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Dear Diary,

I, Odysseus, and my 150 men had finally finished the Trojan War and we set off
on our 3 day journey back to Ithaka. The trip back home was going along fine until my
men wanted to overtake a small island we'd passed. They thought that a perfectly good,
unarmed island would be too good to pass up. We plundered the island and killed a lot of
the islanders. Men women, and children were all slaughtered. So we docked our ship and
stocked up on water ,wine, and food.

We took all of the valuables we could find until an army of kikonians came down
a hill and attacked. I had lost a total of 18 members of my crew. Fortunately we were able
to get out of the trouble we cause without a lot of causualties. The men we lost todaywill
be honored. Luckily the rest of us were able to board the ships and continue on our
journey with the wind taking us far.


Dear Diary,
After leaving the island Kikones my men and I docked in Libya. This part of
Libya was a unique section of the island called Lotus Land, home of the lotus-eaters. This
island was tropical and filled with happy people. Everyone there looked like they were in
paradise. Everything was perfect, a little too perfect. On this land there were many
flowers. These flowers were made by the god of sleep. The flowers were bright and
So my men and I tasted the lotus and it was delicious. However, once my men
and I ate them we fell into a hallucination that made us forget about our quest and journey
home. The lotus wiped our minds of our goal and made us want to stay on this island
forever. Once I realized what the lotus actually did to us I forced myself to stop eating the
lotus and to get back on task. I then had to carry all of my men back to the ship. Once we
were all settled we set sail.


Dear Diary,
After leaving Libya my men and I were starving and needed to eat. Against my
authority my men all wanted to find food on the nearest island. The island we had
docked on was actually home to many Kyklopes sent by Zeus to live there. Kyklopes are
giant beasts with one eye. We meet a vicious Kyklopes named Polyphemus that swooped
up some of my men and started to feast on them. He later lured us into his sheep-filled
cave. He was planning to eat everyone but I quickly took action. I first got Polyphemus
drunk then created a plan to blind him.

It was risky but it was a chance I had to take for the sake of my family home and
my men. My men and I started too first phase of the plan. We took a large piece of wood
and sharpened it and charged toward his eyeball and stabbed his eye. I saved all the men
except two. My men and I once again set off on our journey. Little did I know that when
I left Polyphemus prayed to his father, Poseidon, wishing to make my journey home
exceptionally hard to return to.


Dear Diary,
It was a normal day at sea when the winds pushed my ship to the fortress of
Aeolia. Aeolia was the god of wind. He loved to hear stories. He was a kind and
pleasant guy who welcomed my crew and I into his home. When I told him the stories of
the journeys we'd faced, he was very pleased. To thank me he gave me a bag of wind to
make my return home much easier. He warned me never to let anyone else touch it or
open it but myself. I thanked him and went on my way once again. I hadn't slept for
several days because I had been guarding the bag but when I saw Ithaca on the horizon, I
finally relaxed and took a little nap. While sleeping, my unworthy crew was tricked by
Poseidon to open the bag due to their own greed.

We were sent straight back into the ocean. Once we landed ashore we came into
contact with a rather strange creature. A Kirk is a witch goddess that obtains many
extreme powers. Not only does the witch god use her powers for evil but she also uses
them for good. Since she is very powerful the possibilities of her powers are endless.
Since she is very powerful, she is capable of a lot of things. When we arrived back on the
island we went to her again. Luckily, she didnt do any direct harm to me, but she sure
did to my men. Kirk took my men and drugged them. While they were under her spell
she turned all my men into pigs. So once again I must go save my men because I am a
loyal captain.


Dear Diary,
The last island that I have landed on so far is Lamos. Lamos is an extremely dark
island. Everyone seems to be vicious and scary. This island is filled with bloodthirsty
vampires. These vampires are always having a thirst for human blood and when my men
and I went to the island; we had no choice we had to attack. The vampires sucked the
blood and life out of many of my men. This was the beginning of my attitude change.
When the vampires attack my men, I didnt help them. Instead I left all of my men behind
to die.

On this island, I realized that I have become selfish. I could have jumped in but I
didnt. I could of saved my men. I save them time after time and yet I must risk my life so
someone who cannot protect their own. At this point I dont know what they will think of
me but I mustnt let anybody find out. Throughout this island I realized that focus on
myself and I wasnt going to do that by having to save my men. I just need to focus on
getting home from here.


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