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English Grammar Assessment 1

Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences

1. We .......... dinner when our unexpected guests ............
A) ate / were arriving
C) had eaten / would have arrived
E) had been eating / have arrived

B) were eating / arrived

D) have eaten / arrive

2. Since they ........... us they were coming, we .......... any food for them.
A) aren't telling / don't have
C) won't tell / haven't had
E) haven't told / aren't having

B) hadn't told / didn't have

D) don't tell / won't have

3. By the time the plane finally ........... after a four-hour delay, everyone waiting to meet the
passengers .......... fed up.
A) has landed / would be
C) landed / was
E) would land / had been

B) is landing / is
D) was landing / has been

4. From what he ......... in his letter, I thought that he ......... in Paris until next year.
A) had written / would be living
C) had been writing / will live
E) would have written / was living

B) has written / lives

D) was writing / lived

5. Unless you ......... where you are going soon, you ......... to get a ticket.
A) decided / haven't been
C) have decided / aren't
E) had decided / won't have been

B) will decide / aren't going to be

D) decide / won't be able

6. I don't know what happened to my bag, but I suppose it ..........

A) must have stolen
C) could have been stolen
E) should have stolen

B) has been stealing

D) will have been stolen

7. If then I asked Sally how she liked her subjects at university, she answered sadly that..........
were too difficult for ......... .
A) them / itself
B) they / her

C) their / she
D) themselves / hers
E) theirs / herself

8. I'm not going to start looking for a job ......... I have finished my studies.
A) by the time
B) without
C) therefore
D) until
E) moreover

9. In spite of the fact that the government owns .......... of the forests in our country, ......... has
been done either to curb their misuse or to develop a well-managed forest industry.
A) whole / some
B) a few / none
C) most / plenty
D) both / much
E) all / little

10. ......... today, in some societies the world is thought to be flat.

A) Since
B) Already
C) Even
D) Unless
E) Rather

11. I......... to the party last night, but at the last minute. I ......... that I had an exam this
A) went / would have realized

B) had gone / have realized

C) was going to go / realized
D) had to go / must have realized
E) would go / might have realized
12. ....... how hard she tried, her boss always complained about her work.
A) No matter
B) As much as
C) Nonetheless
D) Although
E) As though

13. He refused to take his doctors advice to stop smoking: .......... he died a lingering and
painful death.
A) otherwise
B) on the other hand
C) unless
D) as long as
E) consequently

14. When Sir Richard Burton set out on his pilgrimage to Mecca in 1854, no one knew ..........
he would return alive.
A) unless
B) whether
C) in case
D) however
E) until

15. There were severe punishments for non-Muslims who tried to enter the holy city, ......... his
Arabic was so good that no one suspected him.

A) so
B) or
C) yet
D) as
E) for

16. .......... traveling to Mecca in disguise, Burton was also able to penetrate the forbidden city
of Harar in what is now Ethiopia.
A) Although
B) Regardless of
C) Despite
D) Though
E) Besides

17. On the other hand, I have never understood ........... people have to rely on the leisure
industry, instead of using their imaginations.
A) that
B) how
C) why
D) who
E) which

18. I don't mind .......... TV at home, but I'd much rather ........... a film in the cinema.
A) to watch / to see
B) watch / seeing
C) having watched / seen
D) watching / see
E) watched / having seen

19. If you can manage ......... here by nine, then we can finish .......... the meeting before
A) to get / planning
B) getting / to plan
C) to be getting / planned
D) having got / having planned
E) to have got / to be planning

20. Though I asked around, no one was quite sure ........... it took to get to the next town.
A) how far
B) how long
C) how much
D) how often
E) how many

English Grammar Assessment 2

Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences
1. Right now, an important meeting..... during which the committee......the future of the
A) has been held / decides
B) is being held / is going to decide
C) is holding / decides
D) was held / is deciding
E) held / has decided

2. Stephen King......many bestsellers since his first 1974.

A) is writing / was being published

B) was writing / had been published

C) had written / has been published
D) wrote / is published
E) has written / was published

3. .......had left the shop......I remembered that I'd left my credit card there.
A) Either/ or
B) The more /the less
C) Neither/ nor
D) Both / and
E) No sooner/than

4. The local cinema is losing business, since most people in the the bigger cinema
at the shopping mall outside of town.
A) must have gone
B) ought to go
C) would rather go
D) could be going
E) had better go

5. Mike's looking very happy today- go out with him.

A) must have agreed
B) should agree
C) would have agreed
D) had better agree
E) used to agree

