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The Analysis o f Biogenic Amines by standard and Novel Methods.

Presented for the Degree o f
Master o f Science by Research
By Brian O Sullivan B.Sc.
Under the supervision o f Dr. Rosaleen Devery and Dr. Michael O Connell.

School of Biological Sciences

Dublin City University.

February, 2000

I hereby declare that this material, which I now submit for assessment on the
programme o f study leading to the award o f Masters degree by Research
described is entirely my own work and has not been taken from the work o f
others save and to the extent that such work has been cited and acknowledged
within the text o f my work.

Brian O Sullivan

ID No.:


I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisors, Dr. Rosaleen Devery

and Dr. Michael O Connell, for their help, guidance and encouragement
throughout my project.

I would also like to thank Dr. Dermot Diamond, Dr. Thersa Grady and Richie
Maguire for their help.


List o f Tables


List o f Figures



Chapter 1.



Biogenic Amines in Food


Non-Fermented Foods



Fermented Foods




W ine


1 .3

Producti on by Micro-organisms



Amine Oxidases



M ethods o f Histamine Analysis




Fluorometric M ethod



Thin Layer Chromatography



High Performance Liquid Chromatography 23





Screening Test for Histamine





Chapter 2

Materials and methods



Fluorometric Assay for histamine analysis

in food.


Fluorometric Assay


Fluorometric Assay for histamine


Production in bacteria



Microbiological media



Bacterial strains


2 .6

Differential plating media for

Quantitative detection o f

histamine-producing bacteria



HPLC Analysis o f Histamine



Derivitisation with Benzoyl chloride



Derivitisation with Dansyl chloride


Chapter 3

Fluorometric Method o f Analysis






Specificity o f the organic extraction

For histamine



Estimation o f interfering compounds

In the assay/specificity o f the fluorometric
Assay for histamine



Analysis o f Irish cheese for histamine




Spiking o f cheese samples and recoveries



Histamine Analysis in canned tuna



Histamine analysis in other foods



Identification o f a histamine-producing



Diamine Oxidase activity





Chapter 4

Histamine Analysis by HPLC









Verification o f histamine peak



Correlation o f HPLC analysis

W ith the fluorometric assay





Chapter 5

Histamine detection by Novel Methods















Association o f Official Analytical Chemists


Carbon 18


Diamine oxidase


D ublin City University


Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay


Gas Chromatography


High performance liquid chromatography


Luria Bertani


monoamine oxidase




de Man, Rogosa, Sharpe broth


Sodium chloride

Na 2C 0 3 Sodium carbonate

Sodium Hydroxide

NH 4







parts per million


poly vinyl chloride


Tuna fish infusion broth


Thin layer chromatography


trimethyl amine



List o f Tables

Table 1.1

Biogenic amines and their different structural classes.

Table 1.2

Approximate safe shelf life at various storage temperatures.

Table 1.3

Reported levels o f biogenic amines in fish.

Table 1.4

Reported levels o f biogenic amines in cheese.

Table 1.5

Histamine in Austrian red and white wines.

Table 1.6

Substances producing histamine-like fluorescence after butanol

extraction and condensation with OPT.

Table 1.7

Substances determined by enzyme sensors.

Table 3.1

Recoveries o f various amines following butanol extraction.

Table 3.2

Levels o f amines in tuna with and without acidification o f the

OPT-histamine condensation complex.

Table 3.3

Fluorometric assay on various amines and amino acids.

Table 3.4

Histamine levels in Irish cheeses with standard deviations.

Table 3.5

Recoveries o f histamine standards from cheeses.

Table 3.6

Spiking and recoveries o f histamine in tuna.

Table 3.7

Histamine levels in fruit and vegetables.

Table 3.8

Microorganisms showing histidine decarboxylase activity on

differential plating medium.

Table 3.9

Effect o f Diamine Oxidase (DAO) on Histamine in Tuna

Table 4.1

Comparison o f Histamine levels in Tuna by HPLC and

Fluorometric analysis.

Table 5.1

Conditions for colour generation in calixarene.

Table 5.2

Controls in calixarene colour generation.

Table 5.3

Level o f histamine detectable by calixarene.

Table 5.4






bacterial species with the calixarene-amine oxidase system.

List o f Figures
Figure 1.1

Amines are characterised by the number o f R groups bound to

the nitrogen.

Figure 1.2

Biological pathways for the formation o f amines.

Figure 1.3

Rise in Histamine levels with decomposition in various fish.

Figure 1.4

Microbial isolates showing histidine decarboxylase activity.

Figure 1.5

Amine oxidase reaction with an amine

Figure 1.6

Condensation o f OPT with histamine.

Figure 1.7

Two dimenional thin-layer separation o f dansy 1-derivatives o f

various amines.

Figure 1.8

The presence o f an antigen is detected using the enzymelabelled antibody. The concentration o f coloured product is
proportional to the concentration.

Figure 3.1

Linear range for fluorometric assay on histamine.

