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Management Plan

Education 122: Curriculum & Pedagogy

Table of Contents

Part 1
Physical Environment and Classroom Organization
Learning Centers
Small groups
Audio/visual Equipment
Operational Procedures
Record Keeping
Student Files
Teacher Files
New students

Page 3
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Page 5
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Page 6

Part 2
Disciplinary Policies and Professional Ethics
Rules & Consequences
Positive Classroom
Playground Misconduct
Student Inattentiveness
Not getting work done
Late Passes
Parent/Principal Involvement

Page 6
Page 6
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Page 9
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Page 12

Part 3
Classroom Routines & Procedures
First day
Student Sharing
Room Helpers
Free Time
Field trips
Handing in Papers
Getting a drink

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Part 1

Physical Environment & Classroom



Student desks will be set up in groups of 4-5. Each group of 4-5

students will have an island name. There will be a great deal of group
work, active engagement and collaboration in our classroom. This
being said, having the desks set up this way will allow them to work
among others, ask for help (if needed), or work independently at
designated times. Each island will have a colorful plastic shelf next to
their group island. Each plastic shelf will have extra supplies that
students can utilize at any time. I will supply the following items:
crayons, markers, sharpened pencils, erasers, scissors, scrap paper,
and a place for each students tale-home folder to go. If at any time, I
se that students need different supplies fairly often, I will have a
donation box that students can donate items to anytime throughout
the year. This box will be hidden and no student will have access to this
box without my permission.
Learning Centers
I will have various learning centers throughout my classroom. Reading
will be essential, so I will have a specific area for any independent or
partner reading. Students can use this area when they are doing their
daily 5 activities, reading in a small group, or during free reading time.
In addition to this area, I will have a table set up in the front of the
room for guided reading activities. This table will have cushion seats
that students will utilize during small group work or one-on-one
meetings with me. During certain times of the day, this same area will
be utilized for student writing time. Another learning center that I will
have is a computer center. Students will go this area when they want
to use a laptop, listen to reading, or occasionally play educational
games. If there are several students who need a laptop, or iPad, we
can rent out a school technology cart. The last center I will have will
be an art center. The arts will in fact be incorporated into my
classroom, so this area will have different art mediums students can
use for independent and group projects, for any crafts we do as a class,
or if they just want to use the minimum free time they have to create a
piece of art. In this area, we student artwork and projects will also be
displayed. In the beginning of the year, I will have students create a
collage, painting, drawing, or poem all about them. These will then be
posted in this area so we can respect and recognize our differences
and similarities. In addition to these centers, I will have places in the
room where students will be able to find supplies, books, and other
things that they need for each subject. (Example: the math area will
have fake money, times table and division books, math games, various
challenges, etc. The science area will have fake animals, skeletons,
brains, hearts, books, etc. The social studies area will have maps,
timelines, president names, books, and more!).

Small group work area(s)

In the back of the room, there will be circular group desks to work in
small groups (or if they need extra help) and individual desks for
students will also be set up if students want to work on their own
during small group time.
Audio-Visual or instructional equipment
I will have an overhead/Elmo set up in front of the classroom so
students will always have a visual representation of an assignment.
This will be used as an aid when students are completing group work
and individual work. I will provide differentiated copies for students
who may need additional time or resources.
Operational Procedures
Record Keeping
I plan to have a very well organized classroom in everything from
arrangement to record keeping and student assessments. I will follow
any procedures that are assigned according to my district, in the way
that they expect me to. I will additionally keep records in a recordkeeping notebook, as well as on a excel document. I will be organized
in dividing these records by organizing them by subject and
alphabetically by the childs name. These will be easily accessible and
easy to read for any teacher who wanted to check in to students
Student Files/Folders
Next to the teacher desk, I will have a tall file cabinet. Each cabinet will
have a folder for each student in alphabetical order. These cabinets will
be assigned according to subject. For example: top cabinet will be for
reading, second cabinet will be for math, third cabinet for science,
fourth cabinet for social studies, and last cabinet for miscellaneous
work, behavior charts, etc. In each folder I will keep a record of that
students work. I will not save all work; however, I will save any work
that I believe is important and can assist me in monitoring student
progress throughout the year. I will also include student goals, a
progress sheet, assessments, running records, and a section for
teacher and student notes,
Teacher Files/Folders
I will also have a file/folder of my own that will be well organized and
beneficial on a daily basis. In this folder, I will include student