6. Hawaii and Lebanon are two places ...... you can ski in the morning and sunbathe on the
beach in the afternoon.

A) what
B) when
C) where
D) whose
E) which

7. New York City during the 1980s, Eyiem was surprised ...... how many
languages were spoken there.
A) live / heard
B) having lived / hearing
C) lived / to be hearing
D) to live / being heard
E) living /to hear

8. ...... all her eggs In the basket, Ella went confidently to the market, where she
hoped......them all.
A) Having placed / to sell
B) To be placed / selling
C) To have placed / having sold
D) To place / being sold
E) Placing / to be sold

9. The electricity was off all day today, so no one could use their fans or air conditioners, even
though it was one of ...... days of the year.
A) too hot
B) the hottest
C) such a hot
D) as hot
E) so hot

10. If ...... book is like the first chapter, then I don't think I'm going to read ...... of it.
A) every / something
B) all of/ no longer
C) each / nothing
D) the whole / any more
E) most / everything

English Grammar Assessment 3

Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences
1. Many biologists and environmental activists...... that too many whales ...... every year.
A) have been arguing / killed
B) are argued / have been killed
C) are arguing / will be killing
D) were argued / are killed
E) argue / are being killed

2. Because the traffic was so terrible, by the time we got to the airport, our airline's check-In
counter had...... closed.
A) already
B) no more
C) still
D) yet
E) any longer

3. Important football matches in England and Wales,......the FA Cup final, can attract TV
audiences all over the world.
A) such as
B) in order to
C) so that

D) alike
E) just as

4. The new film's director was distressed at the audience's reaction: at the end, they......, but
instead, they were all laughing.
A) may have cried
B) must have been crying
C) used to cry
D) were supposed to be crying
E) might cry

5. about Rey's wedding, but I thought you'd already heard about it.
A) must have told
B) will have told
C) would have told
D) may have told
E) could be telling

6. The hat to......I am referring is not the on your head, but the one over there on the
A) that/which
B) which /that
C) what / where
D) how / who
E) whose / when

7. The committee was shocked upon that most of the taxes......went to corrupt officials, rather
than ..... to the national treasury.
A) discovered / having collected

B) to discover / being collected

C) being discovered / to collect
D) discovered / being collected
E) having discovered / collecting

8. The twenty emperors of the Tang Dynasty of China ruled over one of ......societies of all
A) the most sophisticated
B) sophisticated enough
C) too sophisticated
D) so sophisticated
E) more sophisticated than

9. If global warming causes the ocean level to rise, will suffer.

A) all
B) every
C) most of
D) each of
E) the whole

10. As a student, you envied your friends who were working and earning their own
A) were they
B) didn't you
C) weren't they
D) were you
E) did you

English Grammar Assessment 4

1. Dan......attention to the road when he......into a hole in the ground.

A) wasn't paying / fell
B) hadn't paid / was failing
C) didn't pay / has fallen
D) hasn't been paying / would fall
E) won't have paid / had fallen

2. .......Sofia passes the class...... depends on her grade on the final essay.
A) Both / and
B) Not only/ but also
C) Hardly /when
D) Whether/or not
E) Neither / nor

3. Istanbul has many unique historical monuments; ......, it has one of the most beautiful
natural settings of any city in the world.
A) as if
B) so that
C) due to
D) in case
E) furthermore

4. After a few weeks of struggling unsuccessfully with irregular verbs, Kate realized that
she ...... to study Russian.
A) shouldn't have chosen
B) may not have chosen
C) must not have chosen
D) couldn't have chosen
E) can't have chosen

5. Some analysts predict that, someday, there......a major war over water if resources......more
A) would be / have not been used
B) has been / were not being used
C) will be / are not used
D) was / did not use
E) had been / will not be used

6. .......the universe is expanding was discovered in the 1920s by Edwin Hubble.

A) What
B) Who
C) Which
D) When
E) That

7. .......on the beautiful Bahamian island of Andros in 1977, Joseph fell so in love with the
place that he decided never .......
A) To arrive / to be leaving
B) Having arrived / leaving
C) Arriving / to leave
D) Arrived / to have left
E) To have arrived / leave

8. As Jose had received a much ...... grade in geography class than Juan, he felt extremely
jealous of him.
A) the worst
B) too bad
C) bad

D) worse
E) as bad

9. Edy said he wasn't interested in going to Chicago because he'd .... been there.
A) too
B) ever
C) still
D) also
E) already
10. The economy has been doing poorly in spite of what the figures the government recently released
A) didn't they
B) didn't it
C) hasn't it
D) has it
E) did they

