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The Bridge Of Light

Hannah the main character, the one in the prophecy
Arthur the of father of Hannah
Athena the mother of Hannah
Churvaleena the fairy
Chossera the wicked fairy
Cornelia the wing of love
I. Introduction
In the world beyond our wild expectations lies a fairy kingdom called
Diyamanthalia. Ruled by a brave King named Arthur, and his beloved Queen Athena
together with their daughter, a five year old princess named Hannah.
In the celebration of her birthday, the whole fairy kingdom gave her a
crystallized wing as a gift which was built in love and good deeds. At the same day,
Chossera, the wicked fairy who is banned from the kingdom appeared and
threatened the life of the princess. The whole kingdom was alarmed and used their
powers to drive this fairy away.
And from that day on, the king and queen both decided to leave the fairy
land and leave Churvaleena in charge.
II. Rising Action
The kingdom was filled with laughter and nice music as they celebrated the
annual blooming of the Cornelia. Its been 13 years since the Royal family left the
throne and while everyone is busy dancing and laughing, the harmonious melody
was changed into a loud glass breaking roar. They were all paralyzed in fear when
the sky began to turn from blue to gray, the plants withered, and the rivers ran dry.
Fog covered the whole area and it formed into a witch.
This frightened the fairies and tried to escape by flying but before they
spread their wings, giant mosquitoes captured them and the positive aura was soon
changed and everything seemed to be a nightmare. Together with the Cornelia,
Churvaleena bound to the earth.
III. Climax
Meanwhile, in the world of humans, Hannah was turning 18 so she asked her
dad if there will be a celebration but his reply broke her heart so she walked out of
the room with a sad face. As the couple started to argue because of what he said,
everything flashed back heard a voice that somewhat warned them and after that,

something sparkly caught their attention; it went to their daughters room,

afterwards, Churvaleena appeared.
She explained that she meant no harm and asked if they saw the light that
came in their direction but Queen Athena doesnt recognized her at first and asked
why she went to the Human world. Churvaleena explained everything that was
happening in their kingdom and suddenly, King Arthur joined in the conversation.
Churvaleenas face brightened up as she saw the King. She told him that the fairy
land was in a great danger so she was trying to find the Royal family. The couple
was worried so they both decided to go. They left Churvaleena in charge in taking
care of their daughter because anytime, her wings will grow.
They grabbed a pair of wings and went to Diyamanthalia. As they
continued on their journey, one of the mosquitoes saw them and secretly reported it
to Chossera and planned a wicked way on welcoming them.
The Royal couple broke in but was caught quickly and was put in the cage. Without
any regrets, the mosquitoes fiercely took and locked up their wings inside a jar; a
magical jar.
IV. Falling Action
When the clock stroked 12:00, a mystical change happened to Hannah. Her
dress was ripped off at the back and the Cornelia her wing was revealed. She
was shocked and worried so she looked for her parent but did not found them;
instead she discovered the presence of Churvaleena. She sneaked behind the fairys
back, grabbed and threatened her for she thought she was the one responsible in
the disappearance of her parents. But Churvaleena explained everything to her
while wriggling in pain. According to her, she was the one in the prophecy that
would defeat the wicked fairy, Chossera.
Upon hearing the story, Hannah threw
the fairy into the scattered stones.
Hannah asked if how she will defeat the wicked fairy and Churvaleena
answered back with a smile.
Back in the kingdom, the mosquitoes were busy because their fairy keeps on
reprimanding; they mended the wall and added some barrier to improve their
To have a dramatic approach, Hannah and Churvaleena barged in through the
window and the fighting started. The two exchanged attacks but unluckily, Hannah
was hit the hardest. Before Hannah dropped in the ground, a voice called her out
and everything went black.
The Cornelia encouraged her, gave her some motivating words and after a
while, Hannah was conscious. She recovered easily and with great agility, she flew
into Chosseras direction, arm locked her, focused her power, transferring it to
Chossera. Due to Chosseras weak resistance, her body exploded and the kingdom
was set free.
V. Denouement
Because of the loss of great energy, Hannah collapsed. The just fulfilled the

prophecy. The whole kingdom tried to revive her but it was too late. Hannah was
Her body started to fade away, it turned into dust. And as the whole fairy
land mourned to her death, they did notice that the remains of the dust in the sky
became a very colorful arc, like a bridge that enlightens a sorrowful soul and
illuminated the sky after a dark storm.
The king and queen both decided to leave the human world for good but
before they stay in Diyamantahalia, they tool all their materials and stuffs. They
both flew home, passed the field where a farmer saw them and was terrified. The
farmer begged not to hurt him because he had a wife and son The king did not
harm the farmer instead he erased his memory about what he saw.
As they continue their journey back to Diyamanthalia, still, the rainbow
remained in the sky and as they stare at it, they both knew that their daughter is
the happiest in the sky and it was the best of both worlds after all.

Eternal truth, eternal righteousness, eternal love; these only can triumph, for these
only can endure.

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