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Hardware Architecture for Embedded systems

An embedded system is built around a processor. The central processing unit does the
necessary computation based on the input it receives from various external devices. The
functionality of the CPU is an embedded system is same as the functionality of the CPU in a
desktop, except that the CPU in an embedded system is less powerful. The processor has limited
internal memory, and if this internal memory is not sufficient for a given application external
memory devices are used. The hardware also includes any components that facilitates the userapplication interaction, such as display units, keypads etc.

The processor used in embedded systems can be of three types:



Digital Signal Processor

Each of them is specified by clock speed( 100MHz, etc) and data word length( 8-bit, 16-bit, 32bit). The higher the clock speed, the faster the processor. Same way, bigger data word-length
leads to higher precision. The word length also indicates the processor's capability to address the
memory. This addressing capability is specified by the number of bits used for addressing. For
instance, an 8-bit processor can be use 8 or 16-bit for addressing.
Micro-controllers are mainly of Intel's 805x family, Motorola's 68HCxx, etc. A typical microcontroller contains a CPU, interrupts, timer/counter, memory (RAM, ROM, or both) and other
peripherals in same Integrated Circuit(IC). Micro-controller are often an ideal solution for control
applications because you can use them to build an embedded system with little additional
circuitry. The 8-bit micro-controllers are used for process control applications, such as the ones
found in toys and smart cards. If your processing power and memory requirements are high, you
need to choose a 16-bit or 32-bit processor.

High level language programming makes the program development cycle short, enables
use of the modular programming approach and lets us follow sound software engineering
principles. It facilitates the program development with Bottom up design and top down
design approaches. Embedded system programmers have long preferred C for the following
reasons: (i) The feature of embedding assembly codes using in-line assembly. (ii) Readily
available modules in C compilers for the embedded system and library codes that can directly
port into the system-programmer codes.


Programming in C makes the Embedded systems more reliable. C code written for a specific
micro controller can easily be transferred to systems using different micro controllers of
different vendors without little or no modification. It can be reused, easy to maintain and easy
to debug and extend. The advantages of C as shown in the following
Of higher level languages, C is the closest to assembly languages.
Most micro controllers have available C compilers.
Writing in C simplifies code development for large projects.
It is easier and less time consuming to write in C language than assembly.
C is easier to modify and update.
We can use code available in function libraries.
C code is portable to other micro controllers with little or no change.
Assembly is the fastest, however, it is difficult to find or train assembly experts. Then if a
new processor is required, we have to start over!
C is mid-level, lots of good C programmers are available, C compilers are available. C can
be used on 8-, 16-, 32-, and 64-bits processors.

Advantage of using C for Programming

Procedure oriented language (Noobjects)
Provision of inserting the assemblylanguage codes in between (called inlineassembly) to
obtain a direct
hardware control.
A large program in C splits into thedeclarations for variables, functions anddata structure,
simpler unctional blocksand statementsProcessor and memory sensitivepart of the program
within the inline
assembly, and the complexpart in the HLL codes.
Example function outportb (q, p)
Example Mov al, p; out q, al

Advantages of embedded c
It is a mid-level, with high-level features (such as support for functions and
modules), and low-level features (such as good access to hardware via pointers)

C is the most common Embedded language 85%, of embedded applications are

coded in C.

C , when used correctly is as safe and robust as any other high level language.

It directly manipulates the hardware and memory addresses.

It is very efficient, It is popular and well understood

Good, well proven compilers are available for every embedded processor(8-bit to
32-bit or more)

Cx51 Cross compiler supports all of the ANSI Standard C directives.

Code optimisation
Code-optimization techniques include the following:

To minimize the code working set of a program, pack frequently executed code
together, while separating infrequently used code. In other words, do not put long
blocks of error handling code in line and load frequently called modules next to their

To minimize the data working set, concentrate frequently used data together and avoid
unnecessary references to pages. This can be accomplished by using the malloc()
subroutine instead of the calloc() subroutine, initializing data structures immediately
before they are used and being sure to free and disclaim allocated space when no
longer needed.

To minimize pinned storage, package pinned code in separate load modules. Make
sure it is necessary to use pinned code. Certain system structures (such as mbuf
pools) are pinned in memory; do not arbitrarily increase them.