Figure 3.2

Bar graph showing histamine levels in Irish cheeses over the

three-week period.

Figure 3.3

Analysis o f histamine levels over time on canned tuna at room

temperature storage from outlet 1 .

Figure 3.4

Analysis o f histamine levels over time on canned tuna at room

temperature storage from outlet 2 .

Figure 3.5

Histamine analysis in canned tuna at 4C storage from outlet 1.

Figure 3.6

Histamine analysis in canned tuna at 4C storage from outlet 2.

Figure 3.7

Effectiveness o f the ion-chromatographic column in removing

histidine from culture fluid samples.

Figure 3.8

Growth curve for Providencia retgerri 865 in unsupplemented

and histidine supplemented LB broth.

Figure 3.9

Production o f histamine by Providencia retgerri 865 on

unsupplemented and histidine supplemented LB media.

Figure 4.1

Standard Curve for Benzoylated Histamine.

Figure 4.2

Chromatogram o f Benzoylated Histamine.

Figure 4.3









Figure 4.4

Chromatograms for HPLC Dansylated Histamine standards.

Figure 4.5

Histamine Spiked Tuna sample.

Figure 4.6

Histamine Peak showing Diamine Oxidase Activity.

Figure 5.1







nitrophenylazophenol calix[4[arene used in this study.

Figure 5.2







nitrophenylazophenol calix[4[arene complex as a result o f the

basic nature o f ammonia gas.
Figure 5.3

The absorbance spectra o f the PVC coated fibre with calixarene

for the addition o f different ammonia concentrations.

Figure 5.4

Schematic diagram o f the detection system.

Figure 5.5

Colour generation on calixarene doped filter discs.



Biologically active amines in cheese and fish arising from metabolic activities o f
food-borne microorganisms have been implicated as the causative agents in many
food poisoning outbreaks. An awareness o f amine levels in foods today is therefore
important in relation to food spoilage and safety.
In recent years there has been increased consumer awareness about food
composition and safety and a corresponding increase in regulatory action. The food
industry requires reliable and cost effective analytical methods for process and
quality control to meet the needs o f the consumer. Therefore, this study focussed on
comparing conventional analytical methods involving HPLC and fluorimetry, for
histamine analysis in food.
Irish cheeses and canned tuna samples were selected for analysis o f histamine
content by a standard fluorometric technique. The cheeses, Cheddar, Cooleney,
Edam, Emmental and Brie were analysed over a three-week period and observations
of any changes in histamine levels were made. All samples were stored at 4C until
analysis to replicate the retail outlet storage conditions. The histamine levels found
in cheese in this study were low in comparison to levels in reported literature,
ranging from 0.2 to 4.3 mg/lOOg and were non hazardous for consumption. Canned
tuna was analysed by the same technique. Results from this study showed that the
tuna contained high levels o f histamine, 20 mg/lOOg that increased to hazardous
levels upon putrefaction after a 96 hour period. A HPLC method o f detection was
established based on the derivitisation o f histamine with dansyl chloride and UV
detection with the aim o f detecting histamine quantitatively in food samples and to
facilitate correlation studies with the fluorometric method o f detection. A novel
method, based on an amine oxidase system coupled to an ammonia sensing
calixarene, was investigated as an alternative and improved method o f histamine

1.1 Introduction
Biogenic amines are chemically defined as

low molecular weight aliphatic,

alicyclic, or heterocyclic organic bases (Table

1.1) formed from the

decarboxylation o f amino acids by the metabolic activity o f bacteria, plants and

animals. The decarboxylation process can proceed through two biochemical






decarboxylase enzymes or by exogenous decomposition through enzymes

released by microflora. The production o f amines by the exogenous process is
considered far more significant. (Rawles and Flick, 1996).
Biogenic amines are naturally present in a wide variety o f foods in low
concentrations. As they are derived from amino acids they can be found in
practically all protein-containing foods such as meat and fish and as a result o f
bacterial action are found in fermentation products such as beer and sauerkraut.
The number o f R groups bound to the nitrogen moiety is used in the
characterisation o f amines, i.e. primary, secondary or tertiary (Figure 1.1).

Table 1.1: Biogenic amines and their different structural classes.




Figure 1.1: Amines are characterised by the number of R groups bound to

the nitrogen

Primary amine:

R ---

Secondary amine:

N ------- H

H ----


Tertiary amine:
R ---

N --------- H"


H istam ine, 4-(2-ami noethyl )imidazo Ie) is a primary heterocyclic amine derived
from the decarboxylation o f the amino acid L-Histidine (Figure 1.2). It plays an
important role in biological processes (vasodilation and gastric acid secretion)
but also occurs exogenously in the food supply and can cross the intestinal
barrier. Intoxication can result if significant quantities cross the barrier and enter
the bloodstream (Taylor, 1988). There have been many reported incidences o f
food poisoning involving histamine/other amines and as a consequence
determination of these levels in foods is an important aspect o f food safety.

