Strategies For Gate

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Everyone in this modern society aims very high, people set

their goals and work very hard to fulfill them but only few of
them succeed. Why so?
The reason behind their failures is that they do work hard but they don't follow proper
approach and regulation to hit the target. I was also one of such persons before I
met Dr. Ankush Mittal Sir.
Though I was the topper of Uttarakhand Technical University but my knowledge of
subjects was not thorough and crystal clear as is required for competitive exams like
GATE as it is very different from semester studies. I took gate in my 3rd year and got
97 percentile. That showed me that I can't crack it and my approach to study and
thought process is not correct.
Then I met Sir, and joined Sir's GATE classes the result of which is that I got 99.75
percentile in GATE and today I am in IIT Delhi. I owe this achievement totally to Sir.
This success is only because of Sir. Sir has helped all of his students a lot. I was very
influenced by each and every advice of Sir.
Sir is a very dynamic teacher. When he teaches, he puts in his heart to make
students understand the concepts by giving real life examples. The way Sir teaches
really spell bounded me and for the first time in life I started enjoying studies. So
studies no more remained a source of boredom or pressure for me. Sir never lets his
students move forward with any doubt in their mind. He used to encourage us to ask
questions after every topic. He used to spend plenty of time on every topic because
our foundation was not strong being students of a private college.
The methodology that Sir directed us to follow was really remarkable:
For every subject I used to form 3-4 page review sheets which covered all the
formulas and concepts of that subject. I used to review these sheets every week. So
there was no possibility of forgetting any subject even though there was such a vast
syllabus of 15 subjects. Sir always used to say "An intelligent person is characterised
by both his intelligence and good memory.
We used to form groups and used to do experiential learning in which all
students used to teach each other whatever was taught by Sir. In this way we got
clarity of every topic thoroughly.
Sir used to direct us how to hit different types of problems. In which direction to
think and how to model the thought process.
Sir used to give us motivational lectures at regular intervals which helped me a lot
not to loose the focus and he used to cite many examples of great personalities and
their good qualities which used to inspire us a lot.
The subjects which used to seem very scary like Automata, Compiler earlier no
longer seemed difficult. Because Sir made each and every topic crystal clear and
very easy to understand by his remarkable way of teaching.
Sir used to put in a lot of efforts for each student. He used to give personal
attention to every student and by just face reading he used to know who is not
understanding, for such people he used to explain whole topic again starting from the
scratch. He used to meet every student at regular intervals to solve their problems.
We used to submit weekly report to Sir. So sir used to keep track of who is doing
what and how many hours each student is studying, what topics he is covering, how
many tutorial sheets solved etc.
We used to get tutorial sheets which had plenty of questions on every topic. And
solving them used to be a real interesting task and it used to make the concepts of
that topic more clear. Then sir used to discuss each and every question of those
sheets and used to tell us other related concepts while solving problems. The real

learning used to be during discussions of the problems as that time sir used to work
upon our approach building and thought process.
We used to have several tests on every subject and had a mock test series in the
last month. This test series also helped me a lot as it taught me how to manage time
in an exam, how to avoid mistakes of overlooking, which problems to give more
attention to etc.
Apart from the Gate syllabus Sir taught us good programming skills in C/C++ which
are helping me a lot in IIT.I made two projects under Sirs guidance and also
published a research paper in the field of parallel programming.
And now something for girls, it was really very safe for girls to go to coaching as
the classes were only during the day time. And Sir specially used to take care for
safety of girls.
Today being in IITD and having known most of the professors of the first ranked
Computer Science Institute in India, I can say I cannot find a teacher like Sir. I
consider myself the luckiest student ever that I have got a teacher like Sir and I am
able to fulfill my teachers expectations. In nutshell I can say that I would never be a
part of such a renowned institute without Sirs guidance. So, all thanks to Sir for
giving all his students the gift of his teachings, which has refined both our character
and academics.

---------------------------------------------------Rishabh Vij

(Presently in IIT Bombay)


I personally believe that what I have earned from the Raman Classes is not only the
sharp technical skills and enormous volumes of knowledge, but some life changing
experiences which have transformed me into a much more responsible person with
social and cultural thoughts cultivated within myself.
GATE course being much more different from the semester courses; needed a depth
of knowledge and a clear insight into each and every topic we encountered in the
class. The approach of solving the questions was very realistic so that we can
connect the problems to the application areas and with every problem we solve, we
get into the real analysis of the subject.
I really mean it when I say that we are the blessed ones to have a teacher and a
guide like Ankush Mittal Sir. He has been a Path-finder for us who has been doing so
much struggle working hard for our own good. His care for us was never less than our
own parents. At times, he would share jokes to ease the pressure from our minds, do
counseling for us to take us out from even the most difficult conditions of the life.
We were provided with the best of the mock tests which helps in creating a simulated
environment that eases our nerves in the GATE exam and enhanced our speed and
accuracy which proved to be a vital factor in our success.
His Vision, Dynamism and Honesty towards the work are the things which I always
look up to and Wish all the other students of Raman Classes, a great result and a
bright future ahead.


