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Dear Kate,

Subject: Application for Graduate Technology Analyst at Citigroup London office

My name is Mustafa Abedin Khanwala and I am writing to you as part of an
application for the Graduate Technology Analyst Role at Citis London office. I had
met you at the Tech Talk event on Thursday the 9th of October and I really enjoyed
talking to you, Chris and the other people from the Technology division in London.
I am currently undertaking an MSc in Engineering with Finance at University College
London and I have a Bachelors degree with honours in Mechatronic Engineering from
the University of Manchester. While I have a technical background, I have always
been interested in business and finance, as proven by my choice of a Masters degree
and my work experience. Working as an Assistant Sales Manager at Salhiya Tower
Company, starting my own ecommerce business, and undertaking financial modules
like Financial Institutions and Markets at UCL, have given me the prerequisite mix of
knowledge, experience and enthusiasm required for this role.
As an International Student with a degree in Engineering and a strong inclination
towards the financial sector, I am looking to work for a global organisation with a
challenging and diverse work environment. With its remarkable global presence and a
dynamic client list, Citi is one such global employer. From helping a farmer in a third
world country to save for his childrens education, to managing multi-million dollar
trades for the worlds largest hedge funds, Citi is an inspiring institution that caters to
the needs of all. By attending campus events such as the recent Tech Talk event held
in a pub in Central London, I was also able to meet the employees working at Citi and
find out more about the company and its culture. I am now confident that Citi is an
ideal choice for my career aspirations.
The Graduate Technology Analyst role is well suited to me as it is the perfect
platform to combine my skills and primary interests. Citis velocity app and the live
demonstration of a real trade shown at the Tech Talk inspired me to be part of such a
team that creatively uses technology towards building more efficient and smarter
financial markets. With a technical background and work experience in sales and
entrepreneurship, I believe I will be able to add significant value to the technology
division and make substantial contributions. I look forward to hearing from you and
thank you for your time and your consideration.
Yours Sincerely,
Mustafa A. Khanwala

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