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Filed June 27, 1923



(7/1 (0-165 L.Pa.w&u,


Patented Mar. 24, IQZS. ' x

cums L. PAUL'US, on Damon, omo.

unnrononn PYRo'rEomrrc Emmi. _
Application ?led June 27, 1923. Serial 1a... e4s,11e.

T 0 all '20 1mm it may concern:

. '

' ' 4, is reenforced through-the use ofa spirally 50

Be it'known that I, 'CHARLES L. PAULUS, formed sheet of aluminum wire mesh, 5,

a citizen .of the United States, residing at which extends from end to end of the candle
Dayton, in the county of Montgomery and and the outside ortions of this'reinforced

5 State of Ohio, have invented certain new screen form a cyllndrical structure enclosing.
and useful Improvements -in- Reenforced the entire candle.

Pyrotechnic Flares, of which the following

is a speci?cation.


The magnesium or other brilliant burning

' compound is formed in the usual manner as ,

This invention relates to pyrotechnic ?ares a paste, and is added to the reinforcing

10 'or candles and it is the primary object of the structure in any suitable manner and the
invention to produce a reinforcement for a paste permitted to harden.

pyrotechnic candle which will enable a Y The construction as just described is desir
candle to be made that-will burn completely able because of the factthat the aluminum is

from end to end.



fused very rapidly by the heat of the burn

15 '- Up to thepresent time, pyrotechnic can

ing illuminating unit, aluminum having a

dles have not been satisfactory, as they'burn su?icient tensile strength to withstand any 65

with such an intense heatthat the unburnt' tendencies toward disintegration of the 'can- '
portions are expanded so greatly and so am dle by internal expansion. The reinforce

- evenly as to cause large portions of the can

ment' may however if desired, be construct-_

20 die. to break 01f completelyn, \Vhere these ed of asbestos cord or mesh, by a. series of
pyrotechnic candles are used on airplanes or reinforcing rods or by a,solid sheet of alu

similar devices, much damage has been minum. ,The candle may be ignited by any

caused due to ?res started on the ground be conventional means, such as an electrically

neath tossuch disintegration of pyrotechnic operated fusee or, through a booster charge

25 ?ares and signals. The material used in the ignited through a primer,4or,through any
construction of the candles absorbs moisture other desirable device.

. 75
very rapidly and it is probably this absorbed 'Iclaim: ,
moisture which causes 'sut?cient pressure

- 1. A reenforced pyrotechnic ?are co'mpris

from within after the candle is heated, to re ingja mass of highly in?ammable solidyama- '
sult in the disintegration of the candle. I
terial and a reinforcement therefor compris
It is a second object of the invention to ing a strip of foraminous material.
produce a reinforcement for' a pyrotechnic 2. -A reenforced pyrotechnic ?are compris
candle which will distributethe reinforce~ ing a candle of big 1 in?ammable solid matment of the candle equally from end to end, terial and a strip 0 foraminous aluminum.
and from thecenter to the outside portions extendin from one end of said candle to the
of the same. It is the further object to pro other an _ within the same.

- vide a reinforcement which will burn- and -

be consumed by the

3. A reenforced pyrotechnic ?are compris

ing a candle of big 1 y in?ammable solid ma

terial and a strip of aluminum wire mesh ex
Further objects will the; more fully set tendin spirally from the center to the out-,



combustion taking place



forth in the attached '__>spec_i?cati0n and




side ogthe'c'andle.

r -

' 4. A reenforoed yrotechnic ?are compris

Referring to the drawings in which .Fig. 1 ing a candle of big y in?ammable material
and a" cylindrical strip of foraminous metal
enforced pyrotechnic candle; Fig. 2 is a plan lic material e'xtendingfrom end to end.
is a side elevation, partly'm section, of a re

view, and Fig. 3 is-a detailed view showing

the reinforcing screen. The illuminating
unit which is preferably constructed of ma -

nesium or other brilliant burning compoun ,

thereof. a

In testimony whereof I a?ix my signature. .


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