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A Film in 5 Minutes

10th January 2015

My Strengths
Going for it

Clowning Workshop:

In the clowning workshop when

we had to volunteer to go up to
do the clowning workshop, I went
up and out myself on the line,
when I did the exercise by myself
I took a risk with putting myself
on the line.

When devising the Yonce

dance I was researching
bringing ideas to the pot and
supporting other ideas to try
out. I felt that we did have
much opportunity to work as a
team this week but when we
did our independent work we
came together more.

I believe that my focus was
consistent this week, I was
emerged in the tasks even if they
hurt my body I still tried and I
was focused but still engaged and
present in the room.

A Film in 5 Minutes

I always find workshops on clowning cringey because there

just an awkward atmosphere and I didn't find this workshop
fun, i found it quite boring and there was a tired energy in the
space which made it harder. There were a few exercises within
the workshop which I felt worked, the interpretive dance and
the observing and imitating. The strange thing is Claire said
be yourself but we felt like we were and when I started to play
Claire told me not to, so I found it hard to find the freedom
and positivity in the workshop with being constantly told we
aren't being ourselves right, when surely we would know this.
I felt that overall there was an awkward feeling and reluctance
in the room because some of us wanted to work on our pieces
for the variety show, but because Claire wanted to run the
workshop we should take the opportunity to work with a
director. I felt I knew what most of the company's type of
clown is but it just made it more apparent when they walked

A Film in 5 Minutes

My Weaknesses

Healthy Body
This week I have damaged
my body my not warming
up and stretching properly,
my legs are severely hurting
in my thighs from the
Beyonc dancing so I need
to make sure I'm stretching
and warming up properly.


10th January 2015

into the room by themselves just as them. I found I'm more a

Augusto clown but it's when I'm with some people I'd be
more a white faced clown in front of people I don't know, but
it was hard because as a company we are so familiar with each
other it's hard to do clowning just as ourselves. I think
improvisation would have been an aim we could have built to
but it was just exercises and I started to get bored and the
company started to stop volunteering.

Miming Workshop:
Figurative mime - being an object

My attitude this week

hasn't been the most
positive because I feel the
company are wanting to be
more independent and start
creating for the show but I
should be taking these
workshops in my stride.

Although my body was
hurting during the week I
tried to put my all into the
workshops, during the
mime workshop I just
didn't understand it and
couldn't grasp it with my
body not responding the
way Claire wanted it to. I
found it hard in the
workshops this week, but
by looking after my body I
should be able to throw
myself into the workshops
A Film in 5 Minutes

Cartoon mime - space manipulation, where you want the

audience to look, perspectives
Corporeal mime - showing the weight and the tension.
We looked at the techniques of corporal mime first and we
went up the ladder of tension building which were:
1. Paralytic, tiny muscle movement, floppy
2. Californian, reggae - reggae, pelvis leads and heavy
3. Inward emotion,looking down to the floor, heavy head and
4. Actor, upright, bright eyed, embracing your surroundings,
5. There's a bomb in the room but you don't know where it is,
pigeon head movements, jumpy
6. Bombs gone o, running manic panic.
7. Completely tense, rigamortis.
I felt that there was a clear dierent and it shows you have to
been very skilled and loose and open minded when coming to
this style of mime because you have to be completely relaxed
to let your body go and when it comes to the higher States of
tension allow your body to feel that and embrace it.
We moved onto an exercise called, casting the net. I felt that
this put the tension building to the test and corporal is all
about distribution of weight and your centre of gravity and