attendance sheets, school calendars, weekly schedules, special

assemblies and other scheduled events, a student grade book, my
lesson plans for that week, additional notes and a basic planner with
important dates to remember. Students will not be able to access this
binder, and it will be more my eyes only.
New students
If a new student is added to my room at a later point in the semester, I
will allow my advanced students to be their mentor until they become
acquainted with the class procedures, style, etc. I also will help the
student with anything they need, of course.
Classroom order
Later, I will explain the classroom jobs that each student will have, and
one of the jobs will be a desk cleaner. I will have cleaning supplies in a
cabinet near my desk. The student will go around at the end of the day
and spray cleaner on the desk and wipe them down with a rag.
Students will not be allowed to write on their desks, and if I discover
that they have, there will be a consequence depending on the content

Part 2
Disciplinary Policies and Professional Ethics
On day one, I will point out the classroom rules/expectations/reminders
to my students. These reminders will be posted in the front of the room
underneath our main dry erase board. The posters will be in colorful
fonts and referred back to at necessary times. These reminders are
quite simple, and illustrate basic expected classroom behavior. I will
not label these rules, but they will be simple recaps that remind the
students how they are expected to act in our classroom on a daily

The reminders will read

Reminder 1: Listen when someone is talking.
Reminder 2: Follow directions the first time they are given.
Reminder 3: Treat everyone with kindness and respect.
Reminder 4: Take care of our school and our classroom.
Reminder 5: Work, play, be safe, and always learn.
Consequences for breaking rules
If a student does not abide in a classroom rule, they will be referred to
the posted rules. I will tell them to think about what they did wrong,
and what when they were ready to tell me how they could correct their
behavior. If a childs behavior is consistently dishonoring our classroom
rules, they will be sent to a desk located in the back of the room to fill
out a behavior sheet. On this sheet, student will write what they did
wrong, why they did what they did, and how they will improve this
behavior. Depending on how the students heavier improves or worsens
throughout the day, they may be asked to take this behavior reflection
home and get a parent/guardian signature. I will have a behavior
display board with 7 different levels. Each day, students will start at
the read to learn level regardless of what they had done prior that
week. A first warning will move them down a level, here they will have
to fill out a STOP behavior sheet. If they continue to misbehave, they
will again move down another level the teacher will make a
consequence choice based on their conduct. The next level involves
parent contacting (either a note or an immediate call). Students have
the opportunity to move up a level at anytime. If their behavior
genuinely improves throughout the day, I will most definitely move
them up and congratulate them on their progress for that given day.

Positive Classroom Encouragement

I will have quotes, or sentences posted around that room that will also
remind the students how they should be acting in a given situation. I
want to encourage students to be problem solvers as individuals, and
in groups. Love and respect will be crucial in my classroom. Students
will be well aware of the expectation to only say positive things in our
classroom. Students will always be respectful, strive to encourage one
another, and as a class I will anticipate that we will all act as a family.

When a student seems down or is having a bad day, I will give them
the opportunity to cool off, or improve their attitude by sending them
to the encouragement board. I will have an encouragement bulletin
board set up in my classroom with free positive thoughts,
encouraging quotes, stress balls, fans, and other necessary or
requested equipment. This will not be a place where students can go to
goof off or get out of doing work. Students will enter this area if we
have a break, or at a time that is not disrupting their learning.
If a student is being disrespectful to another student or teacher they
will be given options to apologize to the person they may have
affected emotionally. Students will be given the option to: write
apology letters, say three nice things about the other person (not
including compliments about the way they look, but instead their
character and/or the person they are), or have a small conference with
the other individual apologizing and building up the person they may
have hurt. (This will be during a time such as: lunch, recess, pack-up
time, art, gym, etc.).
Playground Misbehavior
If there is an issue on the playground, student privileges will be taken
away. Student will miss out on the next recess (during that day of
another day during the week), and will fill out the behavior sheet
provided earlier. If there is a specific conflict or argument between two
individuals on the playground, they will be told (and eventually
expected) to go the conflict resolution part of the classroom. I will
have beanbags near the reading area that students can also utilize to
go and solve conflict between other classmates.

