SpeedRec Assignment 2

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Harimau Malaya is the football team representing Malaysia at the
international level in presenting the country, the players should
be healthy and fit to play. Foot sprain is inevitable in sports and
the care and treatment is something that is very important to
keep the players back fit to play. The design will that helps

players of Harimau Malaya who suffered sprain foot to

have better mobility and also help in the period repair of
damaged tissues.

Targeted Users Foot Sprain athletes

Aim The aim is to create a tools that can helps athletes that
involve in foot sprains injuries.



1. Athletes can continue their daily routine without much

2. -The users might do many things without movement
3. Proper design will help to increase players self-esteem even

- By clip the tools at leg and wear the trousers to cover the
injured. This also can prevent form using the crutch which
makes them shy to walk in public.
4. Helps to reduce the side effect to users body by using
appropriate tools
-The crutch might cause many body problems such as back
pain and cramped hand.

1.Inspiration Tool

A crutch is a mobility aid that transfers weight from the legs

to the upper body. It is often used for people who cannot use
their legs to support their weight, for reasons ranging from
short-term injuries to life-long disabilities.

There are several types of crutches:

A type of crutch with a cuff at the top to go around the
forearm, also known as the Lofstrand crutch. It has been the
type most commonly used in Europe. [citation needed]
Forearm crutch is used by inserting the arm into a cuff and

holding the grip. The cuff, typically made of plastic or metal,

can be a half-circle or a full circle with a V-type opening in
the front allowing the forearm to slip out in case of a fall.

Or axilla crutch. It is used by placing the pad against the
ribcage beneath the armpit and holding the grip, which is
below and parallel to the pad.
These are less common and used by those with poor hand
grip due to arthritis, cerebral palsy, or other conditions. The
arm rests on a horizontal platform and is strapped in place.
The hand rests on a grip which, if properly designed, can be
angled appropriately depending on the user's disability.
Leg Support
These non-traditional crutches are useful for users with an
injury or disability affecting one lower leg only. They function
by strapping the affected leg into a support frame that
simultaneously holds the lower leg clear of the ground while
transferring the load from the ground to the user's knee or

Comparison of existing product

Easy to use

Unsuitable for
long use
More mobility
Easy to store
Reduce load on legs Effect upper body
Easy to handle
Limit movement


Help to move better Overhanging leg
Easy to handle
Consume space
Easy to store

Speed rec is design to help injured athletes in their daily

routine. Moving around, standing, bending and sitting may be
different relying on the tools used. SpeedRec offer better mobility
and help for better movement.
Distributing weight and force
It is design to distribute the weight of the user from the leg
to the SpeedRec and onto the ground. By using the knee as
main contact between body and SpeedRec, the weight is
distribute through the SpeedRec instead of using legs. The
knee will be slightly bend forward and act as stopper. This
will ensure SpeedRec from slipping and loose.
Minimize space

Sleek and compact ensure

used of minimal space for
storage and for better
mobility. This will reduce the
chances of bumping to
furniture and doors. This will
help to avoid the leg from
getting sudden impact and
affect the healing proses.
It is design to be ergonomic
to be comfortable and can
be used for long period of
time. Can help user to move
better and decrease fatigue.
Suitable design also
decrease the chances of
getting side injuries.

Aluminium (or aluminum; see spelling differences) is a chemical
element in the boron group with symbol Al and atomic number
13. It is a silvery white, soft, ductile metal. Aluminium is the third
most abundant element (after oxygen and silicon), and the most
abundant metal, in the Earth's crust. It makes up about 8% by
weight of the Earth's solid surface. Aluminium metal is so
chemically reactive that native specimens are rare and limited to

extreme reducing environments.

Instead, it is found combined in over
270 different minerals. The chief ore of
aluminium is bauxite. The used of
aluminium can give the needed strength
to withstand the weight.
Synthetic rubber, invariably a
polymer, is any type of artificial
elastomer mainly synthesised from
petroleum byproducts. An elastomer
is a material with the mechanical (or
material) property that it can
undergo much more elastic
deformation under stress than most
materials and still return to its previous
without permanent deformation. Use
of the material can enable user to
ensure the safety. Strong elasticity help to give more grip and
easy to handle.
Foam rubber (also known as cellular,
sponge, or expanded rubber) refers to
rubber that has been manufactured
with a foaming agent to create an airfilled matrix structure. Commercial
foam rubbers are generally made of
either polyurethane or natural latex.
Latex foam rubber, used in mattresses,
is well known for its endurance.

Lower SpeedRec part will be secured to the leg cast by

Knee and thigh will be secured to upper SpeedRec part for

support. Weight will be transfer from under thigh to ground
through SpeedRec.
Middle SpeedRec frame will be keep intact to leg by straps

How to wear
1. Place SpeedRec under thigh and behind leg cast
2. Position according to comfort
3. Secure the straps for safety.


SpeedRec is the latest way to help those suffering from a sprained

foot. Ergonomic and compact features provide comfort to the
user. SpeedRec supplying to all in need, hoping to help make their
lives safer and

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