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Translation into Arabic Material

Arabic Department
First Year
Second Semester 2015

Passage (1)
:Translate the following passage into Arabic
In his remarkable novel Utopia, Egyptian author Ahmed Khaled Tawfik offers
.a gloomy prediction for the future of the Egyptians
In Utopia, people are divided into two groups. The first are the upper class,
the very rich, who live on the North Coast, where they have fun and enjoy
extreme luxury. These people have everything, while the second group are
the lower class, the very poor, who have nothing and live in the capital. The
North Coast people rule the country and never think of anybody but
themselves, while the people in the capital are regarded as something that
should be destroyed. This separation happens because the middle class,
whose function is to stabilise and balance society, has become extinct for
many reasons, one of them being the mad increase in prices.
Unfortunately, it seems that Tawfik's novel is becoming all too real, with the
instability that Egypt is suffering from today.

Passage (2)
:Translate the following passage into Arabic
Coping with electricity cuts

Frequent electricity outage, which is expected according to official statements to increase in

summer, has made high demand on electric generators. The cuts of the electric current, almost on
a daily basis across the country, have had a harmful effect particularly on different businesses
.like clinics and stores, whose activities rely on the availability of a steady electric current
Shops on Gomhuria Street in downtown Cairo are today witnessing a business growth prompted
by citizens fear of having to put up with long hours of dark and heat. Peter, an owner of a shop
that basically sells water pumps, says that he has shifted of late to electric generators, as they
have proved more profitable.According to Peter the best kind of generators are Japanese whereas
Chinese brands are cheaper but less efficient. Clients usually complain that Chinese ones need
.constant repair and therefore last for a few months only
Despite repeated statements by the Minister of Power regarding a forthcoming dark summer, the
official spokesman of the ministry affirmed that the expansive plan is being implemented to add
some 2800 megawatts to support the electricity grid.

Passage (3)
:Translate the following passage into Arabic
As students go through college, they have so many options of what to do with their time. They
could use their time by always going out to the mall, meeting new people or just sitting back and
doing absolutely nothing. However, when the time comes for assignments and big tests, it is then
when they realize what great time they have wasted. However, looking back at their mistakes
does not help in anyway. They cant turn back time to change anything they have done wrong. So

in order to avoid these errors, college students should follow good studying habits, which will
contribute greatly to their success in college. Good studying habits include commitment to their
studying, perseverance, good study tools, finding new ways to studying, and even eating well
and sleeping plenty too. First of all, what has to be the ultimate base for all studying habits is
great time management. Students need to be fully aware of when they are busy and when they
are free. It is a great help in that it shows them where their free available time is and how to use
it wisely.

Passage (4)
:The importance of water
Most of us are aware of the importance of drinking water. Water is second
only to air in importance for life. We can survive many days or even weeks
without food, but we can only survive a few days without water. Getting your
daily requirement of water helps your organs function, keeps your skin clear
and hydrated, and supports the body's digestion, assimilation of nutrients
and elimination of toxins. It also makes your body less vulnerable to injury.
Unfortunately, the body's need for water and its importance for health are
.often overlooked. Your water intake is critical to good health
Did you know that 60% to 75% of your total body weight is water? Most people
know that the blood, urine, sweat and tears are mostly water. However, many of us
do not realize that the lungs are 90% water; the brain 76% and even the bones are
25% water.

A diet containing lots of fruits and vegetables will supply about four cups of
water per day. Even with a diet high in fruits and vegetables, it is still
necessary to drink an additional six to eight cups of water per day to supply
enough water to meet the body's daily needs. For every caffeinated
.beverage you drink, you need to add an additional glass of pure water
Insufficient water intake results in reduced cell function. This greatly
diminishes the body's ability to heal damaged tissues from injury and
maintain optimal health. Dry mouth is the last sign of inadequate cellular
water. When the thirst signals produced by the body are ignored or are
responded to with intake of beverages other than water such as soda, coffee,
tea or concentrated fruit juice, eventually the body stops providing the
sensation of thirst.

The sensation of thirst also diminishes as we age.

