10, HEI=5,
ALEPH=1 = 666 = six hundred and sixty six (666).
Nesara National Economic Security and Reformation Act updated 623-2010
The problem with Nesara and the promise of all these good things to
come out of it is that it goes
contrary to what the Bible says is going to happen in these end times.

The Bible doesnt promise good times

for all,but hard times and the redemption of man.The other problem is
that the cast of characters that flows
along with Nesara are hybrid people(David Wilkoks),and other incarnate
in flesh are fallen angels also there.Nesara is the agenda
of the anti-christ!:The Pennsylvania site was an underground storage for
important NESARA-related documents and was an exact targeted
location. At the moment of what was called a plane crash, FEMA/FBI
were already standing by in the nearby woods. They then rushed out to
secure the area from other investigators. No plane crashed. Each tower
was attacked by a specially-prepared aircraft, modified by CIA to carry
missiles and also special holographic projectors to project the illusion of
the aircraft in the news releases.
Project Blue Beam false rapture,including UFOs and aliens
Disclousure Project good vs bad alien mind game deception
Sananda,Immam Mahdi,Maitreya,and other false christs,Nesara(omegan
whight knights-ie fallen angels),Mark of the beast,One world
dictatorship(false peace-ww3),One world luciferian religion,and tons of
other stuff as false signs and lying wonders foretold in the bible!
2 Thessalonians Chapter 2:
1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our
gathering together unto him,

2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by
letter as from us, as that the day of YAHSUHUA THE MESSIAH is at hand.

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a
falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped;
so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be
taken out of the way.

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord YAHSUHUA THE MESSIAH shall
consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they
received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in

13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord
YAHSUHUA THE MESSIAH, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation
through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord

15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught,
whether by word, or our epistle.

16 Now our Lord YAHSUHUA THE MESSIAH himself, and God, even our Father YAHUVEH,
which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through

17 Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.

. He will be the first person acclaimed to have achieved full potential of

godhood and the world will follow him. Some prophetic scholars claim
that the Antichrist will not claim to be God in the classical Biblical sense,
but a man who has achieved godhood.He will in both ways claim that
and in many other ways.
New Agers dont all refer to this coming Christ as Lord Maitreya,
Sananda, or Germaine.Some will go ahead and call him Lucifer,those
who who that is and who are evil still to worship the beast.In fact, the
most frightening aspect of the New Age is their adulation given to Lucifer
who they describe as a God of light and God of Good. A teaching of
Freemasonry to those who hold the 30th, 31st, and 32nd degree.
For those who cant quite stomach Lucifer as the Christ the New Age
offers a being called Sanat Kumera. Sanat is obviously a thinly veiled
reference to Satan,reverse language game.The change of spelling is to
help shield those who are not yet ready to confess Satan as their Lord
and Messiah yet accept the entire New Age agenda the old
Atlantis&Lemuria&Maya/Aztec& Sumerian&Babylon Mystery religion/s
repacked to new age as one of their own.Their time to get ready is

