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Points to know on Latin America

Physical Geography and Human Adaptation

Neo-Europes where are the Neo-Europes (places with large European
populations outside of Europe), why are they located where they are?
Middle America what are the three defining features of Middle American physical
geography, what type of vegetation characterizes most of this sub-region, where
are they located?

Coasts, Mountains, Tropical Climate (forests)

Most of the area is covered in forest. Mexico also has extensive grasslands,
deserts and forests

Hazards what are the main natural hazards?


Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Hurricanes

Andes where are the Andes Mountains, what forces formed them?
Highlands and basins where are the major basins and highlands in South America?
Amazon why does this region have the worlds largest tropical forest?
Rivers where are South Americas major rivers?
Agricultural regions where are the main farming and ranching regions, why are
they there?
Deforestation what are the causes of Amazonian deforestation, how common is
deforestation in this region?
Oil which two countries have large oil resources?

Area and Population

Population how large is Brazils population, how does it rank internationally, what
are the other largest countries in the region, which areas have the densest and least
dense population, why is this the case?
Mexicos population what is Mexicos population, how fast is it growing, how large
is it going to be?
Ethnicity what are the main ethnic groups, where are they located, why are they
located there, what are mestizo and mulatto populations?

Slave trade which areas and which country received the most African slaves, why
was this the case?

Cultural and Historical Geography

Main languages what are the main languages, how do these reflect colonial
Other languages what are the four other languages or language groups in this
region, where are they, why are they there, what is a creole language?
Catholicism how common is it, how does its presence relate to colonialism, which
country has the most Catholics and how many live there, what percent of the
worlds Catholics live in this region?
Syncretism what is religious syncretism, how common is it in this region?

Economic Geography
Industry where is the main industrial/manufacturing region?
Incomes how does the regions average income compare to other regions, how
fast are these countries growing economically?
Brazil how does Brazil compare to other economies and what is its role in the
Mexico is Mexico a low, middle, or high-income country, why have incomes been
rising in Mexico, how important are Mexican oil imports to the U.S.?

Colonialism which European countries had colonies in this region, which
countries/areas did they control?
National borders when did countries in this region become independent, how
stable have their borders been since then?
Government what type of government do these countries have today?
Mexico where were Mexicos former borders, what sort of government does it have

Regional Issues and Landscapes

Cities how urban is the region, what are the biggest cities, how common are
primate cities and why, what is Mexico Citys total population and how does it rank
internationally and in the Western Hemisphere?

Sub-regions What are the main sub-regions of and what are their characteristics?

Country profile: Belize

A & P: what is Belizes population, is it growing rapidly?

PG & HA: what are the important physical features mentioned in lecture?
C & HG: what are Belizes main languages, how does this reflect ethnicity, what are
Belizes main religions?
PG: what was the former European colonial power in Belize, when did it gain
EG: what are Belizes most important economic sectors?
RI & L: what are Belizes capital and largest city?

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