Figure 1.2 Biological pathways for the formation of amines



H2 KH-CH2 '

H2 H-(Cff2 > 2



i 2B





0 2 H


H2H -C H -(C H 23 -HH C -H



H fcH -C C H sV ^

2 h
* 2 #-CFK'Ctf2 )r M 2

H2 -(CH2 )^C=N

H2 N- CH2>5-HH2




2 - ia i2 3 - f l- (Cl? v - f O b ) 3-HH2


(Rawles and Flick, 1996)

1.2 Biogenic Amines in Food

Biogenic amines are present in a wide variety o f foods from non-fermented
foods such as fish, meat, chocolate, milk and fruit to fermented products like
wine, cheese, beer and sauerkraut. There is a vast amount o f reported data o f
amine levels in these foods (Maga, 1978, Smith, 1981 and Santos, 1996) which
outlines the necessity to be able to identify possible contributors to histamine

1.2.1 Non-Fermented Foods

The presence o f biogenic amines above a certain level in non-fermented foods
arises as a consequence o f undesired microbial activity and indicates some level
o f food spoilage. Foods with a high protein content such as fish and meat are
candidates for amine production by such microbial activity. Fish
Scombrotoxin poisoning (histamine poisoning) is caused by the ingestion o f
foods containing high levels o f histamine and may also include other vasoactive
compounds such as cadaverine and putrescine. Scombroid fish poisoning was so
called as it was historically associated with the ingestion o f spoiled fish from the
scromboid families which include tuna, mackerel, skipjack and bonito. Nonscromboid fish such as mahi-mahi, herring, sardines and anchovies have also
been implicated with outbreaks. (Morrow et al. 1991). These fish all contain
high levels o f free histidine and other amino acids in the fish muscle, which
serves as an excellent medium for the growth o f invading bacteria. (Karmas,
1981). Proteolysis, either autolytic or bacterial, may play a role in the release o f
free histidine from tissue proteins. (Taylor, 1986). Histidine can be catabolized
in two ways in fish muscle: Amino-acid deamination to obtain urocanic acid or
histidine decarboxylation to produce histamine. (Santos, 1996). Any food with
the appropriate amino acids and that is subjected to certain bacterial
contaminants and growth may lead to scombroid poisoning if ingested. (Food
and Drug Administration, 1998).
The illness is an intoxication, so the incubation period is rather short ranging
from immediate to 30 minutes after ingestion o f the spoiled food. (Taylor, 1986)

The duration o f the illness is usually three hours but may last several days (Food
and Drug Administration, 1998). Histamine poisoning is most often confused
diagnostically with food allergies as they share identical symptoms and can be
treated by antihistamines. It can be distinguished from food allergy on the basis
of; a) no previous history o f a reaction to the food, b) high attack rate in group
outbreaks and c) high histamine levels detected in incriminated foods. (Taylor,
1986, Taylor, 1988).
Symptoms include flushing, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headaches, dizziness,
rash and sometimes swelling o f the face and tongue (Morrow, et al. 1991).
There has been considerable doubt as to whether histamine is the causative
agent in scombroid fish poisoning. Evidence supporting this doubt is the fact
that when individuals are administered histamine orally no significant
symptoms associated with scombrotoxism are observed. Luthy and Schlatter
(1983) in a placebo-controlled double blind experiment showed that histamine
(25mg) administered orally in apple juice to 27 healthy volunteers did not show
any significant effect. This was also true o f wines containing natural amounts o f
histamine (non-detectable to 21 ppm). (Luthy and Schlatter, 1983).
However Morrow et al. (1991) provided evidence that histamine is the causative
toxin o f scombroid fish poisoning. Poisoned individuals who had ingested fish
containing high levels of histamine began to exhibit symptoms ten to thirty
minutes after ingestion. Their urine was analysed one to four hours afterwards
and showed histamine and N-methylhistamine levels o f 9-20 times and 15-20
times the normal mean, respectively. Levels dropped with time and after 14
days they were back to normal. It was concluded that the histamine in the urine
was most likely derived from the spoiled fish and the results showed histamine
to be the toxin responsible. (Morrow et al. 1991).
Two hypotheses have been proposed to explain this paradox between the
toxicity o f histamine when consumed in conjunction with spoiled fish and the
lack of toxicity when reagent-grade histamine is ingested. The biogenic amines
cadaverine and putrescine, which have been shown to be present in spoiled fish
(Mietz and Karmas 1977), acting as potentiators, are at the basis o f both
hypotheses. Since the oral ingestion o f toxic levels o f histamine alone does not
lead to fatality, it was proposed that a barrier to histamine absorption exists in
the gut. Large amounts o f mucin bind to histamine hindering its absorption

