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(MCB 1053)

week 2 outlook
Chapter 2: Force Vectors (contd)

Copyright 2010 Pearson. (adapted by AAW)

Week 1 Assignment:
F2-5, 2-19, 2-24, F2-12, 2-39, 2-56, 2-58

Week 2 Assignment:
F2-18, 2-83, 2-91, 2-99, F2-29, 2-120, 2-139

Online assignments
graded assignments start this week
check the website often - at least one online assignment per week

Tests location will be Test Room Block N

Test 1: 11-11:50am October 24, 2012
Test 2: 11-11:50am December 5, 2012

Week 2 outlook
Chapter 2: Force Vectors
scalars and vectors
vector operation
vector addition of forces
addition of a system of
coplanar forces
position vectors
force vectors directed
along a line
dot product

Determine the magnitude and coordinate direction angles of the
resultant force

Chapter Objectives
to use Parallelogram or Triangle Laws to add forces & resolve
into components
to express forces & vectors in Cartesian Vector Notation (CVN)
to use Dot Product to determine angle between two vectors and
the projection of one vector onto another vector - todays lecture

Dot Product
dot product of vectors A and B:

result is a scalar
dot product also called scalar product of vectors
commutative law: A B = B A
scalar multiplication: a(A B) = (aA) B = A (aB)
distributive law: A (B + D) = (A B) + (A D)

Dot Product
dot product of unit vectors i, j and k:
i i = (1)(1) cos 0 = 1
i j = (1)(1) cos 90 = 0
i k = (1)(1) cos 90 = 0

CVN: A B = (Ax i + Ay j + Az k) (Bx i + By j + Bz k)

A B = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz

applications of dot product:

determination of angle between two vectors
vector components parallel and perpendicular to a line

P2-128 (mod)
A force of F = 80 N is applied to the handle of the wrench.
Determine the angle ! between the tail of the force and the
handle AB. What is the magnitude of the component of force F
along segment AB, OB, and OA?

Chapter 2 Objectives
to use Parallelogram or Triangle Laws to add forces & resolve
into components
to express forces & vectors in Cartesian Vector Notation (CVN)
to use Dot Product to determine angle between two vectors and
the projection of one vector onto another vector

Expected Outcomes
At the end of Chapter 2, students are expected to be able to:
determine the resultant of two forces and resolve forces by
using parallelogram law or triangle construction
determine the resultant force of a 2D and 3D force system
determine the position vector and express a force in Cartesian
vector notation
use dot product to determine the angle between two vectors and
the projection of a vector in a specified direction.


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