The Unit Scholarship Fund 2012 Scholarship Application

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Unit Scholarship Fund

2012 Scholarship Application


The Unit Scholarship Fund, Inc. (USF) goal is to provide merit-based scholarships to dependent family members of
current and former military and current civilian Unit members. Our goal is to select individuals who exemplify
the values and principles of the USF, and those set forth by their sponsor. The USF will recognize and award
applicants based on the full spectrum of these values and qualities best represented by the activities and
achievements of the applicant.


Undergraduate and Graduate School Scholarships are awarded annually and limited to Full Time Students
pursuing degrees at accredited Colleges / Universities / Graduate Schools or Vocational-Technical Institutions.
No recipients of a USF scholarship award will receive more than four annual scholarships for undergraduate
studies and two for graduate studies.

The USF is a non-profit, tax exempt IRS 501 (c)(3) organization. Scholarships are awarded without regard to
race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, or physical ability.

Read all instructions carefully before completing the application. You are required to provide documentation as
requested by the USF Board. If you are not able to answer or provide specific information, you must explain why.

The deadline for submitting your application, for the 2012-2013 academic year, is Wednesday, March 7, 2012.
Any applications or documentation postmarked after that date will be ineligible.

Congratulations on your pursuit of higher education and good wishes to you in your future endeavors.

Post Office Box 73338
Fort Bragg, North Carolina 28307

For Official Unit Scholarship Fund Use Only

The Unit Scholarship Fund

2012 Scholarship Application


The Applicant Information Section must be completed to determine your eligibility to apply for a scholarship. The
deadline for receiving this years application with all required information and documentation is Wednesday,
March 7, 2012. Applications will only be accepted via the US Postal Service or hand delivered to a USF Board
Member who will initial and record date received.

Age Criteria for Child/Spouse:
o Undergraduate Student must not have reached 26 years old by August 1, 2012.
o Graduate Student must not have reached 28 years old by August 1, 2012.
o There is no age limit for a spouse as an Undergraduate or Graduate Student.
Family member status (current &former military/current civilian) valid through August 1, 2012.
A high school senior, high school graduate, or registered as a full time undergraduate or graduate
student at an accredited College, post secondary Vocational/Technical Institute or Graduate School.
Graduate School Program
o currently enrolled as a College Senior or obtained a Bachelors Degree from an accredited
o applied and/or accepted in an accredited graduate school program
o children within stated age limitations and spouses are eligible
Pursuing degree/certification completion as a full-time student (carrying a minimum of 12 credit hours
per semester) of an accredited post secondary institution.
No recipient of a USF Scholarship award will receive more than four annual scholarships for
undergraduate studies and/ or more than two scholarships for graduate studies.


Eligibility Verification: Both applicant and sponsor are required to read and complete the Statement of
Certification in the Application Information Section. If the sponsor is deployed, include a statement to
that fact.

SAT/ACT/GRE/GMAT/LSAT/etc. Scores: High school seniors must submit a copy of their SAT/ACT score
sheet. Graduate students must submit a copy of their GRE/GMAT/LSAT or similar test score sheet. If
multiple tests were taken use the individual scores from your highest composite score, do not mix
individual scores between tests even if scores are shown on your transcript (no "super scoring").

Class Ranking (Pertains only to 2012 Incoming College Freshman): If not shown on your transcript,
submit a letter from a High School official on school letterhead indicating your class ranking/standing.
Some High Schools including Home Schooling do not have class ranking. If your High School does not
rank and/or you cannot furnish this information, explain in the application where indicated.

Grade Point Average-Transcripts: Submit your most recent completed transcripts that clearly state
your cumulative GPA and reflect all courses completed and grades earned. Indicate if you have a
weighted score or un-weighted (raw score) and the point scale utilized.

For Official Unit Scholarship Fund Use Only

The Unit Scholarship Fund

2012 Scholarship Application


There are multiple categories on the application that the Board of Directors will evaluate. However, you will
receive zero points for any category left blank and not explained.

If you are not involved in school activities, clubs, athletics, work or unable to volunteer, please explain and
provide other information you feel would assist us in the evaluation.

The Board of Directors will consider all other information submitted with the application. The last section in the
application provides you an opportunity to tell the USF Board anything you think they need to know about you in
order to better evaluate your application. The board is not privy to your personal information. Names and
personal information are not shown to Board Members.


All scholarship applications and related documentation/ information, must be mailed via US Postal Service. If
your school does not provide SAT/ACT/GRE/LSAT/etc. scores, transcripts with GPA to you as a student, ensure
that this information is mailed separately to USF. All documentation must be postmarked by, Wednesday, March
7, 2012.

Information from previous applications will not be considered even if previously accepted.

Additional information relevant to your application which you feel would be of assistance to the board may be

It has been stated numerous times previously, and cannot be over emphasized, that you need to answer all
questions. If you cannot provide requested information offer an explanation where indicated.

Do not send photos or resumes. Keep essay responses within the allowable word count.

No portion of the application will be returned to you.