while detoxification occurs by enzymatic processes as it is released from the

The inhibitor hypothesis proposes that the potentiators act by inhibiting
intestinal metabolism o f histamine, i.e. inhibiting histamine-metabolising
enzymes diamine oxidase (DAO) and histamine-N-methyltransferase (HMT),
therefore allowing more histamine, relative to its less toxic metabolites reaching
circulation (Lyons et al. 1983).
The barrier diffusion hypothesis proposes that through inhibition o f the binding
o f histamine to mucus which lines the epithelial cells, the potentiators alter the
barrier function o f the small intestine and allow greater quantities o f histamine
to diffuse across into circulation. Histamine binding was decreased 46.5% by
spermine, 9.5% by cadaverine and 11.1% by putrescine. (Chu and Bjeldanes,
Temperature and storage
The toxin, once produced is incredibly resistant to degradation so to prevent its
formation immediate packing at 0C is essential as soon as possible after the
fish is caught. I f fish are allowed to remain at room temperature, tissue
concentrations o f histamine rise rapidly due to the bacterial action on free
histidine. Figure 1.3 shows that at 4C no significant rise in histamine levels
occured after 14 days storage, although the appearance and odour deteriorated
indicating psychrophilic spoilage had occurred.

Figure 1.3: Rise in histamine levels with decomposition in

various fish.

(Edmunds and Eitenmiller, 1975)

Histamine-forming bacteria are capable o f growing and producing histamine

over a wide temperature range, but growth is more rapid at temperatures above
20C. Once the histidine decarboxylase has been formed, it can continue to
produce histamine even if the bacteria are not stable. (Food and Drug
Administration, 1998). The enzyme can be active at or near refrigeration
temperatures. After cooking, recontamination o f the fish with the enzymeforming bacteria is necessary for additional histamine to form, therefore
histamine development is more likely in raw, unfrozen fish.
In the fishing industry, good handling practices are used to control histamine
formation. They include icing or rapid immersion o f the catch in chilled water (1C), followed by uninterrupted frozen storage. At high storage temperatures
histamine can form long before other indicators o f decomposition are detected
such as odour and physical appearance o f decomposition. The rate o f histamine
formation at low temperatures is much slower and the other indicators o f
decomposition are evident in the same time frame. (Food and Drug
Administration, 1998).

A new problem has been the increased duration o f fishing voyages to obtain
greater catch quantities and less than adequate handling and storage facilities
onboard ships which results in less fresh fish for the processor and increases the
potential for histamine formation. (Karmas, 1981).
Canned fish are o f considerable concern in relation to food safety. The fish is
prepared from previously frozen fish, which is then thawed before processing
and thus is subjected to additional handling, which may result in higher
histamine levels. Karmas and Mietz showed that histamine exhibited a marked
increase in concentration with canning where levels were twice that o f uncanned
fish. (Karmas and Mietz, 1978).

Table 1.2: Approximate Safe Shelf life at Various Storage Temperatures

0F (-17.8C)
32F (0C)
38F (3.3C)
40F (4.4C)
50F (10C)
70F (21.1C)
90F (32.2C)

Safe Shelf
life(days) with
Rapid Cooling
No limit

Safe Shelf
life(days) with
Delayed Cooling
No limit




(Food and Drug Administration, 1998).

As can be seen from Table 1.2 the safe shelf life is significantly reduced above
4.4C and fish should not be subjected to this temperature for more than four

In fish, the most important histamine-producing bacteria are Morganella

morganii, Klebsiella pneumonia and perhaps a few other enteric bacteria.
(Taylor, 1986).

Figure 1.4: Microbial Isolates showing Histidine-decarboxylase activity.

Identification of isolate

Decomposition temp on which



Acineiobacter Iwojfi

0, 15

Aeromonas hydrophelia

0, 15

B eef

Citrobacter freundii


Skipjack tuna

Clostridium perfringens


Skipjack tuna

Enterobacter sp.


Food, tuna

Escherichia coli



Hafnia alvei

15, 30

Tuna, mackeral

Klebsiella sp.


Tuna, mackeral

Morganella morganii


Scombroid fish

Proteus vulgaris


Beef, pork, turkey

Proteus sp.


Fish, tuna, mackeral

Vibrio sp.



(Rawles and Flick, 1996)

Histamine in raw fish is not uniformly distributed in the tissue muscle. It is
usually higher in tissue close to the gills or intestines that are the m ain areas for
histamine-producing bacteria. The bacteria naturally exist here with no harm to
the fish but when death occurs, the fishs defence mechanisms cease to inhibit
bacterial growth and so histamine levels increase with the growth o f these
histamine-producing species. The levels also vary within a species o f fish. It is
for these reasons that histamine by itself does not serve as a reliable index of
spoilage. (Karmas and Mietz, 1978). A level o f 50ppm in one section may
accompany a level in excess o f 1000 ppm elsewhere in the same fillet (Fish and
fishery products hazards and control guide, 1998). The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) have set a hazard action level for histamine in tuna of

50mg/100g(500ppm) o f fish. A level o f 20mg/100g(200ppm) is considered

evidence o f decomposition. There is uncertainty about the level o f histamine
that is considered toxic due to the fact that potentiators o f toxicity which lower
the effective dosage may be present in the fish (Taylor, 1985), and the variance
o f detoxification mechanisms in individuals.

