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Curriculum and Teaching Nursing: UNIT 2

1. Make a table of comparison on the ff models of curriculum design:






Inductive Model

Basic Principles of
Curriculum and

Lineal Models of

tyler Rationale!
- a process for
selecting educational
grassroot approach!
- the curriculum should be Curriculum is a
designed by the teachers
science and an
rather than handed down
extension of schools
by the higher authority
philosophy and based
on students need
and interest

the curriculum model

suggests end - means
- d e fi n e d a s a n
integrated, coherent and
comprehensive program
for continually updating
and improving curriculum
and instruction in a

objectives serves as the

basis for devising
subsequent elements
with evaluation
(assessment) indicating
achievement of those

through the use of

curriculum development
system, the thrust of
u n i t y, c o n t i n u i ty a n d
quality will be attained.


to facilitate students in
thinking more efficiently


1. Diagnosis of learners
needs and
2. Formulation of
learning objectives!
3. Selection of learning
4. Selection of learning
5. Organization of
learning activities!
6. Determination of what
to evaluate and the
means of doing it

1. Purpose of the
2. Educational
experience related
to the purposes!
3. Organization of the
4. Evaluation of the

1. Learning objectives!
2. Learning Content!
3. Learning experience!
4. Learning Outcomes


2. Get a copy of the nursing curriculum (CMO 14) and examine it.

What type of curriculum is CMO 14?

Commission of Higher Education (CHED) CMO No. 14 Series of 2009 (April 28, 2009)
is concern with Policies And Standards For Bachelor Of Science In Nursing (BSN)
Program, it emphasizes the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) curriculum is a
competency-based and community-oriented curriculum in the Philippines. The
curriculum provides the necessary competencies to make the student to become an
effective future professional nurse in managing a nursing problem associated with the
identifies diseases and condition.



What principles do you think were applied in developing this curriculum?

The principles applied in developing the curriculum includes:

Principle of Community-Centeredness - The social needs and the local needs of
the learner should be taken in to account while we construct the curriculum. It should be
reflect the values of democracy, ethos and main concerns of the country.
Principle of Utility - One of the purposes of education is to prepare the child for
living and learning.This is the most important consideration, so that the child can live a
fruitful and self-fulfilling life. Curriculum should provide rich experiences, both academic
and social to the students.The content, activities and experience of the curriculum at a
particular stage / grade are useful to the learner for the further/higher studies
Principle of Creativity - It should place the pupil in the place of the discoverer and
provision should be made the creative type of activities

Principle of Preservation/Conservation - It should help in the preservation /

conservation and transmitting the knowledge,traditions, standards of conduct on which
the culture and civilization depend
Principle of Elasticity / Flexibility - Flexibility is an important parting curriculum
development. It should given enough time and sufficient chance to the students, to
search their own examples and experience from the surroundings.
Principle of Contemporary Knowledge - Curriculum should give the modern or
current knowledge and theories to the students. That will give the knowledge of
utilization of local resources (salt, plants, soil) to the students.

What foundation courses are included in the new curriculum? Do you think
these foundation courses are still relevant in todays changing society?

Support your answer.

The curriculum becomes more general like NCM 104: Care of Clients Across the
Lifespan with Problems in Perception and Coordination, Adjustment and Maladaptive
Behaviors. The new CMO now modifies and divides it into two courses. NCM 104 is
now Care for clients with Problems in Inflammatory and Immunologic Response,
Perception and Coordination while NCM 105, which has been previously an RLE
subject, is now Care of Clients with Maladaptive Patterns of Behavior.
Electives I and II are also added in the new curriculum. Elective I offers Parent Child
Nursing, Spiritual Care Nursing, and Hospice Palliative Care while Elective II offers
Acute/Critical Care Nursing, Quality Health Care Nursing, and Care for the Chronically
Ill and the Older Person.
New trend in the nursing course is the new curriculum wherein one of its features is to
expose the students in the clinical area as early as possible. In the old curriculum,
nursing students start to have an exposure to the clinical area during the third year level
while in the new curriculum, pre-clinical exposure begins on their first year level. The
newest program of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) for the nursing
students and nursing schools included the early exposure to clinical area. According to
the CHED Memorandum Order No. 14 Series of 2009, this curriculum is a four-year

program consisting of general education and professional courses. Professional

courses begin in the first year and threads through the development of competencies up
the fourth year level. The BSN program provides an intensive nursing practicum that will
refine clinical skills from the first year level to ensure basic clinical competencies
required of a beginning nurse practitioner.
This foundation courses are relevant for todays changing society. Nowadays, there are
new found cases and cure and by this foundation courses we can easily understand
more the core problems and its causes and how to deal with those clinical manifestation
by preventing it. Early exposure to the said area will make us more orientated or
familiarize to the actual nursing care and strategies.

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