Mobile Commerce: © Journal of Mathematics and Technology, ISSN: 2078-0257, No.4, October, 2010

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Journal of Mathematics and Technology, ISSN: 2078-0257, No.

4, October, 2010


Amjad Abdallah Abdelkarim , Hebah H. O. Nasereddin


Mobile Solutions Developer, General Center for Software Development

Computer Information Systems Department. Faculty of Information Systems and Technology
Middle East University, Amman (JORDAN)

Just as with the introduction of electronic commerce, and the use of the Internet, mobile commerce is
growing rabidly. However, it still needs many years to be a Mass-Market. M-Commerce has been defined as the
"use of handheld wireless devices to communicate, interact, and transact via high-speed connection to the
Although Mobile commerce is an important opportunity, only 7% percent from 90% of Americans, for
example, who own a Mobile phone have used their phone for Mobile commerce transaction, according to the
business studies in 2009. That means that Mobile Commerce has not been translated yet into a significant
number of real-world applications.
In this paper, we will focus on the sale of physical and virtual goods via mobile phones, and making an
evaluation about the e-commerce applications using mobile agents. It aims to provide a preliminary analysis, from
a consumer perspective, of the types of problems that are likely to occur.
The paper will also introduce the Mobile commerce agent technology and focus on its advantages
comparing it with the traditional models and techniques. It mainly clarifies people attitudes toward using mobile,
the perceptions of the usefulness and ease of use of mobile to facilitate E-commerce in Jordan as a model.
With the introduction of advanced phone technology, consumers of mobile devices will be able to access
content and services anytime, anywhere. For example, they will be able to use wireless devices to access
banking accounts and pay bills, receive stock quotes and initiate buy/sell transactions, or receive special
promotions and generate orders from any place at any time.
The term electronic commerce (E-Commerce) indicates for business processes on the internet, such as
buying and selling of goods. As we know e-commerce can be broken into many categories, such as Business-toBusiness (B2B), Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Consumer-to- Business (C2B), and Consumer-to-Consumer
(C2C). There is distinction between B2B and B2C markets. In B2B, the business processes are carried out
between businesses; in B2C, they are carried out between businesses and consumers. This generic definition of
e-commerce does not say anything about the kind of device that the user use to access to the internet. User can
access to the internet by using one of two technologies, it could be wire line (e.g. using a home PC as end user
device) or wireless (e.g. using a mobile phone as end user device).
The term mobile commerce (M-Commerce) is all about wireless e-commerce, where mobile devices are
used to do business on the internet, either B2B or B2C market. It is important to mention that m-commerce is a
subset of e-commerce.
With the spread of mobile phones (and the mobile devices), m-commerce services have a prosperous
future, especially in B2C market. Future applications include over the phone, purchase tickets, weather
information, and many other applications.
E-commerce is a suitable application for mobile agents. Mobile agent technologies can be used to
automate several of the most time consuming stages of the buying process.
We believe that the effective use of mobile agents can dramatically reduce transaction cost involved in ecommerce, in general, and in B2C transaction, in particular.
M-business creates an effective B2C market by utilizing the intimate nature of mobile devices and
communication channels. Examples of these applications include mobile banking, stock trading, retailing, content
delivery, and concierge services. While many of the lessons learned from B2C e-commerce pervade, new
business opportunities can be found in m-business. M-Commerce, early experience in B2C m-commerce had
taught us, successful M-commerce services depend on the value perceptions of consumer groups, M-commerce
is most suited for accommodating consumers impulse buying, and the relevance of an offer to the users current
position (e.g., location, time and mission) will take precedence over price. Mobile applications for asset and
personnel management, collaboration, inventory management, supply chain management, and corporate data
access are increasingly seen in organizations today. C2C m-business embodies personal communication
applications such as wireless voice communication, short message services, buddy lists, peer-to-peer file sharing,
and mobile games.
M-business applications can be found in a wide array of industries ranging from healthcare to
transportation. A meaningful categorization of these applications will be helpful to managers in identifying new mbusiness opportunities. | 51

