Research Proposal of Sanju

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Research Proposal

1. Introduction
1.1 Title of the study

The title of the study is Employee Motivation at City Bank Limited: A Case Study. Employee
motivation can be described as the driving forces that determine the direction of a person's
behavior, level of effort and of persistence in an organization. This study is about analyzing the
factors that motivate the employees at City Bank Limited (Hereon, referred to as City Bank)
and how they affect their performance in the organization.
1.2 Profile of the Organization

City Bank Ltd. is one of the first generation private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh, which
has started its operations on 27th March, 1983, in Dhaka city. The bank currently has 84
branches and 5 SME centers spread across the length & breadth of the country that include a
full-fledge Islami Banking branch. Besides these traditional delivery points, the bank is also
very active in the alternative delivery area. It currently has 350 ATMs of its own; and ATM
sharing arrangement with a partner bank that has 225 ATMs in place; SMS Banking; Interest
Banking and so on.
City Bank is the first bank in Bangladesh to have issued Dual Currency Credit Card. The bank
is a principal member of VISA international and it issues both Local Currency (Taka) &
Foreign Currency (US Dollar) card limits in a single plastic. VISA Debit Card is another
popular product which the bank is pushing hard in order to ease out the queues at the branch
created by its astounding base of some 400,000 retail customers. The launch of VISA Prepaid
Card for the travel sector is currently underway.

A few years ago, City Bank took an ambitious objective of becoming the number one private
commercial bank in Bangladesh. In order to achieve this goal, City Bank is going through a
massive restructuring process. In its 25thAnniversary, City Bank has come up with a new
dynamic brand logo and tagline. The company is expanding very fast with the recruitment and
training of highly potential employees, automation of the daily operations and improvisation of
its service quality policies.
1.2.1 Vision

To be the leading bank in the country with best practices and highest social commitment
1.2.2 Mission

To contribute to the socioeconomic development of the country

To attain highest level of customer satisfaction through extension of services by

dedicated and motivated team professionals

To maintain continuous growth of market share ensuring quality

To maximize banks profit ensuring its steady growth

To maintain the high moral and ethical standards

To ensure participative management system and empowerment of human resources

To nurture an enabling environment where innovativeness and performance is rewarded

1.2.3 Objectives

To become the no.1 private commercial bank in the country in 3 years time. The newly
launched logo and the pay-off line of the bank are just one initial step towards reaching that
1.3 Rationale of the Study

Employee motivation has always been a central problem for leaders and managers. Unmotivated
employees have low productivity, higher absenteeism and turnover rates. On the other hand,
employees who feel motivated to work are likely to be persistent, creative, productive and proactive. There are many theories as to how employees can be motivated; however, the reality is
that every employee has different ways to become motivated. Employers need to get to know
their employees very well and use different tactics to motivate each of them based on their
personal wants and needs. This study tries to identify how specifically employees at City Bank
are motivated and how it affects their performance.
2. Statement of the Problem

The goal of the study is to identify what it is that motivates the employees of City Bank to
perform at their best and achieve organizational goals at all times. The study will try to observe
what different incentive programs the HR Department at City Bank has attempted to motivate
their employees and their effectiveness by evaluating their performance. The research will
address several questions such as

What are the employee motivational packages at City Bank?

Which employee motivational factors affect the employee performance of City Bank?
How do employee motivational packages affect performance of City Bank?

3. Scope of the Study

The scope of this study is very limited. This is due to the fact that Employee Motivation is quite
a large topic and the time available for the study is only 3 months the duration of the
internship. Therefore, there is a time shortage. Moreover, the study will be carried out based only
on the employees of GEC Branch of City Bank Limited, where the researcher is doing her
internship. Therefore, the assessment will be incomplete and limited to only to the employees of
that specific branch and not applicable to all the employees of City Bank Limited. Keeping in
mind the limitations, the researcher will try to collect and make effective use of the data to
evaluate employee motivation. The source of these data will be primarily the employees
currently working at City Bank, GEC Branch.
4. Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the internship is to gain firsthand experience of the real life business
world during the internship and fulfill the internship requirement for the graduation of BBA.
Another objective of the researcher is to compare the classroom knowledge with their real life
applications. However, in addition to the general one, the objectives can also be divided into two
4.1 Broad Objective

The broad objective of the researcher is to analyze the factors that motivate the employees at
City Bank Limited and how they affect their performance in the organization.
4.2 Specific Objective

As employee motivation is a very large topic and there is a time constraint, the researcher has
decided to focus on some specific objectives to put the focus one. These are

To identify the employee motivational packages at City Bank.