Fish is the major source o f protein in the Japanese diet and therefore it is not
surprising that this country has a very high incidence o f food poisoning
Most outbreaks in Japan involve a large number o f people with the largest
outbreak occurring in 1973 where 2656 people were effected. Given that raw
fish is the preference in Japan one would expect it to be responsible in the
majority o f cases, however most illnesses are associated with cooked fish. One
argument to explain this is that only the highest quality fish is used for
consumption in this manner.
Since the 1970s the countries with the most reported cases o f histamine
poisoning have been Japan, U.S.A. and Britain but better reporting may account
for such figures.
The type o f fish caught and methods o f harvesting are important determinants in
histamine poisoning. In Scandinavian countries where there is a high
consumption o f fish, one would expect many outbreaks like Japan but there
have been very few incidents o f poisoning. The type o f fish consumed is not
prone to histamine formation and catching and storage temperatures are low
which decrease the possibility o f such formation.


Table 1.3. Reported Levels of Biogenic Amines in Fish.











0 .8

0 .1 2

Kim and




1 0 .8





0 .1 2

M ietz and

tuna *













1.2.2 Fermented Foods

The use of micro-organisms in food by the food and drinks industry has
supplied us with many products today especially in brewing and wine
production where the production o f alcohol is derived from yeasts and lactic
acid bacteria. However these micro-organisms do not just produce beneficial
substances as part o f their metabolism but also present are unwanted and
potentially hazardous products like amines. Cheese
After fish, cheese is the next food product responsible for food poisoning
outbreaks, and numerous cases have been reported. (Sumner et al. 1985).
Cheese acts as a perfect environment for amine production supplying substrates,
the presence and activity o f bacteria and enzymes, proteolysis, water availability
and ideal ripening and storage conditions. (Edwards and Sandine, 1981). The
amine content in fresh milk is quite small which is why proteolysis may play


such an important role in the formation o f histamine by the release o f free

histidine. The precursor amino acid, tyrosine is present at high concentrations in
cheese and may give rise to tyramine, which has the effect o f causing the release
of noradrenaline from the sympathetic nervous system. This in turn causes an
increase in blood pressure and can cause serious headaches and even induce a
brain haemorrhage or heart failure. (Smith, 1981).
The body possesses a natural detoxification system to eliminate amines by
conversion to an aldehyde through the action o f monoamine oxidase (MAO).
However, drugs known as monoamine oxidase inhibitors used for the treatment
of depression and other psychiatric illness hinder the detoxification process.
When these drugs are taken along with the ingestion o f tyramine containing
cheese, the cheese reaction occurs where a hypertensive crises is provoked.
(Marley and Blackwell, 1970).
Studies have shown that in 4-6 month Cheddar cheese 2pmol. o f histidine,
tyrosine and tryptophan are present per gram o f dry weight. (Voigt et al. 1974).
For histidine this accounts for 12g/100g cheese at 36% moisture. Only 0.83% o f
this would be required to produce a toxic level o f lOOmg/lOOg.This suggests
that substrate availability is not a limiting factor in amine production in cheese.
Edwards et al. confirm this in experiments where bacterial isolates from various
cheeses were tested for amine- producing potential by measuring carbon dioxide
production from the amino acids.
Amino acid decarboxylases require pyridol phosphate for activity and they
found that concentrations ranged from 42-215pg/100g, which appears to be
sufficient to saturate the decarboxylases needed for amine production. (Edwards
et al. 1981).
Outbreaks o f histamine poisoning have occurred following the consumption o f
cheese containing high levels o f histamine. (Chambers and Starusziewicz, 1978,
Sumner et al. 1985).


Table 1.4. Reported Levels of Biogenic Amines in Cheese


Cheddar 1








De Vust et al.

Cheddar 2




8 .8











Voigt et al.







1 2 .0




Cheddar 1



Cheddar 2

1 .2




Staruszkiew icz



1978 W ine

Wine, as it is a product o f the fermentation process, is a candidate for high

biogenic amine content. Headaches from red wine consumption are a common
complaint and can be induced by histamine in wine in people with histamine
intolerance. Histamine intolerance is due to impaired histamine degradation
based on decreased activity o f the detoxification enzyme diamine oxidase
whether it be natural deficiencies or inhibition from drugs (MAO inhibitors),
other amines (cadaverine and putrescine) or competitive inhibition from


alcohol. It is believed that 4 to 7 per cent o f the population has difficulty in

eliminating histamine from their bodies.
Classic red wine headache occurs within two hours o f consuming less than two
ounces o f wine. The headaches are migraine in nature and are accompanied by
flushing and congestion, symptoms o f histamine poisoning. (Jarisch and
Wantke, 1996).
There are several types o f headache, vascular, tension, pressure and
inflammatory. Wine headaches are usually vascular in nature due to the
presence o f vascular compounds causing the dilation o f blood vessels when
ingested. (Shore, 1996).
Red wines in general contain higher levels o f histamine than white wines. In a
study by Baucom et al, they reported that while histamine levels were higher in
red wines, cadaverine and putrescine levels where higher in white wines and
that a great deal o f variation in amine content existed among grape varieties
and wines produced by different vintners. (Baucom et al. 1986). Red wine
contains about 20-200 fold more histamine than white wine. Jarisch and Wantke
reported a range o f 60-3,800|_ig/L (6-380mg/100g) in red wine and 3-120pg/L in
white wine (Jarisch and Wantke, 1996).