running out however as the seconds tick for his temporary, historical, and
prophesied appearance.The beast whose number is 666 (Rev. 13).
No date has ever been specified for the Messiahs expected time of
arrival but many New Agers herald his coming as very soon in which a
worldwide initiation process will be implemented called the Luciferic
Initiation in which everyone will be taught how to obtain godhood under
the Lord rulers influence and leadership.
According to the TaraCenters newsletter called Network News the most
important message of Maitreya that his publicist Benjamin Creme
publicizes is that this Day of Declaration will arrive soon, and all the
world will announce his arrival as the Christ. The blasphemous imitation
of the true YAHUSHUA THE MESSIAH of the Bible.
That the entire world will worship Satan as God, the majority of them
willingly,they will think they were ascended/raptured/evolved to
godhood,ect when infact demonic possession mass scale happened to
these who are under guise of hermetic
control(technology+magic=hermeticism)mark of the beast is both
spiritual and technological-spiritual demonic possession fallowed by
supernatural powers withous the power fo God and the sheed blood of
YAHSUHA and without the use of name of YAHSUHUA,and coming from
fallen angels,and them having chip and implants as technological one so
satan controlling these hermetical robotic souless dammed slave zombie
armies of humans who will search and hount down those who fallow true
God and who worship on true Sabbath the Saturday and not Sunday
when hermetical mark of the beast will be given.He will be more than a
great political and military leader but also as the worshiped head of an
official world religion of religious science godhood figure and obeyed as
big spiritual guru/leader.The Mother of Abominations-Fallen seraphim
Lilith described in Revelation 17. The term Babylon refers to
blasphemous religions and this new official one she is behind them,that
will be no exception as it mandates self-worship and worship of
beast,than those who give true worship to the true God for them new
armies of hell will be risen for them to be hounted down like
animals.Those who refuse to worship Satan/Lucifer the ones who
worship YAHSUHUA will become victim of the New Ages purification
process in which true believers are already at the top of their list to be

purified, a nicer term for what they really mean: murdered, killed, and
assassinated and hounted down like animals,no worry folks dont sell
God for physical body if you are not raptured/ascended right on time
after counterfit one happens first,then pray God will find you protection
place,and for those of you who find out truth later in the last minute even
give your life saying for YAHSUHUAS name sake I will rather be killed
and you will see no suffering in afterlife,because YAHSUHUA is only way
to haven(John14:6) he can only save soul,and soul/spirit/astral body is
energy 7th grade-energy cant be destroyed,they can then with soul
sucker and soul chapture net technology and their celestial and
astrometaphysical and metaphysical powers steal your
soul/conscientiousness,because YAHUSHUA will protect you from
them,and you will reach the realm of peace while other who accept
savery of beast will be many who will go to hells realms of forever
suffering while you have forever peace,keep that in mind and face your
fears! Matthew 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and
broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go
in thereat.
New Age channelers claim that the earth will soon undergo chaos, an
international removal from the earth of all those who rebel against the
coming New Age Messiah. This Christ will be, as described by these
New Agers, light years ahead of anyone else on earth who will teach
marvelous new revelations bringing peace and prosperity to the world.
He will come as a savior, arriving just as the world is sliding into chaos
and destruction to lead man into a bright, shining, glorious New Age.(As I
said counterfit of YAHSUHUAS thousand years rule on earth before
genuine one.)
Revelation 13:13 And

he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come

down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men(false phrophet)
Benjamin Crme(false phrophet) insists that Maitreya will reveal himself
only when mankind is ready and the world press is willing to publicize his
arrival. He indicates that this Maitreya is working patiently behind the
scenes, preparing world leaders and politicians for his acceptance,
waiting for his cue, bidding his time.

This future chaos can be none other than the Antichrists War on the
Saints of the true believers from which the New Agers term as a time of
transition,when all those with negative vibrations will be removed,it is
them who are negative vibrations who vibrate of the vibrations of their
ascended masters the fallen angels Draco Nordic elites who are wolves
in sheeps clohing ( Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to
you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves). . It also
refers to the time during the Tribulation Period when all those who turn to
the true GOD will undergo a time of persecution when all those who
refuse to worship beast and receive his mark will be killed.Notice how
New Agers never use the words killed or murdered yet that is exactly
what they mean.

