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Urinalysis Case Studies:

Case 1:
A 30 year old female patient in the third trimester of her third pregnancy is making a routine visit
to the OB/GYN clinic. She has no physical complaints, except she fears she is gaining too much
weight despite watching her diet with this baby. The birth weight of her other two children was
12 and 13 lbs respectively. Urine test results follow:

1. Identify the abnormal test results

2. Does this patient have a urinary tract infection? Support your answer.

3. Does the amber color of her urine indicate the presence of bilirubin? Support your
answer (include in your discussion bilirubin, Ictotest and specific gravity results).

4. What is the most probable diagnosis for this patient, other than pregnancy

Urinalysis Case Studies:

Case 2
A 3-year-old left unattended in the garage for 5 minutes is suspected of ingesting antifreeze
(ethylene glycol). His parents brought him to the ER; STAT urinalysis results follow:

1. Identify any abnormal test results highlighted

2. Based on the patients history and urinalysis results, select the most probable diagnosis:
a. Acute glomerulonephritis
b. Acute tubular necrosis
c. Urinary tract infection

3. What type of crystals would you except to be present in this patient?

4. What are the two forms of crystal typically seen in this type of poisoning?

5. The amorphous material present will be classified as:

a. Amorphous phosphates
b. Amorphous urates

Urinalysis Case Studies:

Case 3
This 15 year old, white female was admitted for epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, and
depression. She had attended a summer camp with other children 10 days prior to admission.
She had developed a recent loss of appetite, and one day prior to admission, nausea, vomiting
and epigastric pain. Urinalysis results from a mid-stream clean catch follow:

1. Identify the abnormal test results

2. Correlate the urine color, bilirubin and urobilinogen results to a possible diagnosis.

3. Provide a possible explanation for the trace leukocyte esterase result with the amount of
WBCs seen.
4. Classify this UTI as cystitis or pyelonephritis and indicate the findings that support your
5. Do you think this patient submitted a mid-stream clean catch urine? What test results
support your answer?

Urinalysis Case Studies:

Case 4
John H., is a 58 year old male, seen in the clinic complaining of intermittent, severe pain that
radiates from his right side to his abdomen and groin area. He has a frequent need to urinate with
little or no output. Other complaints include a cold that he has been self-treating with over-the
counter medications and vitamin supplements for more than a week. Urinalysis results follow:

1. Identify the abnormal test results

2. Provide a possible explanation for the negative blood reaction with the amount of RBCs
seen under the microscope.

3. Provide the most probable diagnosis for this patient. Support your answer

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