Student inattentiveness/lack of motivation

If a student seems to have a day off inattentiveness or lack of
motivation, I will do my best to change this attitude. I will first pull the
student aside and have a one-on-one discussion with them. I will ask
them what I can do to help them or motivate them. I want my
students to know that I am there for them to talk about anything going
on. I hope to provide a classroom that motivates students to learn all
the time, each and every day. However, there will most definitely be
days we have this type of situation. Students can grab a word of
encouragement from the back bulletin board, they can chose to sit in a
bean bag as long as they are still paying attention. I want to keep this
pretty open, because each student needs something different, and all
students are motivated differently. The best way to deal with this is to
talk to them, give them encouragement, and ask them what exactly
they need/want.
Each student will be given a magnet with his or her designated class
number on it. Each time the student enters the classroom in the
morning, he/she will move their magnet to the in class spot. . For
example, we will have three columns. In addition to the picture below, I
will ask students to move their numbers out of the chart at the end of
the day. At the end of each day before packing up, students will put
there magnet in this place. When they return in the morning (each
day), they will move their magnet to the in class spot. As soon as the
bell rings, I will check the board and see whose name is missing. This
will indicate whether or not the student is present that day. At the bell I
will write down the students numbers in a notebook that are located in
the In class position, if they come late (after the bell), I will have their
name written down without embarrassing them in front of the class.
For the first tardy, students will be given a warning. On the second
tardy, they will be held back for lunch or recess for the amount of time
of class they missed (starting from after the bell).

Not getting work done


If a student chooses not to get work done during the class period, they
will have time taken away from their recess, lunch, or time added
before/after school. This will not be acceptable in my classroom. I will
not let students get away with not completing their work and
assignments. All assignments I assign will be purposeful, and
intentional for students to grow in their learning. I will not have busy
work or any unnecessary work for students to complete. Therefore,
the work I assign will be work that I strongly encourage them to finish
thoroughly in class. As far as homework is concernedI plan to send
practice problems home and optional exercises that I recommend them
to do; however, it is the students parents choice whether or not they
complete it. If the homework I assign is not done, I will not take away
points, but if I am giving the student extra time to complete, practice,
or get help with these problems then I will expect them to have
homework completed. This will be a good option for me to differentiate
work and allow parents to know what we are doing in our classroom. If I
have a struggling student who I strongly believe needs to be doing
extra work at home, I will require a parent signature. I will not give out
homework solely for points, but instead as a learning tool that can
hopefully assist students in depending their learning and knowledge.
Missing work/tardy passes
If students are demonstrating excellent behavior, they may receive a
pass that they can use for practice problems, tardiness, etc. Each
student can only get a max of 4 total passes each semester. There is
really never an excuse for being tardy, and if there is, I will expect my
students to arrive with a pass from another teacher, or a parent. I will
hold students accountable for missing work, and will assure that they
turn it in close, if not on the due date. There will be an exception for
some students if their circumstances prohibit them from completing
work. I will be flexible in extending due dates on given occasions, but it
will not be regularly tolerated if a student consistently turns in work
Cheating will not be tolerated in my classroom. Many of my
assignments, assessments, and projects will be group and partner
based, so I expect collaborative learning and fairness among students.
Disrespect will not be tolerated in my classroom, and cheating is a
form of stealing from another person. If this occurs, student will fill out
a behavior sheet, redo any work that they copied, have a meeting with
the teacher, and may or may not receive a phone call to their
parents/guardians regarding their dishonesty and disrespect in this
area. I hope that students feel comfortable enough in my classroom to
ask for help when needed, from both their peers and myself. I want to
have a collaborative learning environment, and therefore students

