The Impact of Our Students: The Marcum Family/Ministry News - February 2015 Dear Friends & Family

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The Marcum Family/Ministry News - February 2015

Dear Friends & Family,

With joy & thanksgiving to our Lord we greet you again this month from Kansas
City and the Missions Base of IHOPKC. Having just returned from a morning of
ministry in downtown KC yesterday at our inner city mission, Hope City, I am
touched again by how much the Lord is doing to reach people! So many have been the target of the
thief who came to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus is coming to them to give them LIFE abundantly!
(John 10:10). As Misty Edwards sings, Hes gonna turn it all around.just wait and see. We hope you
are encouraged by reading this months newsletter, and that LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY abounds to you!

The Impact of our Students

Ministering to Josh & Sarah Taylor who

just returned from Tauranga, New Zealand

Our students are back! The second semester of IHOPU is in full swing, and
were so happy to be leading our weekly discipleship group again. We are
especially blessed to have our two externs back Josh Taylor (and wife, Sarah),
and Lesley Brammel. Josh and Sarah have spent the last several months in New
Zealand, and Lesley has been serving at the Prayer Furnace in Fredericksburg,
VA. We have had them sharing in our meetings about what the Lord was doing
and what He has been teaching them while they were away. We ended both of
their sharing times by praying over them and over the plans that are in Gods
heart for them. It is so amazing to see the maturity and passion on these who are
so young and yet already so gifted and consecrated to serving the Lord!

Josh and Sarah also had the opportunity to share at our February All-Staff Meeting for the Missions Base, which is a bimonthly gathering of all full and part-time staff members of IHOPKC, including all the IHOPU students and staff (around
2,000 of us). The House of Prayer in Tauranga is located at the missions base for YWAM there, so it is a very busy place!
Josh & Sarah were able to serve much in the prayer room, but also reach into the lives of many, many missionaries. While
there, the missions base held a conference and gathering for leaders from all over New Zealand, and Josh & Sarah were
privileged to lead prophetic ministry teams which ministered to these leaders. Just before they returned to the States, they
helped organize a prayer conference. Several churches from around New Zealand took turns leading a 24-hour prayer &
worship gathering. The last group that got up to lead were from the Maori people, and the Holy Spirit came in a mighty
way! Josh wept as he shared what the Lord showed Him that night; that the gospel is going to the ends of the earth as
prophesied in Scriptures, and its taking place in this generation. The earth shall be filled with the glory of God!
Several IHOPU leaders and students shared with us at the All-Staff Meeting about the impact the Lord is allowing us to
have through externships and outreach/ministry trips. In 2014, we sent out 40 externs to several U.S. cities, as well as to
Hong Kong, New Zealand, and Brazil, to help strengthen churches, missions bases, and houses of prayer. The team that
went to Hong Kong shared that they were able to help plant a House of Prayer that is now doing 30 hours of prayer a week
asking the Lord to touch & transform their nation. While there, they also launched a Music School that is now training
worship leaders, singers, and musicians to serve the missions and prayer movement in Hong Kong. One of the young men
shared that the very day they arrived in Hong Kong was the day that a student-led protest broke out, the first of its kind in
recent history. They made it a matter of prayer as they spent time for a few months there establishing the House of Prayer,
which itself was & is made up of many, many young adults. On the day our IHOPU team left Hong Kong, the news came
out that the protests had ended and peace had returned. Isnt it amazing the timing of the Lord? Perhaps He was preempting the violence that could have escalated by answering with a group of young people who were there to intercede and
help raise up a young peoples movement of a different kind one devoted to seeing Jesus exalted and global prayer for the
increase of Christs kingdom and a great harvest in this end time hour!
Would you be praying with us that the students in our discipleship group will be not only envisioned but equipped for what
the Lord is preparing them to do to play their part in advancing His kingdom? Many of our students will be going to their
externships quite soon. We are also doing Spring missions & ministry trips in April with around 400 IHOPU students going
to 7 different U.S. cities Dallas, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Pasadena, Cranford NJ (NYC area), Atlanta, St. Louis, and KCMO.
They will be coordinating and helping lead 7 days of 24-hour prayer, along with outreaches in each city, culminating on the
weekend with a One-Thing Regional conference 2 days of teaching & worship targeting awakening among young
adults. Wow! Well let you know some reports of the outcomes of this 7-city effort in a couple months in our newsletter.
Be praying for Joy she will be with them doing her part! May Jesus be glorified and exalted!

