Grimaldi ENVR3300 Fall2014

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ENVR 3300/3301 - Geographic Information Systems

Course Syllabus: Fall 2014 (3 Sep 3 Dec)

Lecture (3300): 202 Forsyth (section 1 T/F 15:25 17:05)
235 Forsyth (section 2 W/F 11:45 13:25)
Lab (3301): 070 Holmes (all sections)
Instructor contact information:
Kevan Grimaldi
070 Holmes
Office hours: Tuesdays 11:30AM-12:30PM, or by appointment
Required textbook:
Mastering ArcGIS (6th Edition), Maribeth Price, McGraw Hill 2014
ISBN 978-0-07-802142-8
Each student will need their own copy of the book, and to bring it to every lab session.
Grading system:
Lecture Midterm 15%, Lecture Final Exam 15%, Class Participation 10%, Lab Exercises turned
in for grading 30%, Lab Final Project 30%.
Class participation includes attendance, and selection and discussion of various real-world GIS
projects and of various geoprocessing tools within the ArcGIS environment.
Lab exercises are due by 23:59 the night before the following week's lab section meets.
Lateness policy: late assignments will be accepted for correction, but not graded.
Course description and objectives:
This course and corresponding lab provide an opportunity to learn basic principles of geographic
information systems and the ways in which it is used to help solve problems and make decisions
within a variety of fields. Through background information, tutorials, and hands-on exercises,
students shall obtain a working familiarity with ESRI's ArcGIS over the course of the term. Each
student shall propose and complete an Independent Lab Project by the end of the term, which
will enable them to go beyond what they have learned from the exercises in the book.
Academic Integrity statement:
We encourage people to help each other understand concepts in the lab and with lecture/theory
concepts. That (usually) helps both the person who is stuck on a step, and the person who
explains how to move forward. There are parts of the course where everyones answer should
pretty much be the same and many parts where nobodys map should look just like anyone elses
map. Feel free to offer and to receive help from other students, but do your own work when it
comes to exercises youll hand in for grading. In the final project, youll be importing data from
outside sources it is appropriate to acknowledge the data sources youve used, so the standard
cite your sources advice applies here as well.

Class Schedule
Week 1
09/03 09/05
Week 2
09/08 09/12


Week 3
09/15 09/19
Week 4
09/22 09/26

Week 5
09/29 10/03

Week 6
10/06 10/10

Week 7
10/13 10/17
Week 8
10/20 10/24





Week 9
10/27 10/31
Week 10
11/03 11/07

Introduction: What is GIS? & Chapter 1: GIS data
point/line/polygon representations, vector vs. raster data,
coordinate systems, map scale, data quality, ArcGIS overview.
No lab
Mapping GIS Data Chapter 2 mapping features, displaying
rasters, classifying numeric data, how Map Documents are
handled in ArcGIS.
Chapter 1 lab assignment Intro to ArcCatalog & ArcMap
Presenting GIS Data Chapter 3 Map design, choosing
symbols, coordinate systems, maps and reports in ArcGIS,
assigning map scales, labeling, text, annotation.
Chapter 2 lab assignment Mapping GIS data
Attribute Data Chapter 4 Tables, database management
systems, queries, joining and relating tables, summarizing tables,
field types. Tables in ArcGIS, editing and calculating fields,
importing tables, adding x-y coordinates.
Chapter 3 lab assignment Presenting GIS data
Queries Chapter 5 attribute vs. spatial queries, processing
layers with selections, select by attributes, select by location,
choosing the best selection method, managing results from
queries, the Selection window.
Chapter 4 lab assignment Attribute data
Spatial Joins Chapter 6 cardinality concept, types of spatial
joins, feature geometry and spatial joins, coordinate systems and
distance joins, how to choose the most appropriate join type,
setting up a spatial join.
Chapter 5 lab assignment Queries
Review for chapters 1-6.
Chapter 6 lab assignment Spatial Joins.
Map Overlay and Geoprocessing Chapter 7 spatial analysis,
use of ArcToolbox.
Chapter 7 lab assignment Map overlay. Be thinking of your
final project by now.
Coordinate Systems Chapter 11 geographic coordinate
Systems, map projections, raster coordinate systems, choosing
projections, on-the-fly projection, troubleshooting.
Chapter 11 lab assignment Coordinate systems
Basic Editing, Editing and Topology Chapters 12 & 13
snapping features, adjacent polygons, Editor toolbar, editing
polygon shapes, combining features, buffering, editing map

Week 11
11/10 11/14


Week 12
11/17 11/21
Week 13
11/24 11/28
Week 14
12/01 12/03

Chapter 12 lab assignment Basic Editing
Raster Analysis Chapter 8 raster data, raster analysis, storing
rasters, using Spatial Analyst.
Work on final projects
Network Analysis Chapter 9 types of networks, network
analysis, trace solvers, building networks.
Work on final projects
Geocoding Chapter 10 what is it, how it works, styles.

Work on final projects

Geodatabases Chapter 14 about geodatabases, designing and
creating geodatabases, feature datasets, split and merge policies.
Metadata Chapter 15 metadata, quality issues, format,
acquiring metadata, metadata editor.
Work on final projects
Final Exam
TBA by Registrar
*schedule subject to change at instructor's discretion

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