Kansas Stream Mitigation Guidelines

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KS Stream Mitigation Guidelines

Deb Baker Paul Liechti

Kansas Water Office Kansas Biological Survey
debaker@kwo.state.ks.us pliechti@ku.edu
February 19,2008
Initial Objectives

Compliment COE policy

Provide numeric method to measure Debits / Credits

Increase consistency

Support other efforts

Provide additional tools to help offset proposed impacts

Make the document easily understandable

This is not a mandatory COE policy

Only applies to COE Individual Permit

Could increase chance of receiving a permit

Living document
Stream Type

Ephemeral / Intermittent

Intermittent with permanent pools

Ephemeral / Intermittent
Intermittent with Permanent Pools
Perennial streams
Stream Priority Status:



Designated primary priority areas:

• National Wild and Scenic Rivers and streams

• Outstanding National Resource Waters
• Exceptional State Waters
• Special Aquatic Life Use Waters
• Waters within Federal/State protected areas
• Stream Reference Reach Sites
• Waters with outstanding Fisheries Resource Value (2 types)
* Waters with listed Federal or State Endangered / Threatened species
* Designated Fish Spawning Habitat / Native Freshwater Mussel Refuges

* Determined on a case by case basis


• On State list of impaired waters.

• Streams in watersheds targeted for water quality improvement.

• Streams adjacent to an approved mitigation bank or mitigation site.

• Stream reaches within ½ mile upstream or downstream of primary

priority reaches.

• Stream reaches in high growth areas not ranked as primary priority

areas but designated by COE.

All other streams not ranked or otherwise

designated as primary or secondary priority.
Existing Condition
A measure of the stream's natural stability and resilience relative to
the physical, chemical and biological integrity of the system.

Fully Functional

Moderately Functional

Functionally Impaired

The impaired waters database [303(d) List] (www.kdheks.gov/tmdl/index.htm)

is a good resource to help determine the existing condition of many Kansas
streams. If a stream is impaired, it cannot be considered fully functional.
Fully Functional
Fully Functional
Moderately Functional
Functionally Impaired
What do the numbers really mean?
For each factor, the numbers are a reflection of
individual components within the existing stream

Although individually considered, the components are

ultimately combined to give a composite score.

Changing an individual number may only make a small

difference in the final tally. For both Debits and Credits.

Scores are comparable when considering Credits

against the Debits.
Dam & Impoundment Stream Impact
Dam & Impoundment Stream Impact
Channel & riparian
Culvert replaced

New culvert
(105’ impact)

Storm water
Detention Trib. C
Trib. A
(200’ impact)

Existing Deed restrictions

Perched Trib. B Placed on
Bank repair, Mitigation sites
Culvert Channel
& plantings
New Road
Crossing (150’
Channel impact)

Frog Creek Owl Creek

(listed for sediment impairment) (mitigation area)
Worksheet Designation Justification
Stream Type Perennial •Evidence of Permanent Water
Frog Creek Stream Status Secondary •Presently listed on 303(d) list
Existing Moderately •Extent of Riparian Width
Condition Functional •Evidence of Active Erosion
•Impairment (culvert) within ½ mile upstream

Stream Type Intermittent/ •Evidence of Pooled water

Tributary A Stream Status Secondary •Is within a high growth area in Topeka
Existing Moderately •Extent of Riparian Width
Condition Functional •Evidence of Accelerated Erosion

Stream Type Ephemeral/ •Dry – no evidence of permanent water

Tributary B Stream Status Secondary •Is within a high growth area in Topeka
Existing Functionally •No Riparian buffer
Condition impaired •Extensive Sedimentation
Adverse Impact Factors for Riverine Systems Worksheet
Impact 1 Impact 2 Impact 3 Impact 4 Impact 5 Impact 6
Factor Frog Ck Frog Ck Trib. A Trib. A Trib. B Trib. B

Stream Type Impacted 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4

Stream Status 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

Existing Condition 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.1 0.1

Duration 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

Activity 0.3 1.5 2.2 0.5 2.5 2.0

Total Project Impact 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.1 0.1

Sum of Factors M = 2.65 3.85 4.35 2.65 3.8 3.3

Linear Feet of Stream LF= 100 50 75 30 30 200

Impacted in Reach
M x LF 265 193 326 80 114 660

Total Mitigation Credits

∑ (M X LF) = 1638
Factors Reach 1 Reach 2 In-Stream Work /
Owl Ck Trib C Channel Restoration or
Stream Type 0.6 0.4
Enhancement and
Relocation Worksheet
Priority Area 0.4 0.2

Existing Condition 0.05 0.05

Net Benefit 2.0 3.5

Control/Site Protection 0.4 0.1

Mitigation Construction 0 0

Sum of Factors (M) 3.45 4.25

Stream length in Reach 300 40

(do not count each bank
separately) (LF)
Credits (C) = M x LF 1035 170

Site Factor (SF) pg 20. 1 1

Total Channel Restoration/
Total Credits 1035 170
Relocation Credits Generated
C x SF = = 1205
Reach 1 Reach 2
Riparian Buffer Creation,
Factors Owl Ck Trib. C
Stream Type 0.4 0.2 Restoration and
Priority Status 0.4 0.2 Preservation Worksheet
Net Benefit Stream Side A 0.16 0.16

Stream Side B 0 0.16

Supplemental Buffer Credit 0 0.16

Condition Met (Buffer on both sides)
Control /Site Protection 0.05 0.05

Mitigation Construction Stream Side A 0 0

(none for primarily Stream Side B 0 0
riparian preservation)
< 10% requires planting)
Temporal Lag -0.3 -0.3

Sum Factors (M)= 0.71 0.63

Linear Feet of Stream Buffer (LF) 300 225

(don’t count each bank separately ) Total Riparian
Credits ( C ) =M X LF 213 142
Credits Generated
Total Credits Generated 213 142 = 355
C X Site Factor (SF) pg. 20
I. Required Mitigation Debits
A. Total Debits = 1638 Stream
II. Non-Banking Credit Summary Credits Linear Feet
B. Riparian Buffer Enhancement 355 525 Worksheet
C. Stream Restoration 1205 340
D. Total Proposed Non-Bank Mitigation = B + C 1560 865

III. Banking Credit Summary Credits Linear Feet

IV. In-Lieu Credit Summary Credits Linear Feet

V. Grand Totals Credits Linear Feet

K. Total Riparian Enhancement Mitigation = B + E + H 355 525
L. Total Stream Restoration Mitigation = C + F + I 1205 340
M. Total Proposed Mitigation = D + G + J 1560 865

Yes No
Proposed Mitigation Credits (PMC) => Debits 78 Fewer
Or (in words) X Credits than
Are the Credits in M greater than or equal to debits (A)?
PMCStream Restoration > ¼ Debits
or (in words) X
Are the Credits in L greater than or equal to 25% of debits?
We all win when impacts are mitigated!!!



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