should never feel the need to take someone else work and make it
their own.
Parent/guardian and principal involvement
Parent involvement will happen whenever necessary. I want to stay in
contact with each of my students parents from the beginning so if
there is an instance where I need to make a phone call home, the first
conversation I have with their parents will not be a negative one. I do
not think it is necessary to call parents during school hours; however, I
will send home notes asking the parent to call me if they want more
information regarding the issue. I plan to have a solid relationship with
each of my students parents. They will receive regular updates on
various happenings in the class, including their student behavior and
etiquette in the classroom. I hope that I will be able to manage my
classroom enough to never have to send students to the office. If an
issue becomes extremely disruptive to the classroom and I have
already done all that I can do to manage and alter this behavior,
student will be sent to a buddy room (assuming beforehand I have
made these arrangements with another same grade level teacher)
prior to sending them to the principal. I plan to be up to date with
principal on all that is going on in my classroom, so if in fact I am
continuously having issues with a particular child, my principal may be
warned if I plan to send him/her to the principals office.
A very important part of being a teacher is your conduct and
professionalism inside and outside of school. There are constantly
people watching you including other co-workers, parents, and
community members. A teacher should be mindful of their
responsibility to be a positive role model. Respect and communication
is key in this job, therefore I will strive to always respect others in my
words, actions, and thoughts. There will never be a time when I
partake in gossip, especially about students or co-workers. If I hear
other staff talking bad about students or co-workers, I will ask them to
mind their own business and to save the gossip for another time and
another place. I will strive to remain positive even when there are
times where it may seem justifiable to speak poorly about someone or
something. This being said, I think it is important to share your view
and opinion with those you associate yourself with at work; however,
this should be done in a honorable and respectable way. No one should
ever be put down for what they believe, so I will remain open-minded
and always seek to see the best in others. If there is a situation where I

disagree with the leadership strategies of a colleague, I will properly

assess my intentions and decide if it is appropriate to bring up with a
colleague. If I decide to do so, I will make sure that I remain respectful,
gentle, and loving in the way that I confront the situation. I will offer
my ideas and/or views, but will never be demanding or condescending
in my speech.
I will always act appropriately for work and remind myself that I am an
example and representation for my school. I will model
professionalism in my attire and do all that I can to set a positive and
expert example. Even outside of school, I will conduct myself with
paramount professionalism. My appropriate and commendable conduct
will gain the respect of my students, parents, and co-workers

Part 3
Classroom Routines & Procedures
First day
On the first day of class, I will clearly lay out all of my expectations. I
will show students all of the reminders in my room, and explain all my
postings around the room. I will start my routine on the very first day.
We will have a bell problem, discussion, and class as we would on the
very last day. I will tell students about myself, and let them ask me any
questions that they may have. I will also provide students with a copy
of a collage I made including some information about my family, my
life, and myself in general. I will also give them a letter for heir parents
clearly laying out my expectations for the school year. This letter will
also include my classroom rules, procedures, and contact information.

Student sharing
At the beginning of the school year, each student will receive a school
supplies list. On this list, they will be required to purchase their own
supplies such as, pens, markers, pencils, erasers, scissors, etc.
Students will keep their own supplies in their assigned boxes located
next to their group desks. In addition to the supplies students buy for
themselves, I will provide several art mediums, scissors, extra paper,
Kleenex, and more in my classroom. Each small group (desk island) of
students will have a box of tools and supplies that they can use at
anytime needed. Students will always be able to share the supplies
located in their group box. However, they will not be allowed to share
their own supplies with anyone in the class. This will eliminate a great


deal of conflict regarding sharing supplies. I want all of my students to

be willing to share, but they will not be mandated to share anything
from their own box of supplies.
Room Helpers
Each student will have an assigned job in the classroom. I will have a
picture of each student and put their picture with their corresponding
job for the week. As shown below, my classroom job sheet will have a
pocket for each job. I will rotate the student pictures daily so everyone
can experience all the jobs. If throughout the school year I decide that
a job needs to be added or taken away, I can easily create new
The classroom jobs will be
-Assisting the teacher: This student will play the role of my helper. If I
need little tasks done, I will ask them to assist. For example, if I had to
use the restroom after recess, I would ask them to make sure all
students were seated and doing work upon my arrival.
-Technology: This student will be in charge of grabbing iPads on days
we use them in class. They will also be in charge of making sure all
computers are logged off following their use.
-The tables: This student will be in charge of cleaning off the tables at
the end of activities. All scraps should be thrown out, student folders
and work put them in the designated student work bin , and supplies
must be orderly.
-Organizing papers: This student will help me organize student papers
and pass papers out.
-The lights: This student will be in charge of turning of the lights when
we leave the classroom, watch a video clip, or if I am trying to get the
attention of my students.
-Leading the line: This student will lead the line whenever we leave the
classroom. They ought to set a great example to their peers, not goof
off, and get places quickly.
-Recycling: This student will take the recycling to a designated
classroom in the school every Friday. They will also encourage their
fellow students to recycle paper and whatever else they can.
-The schedule: This student will read the daily schedule out loud to the
class. They also may remind students to be on task during certain
scheduled activities.
-School library books: This student will collect all library books that
need to be returned. They will give their peers reminders about certain
due dates and library visits.
-The lunches: This student will make sure that all students have moved
their clothespin to their lunch selection for the day. I will have a small
board with three parts to it: hot lunch, cold lunch, and leaving for
lunch. Students will move their pin to their pick every morning and the

