Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran 1

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A. Identity

: SMP Negeri 5 Banjarmasin

Class / Semester

: VIII / I


: English

Type of text

: Descriptive Text


: Lets go Somewhere!

Aspect / Skill

: Reading

Time Alocation

: 2 x 40 Minutes

B. Standard Competence
5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk teks
Descriptive yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar.
C. Basic Competence

Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks
berbentuk Descriptive.

D. Indicators

Responds to the Main idea of the text

Responds to the textual meaning of Descriptive text,

Responds to the Rhetoric steps of Descriptive text, language features and

communicative purpose of Descriptive text.

E. Objectives

Students are able to understand the main idea of the descriptive text

Students are able to respond to the textual meaning of Descriptive text,


Students are able to understand the Rhetoric steps of Descriptive text, language
features and communicative purpose of Descriptive text.

F. Learning Materials
Reading Material
1. Written text of Descriptive text : SINGAPORE and TAMAN SAFARI II on LKS.

Singapore is an island city of about 4 million people. Its a beautiful city with lots of
parks and open spaces. Its also a clean city.
Most of the people live in high-rise flats in different parts of the island. The business
district is very modern, with lots of tall new office buildings. Singapore also has some nice
older sections. In Chinatown there are rows of old shop houses. The government buildings
in Singapore are very beautiful and date from the colonial days.
Singapore is famous for its shops and restaurants. There are many good shopping
centers. Most of the goods are duty free. Singapores restaurants sell Chinese, Indian,
Malay and European food, and the prices are quite reasonable.
What is your plan for the next vacation? Taman Safari II is one place where you can
refresh your mind and bodies also you get more knowledge about fauna. Its a good place
for spend your vacation.
Taman Safari II is a conservation park. It means the park is to protect wild and
endangered animals. Its opened for public on December 29th, 1997.
There are three main locations in Taman Safari II, where we can study about animals.
The main location of the park is the vast area where the animals live freely just like in their
real habitat. The second is the fun park. You can play anything here. There are Bom-Bom

cars, a roller coaster, haunted house, etc. the third is the Baby Zoo. It is a zoo for baby
animals. Here, we can see the while tigers from India, red pandas from China or
hippopotamus from Africa. We can take a picture with the baby animals here. You can also
visit the snake park, bird park, and the reptile park.
I think its a good place for having holiday. Are you interested? So, visit Taman Safari II
in your next holiday.
2. Rhetoric Steps of Descriptive text.
Definition :
Text Descriptive is a text which is using to give the information, or it have purpose to
describe someone, things, or places specifically.
Generic structure :
1. Identification / definition : The function of this part is to give the identification about
person / things / places that will be tell/write, it is contain the definition or classification
of the topic which is will be describe.
2. Description of features in order of importance : The function of this part is to describe
person/things/places/animals using words, so people who read the text are able to
imagine how is the person/things/place/animals looks like.

3. Language features of Descriptive text.

Language features :
1. Using simple present tense.
2. Focus on details of the object.
G. Media
Captions, pictures related to the theme.

H. Teaching technique
This lesson is using Skimming Technique.
I. Teaching and Learning Activity




Teaching and Learning Process

Teachers Activities
Students Activities


(Stand in the front of the

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Good morning, class.
How are today?
Im very well, thanks.
(sitting on the chair)

waalaikum salam, wr.wb

Good morning, maam
Im fine, and you?

- Ok, Class. Before we begin our

lesson today, lets say a prayer

according to our respective
- Lets pray!
Students praying
- Cease praying.
Students finish praying
Checking Attendance
- Now, lets call the roll!
- Who is missing today?

Students respond

- Ok, thank you.


(Stand in front of the class)
(The teacher introduce

- Ok students, firstly, I would like
to introduce myself. My name
Definition :
is Saidah. I am a student of
Text Descriptive is a text which is Univ Islam Kalimantan or
using to give the information or it have
UNISKA Banjarmasin.
purpose to describe someone, things, or
- Before we start our lesson
places specifically.
today, I have a game for you,
Generic structure :
and that is Where is it?
1. Identification / definition : The
Students respond
function of this part is to give the - Do you like to play the game?
identification about person / things- /Ok, thats good. On this game,
places that will be tell/write, it is
you should guess the name of
contain the definition or classification
of the topic which is will be describe. the place, maybe it can be the
name of a city, or maybe
2. Description of features in order of
importance : The function of this part famous vacation place.
is to describe person/ things/ places/
- But firstly, I will give three
animals using words, so people who clues for you, and also I will
read the text are able to imagine how
show some pictures to you
is the person/ things/ places/ animals
related to the clues.
5 And after
looks like.
I give three clues, please raise
Language features :
your hands and you should
1. Using simple present tense.
answer what the place is it.
2. Focus on details of the object.