For Official Unit Scholarship Fund Use Only

The Unit Scholarship Fund

2012 Scholarship Application


Applicant Information Section
Sponsor Information Section
Statement of Certification (Note: Signed by Applicant and Sponsor if your Sponsor is deployed and
unable to sign please explain the circumstances where indicated.)
Completed Evaluation Section (Answer all questions)
Completed Essays
School Transcripts
Class Rank and GPA Documentation (if not reflected on transcripts)
Mail application and supporting documents, postmarked no later than Wednesday, March 7, 2012 to:

The Unit Scholarship Fund

PO Box 73338
Fort Bragg, NC 28307

NOTE: When mailing, please send applications and supporting documents via the standard US Postal Service.
No FEDEX, UPS, Registered and/or Express Mail, etc. as USF Board Members are unable to sign for or receive mail

Application related questions may be addressed directly to any Unit Scholarship Board Member or email us at:

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The Unit Scholarship Fund

2012 Scholarship Application


Applicants Full Name (Last, First, Middle): Click here to enter text.

Applicant Academic Standing for Fall 2012: Choose an item.

College / Graduate School Student Identification Number (if known): Click here to enter text.
What academic degree and area of study are you pursuing or do you intend to pursue? Click here to enter text.

Mailing Address (do not use temporary/ campus address): Click here to enter text.
City: Click here to enter text. State: Click here to enter text. Zip Code: Click here to enter text.

Home Phone: Click here to enter text. Cell Phone: Click here to enter text. Work Phone: Click here to enter text.

Email Address: Click here to enter text.

Gender (M/F): Choose an item.

Date of Birth (yyyy/mm/dd): Click here to enter text.

Applicants relationship to their Sponsor: Click here to enter text.

If offered, would you accept a scholarship to Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC)? Choose an item.

Are you enrolled in college ROTC? (Please check one): Choose an item.
If not, do you intend to enroll? (Please check one): Choose an item.

Have you ever received a scholarship from The Unit Scholarship Fund? Choose an item.
If yes, how many scholarships have you previously accepted? Choose an item.

Have you ever been convicted of any charges other than minor traffic violations?: Choose an item.
If yes, please explain: Click here to enter text.

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The Unit Scholarship Fund

2012 Scholarship Application


Sponsors Full Name (Last, First, Middle): Click here to enter text.

Sponsors Mailing Address (If different from applicant): Click here to enter text.
City: Click here to enter text. State: Click here to enter text. Zip Code Click here to enter text.
Note: Sponsors address must match address recorded in Current/ Former Unit Member database.

Home Phone: Click here to enter text. Cell Phone: Click here to enter text. Work Phone: Click here to enter text.

Email Address: Click here to enter text.

Sponsors Social Security Number (SSN/last four numbers only): Click here to enter text.

Sponsors Unit Member Status (Please check one): Choose an item.

Date(s) Sponsor Served Unit: From (yyyy/mm) Click here to enter text. To (yyyy/mm) Click here to enter text.

Sponsor awarded a Purple Heart? Choose an item.

Sponsor Killed In Action? Choose an item.

Does sponsor have a Veterans Administration service connected disability rating? Choose an item.

Does sponsor have a U.S. Army medical retirement disability rating? Choose an item.

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The Unit Scholarship Fund

2012 Scholarship Application


I certify the information provided in this application is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I
understand failure to provide full documentation or falsification of credentials could result in disqualification of
this application. I agree to provide, if requested, official documentation to verify information reported on this
application. In the event I receive a 2012-2013 scholarship award and elect not to attend school during that
school year, I will immediately return the award to the USF. I will accept no more than four undergraduate and
two graduate scholarships. I will be a full-time student carrying a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester. I
also understand the decision of the USF Board of Directors is final.

Applicants Name: Click here to enter text.

Applicants Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Sponsors Name: Click here to enter text.

Sponsors Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Note: Both applicant and sponsor signatures are required. If unable to obtain sponsors signature please provide
an explanation here. Click here to enter text.

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The Unit Scholarship Fund

2012 Scholarship Application


List all high schools, colleges, vocational/ technical or graduate school(s) you are currently or have previously
attended (copy & paste formatting if more entries are needed):

Institution: Click here to enter text.
City: Click here to enter text. State: Click here to enter text.
Dates Attended (yyyy/mm): Click here to enter text. Graduation date: Click here to enter text.

Institution: Click here to enter text.
City: Click here to enter text. State: Click here to enter text.
Dates Attended (yyyy/mm): Click here to enter text. Graduation date: Click here to enter text.

List colleges, vocational/ technical or graduate school(s) to which you have applied, indicate if you have been
accepted (copy & paste formatting if more entries are needed):

Institution: Click here to enter text.
City: Click here to enter text. State: Click here to enter text.
Accepted (y/n): Choose an item.

Institution: Click here to enter text.
City: Click here to enter text. State: Click here to enter text.
Accepted (y/n): Choose an item.

Total Credit Hours Earned To Date: Click here to enter text.

Current Course Load Credit Hours: Click here to enter text.