Journal of Mathematics and Technology, ISSN: 2078-0257, No.4, October, 2010

There are many definitions for m-commerce, one of these definitions that it is any process, including the
transfer of ownership or rights to use goods and services, which is applied by using mobile access to networks
with the help of an electronic device. [1] Also mobile commerce can defined as the use of information
technologies and communication technologies for the purpose of mobile integration of different value chains and
business processes, and the purpose of the management of business relationships . [2]
To simplify the subject, m-commerce is any e-commerce done in a wireless environment, especially via
the internet. Basic idea of m-commerce is to generate business in a mobile way, it gives user ability to access
information and services anytime from anyplace on his on his mobile device, use his mobile device to purchase
tickets for events or public transport, pay for parking, download content and even order books or CDs. [3]
There are many factors cause m-commerce to grow, such as mobile devices which is internetenabled
handsets, personal digital assistants (PDA) and portable computers are gaining popularity among business and
consumer users. Another factor that wireless infrastructure and support are constantly being upgraded by vendors
in order to provide seamless access. Also, companies want to remove delays from traditional business processes
and explore new business opportunities by allowing employees and consumers to access critical business
information from anywhere at any time. [4]
M-commerce can be applied in many ways and standards, it can be applied by using satellite-based global
positioning system (GPS), personal digital assistant (PDA) handheld wireless computer, internet-enabled smart
phones with attached applications, short message service (SMS), multimedia message service (MMS), enhanced
message service (EMS) and wireless application protocol (WAP).
When compare e-commerce with m-commerce, many advantages and disadvantages for m-commerce will
appear. When we look at m-commerce advantages we can see that the use of wireless device enables the user
to receive information and make transactions anywhere, at anytime. Also, mobile device enables user to be
reachable anytime in any place. M-commerce gives ability to access the real time information. [1]
M-commerce like other technologies have disadvantages, such as mobile devices offer limited capabilities
like limited display. Also, mobile device is exposed to theft and destruction than PC devices; According to a
government report more than 700000 mobile phones are stolen in the UK each year, since mobile phones are
highly personalized and contain confidential user information, they need to be protected according to the highest
security standards. And, the communication through air between mobile device and network introduces security
threats. [6]
Table below illustrate some different between E-Commerce and M-Commerce.





Smartphones, pagers, PDAs

Operating System

Windows, Unix, Linux

Symbian (EPOC), PalmOS,

proprietary platforms.





Microsoft Explorer, Netscape UP Browser, Nokia browser, MS

Mobile Explorer and other microbrowsers

Bearer Networks

TCP/IP & Fixed Wireline Internet


paging networks.



Generally speaking, many of the e-commerce applications also apply to m-commerce, for example, online
shopping, Internet banking and e-stock trading. Auction sites are starting to use m-commerce like sending a textmessage alert when an auction is about to close. The major attributes that will describe offer the opportunity for
development of new applications that are possible only in the mobile environment. [5]
Ubiquity means being available at any location at any time. A wireless mobile device such as a
smartphone or tablet PC can deliver information when it is needed, regardless of the users location. Ubiquity
creates easier information access in a real time environment, which is highly valued in todays business and
consumer markets.
Convenience it is very convenient for users to operate in the wireless computing environment. Mobile
computing devices are increasing in functionality and usability while remaining the same size or becoming
smaller. Unlike traditional computers, mobile devices are portable, can be set in a variety of monitoring modes,
and most feature instant connectivity (i.e., no need to wait for the device to boot up). Mobile devices enable users
to connect easily and quickly to the internet, intranets, other mobile devices, and online databases. Thus, the new
wireless devices could become the most convenient, preferred way to access many forms of information.

