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Guide To Report Writing

1st Year Laboratory Reports

Dr Jen Rowson

The Purpose of Technical Reports

communicate information in written form
provide some written record of a piece of
Technical reports - the results of some study
(experimental or theoretical) and a
recommendation for action
the results of a field trial of a new prototype component
testing the suitability of a new composite material for a
vehicle roll bar
a proposal for getting resources for your project
a cost/benefit study of installing a new CNC machine tool

Why are they Important ?

vital form of communication in any organisation
management decisions are based on reports
your career success will depend on how well
you write reports (so will your degree grade)
your name will become associated with well
thought out clearly presented work

There is no single right way to write a report.
The form and content of the report will vary
depending on the subject material.
You will have to judge the right format to get
your message across.
the results of a field trial of a new prototype component
testing the suitability of a new composite material for a
vehicle roll bar
a proposal for getting resources for your project
a cost/benefit study of installing a new CNC machine tool

Writing Style
The Audience
what do they understand, what do they want
Clear and concise
as short as possible to get in all required
writing short reports is a valuable skill
Third person. no I and We
formal not chatty
passive pass tense (x was done and the result
was y)
Spelling, Grammar
short sentences and good English, neat and tidy

Suggested format

1. Introduction
2. Apparatus & Method
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion

Summary 1
This is a prcis of the report & main
This is the section a busy manager might
read so he/she could quickly assimilate
the main points.
It is probably the most important part of
the report.
It should be written last (and is usually on
a separate sheet) so that you have all the
important facts already in perspective.

Summary 2
The section should:
outline briefly the object and scope of the
experiment, indicating the apparatus or
technique employed and the information
A brief statement of the important results
and conclusions should also be given.

Provide a separate contents page at the
start of the report (but usually after the
summary). Number the sections (e.g. 1,
1.1, 1.1.1, 2, 2.1 etc.) and include the
page number; for example:

1. Introduction and background
2. Apparatus & Method
3. Results
3.1. Tests with Varying Temperature
3.2. Tests with Varying Flow Rate
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion
Appendix 1


Define the symbols used in the report
(including units), for example:
r density (kg m-3)
t shear stress (N m-2)
angular velocity (rad s-1)
If you use only a few symbols then this section
is not necessary. However, you must still make
sure every symbol you use has a definition, as
soon as possible after it appears in the text.

Introduction 1
This section is designed to provide the
reader with sufficient knowledge of the
subject to enable them to appreciate the
significance of the results obtained and the
conclusions drawn.

Introduction 2
Could include the scientific background to
the experiment, what work has already
been done in this field, the importance of
the experiment in relation to problems of
current industrial and scientific interest.
Also include the aims and objectives of the

Background/Theory 1
This section describes the theory and
underlying principles of the experiment.
The equations you use to predict the
behaviour in your experiment can be
described here.

Background/Theory 2
Equations should be set out neatly and
numbered consecutively as they are
introduced, for example:


y R
Use the equation editor!


Procedure 1
This section should describe briefly the
apparatus used and the method used to
conduct the experiment.
You must also
include a
diagram of the
Flow Out to


Pressure Gauge


Mains Supply

Figure 3: Apparatus to Determine Pressure Across a Valve

Procedure 2
All pictures, diagrams, and graphs are
called Figures.
All tabulated data are Tables. All figures
and tables should have a caption and
should be numbered consecutively.
You must refer to figures and tables in the

Procedure 3
Good quality, relevant, graphics will
enhance your report.
The lines should be dark enough so that
when photocopied they still show up.
Arrows and text should be included on the
figures to label components etc.

Procedure 4
Give a concise description of how the
experiments were performed (so
somebody else could repeat your tests

Results 1
The experimental observations should
always be presented in tables or plotted as
a graph.
A graph is a very efficient way of
presenting data so try to use graphs
wherever possible.
Any theoretical curves or a model can be
included on the graphs for comparison
with experimental results.

Results 2
Theoretical results should be presented in
a form that permits direct comparison with
the experimental results and curves.
It is good practice to describe what the
graphs mean, not just to present them.

Figures and Tables 1

A report contains Figures and Tables not
graphs. All pictures, diagrams and
graphs are Figures.
All tabulated data are Tables. Figures
and Tables must be numbered
sequentially and have titles,

Figures and Tables 2

Figures and Tables should be inserted at
appropriate points within the report.
The objective here is to present your
results as clearly and concisely as
All results not essential to the
discussion/conclusion, raw data, and
calculations should go in an Appendix.

Discussion 1
In this section, the results should be
analysed and compared, if possible, with
the appropriate theoretical results.
Any discrepancy between theory and
experiment should be examined and
Explain what the form of the results is and
why they take this form.

Discussion 2
This is the only section where you can use
conjecture and say what you believe the
results to mean.
Actually the most important part!

Errors & The Significance of Results 1

Check the significance of your data and

quantify the error
by considering the variability of the input
carry out the experiment a number of
times to assess repeatability

Errors & The Significance of Results 2

Make similar assessments of the errors on
all the data you present.
Think about the significance of the data.
Just because your calculator reads
10.21178 mm, that is not necessarily the
figure you want to quote in a report.