The New Age Agenda

According to New Age philosophy and theology all religious

practices and beliefs are fully acceptable, no matter how strange or
bizarre as long as they do not profess any truth and have no
religion,those who have not religion at all who have spiritual relationchip
with God((1 Samuel 3:1-10)(spiritual
connection/annointing,fellowship,spiritual discernment and wisdom)) as
we should all. They aggressively object to any suggestion that any one
religious is the only way (except the only true way of true
FALSE CHRIST THE FALSE MESSIAH).They portray these pure
spiritual non religious truly people who YAHSUHUA and know is the only
way of salvation(John14:6),as intolerant and biased who are committing
idolatry by worshipping the God of the past which is
lie,herecy,blasphemy and insanity and stupidity and wickedness,and
New Agers preach that there is no personal God in heaven whom man
should fear and obey and that everything is God-phanteismblasphemy-herecy-lie-paganism-satanism-idiotism-stupidity-hypocracylunacy-insanity-wickednes.That humans are an evolving to
godhood (Genesis 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes

shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.) this is old repacked to
new age religion the mystery religion schools of pagans in
Lemuria,Atlantis,Egypt,Sumeria,Mayans,Inka,Aztec,TibetIndia,Babylon,Persia,Mesapotamia,Japan,Greece-Alexandria,Rome,France,GermanyTeutonic knights-askenazi-fake jews- ( Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the
synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make
them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.) .. who
have studied this self empowerement thru occult esoteric technical practices and
sacred knowlage (blasphemy), ascention self evolution work to higher states of
conscientiousness/higher self/higher forms of existence/Christ
conscientiousness/Buddha conscientiousness,ect.

and should follow whatever path they choose.What one needs to realize
is that not all New Agers necessarily believe the same things,there are
some edited,some under guise of false psudo science and astrology/kaballah and some dont even have an interest in the religious aspect of
it but are more involved with the paranormal aspect of the movement as
researchers,some plainly stupied skeptics-the stupied brainwashed
sheeple who are against God,themselves and nature! Because these are
the ones in positions of leadership whose demonic influence is deceiving
many, many people.
Most New Agers will admit that Jesus Christ is a God, but claim He is no
more a God than anyone else which is a lie-herecy-blasphemy-herecypaganism-phanteism-satanism-luciferianism-mysticism-polytheism and
othe isms-idiotism-hypocracy-lunacy-anarchy-stupedity-wickedness.They
dont refer to God as the same God a true believer loves,the true creator
but as a universal or impersonal energy force that includes everything
and is everything which is again lie-herecy-blasphemy-herecy-paganismphanteism-satanism-luciferianism-mysticism-polytheism and other ismsidiotism-hypocracy-lunacy-anarchy-stupedity-wickedness and everything
even worse and everything wicked evil and bad!!
They teach that man can become a God once he realizes his potential
and acts upon it. The difference between Jesus and everyone else is
that He realized and demonstrated the Christ potential that everyone
has. Christ being an office or a spiritual state of higher consciousness.
A term that can be applied to anyone who reaches an elevated state of
consciousness achieving divine status. A blasphemous teaching that we

are all Christs-in-the-making and that Christ consciousness is attainable

by all people. In other words, man is a divine being whose realization of
his potential to be a god must be awakened.
When the disciples asked YAHUSHUA what would occur in the last days
prior to His second coming He warned many shall come in My name
saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many (Mark 13:6).
Marrs revealed that in analyzing this particular point of Scripture one can
see that the word Christ in the original text is in italics, meaning it is not
in the original Greek text from which we obtained the English version of
our New Testament. Therefore, one can leave the term out of the text.
Thus it will read: Many shall come in My name saying I AM. The Greek
word for many is polus, meaning tens of thousands or perhaps
millions. So the text should read, Tens of thousands or millions will
come in My name saying, I AM or, I AM that I AM. I AM IS THE NAME
OF GOD I AM- YAH- Holy Trinity:Abba
This is exactly what thousands in the New Age Movement are saying and
there are approximately half a billion of them who are proclaiming their
deity.YAHSUHUA warned Many shall come in My name saying, I am
Christ; and shall deceive many (Matt. 24:5). Meaning also perhaps that
many would be deceiving others that they too can become Christ.
What is most important for us to understand is that the glue that will hold
the Antichrists empire together is the universal acceptance of what the
Bible calls the lie that man is God. Many will believe the lie and be
initiated into Satans kingdom and worship him as God who is not God
who is wanna be the ultimate deciver,master counterfitor the copy cat
ego maniac.This is the same lie that Satan deceived Eve with. They will
also claim that they, the Ascended Masters and their Annunaki forces are
our creators.
Today Satan is deceiving the world with the same pride and arrogance
he used with Eve. This same lie is what forms the basis of all occultism
in general and the New Age in particular. Considering the source, one
would think that occultists and New Agers would be a bit less
enthusiastic about their beliefs.Unfortunately, thats not the case.