52 | Baku, Azerbaijan

Journal of Mathematics and Technology, ISSN: 2078-0257, No.4, October, 2010

Interactivity in comparison with the desktop computing environment, transactions, communications, and
service provision are immediate and highly interactive in the mobile computing environment. Businesses in which
customer support and delivery of services require a high level of interactivity with the customer are likely to find a
high value-added component in mobile computing.
Personalization mobile devices are truly personal computing devices. Whereas a computer in a home,
library, or internet caf may be used by a number of people, mobile devices are almost always owned and
operated by a single individual. This enables consumer personalization, the delivery of information, products, and
services designed to meet the needs of individual consumers, for example, a user planning a trip can be sent
travel-related information for retrieval when and where they want. Consumer personalization applications on
mobile devices are still limited. However, the personal nature of the computing device, the increasing availability
of personalized services, and transaction feasibility via mobile portals means that the mobile computing device
could become the primary e-commerce tool for delivering personalized information, products, and services.
Localization knowing where a user is physically located at any particular moment key to offering relevant
services. Localization may be general; for example, targeting everyone in a certain location. Or, even better, it
may be targeted so that users get messages that depend both on where they are and what their preferences are,
thus combining personalization and localization. For instance, if it is known that a person likes Italian food and
that person is strolling in a small that has an Italian restaurant, the device owner could receive a text message
that displays the restaurants menu offerings and offers a 10 percent discount.
As we know organizations and individuals in Jordan are late in the use of wireless technology, this is not
only in Jordan; many developing countries have the same problem. There are many reasons for this problem:
i. People are afraid to use mobile devices and purchase through it and manage their business,
because they think that any mistake or error could mean lose of money.
ii. The literature shows that there is a problem in using mobile devices in the Middle East. There is
lack of experience within organizations and among individuals. Most would be users lack the necessary
skills and experience.
iii. Lack of government policies, regulations and wireless device laws to protect workers and to
make their connection secure.
- The purpose of the study:

Describe the benefits of using wireless technology.

Restrict what people needs through wireless technology by create mode contains all services.
Increase consumers' confidence in new technologies such as mobile devices.
Restrict the problems that organizations and individuals encounter when using wireless technology.

- Importance of the study:

Wireless technology has been studied widely in developed countries, but in developing countries there is
few studies (including Jordan).
Our study aims to increase chances of using wireless technology in Jordan, and increase its quality and
Make deeply research to create model that could be accepted from organizations and consumers.
- Problem definition:
According to our investigation with some peoples in Jordan we found that:
Many people not only they dont know what services they can achieve using mobile commerce, they
dont know what is the core of mobile commerce. Some people are doubtful of using mobile commerce. Another
people dont prefer to use mobile commerce.
Security of data is mentioned many times, that they are afraid about security of their own data.
Many organizations and public places infrastructure dont include any scheme for wireless network.
Also they mentioned connection costs (establishing connection in a building).
There is a lack of laws from government that applied in wireless crimes.
Not effective and slow wireless connection.
- The technology acceptance model (TAM):
TAM is an adaption of the theory of Reasoned Action (TRA). TAM posits that perceived usefulness and
perceived ease of use determine an individuals intention to use a system with intention to use serving as a
mediator of actual system use. Perceived usefulness is also seen as being directly impacted by perceived ease of
use. Researchers have simplified TAM by removing the attitude construct founding TRA from the current
specification (Venkatesh, 2003). Attempts to extend TAM have generally taken one of three approaches: by
introducing factors from related models, by introducing additional or alternative belief factors, and by examining
antecedents and moderators of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use (Wixom and Todd, 2005). | 53

Journal of Mathematics and Technology, ISSN: 2078-0257, No.4, October, 2010

TRA and TAM, both of which have strong behavioral elements, assume that when someone forms an
intention to act, that they will be free to act without limitation. In practice constraints such as limited ability, time,
environment or organizational limits, and unconscious habits will limit the freedom to act. [7]