SAFE FAMILIES: The Privilege of Caring for Gods Special Ones

Wow, so many memories! Having a newborn in the house again for the past few weeks has been
quite an adventure. (Note: adventure is my positive expression for much of the last two years of
our lives.) ;-) But truly, we so enjoyed our time with 6-week-old Baby Kensey. Her Safe
Families host mom had to make a trip to Holland, so we had the special privilege of caring for
Kensey for awhile! Everyone in the family jumped in to help (except for the night-time bottle
feedings!). Even Jonathan used the baby bounce a few times to quiet her down when she was
fussy. I packed her with me to meetings, office work, and the Prayer Room; she really enjoyed the
worship! It was so fun cuddling a tiny one again! She was a blessing to so many who came up
and admired her, and we had the opportunity to have prayer over her a few times in our friendship
group meetings and just as a family, too.
I mentioned Kenseys situation in our last newsletter. Her
mom was homeless when Kensey was born, and she called
Safe Families from the hospital in desperate need of help.
With another baby under 1, and a 3-year-old, there was
nowhere for her to go and keep her children with her. We
have been able to come along-side this precious family
with support and love. All of the children are being cared
for and mom is now working a job and is moving forward
steadily to provide a home for them. Relationships are
being built and the Gospel is going forth! Please pray with
us for quick restoration for this family.

The joy of holding a new life knowing God has a plan for
this special one!


The leadership team of our local Safe Families for Children of Kansas City enjoyed a visit this past week from the founder
and national director of Safe Families for Children Dave Anderson! Dave is from Chicago, where he started Safe Families
for Children to minister to the tremendous needs of families there. They now have 1,000+ SFFC Host Homes in Chicago.
The SFFC movement is growing rapidly across the nation, with Safe Families ministering now in 80+ cities, and in other
nations of the world! There are plans for making it easier for small groups in many more places to start their own
chapter of SFFC. Dave told us that many states are now voting on a
Safe Families law to make it easier for families in crisis to place their
children with a Safe Family of their choosing without the state having
to get involved. This will allow the Church to take its rightful place
according to James 1:27, Matthew 25:35-36, & Psalm 82:3. We were
so encouraged by Dave Andersons visit, and he thanked us for the
way we have grown SFFC-KC, and the part we play in the national
outreach of Safe Families for Children. Dave also spent some time in
our Global Prayer Room, and he shared that he hopes the unique way
SFFC-KC is connected to and fueled by the House of Prayer can be
The Safe Families of Kansas City leadership team, with
duplicated in many other places!
founder & national director, Dave Anderson (next to Melissa)
FINAL WORDS: Thank you for reading once again and for your prayers for us & with us. And thank
you to all who are giving regularly and partnering with us as our family continues to serve as
Intercessory Missionaries here at IHOPKC. We have a few special needs at this time, so if any would like
to give a special gift (maybe from your tax return!), it would be timely and so appreciated. God bless
all of you, and keep in touch were praying for you!

Mail gifts to:

Because He is worthy of it all,

Jim & Melissa

Jim & Melissa Marcum & family

Jim & Melissa Marcum

P.O. Box 1099, Grandview, MO 64030
Phone/text: 816-287-3525 / 816-287-2228
Send PayPal gift to:
International House of Prayer Kansas City, MO

E-giving at - use E-giving code JM204009 to make a gift to the Marcums. Thank you!
Gifts to the Marcums can be made out to IHOPKC. Contributions to IHOPKC are income tax deductible to the extent allowable under applicable law.
Contributions to IHOPKC are made with the understanding that IHOPKC has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.

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