Soumil Agrawal

(Presently in IIT Madras)


Hello everyone,
I would like to share my experience of GATE preparation. First of all I would like to
thank my teacher Dr. Ankush Mittal who made it possible for me to be a part of IIT.
The motivation with which he trained all of us is the only reason for our success.
GATE is different from other competitive examinations in a way that it requires nice
concepts of many subjects. It would be a bad strategy for GATE preparation to study
only a few subjects very well. We have to go in breadth, as in, to prepare all the
subjects equally well in order to get a good rank. We have to model our thought
process in a way so as to apply the concepts to solve the problems. Although some of
the coaching institutes focus on tricks of solving problems but these things may not
guarantee success. Even if we will be able to crack written exam, we will not be able
to crack interview if there are no concepts.
GATE also helps to get job in various PSU's like BARC, Indian Oil, ISRO etc. The
concepts learnt during GATE preparation are extremely useful for cracking interviews
of various companies.
Sir's unique way of teaching and his motivational lectures helped us a lot to make our
way all through the IIT. After joining GATE classes I realized that how much time I
have wasted in my initial years of Engineering. There is a lot to be learnt and we
stand nowhere. I would not be wrong to say that I actually did my Engineering during
the 10 months I prepared for GATE. Sir's extreme concern and care motivated us a lot
to work hard. Sir introduced many new concepts of learning like Weekly Reports,
group discussions etc which actually clarified our many of the doubts. Sir himself
used to clarify the doubts of every single student personally. During the last 2 months
of our preparation, Sir conducted Mock tests which helped us a lot to improve our
accuracy and speed. We knew how to solve questions but we didn't know how to
manage time well. These mock tests gave us enough practice to manage our time
well and complete the paper.
I really want to thank SIR for giving me a chance to get trained by him and change
my life altogether.

---------------------------------------------------Shubham Agrawal

(Presently in COER as Research

Associate cum Lecturer, CS Department)says:

I joined Sir's classes at the end of the third year with a desire to get good knowledge
of my core subjects. Scoring in GATE is one thing and getting the concepts right, the
other. So I was looking for a tutor who could give me an insight to all the main
subjects and that too in one year. By God's grace and sir's teaching I was able to
score 99.5 percentile. I had hardly heard of a teacher who can teach all the subjects
of a discipline before I met sir. Sir not only taught us all the subjects but also brought
us to the level of answering any kind of question. Sir has an amazing doubt solving
expertise by giving real life examples. He has this incredible habit of encouraging
students to ask questions and also possesses the patience to solve them.
The most important thing is that Sir inculcates the tendency to work hard in each of
his student. It was not an easy task for us but sir inspired and encouraged us in such
a way that we were able to accomplish our goal. Sir also keeps a very close track of
each of his student. He immediately points out if he finds anyone not performing well.

Sir also sees weekly reports of each student and gives his feedback. Sir also instills
humor amid the classes so as to remove our tiredness and exhaustion. He also asks
us to do experiential learning with our friends.
As after completing the course, sir got us a very big jerk. Sir took a test and all of us
were not able to do. Then the biggest thing came as a MOCK TEST. Sir conducted the
mock test series in such a manner that it doesn't only increased my speed and
accuracy but also build a lot of confidence. It really helped each and every student.
My parents also admire Sir a lot. They were very obliged to meet him. They
appreciated Sir for making my life and giving me so much care and concern. The
relationship that sir builds is not limited upto classes only but it gives you a very good
experience and training of how to lead your life in a very good manner. In a nutshell, I
would say my life changed completely after Sir became a part of it.