student with this job will make sure all students have moved their pin
for the day.
-The classroom library: This student will keep the classroom library area
cleanly. They will organize books, pick up crumbs or scraps, and put
away pillows and beanbags every day before lunch and after school.
-The mailboxes: Each student will have their own take-home mail box.
All of their finished and graded work will be put in this mailbox for
them to take home. Parent notes will also go here. This student will
place work, notes, etc. into these mailboxes whenever needed.
-The lockers/cubby area: This student will make sure this area is clean
at the end of the day.
-Cleaning counters/desks: This student will go around and spray all the
desks and counters at the end of the day.
-The calendar: this student will write the date on the board, and change
our calendar to the correct day every morning.
-The pencils: This student will make sure each table island box has
sharpened pencils and enough erasers.
-Absent students job: This student will collect any absent work and
assemble it with paperclips and add work to the students mailbox.
-The recess materials: This student will carry all recess materials
outside and make sure all are put back in the basket after recess.
-The windows: This student will open/close windows and blinds when


Use of free time

There will not be too much free time in my class, because I plan to
always have students participating in class activities, independent
activities, or partner activities. I want to have a constant learning
environment, and plan accordingly to how much time I have in a given
day. If there is a day when we are extremely efficient, and get
everything done that we need to, I will allow students to participate in
silent reading, writing, or drawing. I want all the time they spend in the
classroom to be useful and productive, so I will not allow them to slack
off and play educational games. I will provide writing journals that they
can write in about their favorite movies, books, characters, and more.
Field trips
I will plan engaging, learning field trips throughout the year. Every field
trip will be a wonderful learning experience for the children. We will
always discuss as a class and reflect and what we learned and how it
related to what we are currently learning or have learned in the past.
During field trips, students will have a partner that they are required to
stay with and keep track of at all times. Students will not be allowed to
wander off, play around, or misbehave during fieldtrips, or they will be
required to be partners with a teacher or volunteer parent. On the bus
ride, or walk to our field trip places, students will be expected to act


mature, respectful and kind. If they do not act in a worthy manner,

privileges will most definitely be taken away. Students will receive a
letter for their parents regarding all the necessary information about
the field trip. In order for the student to go to the field trip, they will
need to have a permission slip read over and signed by their parent of
I will bring all necessary equipment for our field trip. I will have a firstaid kit, a backpack, wagon fro lunches, extra socks, gloves, wipes, etc.
I will be a proactive planner and plan activities, worksheets, and
discussions according to the context of the field trip.
Doing homework
All the homework I give will be practice work. I will grade students
based off of correct answers. Students will always have the ability to
go back and change or make corrections on any homework
assignments to regain their points. It is not my intention to find ways to
take away points from students, and I always want to see improvement
so I will be more than willing to add on points once I see that they
understand the concepts or are putting forth effort.
Handing in papers
Students will turn all their work into labeled bins. I will have a bin for
each subject in a convenient place. Students will be aware of the
handing in papers procedure and will have no excuse for undone or lost
work. If work is late, students will be expected to turn it into my desk in
the late bin.
Passing out paper/announcements
There will be a student who is assigned this task. However, if I want to
quickly pass out paper and move things very quickly, I will do it on my
own. I will hand out parent letters once a week updating parents on
what we are doing, assignments and field trips coming up, and more.
Students will also receive a menu for that weeks hot lunch. If a
student is misbehaving and I have to send home a parent letters, I will
assure that they receive that letter and return in upon arrival on the
following day.
Dismissal for recess/lunch/going to specials
Students will always be dismissed to line up in an orderly fashion. Each
student will learn the way they will be dismissed early on. This will then
become a routine and they will know how to act properly when we are
getting ready to leave for events. If we have a lot of time, I will give
students a math problem to solve, alluding to how they will line up. If
students are sitting at desks, I will dismiss by desk depending on which
table is the most quiet. At times, I may dismiss student by partners, or

individually. For lunch, I may choose to dismiss students according to

their lunch pick. If there are students being disrespectful or not abiding
in rules that day, they will be the last to line up. Once all students are
lined up, standing straight, facing forward, we will precede to leave the
Bathroom Procedures
If a student has to use the restroom, they will get up, without
disrupting the class, grab their number from the board and walk up to
me silently showing me their number. (This will indicate that they have
to use the restroom). I will give them simple thumbs up, giving them
permission to leave for the bathroom. Students will then place their
number magnet under the restroom spot on this diagram. (As seen

