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How to Create an eCATT?

Its applicable for SAP ECC 5.0 and above.

This is a step by step guide to create a CATT script in SAP ECC version.
Author(s): Vijay Vadgaonkar
Company: Yash Technologies.
Created on: 07th Nov 2013

Pre requisites: Go to T code SCC4 and select client. (This is one time activity)

Select client and Click on

button. Below screen will be appeared.

Here as per above screen eCATT and CATT should be allowed.

You can take help from BASIS to change same. eCATT file we can create on every client subject to
authorization and cross client object changes are allowed. Hence it is recommended to create same
in development and transport request on quality and production or required client.

Now go to T code : RZ11 (This is one time activity)

Enter parameter value : sapgui/user_scripting as per below screen.

Click on

Current value
should be

Current value should be TRUE. If it is FALSE as per below screen, do as per below steps.
Click on
change value

After click on Change value below screen will be appeared.

here and save

Now value is True as per below screen.

A Step by Step Guide

To create an eCATT you must first create the Test Script. After the test script you will create a Test
T code is : SECATT

Click create or F5 and you will then see the following screen:

Enter title
Enter component
Click on Pattern button on menu bar

Choose Group value = UI Control

Choose Command value = TCD (Record)
Enter T code and press enter to accept the default interface
Now Click the green check mark.

Now <<<Record the function you are attempting to perform>>>


Please do not use mouse. Use TAB to create recording. Record all fields which are required.
After backing out of the function you were recording you will be returned to the eCATT screen and
you should see a prompt asking if you want to transfer the data. Answer Yes. You should then see
the following:

Click on parameter

Now double-click on the Interface. In this case the interface was named MM01_1 as be below

Click on dynpro mode prog.

Now change all recorded fields with field name as per below screen.

After entering all fields in screen [1] , double click. System show below screen.

The default parameter type will be Local.

Click on Yes and.
Now One by one change all the other recorded variables in the same manner.

When complete click on the save icon and save as a local object or place in a development class if
you desire to transport the eCATT.
Again click on Click on parameter
System show below screen

Change all visibility with I as per below screen

Now Click on SAVE.

Before you can execute the eCATT you must first create a Test Configuration. Do this by executing
SECATT transaction code and entering a name for the Test Configuration and clicking on the create

Click on create object

shown in above screen.

Give the Test Configuration Name and Component and then click on the Configuration tab to see
the following screen.

Go to configuration tab
Enter the name of the test script you would like to execute when you execute the test configuration.
In this case it is the test script of the same name. See below.

Now we need to create the Excel template file to store the variable data in. Do this by clicking on
the download icon or just press ctrl-shift-F11. You will then be prompted with a Windows save
as dialog box. Accept the default name and directory and click save.

Go to variant tab
We must now set the default Mode for each time the Test Configuration is executed. Since we will
always be running the script with an external file choose the External Variants / Path option.

Now click on the drop-down on the File and choose the variant file you just created in the previous
step. Your screen should look similar to the one shown above.
Now click on the save icon and save as a local object or place into a development class (package) so
it can be transported.
Now again go to test script and change parameter value as per below screen ( keep default
parameter as per our requirement as below screen given)

You are now ready to execute your new eCATT Test Script via the Test Configuration. Open your txt
file and populate with your data. Be sure and number each record in your data file or eCATT will not
be able to read the data correctly. When you are done it should look similar to this:

Now fill data in excel file as per above.

Save your Excel file but be sure to keep it as a plain text file. If you update it to the .xls format, then
SAP will not be able to read the file.
Now go back to SAP and run tcode SECATT and enter your Test Configuration and click execute.

You will be taken to this screen:

If you want to change path of file name go to variants tab :

Now below screen will be appeared. Give the required path where excel file is stored.

Now change path as per below screen :

This way path get changed.

This is one time job.

Now go to UI control tab button.

In UI control parameter should be E-Display Errors only, synchronous local in start mode for
command TCD and execute

Now you are ready to execute the eCATT.

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