Satan, who had said, I will make myself like the Most High (Isaiah
14:14), seduced Adam&Eve and now millions of others into joining his
rebellion against the true God in that time and in time of Lemuria and
Atlantis who new agers falsely speak of and future as good but are
destroyed by the global Noahic flood of corruption and DNA mixing with
fallen angelic races,just as later sodom and gommorah.Of course when
he promised godhood to Eve, that father of lies (John 8:44) had
neglected to tell her that she would be a pretender, a grasper after
godhood, and a rebel against the true God and thus subject to His
judgment upon all false gods (26). Satan has never been known as a
good loser, and it seems sadly true in this case that misery loves
company,that is why satan wants many in hell and see humanity suffer
and deceiving does and all the crap and chaos and lies and
distractions.The best way for Satan to take revenge on God for casting
him out of heaven is to destroy as many human beings as he can get his
hands on (27).
The consequences of becoming gods are very clear. Jeremiah reminds
Israel that the only true God is the creator of the Universe, and that God
has declared that all who aspire to the status of being a god will
perish,either them be pagan gods of past the fallen angels or the
humans possessed by them who discover new given powers from them
and think evolved to godhood and their fallowers.He warned, The Lord
YAHSUHUA is the true God; He is the living God and the everlasting
King. At His wrath the earth quakes, and the nations cannot endure His
indignation. Thus shall you say to them, The gods that did not make the
heavens and the earth shall perish from the earth and from under the
heavens (Jer. 10:10,11).
Millions of people are being drawn to the New Age belief that man is
himself an evolving god and that the greatest love of all is self-love. A
religious philosophy that deifies man and which there is no such thing as
a lost soul.
Eastern Mysticism,a mystery school counterpart of the New Age,teaches
that the self is God and that to declare our own potential as a deity, we
can become a God. Yoga offers several meditation techniques where
one can discover his or her true higher self. Following the acceptance of
this mysticism into our culture we have inherited Gurus who each claim

to be God himself/herself and teach that each person can realize their
own godhood through their teachings.
A guru is a person who has already been initiated into the spiritual world
and is therefore able to help the unitiated. One well known Guru, Sai
Baba, has twenty million followers alone. If it wasnt deceiving so many
people, it would be laughable. Yet this movement has creeped its way
into our world with unresisted acceptance because it uses terms people
can identify with and be confused.The real meaning of New Age
terminology however, is abhorrent and blasphemous to the truth that is
above the matriy illusions the counterfit gospels of fallen angels which
are not tru but only truth is the Biblical ones.
They contend that Buddha, Muhammad, Confucius, Jesus, and many
others were Christs but one greater than all of them will soon come to
usher in the New Age. To the discerning this, this coming New Age
Christ is, in fact, the Antichrist.New Agers define angels as Ascended
Masters, Masters of Wisdom, Spirit Guides, Inner Guides, and Ones
Higher Self which are collectively called the hierarchy.These entities are
not holy angels but fallen angels,what we also today call aliens and
some are even just yes non human entity the celestial being them yes
are aliens by default bynot being human,but there are good and there
are bad,all these
ilians,sirians ab,b,c,,ect all those alliances may work sometimes one
against eachother and some of all of these groups together they are all
evil ones good ones are just Alpha and the Omega alliance of
YAHUSHUA who say to come in the name of YAHSUHUA who are more
powerfull then all of these and stronger and winning side!This they wil
not in public reveal and these I just mentioned they fear and want to
fight,and present them as bad ones to new agers.New Agers use the
term born again not for spiritually awakened-spiritualy rebirthed,but
they have their own spiritual awakening the self empowerment of satan
that also cunterfit one,but crap hogwash blasphemy-herecy-liepaganism-satanism-idiotism-stupidity-hypocracy-lunacy-insanitywickednes which is to mean a personal or planetary transformation and
healing which is counterfit heeling that they copy but without the using of
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do

shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go
unto my Father) and this is sign that there will be counterfit in translated
counterfit name which is not the name of YAHUSHUA but the name the
world was familiar with and here is the fallowinf verse: Matthew7:22 Many
will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy
name have cast outdevils? and in thy name done many wonderful
works? Matthew 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me,
ye that work iniquity

//////////Matthew 25:41

Then he will say to those on his left, Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the
eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels..

. The point when a person lets

goin reality let go God and allows his Higher Self or Inner Guide to
guide(couterfit one/-fallen angels and demons) and direct his or her life
to instead to God.In other words, inviting demonization as a counterfeit
indwelling of the Holy Spirit/////////// which is explained here: ( Mark 13:14 But
when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet,
standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in

29:17 2 Kings 23:24; Isaiah

66:3Jeremiah 4:1; Jeremiah 7:30; Jeremiah 13:27;Jeremiah
32:34 Ezekiel 20:7, 8, 30 Daniel 9:27Hosea 9:10; Zechariah 9:7.
Also: Daniel 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the
Judaea flee to the mountains


abomination that maketh desolate set up,there shall be a thousand two hundred and
ninety days. ///////// That means the desolation of the tample but human body is a tample: 1
Corinthians 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which
is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

without souls zombie army classified mark of the beast zombie robots of
dammed under command of the counterfit second coming is the
appearance on earth of their New Age Messiah-Anthchrist and his
hierarchy of fallen angels and demons.They interpret heaven and the
kingdom of God as a spiritually cleansed and purified earth in which
mankind has achieved Christ consciousness realizing his inner godhood
whis is again crap hogwash blasphemy-herecy-lie-paganism-satanismidiotism-stupidity-hypocracy-lunacy-insanity-wickednes.An age when
heaven and the kingdom of God are realized on earth brought about by
the purification process. They deny the existence of hell, judgment, sin,
and that evil exists which is again crap hogwash blasphemy-herecy-liepaganism-satanism-idiotism-stupidity-hypocracy-lunacy-insanitywickednes.
The New Age Plan

Like many other one world groups, New Agers look forward to the
elimination of existing political systems and national boundaries. They
are prepared to welcome the subsequent blending of all nations and
peoples into planetary culture, with a single court of justice, a single
police force, a single economic and education system all under a single
government dominated by a super-bureau of what the call themselves,
enlightened ones. As YAHUSHUA had twelve disciples, it is not
presumptuous to think that the Antichrist will also have twelve appointed
leaders to operate his one world government with him as its top Christ.
It is the Ascended Masters,Ashtar Command Galactic federation of light
the fallen light of Lucifer-Ashtar.In the New Age there will be no
separation of church and state.Even today, many United Nations leaders
are avid New Age followers who have established their own New Age
meditation center in the United Nations building. It has become an
international debacle with many of our heads of state, congressmen, and
leaders of countries and nations becoming faithful followers of this
movement. In fact, it is almost becoming synonymous with those
advocating one world government or New World Order on the world
scene today. The New Age Movement is influenced and supported by
influential leaders (such as Queen Elizabeth II, John D. Rockefeller,
George Bush, Bill Clinton) all over the world and discriminates against no
one.However exempted from its ranks and membership are those who
do not and will not reject true God.
The New Age Movement is best understood as a network of
organizations and individuals bound together by common values and a
common vision. They speak of peace, purification and unity,while it is all
contrary to that!

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