Getting a drink
I will highly encourage all students to bring a water bottle to school
daily. At the beginning of the day, and after lunch, students will be
given the opportunity to fill their water bottles up and keep them at
their desks throughout the day. I want to strive to not waste anytime
during the class period, so allowing students to constantly take a trip
to the water fountain would take away effective classroom and
instruction time.
Differentiation Policy
I believe that it is extremely important to notice the different needs
among students. It will be my job as the teacher to give each student
what he or she needs. I will do all that I can to give each student of
mine a positive, challenging and beneficial education. I want to strive


for the success of each student, and encourage him or her to put forth
his or her utmost effort to succeed in my learning environment. I plan
to continually assess where my students are at, and know them on a
deep level so that I can provide the student whatever they may need
to perform to their greatest ability.
Challenged Learner:
These students will be given all they need in order to assist them
in their struggles. Not only will I give students what I think they
need, but I will also ask for their input and ask for them to give
me ways in which they believe they will learn more effectively. I
will differentiate my assignments and provide them with work
that caters to their needs. If a student is a visual learner, I will
create an assignment that will allow them to use their strengths
to understand the concepts that other students may be learning
in more of an abstract way. I will give students opportunities to
stay during recess, lunch, before of after school if they have
questions for me that they did not find time to ask me during the
school day. When students are working independently, I will give
additional directions to those who may have not understood my
initial instructions. I will collaborate with other teachers and find
out what has worked successfully in the past for students, and
what has not. These students will also be given several concrete
representations/examples and scaffolding to further their
understanding of complex concepts.
Gifted Students:
I will provide students with several opportunities to further their
learning. I will allow them to work independently or among other
students who may be at the same level as them. If students want
extensions or extra, more challenging work I will give that to
them as well. It will be crucial that I know these students on a
deep level so I can give them what they need academically,
socially, and emotionally. Students will always have choices, so
that they can choose what will be most beneficial using their
given gifts and talents. I will group these students in ways that
will assist them most. Some students may benefit most form
working with like-ability students, while others may prefer to help
students who are of lower ability.
I plan to keep in consistent contact with my students parents. As I said
earlier on, I want to maintain a solid relationship with each of my
students parents throughout the school year. I will start off the school
year getting the parents acquainted with my classroom expectations,
procedures, and myself as a person. I will encourage them to email me,
write me letters, set appointments whenever they have questions. I

want them to know that I am there to support their student in all ways
that I can.
I will make sure that I provide a very welcoming environment during
open houseone that is reflecting on how my class will always look. I
will demonstrate excitement and eagerness to get to know the parents
of my students. I want them to feel comfortable approaching me with
any concerns, questions, or just to chat about their childs performance
in my classroom.
I will send home weekly updates on a regular basis. Parents will never
be unaware of what we are doing that week in our classroom. I will
encourage parent involvement in the classroom and look for
opportunities for them to assist me with field trips, planning, or other
Parent-teacher conferences will be very helpful for the parents. I will
provide them with all of their childs work and a progress chart
demonstrating their childs progress throughout the year. I will keep
work that will assist me in informing parents of their childs talents,
abilities, and struggles. Students will have the option to attend
parent/teacher conferences and provide any information I may
accidentally miss. I want our relationship to be healthy and I hope that
I can make a lasting impact on both the student and the parents. It is
my desire that the parents and I work collaboratively to ensure all
students are having the best time in the classroomone that is
extremely beneficial and constructive, and most importantly, one that
will make an eternal impression on the students lives.
I am very excited to implement this classroom management plan in the
future. Creating this plan has allowed me to think about the several
aspects of managing a class. There will most definitely be challenges,
and I am sure that a lot of what I plan will fail, but I will surely learn
from mistakes that I make and grow into a better, more effective


The First Days of School (4th Edition) by Harry K Wong
Lindie Truitts classroom ideas


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