Real-time techniques can be used, such as the plock() subroutine to pin code in
memory, and priorities pinned with the setpri() subroutine

Constant propagation

Constant folding

Algebraic simplification, strength reduction

Copy propagation

Common subexpression elimination

Unreacheable code elimination

Dead code elimination

Loop Optimization

Function related

Branch optimization
Rearranges the program code to minimize branching logic and to combine physically
separate blocks of code.
Code motion
If variables used in a computation within a loop are not altered within the loop, the
calculation can be performed outside of the loop and the results used within the loop.
Common subexpression elimination
In common expressions, the same value is recalculated in a subsequent expression.
The duplicate expression can be eliminated by using the previous value.
Constant propagation
Constants used in an expression are combined, and new ones are generated. Some
implicit conversions between integers and floating-point types are done.
Dead code elimination
Eliminates code that cannot be reached or where the results are not subsequently
Dead store elimination
Eliminates stores when the value stored is never referenced again. For example, if two
stores to the same location have no intervening load, the first store is unnecessary
and is removed.
Global register allocation
Allocates variables and expressions to available hardware registers using a "graph
coloring" algorithm.
Replaces function calls with actual program code
Instruction scheduling
Reorders instructions to minimize execution time
Interprocedural analysis
Uncovers relationships across function calls, and eliminates loads, stores, and
computations that cannot be eliminated with more straightforward optimizations.
Invariant IF code floating (Unswitching)
Removes invariant branching code from loops to make more opportunity for other
Rearranges the sequence of calculations in an array subscript expression, producing
more candidates for common expression elimination.

Store motion
Moves store instructions out of loops.
Strength Reduction
Replaces less efficient instructions with more efficient ones. For example, in array
subscripting, an add instruction replaces a multiply instruction.
Value numbering
Involves constant propagation, expression elimination, and folding of several
instructions into a single instruction.

Assembly vs highlevel languages

HLL (High Level Language) programs are machine independent. They are easy to learn,
easy to use, and convenient for managing complex tasks.
Assembly language programs are machine specific. It is the language that the processor
directly understands
Advantage of Assembly Language Programming
_ Assembly codes sensitive to the processor,memory, ports and devices hardware
_ Gives a precise control of the processor internal devices
_ Enables full use of processor specific features in its instruction set and its addressing
_ Machine codes are compact, processor and memory sensitive
_ System needs a smaller memory.
_ Memory needed does not depend on the programmer data type selection and
_ Not the compiler specific and library functions Specific Device driver codes may need only
a few assembly instructions.
_ Bottom-up-design approach
Advantage of using high levellanguage (HLL) for Programming Short Development
Code reusability A function or routine can be repeatedly used in a program
Standard library functions For examples, the mathematical functions and delay ( ), wait ( ),
sleep ( ) functions
Use of the modular building blocks Sub-modules are designed first for specific and distinct
set of actions,
then the modules and finally integration into complete design. First code the basic functional
modules and then build a bigger module and then integrate into the final system First design
of main program (blueprint),
then its modules and finally the sub-modules are designed for specific and distinct set of

Top-down design Most favoured program design approach

Examples, char, int, unsigned short, long, float, double, Boolean.
Each data type provides an abstraction of the (i) methods to use, manipulate and represent,
and (ii) set
of permissible operations.Type checking during compilation makes the program less prone
Example type checking on a chardata type variable (a character) doesnot permit
subtraction, multiplication and division.Control Structures and loops
Examples while, do-while, breakand for
Conditional Statements examples
if, if- else, else - if and switch - case)
Makes tasks simple for the programflowDesignData structure- A way of organizing large
amounts of data.
_ A data elements collection
_ Data element in a structure identifiedand accessed with the help of a fewpointers and/or
indices and/or functions


Pre-processor include Directive

Header, configuration and other available source files are made the part of an embedded
system program source file by this directive

Examples of Pre-processor include Directives

# include vxWorks.h /* Include VxWorks functions*/
# include semLib.h /* Include Semaphore functions Library */
# include taskLib.h /* Include multitasking functions Library */
# include msgQLib.h /* Include Message Queue functions Library */
# include fioLib.h /* Include File-Device Input-Output functions Library */
# include sysLib.c /* Include system library for system functions */
# include netDrvConfig.txt /* Include a text file that provides the Network Driver
It provides the frame format protocol (SLIP or PPP or Ethernet) description, card
description/make, address at the system, IP address (s) of the node (s) that drive the card for
transmitting or receiving from the network.
*/# include prctl Handlers.c /* Include file for the codes for handling and actions as per the
protocols used for driving streams to the network. */
Pre-processor Directive for the definitions
Global Variables # define volatile boolean IntrEnable
Constants # define false 0

Strings # define welcome msg

"Welcome To ABC Telecom

Preprocessor Macros
Macro - A named collection of codes that is defined in a program as pre processor directive.
Differs from a function in the sense that once a macro is defined by a name, the compiler
puts the corresponding codes at the macro at every place where that macro-name appears.
Difference between Macro and Function
The codes for a function compiled once only
On calling that function, the processor has to save the context, and on return restore the
Macros are used for short codes only. When a function call is used instead of macro, the
overheads (context saving and return) will take a time, Overheads that is the same order of
magnitude as the time, Texec for execution of short codes within a function.
Use the function when the Toverheads <<Texec and macro when Toverheads ~= or >

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