J. Evaluation
Indicators of competencys
- Read the descriptive text


Instrument forms

- Oral test

Reading Aloud

Instruments / Items
Read the text aloud
and clearly.

- Written test

- Identify the language


features of Descriptive


Try to analyze text

- Willing to know about :

description above

Meaning, textual meaning

into its generic

of Descriptive and


Recount text, Rhetoric

steps of Descriptive text,

Answer the

language features and

following questions

communicative purpose of

based on the text

Descriptive text.






Score for the test items :

Comprehension Questions : 50
Task three : 50
Total score : 100
K. References
- LKS KINDAI semakin pandai, Kelas VIII.
- Bahasa Ingrris SMP kelas VIII, PDF. (
This Lesson Plan has been consulted with English teacher of SMP Negeri 31 Banjarmasin
as the guide in PPL 2, on September 29th 2012, and lesson plan has been fulfilled according
to the rules.

Guru Pembimbing,


Maulida JD, S.Pd.,M.Pd

Siti Atiqah
NPM. 306.09.12.121

Read the text aloud and clearly!

Singapore is an island city of about 4 million people. Its a beautiful city with lots of parks
and open spaces. Its also a clean city.
Most of the people live in high-rise flats in different parts of the island. The business
district is very modern, with lots of tall new office buildings. Singapore also has some nice
older sections. In Chinatown there are rows of old shop houses. The government buildings in
Singapore are very beautiful and date from the colonial days.
Singapore is famous for its shops and restaurants. There are many good shopping centers.
Most of the goods are duty free. Singapores restaurants sell Chinese, Indian, Malay and
European food, and the prices are quite reasonable.

Comprehension questions
1. What is Singapore like? Is it beautiful?
2. How big is the population of Singapore?
3. Where do most people live?
4. Is the business district an old place?
5. What can we find in Chinatown?
6. What is Singapore most famous for?

What is your plan for the next vacation? Taman Safari II is one place where you can
refresh your mind and bodies also you get more knowledge about fauna. Its a good place for
spend your vacation.
Taman Safari II is a conservation park. It means the park is to protect wild and endangered
animals. Its opened for public on December 29th, 1997.
There are three main locations in Taman Safari II, where we can study about animals. The
main location of the park is the vast area where the animals live freely just like in their real
habitat. The second is the fun park. You can play anything here. There are Bom-Bom cars, a
roller coaster, haunted house, etc. the third is the Baby Zoo. It is a zoo for baby animals.
Here, we can see the while tigers from India, red pandas from China or hippopotamus from
Africa. We can take a picture with the baby animals here. You can also visit the snake park,
bird park, and the reptile park.
I think its a good place for having holiday. Are you interested? So, visit Taman Safari II in
your next holiday.

Task Three
Answer the following question based on the text above!
1. Why is Taman Safari II a good place for vacation?
2. What is conservation park?
3. What is the main idea from the paragraph two?
4. How many locations are there in Taman Safari II? What are they?
5. Where can we pose with the baby animals?
Key Answer :
- Comprehension questions
1. Yes it is.
2. It is about 4 million people.
3. Most of the people live in high-rise flats in different parts of the island.
4. No, it is not old place. The business district is very modern, with lots of tall new office

5. In Chinatown there are rows of old shop houses / we can find rows of old shop houses
6. Singapore is famous for its shops and restaurants.

Task three
1. Because Taman Safari II is one place where you can refresh your mind and bodies also
you get more knowledge about fauna.
2. It means the park is to protect wild and endangered animals.
3. Taman Safari II is a conservation park.
4. There are three main locations in Taman Safari II, where we can study about animals.
The main location of the park is the vast area where the animals live freely just like in
their real habitat. The second is the fun park. You can play anything here. The third is
the Baby Zoo. It is a zoo for baby animals.

5. On the Baby Zoo.




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