Zivorad - Influences - Instantaneous Method For Discreating Traumas

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Instantaneous Method For Discreating Traumas

This method is also called Fingertip method.
This is my newest method for discreating traumas, which is very efficient even f
or very
heavy traumas (incest, rape, violence, etc.).
It uses centripetal movement which is harmonized with the energetic grid of plan
Since it is efficient, it is very simple as well there almost cant be anything si
11.1 With your client do 4-5 exercises of acceptance.
12.1Do with him/her only 2-3 exercises of snapshot.
13.1Talk a little bit with your client about the traumatic experience. Ask for
some details.
14.1Tell him what you are going to do. Describe the process to him briefly in
15.1As he stands up, let him/her give you four elements which he experiences
in that moment (here and now): image, emotion, body sensation and
thought. That will create one stable terminal.
16.1Ask him to choose the worst moment of that trauma and to keep it immovable,
frozen in time all through the process; make a snapshot. Tell him to
stay with the snapshot, not to go in time a second before or a second after
that moment!
17.1With his eyes closed, ask him to point with his forefinger where in space
he sees that traumatic picture.
18.1Ask him not to resist negative emotions during the process.
19.1 Tell him to put the forefinger of his dominant hand right into the center
of that traumatic image and to pull that image as he is turning around, like
the image is glued to that center point.
10.1 Turn him slowly around three and a half times to the left hand side. That
means three and a half circles counterclockwise.
11.1You help him, as you are turning him slowly around his axis, telling him
all the time: Dont resist emotions and pull the picture of trauma with
your forefingerStay with the snapshotPull itpull itpull it.. Dont
e Invisible Influences
resist emotions! Dont resist! Pull the image of trauma with your finger,
pull itpull it.
12.1 When the third and the half of the circle from right to left is over, stop
tell him to open his eyes. Then ask him: What happened with your trauma?
Is it still there or has it vanished ?
If he worked as he should have there will be no trauma! The picture could be
there. So, if he says I can see it, you tell him: Yes, you can see the image, but
are there unpleasant or painful traumatic emotions?
Usually, there are neither emotions, nor an image ( picture).
13.1Put the light inside the client.
14.1 Circular processing. If another person participated in the trauma and the
trauma doesnt vanish completely, ask the client to do circular processing,
doing it with all relevant points of view (that means all points which have
some charge).
There could be three mistakes which would ruin the process.
The client resists traumatic emotions (resistance brings persistence).
The client doesnt pull the image with him as he turns around to the left side.
The client doesnt keep the traumatic image immovable, but moves in time in his
thoughts and emotions before it or after it, or picks some other part of the tra
If the trauma doesnt vanish completely (at least all negative emotions), the proc

should explain to the client the possible mistakes and ask him not to do them ag
ain. Then
ask him to repeat in his own words what he is going to do. Finally, repeat the p
This is a variation of PEAT which proved to be more efficient then Shallow PEAT,
which we used for several years.
In it we alternatively use 3 points around both eyes and experience an event whi
ch is
frozen in time. It is usually the most dramatic moment of an unwanted experience,
the strongest moment of it.
Procedure of Basic Peat
11.1 Speak briefly with the client about his problem (about 5 minutes).
12.1 Describe briefly to him the process you are going to apply, because for mos
clients it is probably a completely new experience.
13.1 Do with the client a couple of exercises of acceptance and a few exercises
of making a snapshot (immovable image of the experience). The client
should use such a snapshot all the time during the process.
14.1 Point out to him/her importance of non-resistance to unpleasant experience.
Resistance brings persistence.
15.1 He should feel that unpleasant experience and estimate its strength on the
subjective scale from 0-10.
16.1 Then ask the client to put two fingers of the left hand on the first left p
and to feel his/her unpleasant experience as strongly as possible. Then you
tell him/her: See what you saw in that moment! Hear what you heard in
that moment, if you heard anything. And feel what you felt in that
moment! Neither one second before, nor one second after. As if it is
happening just now. Inhale and exhale deeply.
17.1 Then: Change hands, put it on the first right point and again go into that
experience! See the same picture, hear the same sounds, feel the same
feelings. Be careful neither a second before, nor a second after, as if
its happening just now. Inhale and exhale.
18.1 We continue the process on the second point (side of eye): Change hands,
put it on the second left point and again go into that experience! Neither
a second before, nor a second after, hold that experience unchangeable
in time. Inhale and exhale.
19.1 The process ends at the third point under the right eye. That means the
client does the process on 6 points altogether 3 on one side and 3 on the
other. Then we ask the client: On the scale measuring the strength from
0 to 10, how strong is that experience now?
e Invisible Influences
10.1If the strength is not at 0, we repeat the process once more, starting again
from the first left point. We do the process until its strength is clearly 0.
At the end, we ask the client to fill himself/herself with the light. He should
imagine a small blazing sun above his head and pull its light inside him. He
/she first fills the upper part of the body, then the lower, then legs and arms
and finally spreads that light (in his imagination) around his body in the
aura of an egg-shaped light.
Basic Peat has proven to be very efficient not only in elimination of recent pro
but also in elimination of hardcore or chronic problems.
ivorad Mihajlovi Slavinski
DP-4 is the fourth level of Deep PEAT. The name comes from the fact that the sec