Therefore, it is very important for the elderly to acquire a "habit" of drinking

adequate water to avoid cellular dehydration and subsequent health

Passage (5)
:The need to remember

Some people say they have no memory at all, but of course we all have a
memory. Our memory tells us who we are. Our memory helps us to make use
.in the present of what we have learnt in the past
In fact we have different types of memory. For example, our visual memory
helps us recall faces and places. Some people have such a strong visual
memory, they can remember exactly what they have seen, for example,
.pages of a book, as a complete picture
Our verbal memory helps us remember words and figures we may have
heard but not seen written: items of a shopping list, a chemical formula,
.dates, or a recipe
With our emotional memory, we recall situations or places where we had
strong feelings, perhaps of happiness or unhappiness. We also have special
memories for smell, taste and sound, and for performing physical
We have two ways of storing any of these memories. Our short-term memory
stores items for up to thirty seconds- enough to remember a telephone
number while we dial. Our long-term memory, on the other hand may store
items for a lifetime. Older people in fact have a much better long-term
memory than short term. They may forget what they have done only a few
hours ago, but have the clearest remembrance of when they were very

Psychologists are not certain how or why we forget. May be memories simply
fade away if they are not recalled. Another theory says memories are
constantly replaced by fresh material, that there is not enough room in our
.brain to remember everything
Sometimes people lose their memory completely. This is called amnesia.
Suddenly they do not know who they are, not even their names, where they
live, or their families. Sometimes they recover from this illness, regaining all
.or some of their memory. Sometimes they never recover

Passage (6)
:Translate the following passage into Arabic
In his book Tanmiat Al-Thiqa bi-Al-Nafs (Boosting Self-Confidence), published
in 1963, writer Mohammad Ghanem said that a lack of self-confidence could
make us vulnerable and more prone to failure. The young in particular need
self-confidence. As they approach adulthood, changes happen in their lives,
new situations emerge, fresh skills need to be learned. And if teenagers feel
they are not up to the challenge, their chances of failure can double, he
Ghanem proposed a formula for boosting the confidence of young people.
First of all, you have to be honest with yourself. If you cannot trust yourself,
admit it, and then look into the reasons why.

One reason that could make the young doubt themselves is that they are
thrust into situations that are new to them, situations that they are not
prepared for. Another is that they may be prone to focusing on drawbacks
rather than on advantages. A third is that they may be too idealistic,
measuring their performance against standards of perfection that are neither
necessary nor desired.
Teenagers also have many needs, and some of these may be conflicting.
Their desire for independence may clash with their need for support, for
example, and their desire for love and respect may conflict with their urge to
rebel and experiment. Adults who deal with teenagers should encourage
them when they see them trying hard, so that they may later take criticisms
seriously when correction is needed. The more confidence you give young
people, the more amenable they will be to constructive criticism later on.

Passage (7)
Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the Arab Republic of Egypt on
February 9 and 10 at the invitation of President Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi.The visit
is President Putins first to Egypt in ten years.

Putin was welcomed by his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on

arrival at the capitals international airport where the two leaders held talks
for half an hour.
From the airport they proceeded to Cairo Opera House in Zamalek for a
cultural show.
The two presidents discussed ways to advance bilateral relations, in addition
to regional and international issues of mutual concern. They also exchanged
views regarding the developments in the Middle East, the situations in Syria
and Libya and how to push forward the peace process between the
Palestinians and Israelis.

Passage (8)
French president Francois Hollande demanded yesterday a complete halt to
Israeli settelment building. Palestinians want to build their new state on the
land that Israelis use for their settelments. France demands a full and
complete stop to settelments to achieve peace, he said on his first official
visit to Palestine. Before meeting the Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas,
Mr. Hollande said there had been little development in the talks. But he also
.made clear that France expected efforts from the Palestinians

Passage (9)
The defining feature of distance learning is that you do not need to attend
university in person. This style of study is not new. Now, a growing number of
institutions are developing distance learning programmes to offer students
the chance of studying without leaving home. Distance learning suits people
for many differant reasons. For Petrakis, Family and financial circomstances
prevent me from studying abroad for extended periods, but I could manage a
couple of short visits. For Teresa, I now have two small children, it is
impossible for me to attend university. I would, therefore, like to study at
For some people whose job requires regular travel or irregular working hours,
distance learning may be the only way they improve their qualifications and
seek promotion. In most cases, students have choise of when to study and
.how quickly they progress through the programme

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