English Grammar Assessment 5

Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences
1. Ferdinand Magellan was the first European who ...... through the strait that......ever since
then as the Strait of Magellan.
A) was sailing / will be known
B) has sailed / would be known
C) had sailed / had been known
D) sailed / has been known
E) had been sailing / is known

2. The car had been damaged to...... extent......the mechanic said that it wouldn't be worth

A) the same /as

B) a similar / to
C) such an / that
D) more / than
E) the most/ as

3. You'd better go by car rather than take a taxi, need to take Jeff home from the
A) such as
B) in case
C) despite
D) otherwise
E) however

4. This supermarket seems to be getting crowded. We......before the checkout lines start
getting too long.
A) may hurry
B) should have hurried
C) must have hurried
D) used to hurry
E) had better hurry

5. Unless you have something meaningful to say, I......not listen to you.

A) could
B) used to
C) would rather
D) would
E) ought

6. .......a disappointing speech the president made last night!

A) How
B) That
C) Why
D) Which
E) What

7. ...... to the Middle East by merchants, the Sanskrit the Pancha Tantra eventually
came to Europe, where they inspired the French author La Fontaine.
A) Having been taken / known
B) Taken / to know
C) Being taken / knowing
D) To take / being known
E) To be taken / having known

8. .......over 600 years ago, the poetry of Geoffrey Chaucer is still among the the
English language.
A) Wrote / produced
B) To be written / to produce
C) Having written / being produced
D) To have written / producing
E) Written / to have been produced

9. Selina is travel first-class and stay in 5-star hotels, but she enjoys budget travel
because she meets......people.
A) as rich / too interesting
B) the richest / so interesting
C) rich enough / more interesting
D) too rich / Interesting enough
E) so rich / such an interesting

10. The reviewers loved Ed's first book, but ...... his others have been severely criticized
A) all / them
B) every/ him
C) both / theirs
D) each / it
E) whole / they

English Grammar Assessment 6

Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences
1. Linda......a vegetarian three years ago after watching a documentary on animal rights, and
she......meat since then.
A) became / hasn't eaten
B) had become / doesn't eat
C) was becoming / isn't eating
D) would become / didn't eat
E) has become / hadn't eaten

2. .......the president began to speak, protestors began chanting anti-war slogans.

A) Already
B) Even
C) No longer
D) The moment
E) Provided that

3. .......a loss......a draw will be any good to us in this game. We have to win, or we're out of
the league cup.
A) Both / and

B) Neither / nor
C) Either / or
D) Hardly / when
E) Such / as

4. Since an any time, it Is always best to be prepared,

A) will have occurred
B) has occurred
C) must have occurred
D) ought to occur
E) might occur

5. Since David lives in Mexico but speaks no Spanish, I wonder......he manages to talk to his
neighbours and do his shopping.
A) which
B) what
C) how
D) whom
E) why

6. I wish that I......Freddy that he won't be chosen for the school basketball team.
A) haven't been telling
B) won't have to tell
C) don't have to tell
D) didn't have to tell
E) shouldn't be telling

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7. a finalist in the spelling competition caused young Scott ...... from depression for
months afterwards.

A) to choose / suffering
B) being chosen / to suffer
C) to have chosen / to be suffered
D) choosing / to have suffered
E) to be chosen / suffered

8. Frank Lloyd Wright was a pioneer architect whose ideas were......ahead of his time, and he
had to fight for acceptance of every new design.
A) that
B) such
C) better
D) well
E) too

9. .......who is acquainted with Pat knows that they can always rely on.......
A) Everyone / her
B) Someone / his
C) Whoever / him
D) Nobody / hers
E) Anybody / he

10. Wandering aimlessly, Peter found...... in the kind of neighbourhood that his mother had
warned......not to go into.
A) his own / her
B) him / himself
C) himself/ him
D) he / his
E) his / herself

NT 1

NT 2

NT 3

NT 4

NT 5

NT 6

1. B

1. B

1. E

1. A

1. D

1. A

2. B

2. E

2. A

2. D

2. C

2. D

3. C

3. E

3. A

3. E

3. B

3. B

4. A

4. C

4. D

4. A

4. E

4. E

5. D

5. A

5. C

5. C

5. C

5. C

6. C

6. C

6. B

6. E

6. E

6. D

7. B

7. E

7. D

7. C

7. A

7. B

8. D

8. A

8. A

8. D

8. E

8. D

9. E

9. B

9. E

9. E

9. C

9. A

10. C

10. D

10. B

10. C

10. A

10. C

11. C
12. A
13. E
14. B
15. C
16. E
17. C
18. D
19. A
20. B

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