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Installing Office Integration

Sametime 8

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Installing Office Integration

IBM Lotus Sametime with Microsoft Office, allows you to collaborate, create meetings, and chat with
co-workers from Microsoft Office.
Installing the Office Integration features
The following should be performed after the installation of (or upgrade to) Lotus Sametime connect client
on each machine.
See Installing optional client features for detailed instructions on installing Lotus Sametime Integration with
Microsoft Office. The following features are available:
Sametime Connect integrator for Microsoft Office
Microsoft Outlook calendar availability
Sametime Connect integrator for Microsoft Outlook
Sametime meeting integrator for Microsoft outlook
Additional installation
1. Setting the Calendar Form
Start Outlook, and in the Calendar Properties dialog set the entry for "When posting to this folder,
use" to ST OnlineMeeting (or ST OnlineMeeting RTL for Arabic or Hebrew).
2. Enabling SmartTags
The Sametime Office Integration feature set adds the SmartTag recognizer which will start on either
the names from the user's local buddy list or from internet-style email addresses, for example
Note: These are in addition to the Lotus Sametime menu items contributed to Person Name
(English) from Lotus Sametime 7.5.1.

To enable SmartTags, select the Person (Lotus Sametime) entry from the AutoCorrect
SmartTag dialoge.
The use of automatic hyperlinks in Office documents will interfere with the new SmartTag's
ability to recognize email addresses -- you can regain the SmartTag function by disabling
auto-hyperlinking: Uncheck the "Internet and network paths with hyperlinks" option in
"AutoFormat As You Type" tab from the Tools->Auto-Correct Options menu.

Known issues
The Meeting Integrator feature can support Sametime meeting servers that require SSL by
modifying the syntax of the server name specified in the Sametime Meeting properties: if SSL is
required, include the protocol portion of the server URL, for example
"". The syntax shown in the dialog example,
"", is correct for servers that are accessible by ordinary, non-SSL http.
If the default email fields read by the Outlook Toolbar are not the appropriate fields for a customer's
enterprise, the Toolbar can be redirected to use other fields instead by modifying the file
CustomProperties.ini in the Sametime install folder. The intent is that such modifications would be
made by IT experts and the ini file (text) be distributed to end users. If this optional file is not
present, Toolbar uses its default field settings.
The local Outlook user email address must be resolvable in Sametime for the MyStatus button to


Installing Office Integration

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properly display status.

The Meeting Integrator feature is not included in a meeting request that begins from Outlook's "Plan
A Meeting" dialog.
In a meeting which includes a Sametime meeting, if the Sametime meeting password is changed
after the initial invitation is sent, then the message body will show more than one password -- the
most recent password assignment is displayed last.
Use of Office Integration features in Outlook 2000 can cause macro warning dialogs to be displayed.

Third Party Limitations

Microsoft Outlook will cache and retain forms despite the uninstall if the form is designated to be used. To
fully uninstall and eliminate the ST OnlineMeeting, ST OnlineMeetingRTL, and STContact custom forms,
the user must be sure to set Calendar and Contact "When posting..." properties back to IPM.Appointment
and IPM.Contact respectively.
Parent topic: Installing Sametime Integration with Microsoft Office
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