For Official Unit Scholarship Fund Use Only

The Unit Scholarship Fund

2012 Scholarship Application

Documentation Required: Provide a copy of SAT/ACT/LSAT/GRE/GMAT etc. scores, transcripts of all course work
and documentation of class ranking. If class ranking information is not available, please provide a letter of
explanation from the appropriate educational institution.
1. Test Scores:

SAT Total Score (high school senior / students entering first year of college ONLY): Click here to enter text.
Critical Reading: Click here to enter text. Math: Click here to enter text. Writing: Click here to enter text.

ACT Composite Score (high school senior / students entering first year of college ONLY): Click here to enter text.
English: Click here to enter text. Math: Click here to enter text. Reading: Click here to enter text. Science
Reasoning: Click here to enter text.

GRE Composite Score (Graduate Students ONLY): Click here to enter text.
LSAT Composite Score (Graduate Students ONLY): Click here to enter text.
GMAT Composite Score (Graduate Students ONLY): Click here to enter text.
Other (Graduate Students ONLY): Click here to enter text. Composite Score: Click here to enter text.

2. Class Ranking (Incoming 2012 College Freshman ONLY): Ranked Click here to enter text. of Click here to
enter text. total students. If not provided, please explain here. Click here to enter text.

3. Grade Point Average (GPA): Cumulative Un-Weighted GPA: Click here to enter text. Cumulative Weighted
GPA: Click here to enter text. Indicate point scale used: Choose an item.

NOTE: For questions 4 through 7, copy & paste additional tables if more entries are needed.
4. Extracurricular Activity: List any clubs/organizations in which you participated in and awards / honors
received during your: High School years if applying as a 2012 Incoming College Freshman; College if applying as a
current College Student; or Graduate School if applying as a current Graduate Student. Include Extracurricular,
Professional, Service, Fraternal, Civic and/or Social Organizations, etc. Examples: Student Government, Key Club,
Honor Society, Scouting, Rotary INTERACT Club, Civil Air Patrol, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Garden Club,
Young Republicans, Sororities, Future Farmers of America, PTA, Scouting etc. Include Leadership Positions held,
and awards / honors earned, examples: National Honor Society, Class Vice President, Deans List, First Chair
Musical Instrument, ROTC promotion, Published Research, Eagle Scout, Black Belt, Salutatorian, Summer
Internship, Summa Cum Laude, College Department Award, Honor Roll, Homecoming Queen, Youth Ministry
Award, AP Scholar, Rifle / Pistol Match Competition Champion, Debate Team Captain, etc.

Grade level(s): Choose an item.
Activity Name:
Activity Purpose:
Your Position (s):
Awards and Honors:
Membership Dates:
Total Hours Invested Per Year:

For Official Unit Scholarship Fund Use Only

The Unit Scholarship Fund

2012 Scholarship Application

5. Service Activity: List any volunteer activities and/or community service in which you participated in during
your: High School years if applying as a 2012 Incoming College Freshman; College if applying as a current College
Student; or Graduate School if applying as a Graduate Student. Include Leadership Positions held, and awards /
honors earned. Examples: Toys for Tots, Salvation Army, Feed the Homeless, Red Cross Volunteer, Work at a
Nursing Home, Food Drive Leader, Church Farm Work, Tutor, Meals-on-Wheels, Volunteer of the Month, etc.

Grade Level(s): Choose an item.
Activity Name:
Activity Purpose:
Your Position (s):
Awards and Honors:
Dates of Service / Volunteer Activity:
Total Service Hours Performed Per Year:

6. Athletics: List athletic participation in organized sports, physical activities, or other similar activities during
your High School years if applying as a 2012 Incoming College Freshman; College if applying as a current College
Student; or Graduate School if applying as a current Graduate Student. Include Leadership Positions held, and
awards / honors earned. Examples: Team Captain, Cheerleading, Drill Team, Marching Band, Trainer, Youth
League Coach, Recreation League, Intramural, Junior Varsity and/or Varsity sports, Sports Team Mom, etc.

Grade Level(s): Choose an item.
Athletic Activity:
Your Position (s):
Awards and Honors:
Dates of Athletic Participation:

7. Employment: List your paid employment history; include Work-Study Program participation, Leadership
Positions held, and awards / honors earned:

Grade Level(s): Choose an item.
Employers Name:
Your Job Position:
Your Job Description:
Awards and Honors:
Hours Worked Per Week:
Dates of Employment:

For Official Unit Scholarship Fund Use Only


The Unit Scholarship Fund

2012 Scholarship Application

8. Essay Question #1: Answer in 300 words or less. How did you spend your time over the summer of 2011,
and what did you learn?
Click here to enter text.

9. Essay Question #2: Answer in 300 words or less. What would you change about the United States of
America and why?
Click here to enter text.

10. Addition Information: List any additional information for consideration (i.e. home schooling, special needs
of family members, physical challenges, parental and career responsibilities, etc.). Incoming 2012 College
Freshman please list AP/IB and college level courses, etc. Click here to enter text.

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