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NAQSH E ROSTAM World heritage situated near Perspolis.

The impossible photo of the historical cliff

SHIRAZ, now 1 million inhabitant city, is located in a corridor of the Zagros

Mts, NE of BUSHEHR. Former Natives were Qashqai nomads, (herdsmen
of Turkmen descent) and seasonal Bakhtyari cattlers. Bushahr-KazerunShiraz-Rey road was the major commercial Way to Iran for traders from
Persian Gulf.

SHIRAZ, the Argh

(central fortress)

The city grew a lot and its bazaars are

held as the moist traditional in Iran
(Bazar e Vaqil & Bazar No)

Rug traders were traditionnally

based inside the cosy
caravanserails of the Bazaare-vaqil and they are still

In the Bazar : qashqai tribeswomen demonstrate and sell

Dayereh framedrums.

Tea time for the khalyun narghileh dealer.

SHIRAZ is the famous birthplace & shrine

of the epicurian HAFEZ, a follower of the
ruzbehiniyyah sufi order and the national
poet in Iran. His verses are still the major
reference in popular wisdom and sufi spirit
of religious critics.

Scanding HAFEZ s verses on his tomb is a must for any respectful visitor.

SHIRAZ, south of the Bazar, the impressive

Shrine complex for SHAH-e-SHERAGH (emam
Reza s brother) was erected.

The shrine of SHAH-e-SHERAGH is now a major

pilgrimage center, just like Qom and Mashhad.

The shrine complex includes a big pious marketplace for the pilgrims

A fellow woman remembers the dirsty martyrdom of Emam HOSEYN at Kerbala s while drinking at a water
source. This pious scene is very usual in Iran. Right : another view of the shrine s marketplace.

At dawn prayer time, pilgrims abund around the crowdy Hoseiniyyeh of the Mosque of the Martyrs.

TCHEHEL KELID (40 keys) This common holy water cup is

a syncretic talisman from a zoraoastrian tradition. Drinking this
water is reported to heal fellows, babies and pilgrims.

The calm emamzadeh e ALI Bin HAMZAH and

the related tombstones was reconstructed in the
XIX th century

The Quran reader holds majlis in the

emamzadeh e ALI Bin HAMZAH (
nephew of the Emam REZA)

Vow knots of the fellows on holy tomb gates. Right: at Nasir Ol Molk mosque, Fellows fix their vows with iron Locks

Inside an anonymous
emamzadeh in the heart
of the Bazar e Vakil.

Old shirazi mosques means

superb visits, here the shrine
Dome of the mosque NASIR ol
MOLK. The city is also famous for
early sufis such as Ibn Khafif,
KAZERUNI (Morshediyyah) and

A cosy anonymous mosque courtyard in the

SW of the Bazar. Orange trees and pool.

Inside the mosque NASIR ol MOLK

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