Varun Pande

(Presently in IIT Kharagpur)


I am Varun Pandey, one of many students who took GATE classes under Dr. Ankush
Mittal in 2010-11. I did fairly well in the exam securing AIR-272, and I am currently
doing my M Tech in IIT-KGP. To be honest I was a so called "below average" student in
college, with zero knowledge about computer science up until the 3rd year. I used to
think that doing B Tech was probably the worst decision I had taken in my life. I gave
GATE in the year 2010 and got a rank of about 22,000. Finding the paper not so
difficult but requiring an overall knowledge about the subjects, I decided to join Sir's
classes to give it another try. Initially I found it difficult to cope with the pressure, but
then gradually I was able to. The reason was I simply followed what Sir used to tell
us, his tips are "invaluable". One of the tips that helped me the most was to wake up
in the morning and study, and it really is beneficial. Two hours of study in the morning
is equivalent to four hours of study at night. It still helps me here in IIT.
The classes were very interactive, and we were given ample time to grasp the
concepts. Doubts were always promptly and aptly cleared. Subjects like TOC, of
which I used to be terrified, became a piece of cake under Sir. Infact it became my
favourite subject. The best part of classes was Sir used to give real life examples to
make it easier for us to understand and consequently relate to the problems. Afterall
most of the algorithms, protocols in use today in the field of CS/IT come from daily
I would like to add that during the whole course under Sir, I used to have my doubts
about whether to continue with the coaching or not because even after putting in so
much work I wasn't scoring well in the class tests which Sir used to conduct
frequently. And I think Sir really has keen eye to spot that. Whenever I used to think
in that direction, Sir somehow knew about it, and used to interact with me to keep
me motivated at all times and not lose hope. He always had faith in me and had
more confidence in me than myself, which was always a driving factor.
Today I feel blessed that I had such a great person to teach me, who made me stand
on my feet, and made me realize that I am no more a so called "average student".
Thank You Sir.


Ravi Ranjan (Presently in Delhi Technological

University) shares his lifetime experience:

Dear Readers, I am Ravi Ranjan Kumar, a student at Delhi Technological

University(formally DCE) doing (2011-2013) in software engineering .
I have scored 668 marks in GATE -2011 (approx. 99.2 %tile), in CS branch, as an
appearing candidate.
Here I have got an opportunity to share the story of my journey from COER(College
of Engg. Roorkee) to DTU. But I am not the hero of this story rather another man
whose hard work and dedication made me to be at my present position. He is none
other than my respected teacher Dr. Ankush Mittal (presently Director COER ).
The whole credit of my success goes exclusively to him only.
The story starts from January 2010(my 6th semester was about to commence) when
my friends informed me that some Professor from IIT-Roorkee came to our college to
teach us Operating Systems. I didnt realized at that time the same man was going
to decide my future(at that time my primary goal used to be get placed in INFOSYS).
By 14th February,2010 my preparation started under his guidance. I was an average
student with a lot of future plans but very little commitment to fulfill them. As far as
the knowledge of computer science was considered , it was only confined to reading
the text books and clearing the semester examinations(always feared the practical
examination as teachers used to ask about C and other skills).
As my preparation proceeded with sir, I came across his various revolutionary ideas
which latter changed my whole method of study and preparation.
First one was preparation of weekly report which was day wise analysis of hours
spent on studies. The report was minutely analysed and returned with his valuable
comments and suggestion. The report was not only the summary of my effort but
also was a tool of introspection.
Second one was the experiential learning in which we students used to form a
group and discuss the topics , the discussion was also supervised by sir to see our
explanatory ability and the understanding of the basics of the particular topic.
Third one was making formula sheets and review sheets of the each subject
covered, that contained the point wise list of all important concepts and formulas.
These helped us to review the subject in quick time covering the smallest topics also.
The above methods not only made us to understand the subjects clearly but also
developed an intrinsic liking for the subjects. The toughest portions (as judged by the
students) came so easily to us that nothing felt like a burden (like Theory Of
Computation and Algorithms became my favorite subjects. ).
The teaching style of sir was so interactive and interesting that a long session of
time(average 3-4 hours) used to pass unnoticed while studying. We never felt tired
but rather refreshed with a curiosity to know more at the end of the session.
We always saw inside the CPU, Operating Systems and whole computer science as
the real world entities and processes as the daily life activities happening around us.
The curiosity generated was so that even we ourselves started relating the real world

