Executive Summery

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Executive Summery

This report Potential of SME Market for the Mobile Operator in Bangladesh is a
presentation of 12 week long Internship Program as a part of academic requirement of the
Masters of Business Administration (MBA) Program. The report is prepared under the
guidance of organization supervisor in AKTEL, Mr. Md. Nurul Alam, Head of International
Business, Marketing Division and faculty supervisor Mr. Qazi Shaheen Kabir, Lecturer,
Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka. My internship supervisor in TMIB
assigned me this project work and my faculty supervisor, Mr. Qazi Shaheen Kabir, approved
the project.
The report has three major parts. The first one is the Introduction part; in which the
Objectives, Scope of the research and limitations were discussed.
Secondly in the Organization part which contains an overview of AKTEL, the telecom
division of Telekom Malaysia International (BD) [TMIB] Limited. Here, I talked about
the background of the company, its organizational structure, strategies, legal issues and
SWOT analysis of the company. The organizational part also has a synopsis of the telecom
industry of Bangladesh, where I explained the main features of the mobile operators.
Project part is the third one, which tells about the objectives of the study, statement of
significant, hypothesis, scope and methodology of the study. Methodology explains the data
collection procedure of this study. The researcher has collected the data initially from the
secondary source, which helped to understand the importance of the study. Then the
researcher collected the primary data through In-depth interview of 30 people representing
the youth segment, and field survey of 380 young mobile users of Bangladesh within the age
range of 13-28 years. The sample size is divided into 3 levels, namely School level (BanglaEnglish medium), University Level (private-public), and Junior Executive level. The survey
questionnaire is designed to know the behaving pattern of the young mobile users regarding
usage situation, rate, their loyal status, preferred media, perceived brand image of the current
mobile operators and youth service offerings. In simple words, the questionnaire is aimed to
know the preference and expectation of the young people from a mobile package targeted
towards them.

The most important is the Analysis and Recommendation part. It contains all the
analysis of the primary data (field survey) along with the interpretation. The Quantum
Market Research Bangladesh Limited, a renowned market research farm, did the main
research. In this research they have suggested some key features to grab the SME market and
to compete with the existing two operators: Grameen Phone and Bangla link. On the basis of
the research the SME team of AKTEL has suggested and prepared a very attractive package
for the SME segment of Bangladesh, which will fulfill the need of the SME. These suggestions
are totally based on the findings of the study conducted on the SME segment of mobile users.
The study reveals that a big portion of the SME market is unexplored. If the mobile company
can offer them an affordable package by meeting the expectations of these business people,
the company can earn a huge profit. This study can help the company to design such a mobile
package for them. The package is not launched yet but hope very soon it will get approval
from the management and will launch in the market.

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