Perceived usefulness (PU), defined as the degree to which a person believes that using a particular
system would enhance his or her job.
Perceived ease of use (PEOU), defined as the degree to which a person believes that using a
particular system would be free from effort.
- Definitions of key variables:
Perceived usefulness (PU): the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would
enhance his or her job.
Perceived ease of use (PEOU): the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system
would be free from effort.
Attitude toward using (ATU): Is a function of beliefs, positively or unfavorably towards the behavior.
Behavioral intention to use: the goal that we aim to satisfy.
- Research methodology:
We use in this study quantitative analysis. The survey will show a sample of Jordanian individuals who use
E-commerce and M-commerce. The survey was build according to agreement level of some people in Jordan.
We made a questionnaire, this questionnaire has degrees range from degree of agreement to degree of
disagreement (1 strongly disagree to 5 strongly agree). Peoples select 1,2,3,4 or 5, this reflect how people belief
in any question in questionnaire.
The sample that we experienced include (200) individual, that we select them randomly from number of
universities, companies; also we deal with dealers, and some other people.
The number which is returned is (168) (84%), 40% of them are female and 60% are male. 65% had more
than 2 years experience in using computers and internet. Individuals we talk to them vary in educational degree; it
is varying between doctoral degrees to high school.
- Research cases:
There are the cases we proposed:
C1: People attitudes toward using mobile to implement E-commerce are negative.
C2: People perceptions of the usefulness of mobile to facilitate E-commerce are low.
C3: People perceptions of ease of use of mobile to facilitate E-commerce are low.
- Results of testing cases:
This section of the paper presents the test of each case from the results of the survey.
Case C1: This case suggests that peoples attitudes toward the use of mobile device to facilitate ECommerce in Jordan are negative. The case has been tested through the responses to five statements of the
survey constituted in the composite index (scale) used in measuring the respondents attitudes toward the use of
mobile device to facilitate E-Commerce.
Scale Items


1. Using mobile device to facilitate E-Commerce is a very agreed idea

2. I like the idea of using mobile device to facilitate E-Commerce
3. Using mobile device to facilitate E-Commerce would be pleasant
4. I dislike the idea of using mobile device to facilitate E-Commerce
5. Using mobile device to facilitate E-Commerce is a bad idea




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Journal of Mathematics and Technology, ISSN: 2078-0257, No.4, October, 2010

This means that the peoples attitudes toward the use of mobile device to facilitate E-Commerce are
mainly positive and so the case has been rejected.
Case C2: This case has been tested through the responses of Jordanian peoples on five statements,
which constitute the composite index used in measuring the perceived usefulness of mobile device in services
provided by wireless device to facilitate E-Commerce in Jordan.
Scale Items
1. Using the mobile device gives me good knowledge about market
2. Using the mobile device improves my purchases.
3. Mobile device enables me to know about promotions quickly.
4. Mobile device supports critical aspects of purchasing process
5. Using the mobile device allows me to purchase more items than would otherwise be possible.


This means that the peoples attitudes toward the use of mobile device to facilitate E-Commerce are
mainly positive and so the case has been rejected.
Case C3: This case suggests that the respondents perception of ease to use of wireless device to
facilitate E-Commerce is low. This case was tested by using the scores of five statements in the survey, which
constituted the composite index (scale) used in measuring the perceived ease of the mobile device to facilitate ECommerce.
Scale Items
1. Learning to operate the mobile device is easy for me
2. I find it easy to get the mobile device to do what I want it to do
3. My interaction with the mobile device is clear and understandable
4. It is easy for me to remember how to perform tasks using the mobile device
5. Overall, I find the mobile device easy to use


To determine the level of ease to use of mobile device to facilitate E-Commerce as perceived by the
respondents, and in turn, testing the case, the grand arithmetic mean was calculated to be 4.15. This represents
the level of the Jordanian peoples perceived ease of use of the mobile device to facilitate E-Commerce. When
this mean was compared with the 5-points Likert Scale used, it was found that it is greater than the agreement
point (+4) which means the rejection of the case, and in turn we could infer a perceived ease of use of mobile
device to facilitate E-Commerce.
In this paper we have recognised that there are factors may affect the success and the expansion of mcommerce in Jordan. In reference to the proposed cases in this paper we found that the Jordanian people
attitudes toward m-commerce are always positive and they highly recognize the m-commerce perceptions of the
Jordanian people also believe that using m-commerce would be free from effort and easier than the
traditional ways of the commerce.
Researchers must consider other factors in the future such as, security and network problems in Jordan
based on the model used in this paper and considering the three main factors mentioned here which are the
bases of this research.
As there are still more needed work and researches in order to find more detailed understanding of the
factors or to find others, we suggest making a variation on our TAM model with the factors used in building it to
make it more useful in the future researches on m-commerce for Jordan or any other countries in the Middle East.
Accessed on 09/04/2010
Webagency, 2001.
M-commerce-the next hype?, Oliver Recklies, March 2001.
Mobile Commerce Application Development, Lei-da chen and Gordon W. Skelton.
Secure M-commerce, Scarlet Schwiderski Gorsche. | 55

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