2 - Goldstein J, (1999), Emergence As A Construct: History and Issues, Emergence, No. 11, PP, 49-72

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Emerging term was first used by GH Lewes (1875) in "Problems of life and thinking"; later

JS Mill outlined this concept in his "Logic" in 1843.. 1- Ablowitz R., (1939), The theory of
emergence, Phylosophy of science, Vol.6, No. 1, p. 3
There is no single definition on the concept of "emergence" and no universally accepted in
the literature. It varies depending on the emerging approaches, has known over time. "The
emergence of new and coherent structure, and properties of models in the process of selforganization in complex systems" - could be the most elaborate definition of the term
emergent offered by Jeffrey Goldstein. 2 Goldstein J, (1999), Emergence as a Construct:
History and Issues, Emergence, No. 11, pp, 49-72
Crutchfield, (3 Crutchfield J.P., 1994, The calculi of emergence:computations, dynamics
and induction, Physica) meets this definition and try to distinguish between the meanings
emerging systematizing them into three definitions:

Intuitive concept - not based on novelty and on the system that manifest it
"Training model" meaning it depends of predictive limitations due to inaccuracy
knowledge initial conditions. This process of self-organization was similar to the
emergence in the early 80s.
Changing the structure that would lead to a new behavior, otherwise unpredictable,
so that we need another new description and analysis (4- see Pepper S.,C. 1929,
Emergence, The Journal of Phylosophy, vol 23, No. 3, p. 241)

Merrel (2012) described change as a continuous reality for organisations that intend to
survive and prosper in these volatile and unpredictable times. He went further to define
change as simply doing things in a way different from what you are used to or doing
completely different things.
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If we look at the emergence of, lets say, at a level of public administration, we can go from
system theory. The relevant argument comes from Jaques Melese, which says: "Thinking
about a company or service public administration system as a means to recognize that
everybody is composed of many interconnected parts in a complex manner. These parts
are in constant evolution under the influence of the outside world and are mobilized in order
to achieve global objectives, often different, in a lesser or greater local objectives towards
which tend to self-organization of these subsystems " (5 Melese J., 1969, La gestion par
les systems, Edition Hommes et Techniques, Paris, p. 10)
If we think, administrative systems, may, and are linked with social systems. This makes us
think that they have common features and differences while specific to each. Public
administration is a set of elements; if one of the elements is changed and the rest will suffer
the consequences of change. The result is that the whole system is altered or modified.

Administrative system, is part of the social one, these changes may be of external or
internal factors. So there is a point of contact and interaction between change and that
change occurs only after an interaction.
There are two hypotheses that identify and lead to the formulation of main emerging
applicable on public administration.
1. Public Administration is a complex social system
2. The public administration system can fit in organization theory (in terms of structure)
Richard Seel (6 Seel R., 2006, Emergence in Organisations, articol disponibil online
http://www.new-paradigm.co.uk/ ), says emerging is a key property of all complex systems,
and is the key fundamental changes in human organizations.
In the theory of complex systems, emergence should be seen as a central concept.. (7
Stolk H.J., 1992, Parameter Optimisation of Control Systems using Learning Algoritms. MSc
Thesis, Free University of Brussels, Belgium. P.18)
Here are some conditions that materialized emerging concept and applied to public
administration system:
Emergence can be
Global patterns of behavior
complex system
Local rules of behavior

and the level of public administration

"Organize the execution and performance
concrete in various fields of social action"
Public administration institutions
The subsystem central administration and
the infra-regional
All legal rules under which the work goes

We can say that emerging Europe is defined by: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia,
Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, Montenegro and Turkey.
(8- Matei A., Berceanu B., 2011, Emerging administrations in South Europe in National and
European Values in the Balkans, Editura Economica, Bucuresti, p.194)
Here, we can differentiate between states, namely: Greece is an old member, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Bulgaria and Romania joined recently, Croatia is in the process of accession,
Turkey is a candidate, and potential candidate countries are Albania, Bosnia_hertegovina,
Montenegro and Serbia.
The European Union has built an order; it is based on the transfer of powers to the
Community institutions, competent, are made jointly by all EU Member States. The
sovereignty of the countries is maintained, retained mode of governance and decisionmaking power is in accord with the EU.

Here are some views on the states that make up the region:

SE Europe has in Greece, Albania, and Bulgaria, Romania and part of Turkey and all
countries of the former Yugoslavia. After the war in Kosovo in 1999, the Stability
Pact, defended the idea of a regional inclusion to resolve the crisis in the Balkans by
including a large number of countries.
A classification that some international organizations do to the region.(9 Gligov V.,
2007, Transition, Integration and Development in Southeast Europe, Ekonomiski
Pregled, Vol. 58, No. 5-6, pp/ 259-304)

Comparative experiences are good to learn; is a complex but very productive. For observing
the rhythm of change, should be highlighted, elements specific to each country.
If we think of Romania, Croatia and Bulgaria, we can say that they have undergone a
process of change emerging from the moment totalitarian regimes fell. The change can be
seen in the public administration, and then followed the change of values and mode of
action of the entire system. As a first step was the adoption of the Constitution,
systematization and update legislation on all areas of economic and social life.
Each of the three states have in the Constitution, safe and precise provisions in the
organization of the administrative system; Fundamental law of Romania (10 capitolul V
Administratia Public ape are o imaprte in Administratia Publica Centrala de Specialitatesectiunea 1 si Administratia Publica Locala, sectiunea 2 din Constitutia Romaniei din anul
1991), Croatia {11 Capitolul VI Organizarea autonomiei Locale si a administratiei publice
locale din Constitutia Republici Croatia din anul 1990}si Bulgaria. [12 Capitolul VII
Autonomia locala si administratia publica locala din Constitutia Republicii Bulgaria din anul
Regarding the emerging, it continues through implementation of public administration
reform strategies. Many reforms are designed to reduce costs, improve efficiency and to
enhance managerial rationality.
One can say that the concept of evolving and emerging refers to qualitative changes in a
complex system. In the beginning, emerging philosophical meanings was used then was
introduced in biology, chemistry, psychology, economics or sociology.

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