with computer science, so the subjects came natural to us and we started learning
with little remembering.
The idea of daily review of the concept and formula sheets kept us in touch with
every studied subject and prevented us from becoming Alexander the great in sirs
The test discussion and tutorial sheets discussion were a complete two way
communication process between we students and sir that covered every problem
solving approach i.e. from problem formulation to approach to be taken even
calculations were also monitored .
The best part of the journey was the session where the words of wisdom were
conveyed to us in form of inspirational real life story of successful persons,
interactive sessions with successful students and their experience. Even jokes
cracked used to be situational, relevant to the discussion going on, besides being
Sir not only cared about our studies but also always motivated us to be a better
person and prove ourselves worthy to the society. He himself is such a good person
to be admired that if someone follows each word uttered by him, he will definitely
find the meaning of his life.
He took care of us as his own child, leaving behind his personal problems he always
stood by us showed complete motivation and dedication for our well being(tought us
while he was ill !!!!).
You can think how difficult it is for a person to teach whole computer science GATE
syllabus along with maths and aptitude, each subject tought as he was the specialist
of that subject only.
This is the story of my journey and at the end I not only scored 99.2%tile in GATE2011, but also got placed in INFOSYS. Not only that secured 157th rank in Computer
Science branch in ISRO scientist entry test 2011.
A word of advice for the students who are willing to join sir is that it is going to be
your best investment so far. You will not only experience a world class teaching but a
mentorship also. In short it is a lifetime opportunity and you should must grab it.
I will feel privileged to share my experience with sir to you all. You can always
contact me.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to Sir for motivating me to become a
good student and a good human being. Even today I follow his study methods and
find it quite effective. I always abide by his worthy suggestions that he gave me for
my own improvement.
Ravi Ranjan Kumar
M.Tech(Software Engg.)
Computer Science Department
Delhi Technological University(formerly Delhi College of Engineering )


Mansi Goel

(Presently in 4th yr, COER)


Being a private institute student, I hardly had any concepts of my subjects. Though I
had a good GPA but my basic concepts were all shaky. But after joining Sirs classes I
got my concepts build upto a much better extent in just two months. The most
important thing which one searches in a teacher is to get good notes and have your
doubts cleared. And Sir excellently resolves both the concerns. He extracts the best
material out of the books and give us as notes which saves a lot of time. Also one can
reach Sir enumerable times so as to get your doubts cleared. Sir is highly capable of
solving students problem. To make us more clear he gives us real life examples
which give us a more clear insight. Joining in 3rd year helps a lot as fourth year brings
with it the anxiety for good placement and project . I joined in 3rd year for two
months and was able to score 98.4 percentile in GATE 2011.
About the environment of the classes, it is totally cool and motivating. There is no
pressure at all. We also get breaks to digest the things. Sir also cracks some jokes or
tells us stories so as to remove our fatigue and inspire us to work harder. Sir also
maintains a one to one relationship with each student through concept sheets, review
sheets and weekly reports. He also gives his comments on that.
Experiencial learning is encouraged so as to solidify our concepts. Sirs classes are
totally safe for girls irrespective of the other institutes.
Last but not the least we consider ourself lucky for having a teacher and a guide like
Sir. Give it a try and feel the difference for yourself.


Pooja Bhatt

(Presently in 4th yr, COER)


Before joining GATE classes I was totally directionless and mismanaged. Sir gives us
direction towards right path to the goal.
IT gives a lot of benefit to join GATE classes in 3rd yr itself because you dont have

time pressure, tension of placement and final yr project etc. But a little bit of sincerity
is required. I have taken only 3 months coaching from Sir and at that time we
covered very few subjects and then also I got 96.2 percentile in GATE 2011.
Mock test: It plays very important role to find out where you are standing. Mock
test helps us to increase our speed and how to use different concepts. I always take
mock test to learn new concepts and find out my week points. Once I got only 04
marks in a test of probability then I work hard on it and today I am able to do the
problems easily. So from every prospective mock test are very important.
Weekly Report: It helps us a lot, so that we can tell to sir where I am lacking and
how our studies and daily routines are going on. On the basis of that Sir tells us
individually how to improve.
A.C: In summer time as we come from college to here so A.C is very much required.
Sir provides us A.C classroom facilities so that we can concentrate on lecture not on
Doubts during Classes: During class everyone have many doubts, you should ask
these doubts immediately, and otherwise you may not able to understanding other
related topics .Sir clears doubts very nicely. By giving more and more related to real
life examples until one doesnt get satisfied which make the class very interesting.
From my last year experience if you lack attention and dont ask doubts so it is not
beneficial to you.
Difficult Subject Covered: Subject like TOC, NP Complete problems, Algorithm,
Computer Architecture etc. Sir covers so nicely So that Np-Hard problems, all the
concepts of these subjects are on finger tip of the student like me who is below
average. So its Sir teaching only that makes everything that much easy.
Tutorial Sheet Discussion: it is very important part of coaching. According to my
experience we have to try problems before discussion and try to solve the problems
in reliable time. Then only you can get new concepts, application part of concepts
and benefit from discussion otherwise it will become like a normal discussion.
Sirs Efforts: After having so many achievements, Sir provides his coaching to
students like us, from a private college hardly get this oppourtinity. Last year Sir
spend his whole day to to teach us, just to clear our doubts. Every time Sir motivates
us and fills enthusiasm into us. I can only say that by joining Sir one can not only
crack GATE but he or she will definitely become a sincere, hard working and
regulated person.

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