A Film in 5 Minutes

10th January 2015

Company Strengths
how this aects your movements, I.E.: lifting a box or throwing a net.
I felt that it was hard to get the mist of it at the beginning because I
felt that you have to be fit but it's not only having a fit body but also a
creative mind, if you don't believe the net is there than why will the
audience. I could picture a slimy blue net which was rough in my
hands but as soon as I lifted it to cast I lost the imagination inside of
it. I felt that when I started to understand where my centre of gravity
should be and how this is aect by casting the net, such as my legs
moving and balancing my weight. Also holding your arms up giving
the illusion the net is being cast a long way away and following it with
your eyes.
It was then time to reel the net
back in, I found this slightly
easier than casting it, I could
imagine the net being rough and
pulling my hands. I found it
easier imagining the net which in
turn helped me with the weight
and the reality of how heavy the
net was an how that would aect
my body. I felt that I really
started to get to grips with the
gravity and the balance and
where the pushing and pulling
forces were coming from and
what you need to do to make it
realistic, I found it hard adding in
noises because it just sounded
fake to me. Personally I dislike
mime so I wasn't keen on the
workshop, but it's always handy to learn more skills to add to your
tool belt as an actor.
We looked at cartoon mime next which in operated a little bit of
figurative mime as well, we looked at how to open and close the space.
We targeted Alex's hand to be the main feature and we had to close
the stage down, we tried but when Claire put us into position and we
took a look it was clearer that building a border for the hand with
hands and having no other part of the body distracting away from the
main feature. We then opened us the space which was revealing Alex
where we just moved away doing the same action as one another. We
then started to go into depth with on object moving on the spot and
creating the illusion they are moving when the background moves, so
the rest of the company were trees or walls and this is where the
figurative mime came in. I could start to understand the illusion but
A Film in 5 Minutes

This week as a company we have
been playing to our strengths and
using our time wisely going o and
working on acts for the variety
show or doing tumblr work or
monologues and that is an
improvement from before.

This week during the
workshops as a company we
have been been trying really
hard and then going o and
for some using the
workshops by creating acts
that include this.

We have all been supportive
of one another this week,
during the workshops and
just going for it we are
acting more of a company
this week, coming together
and I feel we are all on the
same page this week then

A Film in 5 Minutes

Company Weaknesses

There has been negative
vibes roaming around the
company even with the
happiest of members, we
need to change this
atmosphere we keep
creating in the space.

Working with a
Although we have done well
working independently this
week, working with a director
hasn't been a strength of us. We
are reluctant to work with Claire
and there is a vibe of no trust
which we need to get past for
this process.

During the workshops this week
we haven't played of had fun and
we haven't put our all into the
workshops and held back. There
is just an atmosphere in the
room of reluctancy of play.

10th January 2015

it's working as a team and getting the timing right because some
people started to move before they got to the line to stop and run back
to the beginning again, I felt that I held my movement out until the
last moment and this made it really aective.

We continued with the Beyonc dancing and we learnt the end section
on yonks but Claire wanted us to clear it up but we started not having
fun and now Claire is telling us it's not a piece and that we need more
attitude. I feel that I have attitude when I dance however being in the
early stages we haven't got all the timings down yet and personally my
balance because of my leg hurting is not right. We need to practice in
heels as soon as we can if this is what we are going to be performing in
because I think it will be easier. I felt I didn't have much expression
when doing our show and tell because it's not finished its just the
potential of the idea but being told its not an act yet made us all feel
shit about it and now Levi doesn't want to be in it and Alex so I'm not
putting myself on the line if no one else if is.
I want to start looking at the stomp number and improvising in the
company but I know other people might want to start looking at their
own acts. I also have been trying to play guitar more but I don't know
if I even go to Claire with a song, it won't be good enough to be an act.
I just feel defeated with our attempts and nothing is good enough. I
really want to push the boundaries and take risks but I want to get one
act in a good place before moving onto something else and focusing
attention on that because I will have split attention and nothing will
ever be up to a performance standard.

We started looking at the choreography for partition which started to
go well, I was looking at videos of chair dancing and other Beyonc
styles so that we can start to interpret these moves for our own and
integrate them into our dance with our style. I we need to definitely
improve on our crispness but because the moves I've done for the
chair routines are faster it's harder to be in sync and we need this to
make it look professional. When we are dancing by ourselves I always
feel we need to have choreographed this as well because just doing
random stu is not a great look, although some moments are nice
when we are doing slow motion dierent moves but not when we
could have something to be choreographed.

A Film in 5 Minutes

A Film in 5 Minutes

10th January 2015

A Film in 5 Minutes

Action Plan:
warm up properly
Keep healthy attitude up
Think positive thoughts
More play
Build a working
relationship with the director

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