level of PEAT (DP-2) was alternative exchanging of thoughts and emotions; the th
level (DP-3) was based on alternative movement between two terminals and confron
with the four elements they are made of.
DP-4 is the perfected procedure of DP-3. Its similar to DP-3, with some significa
differences. We engage both the left and right hemispheres of the brain!
The value of this method comes from the potential to purposely and consciously
attain neutralization of a chosen pair of polarities, using the energetic polari
ties of the
human brain and, of course, removing the elements they consist of.
With classic Deep PEAT this was not possible neutralization depended on chance.
With DP-4 we are not able to achieve neutralization of Primes, because we dont kn
if polarities neutralized with DP-4 are Primes or not. For such a task we must a
pply Deep
What follows are important rules and instructions for successful application of
1.1We always work through feelings. We ask the client to feel the chosen
state or situation.
2. 1The client should use both first points (insight points): Left and Right.
3. 1Right hand fingers go to the first RIGHT point (its left brain, logical,
rational, here and now point). You ask the client to feel himself here
and now and to give you 4 elements.
4. 1You put your left hand fingers on the first LEFT point; ask him to feel
himself in the snapshot of the problematic situation and to give you 4 elements.
5. 1You alternate between two situations and two points. Very quickly they
will be empty or they will merge or become the same: For example, the
same light on both terminals, or the same emptiness on both terminals
or polarities.
6. 1In every command we ask the client to give us four elements of his/her
experience: image (picture), thought, emotion and body sensation.
The client must not resist negative polarity and negative elements in general. The
should be no resistance, only acceptance. Resistance brings persistence.
The client also should not cling to positive polarity and positive elements. He
be a neutral observer and experience both positive and negative elements.
e Invisible Influences
Suggestions for the successful DP-4 process
The process starts with selecting a pair of polarities we are going to work with
We ask a client to select the goal he/she wants to attain at the end of the sess
ion. That
way we help him/her create a goal structure. We ask the client to avoid long sto
ries, comparisons,
analyzing data, etc. He should give us just raw material: images, thoughts, emot
and bodily sensations and describe them as briefly as possible.
Feel (first polarity) and tell me four elements that appear in your body and con
image (picture), emotion, bodily sensation and thought.
Change hands! Feel (second polarity) and tell me four elements that appear in yo
body and consciousness: image (picture), emotion, bodily sensation and thought.
As the process develops elements will start to vanish. Therefore, we dont ask for

four elements at once, but we ask this way:
Is there any image? Is there an emotion? Is there a bodily sensation? Is
there a thought?
As the process develops further, we ask: Is there anything left?
At the end of the process, we ask: Is there anything left, or is it (the polarity
One usually achieves neutralization of polarities quickly, in 10 to 20 minutes.
If there
is a lot of emotional charge, the process could last longer.
These are ways to get to neutralization:
1. Polarities vanish; what is left is just the feeling of I.
2. Polarities vanish; there is only emptiness or void.
3. Polarities vanish and there is the same situation on both sides; for example,
same light, or the same feeling, or the same anything.
Opposition and the control of the future
Ask your client: What do you feel or think; is it possible in the future for one
these polarities to control your behavior against your will?
Then ask your client: What do you feel or think; will you be able in the future t
express either one or another of these polarities at your own will?
ivorad Mihajlovi Slavinski
Sometimes (not often) its necessary to forgive other beings.
Circular processing (multiple viewpoint processing)
If the problem with the chosen two polarities comes back, it is necessary to do
process from other points of view. This especially applies if the problem was wi
th or
involves another person or group.
Another possibility for choosing terminals is this: A client takes a snapshot of
in a positive situation (positive terminal) and a snapshot of himself in a negat
ive situation
(negative terminal), and alternates between them.
When he feels himself in the negative terminal, he puts the fingers of his left
hand on
the left point.
When he feels himself in the positive terminal, he puts the fingers of his right
on his right point.
The general principle is this: The terminal with more charge, or the more emotio
one, either positive or negative, should be worked upon via the LEFT point (conn
with the RIGHT brain - emotions, intuition, etc.).
When creating a desired identity or state, I here and now is RIGHT and the
desired situation is worked upon via the LEFT.
Important! You can handle even very difficult problems this way. They vanish rap
Possible fields of application
1. Integration of 9 types of personality (eneagram)
2. Integration of all 12 astrological signs of the Zodiac
3. Integration of pairs of polarities given by Hui Neng
4. Integration of 22 Tarot arkana

5. Integration of 64 hexagrams of I Ching

6. Family therapy, removing conflicts, phobias, bad relationships, etc.

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