Table 1.5. Histamine in Austrian red and white wines.



Level (p.g/L)

Red wine

Level (f-ig/L)

White wine

Cuvee 1989


Riesling 1989


Bordeaux 1989


Riesling 1988


Zweigelt 1991




Goldeck 1988



Cuvee 1987




1.3. Production by Micro-organisms

Amino acid decarboxylases are not widely distributed among the bacterial
population but species such as Bacillus, Proteus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas,

and the

lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus are capable of

decarboxylating one or more amino acids.

However not all are prolific histamine producers. Taylor et al (1978a) tested

bacterial strains for their potential to produce histamine levels capable o f

causing food poisoning. O f the organisms tested only Proteus morganni and
Enterobacter aerogenes had the capability o f causing an outbreak o f food

The strains were capable of producing over 200nmoles/ml

(4.0mg/100g tuna) o f histamine in TFIB,

trypticase-soy broth-histidine

medium, which is generated from raw tuna fish. There are a lot o f differences
between the media and solid tuna flesh but the growth and histamine formation
in the media should demonstrate an organisms potential to cause histamine
accumulations in fish. The average histamine production for P. morganni and E.
aerogenes following 7-hour incubation amounts to 500 and 133mg/100g tuna,
which is enough for illness to occur. (Taylor et a l 1978a).
As discussed in section 2.1.1 low storage temperatures are used in the fishing
industry to control bacterial histamine formation. The lower temperature limits
for production o f toxicologically significant levels o f histamine in tuna fish
infusion broth were 7C for Klebsiella pneumonia; 15C for both Proteus
morganni strains and 30C for Hafnia alvei, Citrobacter freundii and
Escherichia coli. The abilities o f the Proteus and Klebsiella species to produce
significant levels o f histamine at these low temperatures is critical to the
freezing and storage conditions on board fishing vessels.
P. morganni and K. pneumoniae produced large quantities o f histamine in a
short period o f time (<24 hours) with K. pneumoniae producing a maximum
amount (42^moles/ml by 24 hours o f incubation at 37C and then declining.
The levels o f histamine production with P. morganni accumulated up to 72
hours incubation. This is a significant result as fish containing these strains may


accumulate high levels o f histamine in a short amount o f time but yet show no
appearance o f spoilage. (Behling and Taylor, 1982).
Detection o f histidine-decarboxylating bacteria may be difficult as often they
account for a minority o f bacterial species present in fresh fish. To facilitate

a histidine-containing agar medium

was developed

for the

quantitative detection o f these organisms. The organisms will decarboxylate the

histidine incorporated into the medium converting it to histamine, which
corresponds to a marked pH change in the agar. Also incorporated is a pH
indicator, so any colonies positive for histamine producing bacteria appear
purple with a purple halo on a yellow background. (Niven JR. et al. 1981).
Histamine production can be confirmed in the cultures by a modified
fluorometric method (Shore et al. 1959).
This plating method does not work with most histamine-producing, dairyrelated bacteria due to lactic acid being produced simultaneously with histamine
and so a pH change cannot be observed as histidine is converted to histamine.
An alternative method involving a two step enzyme system was developed by
Sumner et al (1988).
Bacterial isolates are incubated on histidine incorporated de Man, Rogosa and
Shapre (MRS) broth, which is then reacted with diamine oxidase. Histamine is
oxidised by the enzyme, producing imidazole acetaldehyde, ammonia and
hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide is detected by the formation o f
crystal violet from the leuco base in the presence o f horseradish peroxidase. A
purple colour results if the bacteria have produced more than

1 2 0 0 nmole

histamine per millilitre. Other amines will not interfere in the assay. (Sumner
and Taylor, 1988).

1.4 Amine Oxidases

Amine Oxidases are enzymes which catalyse the oxidative deamination o f
mono-, di- and polyamines with the formation o f an aldehyde, ammonia and
hydrogen peroxide.