To determine the motivational factors affect the employee performance of City Bank.
Observe and identify how employee motivational packages affect performance of City

5. Research Methodology
5.1 Introduction

The research methodology of this research paper will comprise of brief discussion on the
research design, types of research, research approach, methods of data collection, and forms of
analysis that will be used in this study.
5.2 Research Methodology

Research methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of
study for research purpose.
5.3 Types of Research

On the basis of purpose there are three types of research

5.3.1 Exploratory research

Exploratory research is conducted to clarify ambiguous problems. Exploratory research might

involve a literature search or conducting focus group interviews. The exploration of new
phenomena in this way may help the researchers need for better understanding, may test the
feasibility of a more extensive study, or determine the best methods to be used in a subsequent
5.3.2 Descriptive research

Descriptive research is used to describe characteristics of a population or phenomenon being

studied. It does not answer questions about how/when/why the characteristics occurred. Rather it

addresses the "what" question (e.g. What are the characteristics of the population or situation
being studied?)
5.3.3 Causal research

Causal research falls under the category of conclusive research, because of its attempt to reveal a
cause and effect relationship between two variables. Like descriptive research, this form of
research attempts to prove an idea put forward by an individual or organization.
5.3.4 Types of Research that will be used in this Study

The broad objective of this study is to analyze the factors that motivate the employees at City
Bank Limited and how they affect their performance in the organization. The researcher has
decided to do so through extensive study and observation and personal interviews with the
employees. Therefore, the type of research used in this study will be exploratory.
5.4 Research Approach

The two main theoretical research approaches in business research are inductive and deductive.
5.4.1 Deductive Approach

A deductive approach is concerned with developing a hypothesis (or hypotheses) based on

existing theory, and then designing a research strategy to test the hypothesis.
5.4.2 Inductive Approach

Inductive approach starts with the observations and theories are formulated towards the end of
the research and as a result of observations.
5.4.3 Approach that will be used in the Study

This research work will be done with an objective to evaluate the employee motivation at City
Bank. For this literatures will be reviewed and theories will be searched in consistent with the
reviews during the study. So based on the approach of the research this study is inductive in
5.5 Methods of Data Collection

There are two major ways of collecting data for business research. Those are
5.5.1 Primary Data

Primary data are collected by the researcher for the specific purpose of addressing the problem at
hand. Some major ways of collecting primary data are Observation, Interviews and
5.5.2 Secondary Data

Secondary data are the data previously collected and assembled for some project other than the
one at hand.
5.5.3 Data that will be used in the Study

The researcher will collected both primary data and secondary for this research. Primary data
will be collected from the employees with the help of questionnaires. These data will be
collected and used in order to know about the motivational factors, packages that are offered to
the employees.
Secondary data will be collected from the website of City Bank to get an overview of the
companys structure and learn about their objectives and goals.
5.6 Forms of analysis

The analysis of the research can be in three ways 5.6.1 Qualitative Analysis

Qualitative analysis is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and

5.6.2 Quantitative Analysis

Quantitative Research is used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical data or
data that can be transformed into useable statistics.
5.6.3 Triangulation

Triangulation can be said as the combination of both qualitative and combination of quantitative
5.6.4 Forms of Analysis that will be used in the Study

In this research, the researcher will use both qualitative and quantitative analysis to analyze the
collected data. Therefore, the form of analysis will be Triangulation.
6. Timeline for Activities

The duration of the internship is 3 months or 90days. Below is a list of activities that will done
during this duration

Training and getting accustomed to the organization

Data Collection:
Employee motivational package
Motivational factors affect that the employee performance
Affect of employee motivation on City Banks performance

: 15 days
: 10 days
: 10 days


Data Verification
Analysis of Data
Report Preparation, Checking and Submission

10 days
10 days
10 days
15 days
90 days

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