Errors & The Significance of Results 3

Consider and quantify the errors in the
Results all have an associated accuracy.
E.g a standard mercury thermometer
cannot be read to less than 1C or a ruler
to better than 0.5 mm.
Specify an accuracy with your data e.g. +/1C or +/- 0.5 mm.

Errors & The Significance of Results 4

The Wrong Way
In an experiment we measure:

Distance = 25.2 cm (as measured by a ruler)

Time = 13 seconds (measured by a stop
Calculated velocity = 1.9385 cm/s

Errors & The Significance of Results 5

Accuracy of the Input Data
Accuracy of ruler measurement +/- 1mm
Accuracy of stop watch measurement +/- 1 sec
Calculated velocity could be between 2.1 cm/s
and 1.8 cm/s
Write: calculated velocity = 1.9 cm/s +/- 0.2 cm/s

Flow Out to

Pressure Gauge

Pressure Gauge


Mains Supply

Repeatability of an Experiment
Distance, cm

Time, sec



velocity, m s-1




The calculated velocity of

1.9 cm/s +/- 0.2 cm s-1
Agrees with the above.

Conclusions 1
This section gives the final conclusions of
the experiment.
They are usually best expressed as a list
of short clear sentences, or even bullet

Conclusions 2
Include the main results and perhaps a
simple explanation.
The success and value of the entire
experiment should be briefly assessed.
Again this is a section that a busy
manager might read to get a quick
understanding of the results.

References 1
This section gives the full references of any
books or papers referred to in the text (e.g.
location of the formulae/theory). The
reference should be complete so that a reader
would be able to find the text independently.
There are a number of ways of referencing
other authors work. Each journal or publisher
will have there on house style.
There are two common formats:

References 2
In the text refer to work using [1], [2], etc and then at the
end include a numerical list:
[1] Arnell, R. D., Davies, P. R., Halling, J. and Whomes, T. L.,,
Tribology, Principles and Design, Applications, 1st ed.,
Macmillan Eductation Ltd.,1991.
[2] Matsushima, E., Yano, T. and Okamota, A., Evaluation of
leak flow rate and jet impingement related to Leak-BeforeBreak, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 111, 197-205, 1989.
[3] Pilcher, R. and Field, D. Leak Detection Practices and
Techniques for Reducing Losses in Water Distribution
hard_pilcher.pdf (July. 23.06)

References 3
Another alternative is to refer to work by author
e.g. Arnell et al (1991) and have a list in
alphabetic order:
Arnell, R. D., Davies, P. R., Halling, J. and Whomes, T. L., (1991),
Tribology, Principles and Design, Applications, 1st ed.,
Macmillan Eductation Ltd.,.
Matsushima, E., Yano, T. and Okamota, A., (1989). Evaluation of
leak flow rate and jet impingement related to Leak-Before-Break,
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 111, 197-205,
Pilcher, R. and Field, D. (2006) Leak Detection Practices and
Techniques for Reducing Losses in Water Distribution Systems.
_pilcher.pdf (July. 23.06)

Appendices 1
All information not essential for the main
flow of the report should be placed in an
This is for information that the reader may
need to know but is perhaps too detailed
or complex to go in the main body of the


Some examples of material to put in an

raw measurement data
the derivation of a formula
data sheets
additional results which only serve to
repeat deductions presented in the main
part of the report.

Plagiarism - Dont do it! 1

If you copy pictures or information from a
published source it must be referenced;
otherwise this is plagiarism (i.e. stealing!).
The most serious form of this is using work
that is not your own and passing it off as
It is assumed by the reader that everything
that is not referenced is your own work.

Plagiarism - Dont do it! 2

If you copy directly something from
somewhere, this is acceptable providing:
You say exactly where is comes from,
such as:
Bloggs [74], in his description of the new
speaker from Krunch states The bass notes are
bassier than the treble notes are treblish.

and it is only a small portion of the entire


Plagiarism - Dont do it! 3

Unless you use a direct quote, you should
paraphrase the work of others while still
keeping the meaning and referencing the
The recently introduced Krunch 748x generally has
been lauded by the critics; although the high
notes have been described as weaker than the
low ones [74].

Plagiarism - Dont do it! 4

Plagiarism is very serious. Sanctions for it
include: reduction in the grade, failure of
the exercise, module or year. exclusion
from the course and the withholding of
your degree.

Collusion - Dont do it! 1

Collusion is producing the same work as
someone else and passing it off as your
The penalties for collusion are the same
as for plagiarism.
If in doubt - ask.

Collusion Dont do it! 2

Getting someone else to compose the whole or
part of any piece of work.
Copying the whole or part of someone elses
piece of work with the knowledge and consent of
the latter.
Allowing another student to copy material,
knowing that it will subsequently be presented as
their own work.
Two or more students working on an assignment
together, producing an agreed piece of work and
then copying it up for individual submission.

Lab Basics

Lab basics 1
Buy a hard back laboratory book (Union)
Preferably one with GRAPH paper.

Graphs must have axes, labelled with

units otherwise they are meaningless!
Plagiarism (i.e. stealing!)
If you copy pictures or information from a
published source it must be referenced
otherwise this is plagiarism

Lab basics 2
Read the Lab sheet carefully take you
Dont rush to start before you understand
what you need to do
Work methodically team work works!
Bring calculator, ruler etc.
Be careful

Lab Basics 3
Write down ALL measured data not
processed data
Write lab report by following example and
guidance sheets available

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