RCH 2NH 2 + 0 2 + H20


RCHO + H 20 2 + NH 3

In the case o f Histamine:

H i s t a m i n e + O 2 + H 2O > im id a z o le a c e ta ld e h y d e + N H 3 + H 2O 2

The enzymes are divided into two separate groups. The first group is the flavin
co-factor dependent enzymes known as monoamine oxidases (MAO), EC These oxidases are located in the outer mitrocondrial membrane and
metabolise neuroactive amines. Inhibitors o f these enzymes are effective in the
treatment o f Parkinsons disease, schizophrenia and clinical depression.
The second group is the copper amine oxidases or diamine oxidases, EC ,
which are found in animal tissue and plasma, plants, yeasts, fungi and bacteria.
(Malmstrom et al. 1975). The metabolic function o f these enzymes is the
breakdown o f a number of biologically active amines.
Highly purified enzymes have been obtained from the fungus Aspergillus niger,
pea seedlings, bovine blood plasma, pig plasma and pig kidney cortex.
The amines most rapidly oxidised are the aliphatic monoamines with chain
lengths C 3-C 6 including agmatine and histamine. Tyramine and tryptamine are
oxidised at a slower rate. Pig kidney oxidases oxidise alkyl diamines such as
cadaverine and putrescine most rapidly but histamine is also a good substrate.
The purification o f the enzyme from this source has been used in a number o f
studies (Bouvrette et al. 1997) because o f its specificity for these diamines
which are very important from a toxicological point o f view.
The optimal substrate concentration for enzyme activity is 34mM for cadaverine
and Im M for histamine in the pH range 6.3 and 7.4. Histamine inhibits activity
at concentrations greater than Im M and hydrogen peroxide produced during the
reaction o f a diamine and the enzyme inhibits activity at neutral pH. (Mondovi
etal. 1971).
Copper is the only metal found in significant quantity in the amine oxidases and
is an essential component for activity. The copper ions are firmly bound but can
be partially removed by treating with diethyldithiocarbamate (Yamada and
Adachi, 1971). Activity is lost on removal o f the copper and reacti vation can be
achieved by addition o f suitable amounts o f Cu .


1.5 Methods O f Analysis

Many methods are available for the detection o f histamine but only a few have
been specially developed for detection in foods. The most popular methods are
the fluorometric assay, enzymatic and chromatographic techniques and more
recently immunological detection and the use o f biosensors.
The fluorometric procedure is the official AO AC method and is most commonly
used for histamine determination. (AOAC, 1990). The method involves
extraction with methanol followed by selecting for histamine over other amines
and amino acids by passing the sample through an ion-exchange column and
reacting with o-phthaldialdehyde and fluorometric measurement. It is an
accurate and sensitive method but tends to be slow and laborious.

1.5.1 Fluorometric Method for Histamine Analysis

Fluorimetry as a technique offers a number o f distinct advantages over other
conventional techniques, primarily its sensitivity. It is greater than 100 times
more sensitive than colourimetry and offers a limit o f detection down to the
nanomolar range. (Roth, 1971). The fluorometric method is based on the
coupling o f histamine to a compound called o-phthaldialdehyde (OPT/OPA) at
a highly alkaline pH to form a fluorescent product. The complex is then
acidified which further enhances stability and a signal is obtained using a
fluorimeter. M any other primary amines and amino acids react with OPT in the
initial alkaline conditions but there are relatively few compounds which can
form an acid-stable fluorophore and are broken down upon acidification.
(Shore, 1971b). However, there are a small number o f interfering reaction
products, which must be removed by purification/clean-up procedures such as
ion-exchange chromatography and organic extractions. (Shore, 1971a, Taylor et

1978b). The reagent rapidly forms fluorescent derivatives at room

temperature, is non-fluorescent itself and does not breakdown and form

fluorescent by-products when present in excess. (Alvarez-Coque et al. 1989).


Figure 1.5: Condensation of OPT with Histamine.

(Goutgou eta l. 1987)

Optimum fluorophore formation occurs at pH 12.5 after 10 hours under nitrogen

at -20C. Under these conditions histamine as low as lng/m l can be measured
and is therefore much more sensitive than the conventional assay. Fluorometric
intensities at these conditions are almost twice that o f standard conditions (20C
for 4 minutes). (Hakanson and Ronnberg, 1974). Obviously this method would
severely limit the amount o f samples analysed due to the length o f time
involved in the reaction.
The acid-stable fluorescence obtained following condensation o f histamine with
OPT at an alkaline pH is reasonably specific for N-unsubstituted imidazolethylamines. Compounds such as histidine, histidylhistidine and other hisdtidyl
end group peptides can react with OPT in the same way as histamine but the
purification procedures mentioned above eliminate them. (Shore, 1971a).
Since biological fluids are composed o f complex matrices and can include
histamine mixed with other compounds it is essential to see if they can effect
the fluorometric assay to any degree.
Kownatzki et al. (1987) analysed low weight molecular amines and amino acids
for interference with the assay and they observed three mechanisms of

M imicking o f histamine.
Suppression o f histamine fluorescence
Generation o f increased histamine fluorescence during the excitation o f the OPThistamine complex with daylight or UVA light.


Table 1.6: Substances producing histamine-like fluorescence after butanol

extraction and condensation with OPT.

m o l/i1

S p e rm id in e
N o ra d re n a lin e
S p e rm in e
P u ire sc in e
T ry p ta m in e
5 -O H -T ry p tam in e
A d re n a lin e
3 -O H -T y ra m in e
M eth y l h is ta m in e
A d e n in e


I0 -S
lO "4
1 0 -1
1 0 -3
1 0 -3

i o -2
2 X ID -2
6 X 1 0 -2

C o n c e n tra tio n s giving th e sam e flu o rescen ce as

5 X 1 0 '7 moUl o f h ista m in e .

(Kownatzki et al. 1987)

Histamine fluorescence was suppressed by methylhistamine, 3-OH-tyramine

and 5-OH-tryptamine. These only were effective when added before the OPT to
the sample and no suppression occurred on addition after OPT condensation had
In order to show the generation o f added fluorescence the histamine-OPT
product was left sitting in a cuvette and a constant increase in signal, seven
times the starting signal was observed after 25 minutes. This time could be
reduced if exposed to daylight or a 20W UVA fluorescent lamp. Samples kept
in the dark for the same length o f time did not show this increase in
fluorescence. This phenonomen was experienced by other amino acids but no
biogenic amines including histamine experienced the increase in fluorescence.
Staruszkiewicz et al, observed a similar increase in fluorescence when
conducting stability experiments on the OPT-histamine derivative. They noticed
that fluorescence intensity decreased 5 and 7% after 1 and 5 hours respectively.
When the samples were stored in fluorimeter tubes in room light, minute gas
bubbles formed in the tubes adding to fluorescence but intensities returned to
normal when the solution were transferred to new tubes. (Starusziewicz et al.


1977). interferences by other compounds were remarkably decreased by the

butanol extraction step showing its selectivity for histamine over other
interfering compounds.
A number o f important precautions were outlined in order to determine the
presence o f interferences.

1. By determining the recovery o f pure histamine from a spiked sample, the

presence of histamine fluorescence-suppressing compounds can be determined.

Digesting with either diamine oxidase or histamine methyl transferase allows

the determination o f histamine-mimicking substances in a sample.

3. Any increase in fluorescence on exposure to light indicates the presence o f

histidine or other amino acids. (Kownatzki et al. 1987)

The major difficulty with histamine analysis in foods is the need to selectively
extract the compound from the biological matrix and eliminate all possible
interfering compounds. This is why the sample treatment step prior to the actual
fluorometric assay is so important. Taylor el al made some efficient and
improved modifications to the method o f Shore (1971) and that o f Rice el al
(1975). Firstly the initial extraction o f amines from the food was investigated.
Methanol proved more efficient compared to 10% trichloroacetic acid (TCA),
(Lerke and Bell, 1976) and 0.4M perchloric acid (Rice, 1975). Recoveries were


and 43% respectively.

To determine the specificity o f the second organic solvent extraction other

potentially interfering amines were added to an aqueous phase and n-butanol
added. Following separation o f the phases amines were assayed with
fluorescamine, (a general amine detection reagent). The experiment showed that
the method selectively concentrates histamine into the n-butanol phase and
leaves other amines in the aqueous phase with the exception o f spermidine and
histidyl-L-leucine but these levels are reduced considerably.
Other important factors are the use o f sodium carbonate in saturating amounts
as a salt and the presence o f sodium hydroxide. The extraction procedure
eliminates the need for a chromatographic step that is cumbersome and
increases the analysis time. (Taylor et al. 1978).


1.5.2 Thin Laver Chromatography Analysis

Thin layer chromatography (TLC) has been reported as an


chromatographic technique for amine identification. TLC consists o f migration

o f a sample extract on silica gel and detection o f histamine by various spray
reagents such as fluorescamine or ninhydrin. A method was devised and used
for determining the amines tyramine, tryptamine, ethanol amine and histamine in
pork bellies by Spinelli et al. (1974). The dansylated derivatives were separated
by a combination o f two solvents in two directions and finally viewed under
long-wave ultra violet light. Levels were found in the range o f 0.071.49mg/100g histamine and 0.03-1.27mg/100g cadaverine.

Figure 1.6: Two-dimensional thin-layer separation o f dansyl-derivatives of

various amines.















SM: Spermine, SD: Spermidine, PUT: Putrescine, CAD: Cadaverine, TRYP:

Tryptamine, TYR: Tyramine, HIS: Histamine, ETA: Ethanolamine.

Abdel-Monem et al. (1975) successfully identified spermine, spermidine,

cadaverine and putrescine by this method which appeared as well-defined and
well-separated spots on both silica gel and alumina plates. The amines were
derivatised with dansyl chloride and separated using chloro-isopropanol and
chloro-dioxane-isopropanol as solvents. Confirmation o f the individual amine
spots was achieved by high-performance liquid chromatography. (AbdelMonem and Ohno, 1975).


1.5.3 High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (IIPLC)

HPLC is widely used as a method for amine analysis both by UV and by

fluorescent detection. With the exception o f the aromatic amines, most amines
do not possess any significant chromophores or fluorophores. This necessitates
the use o f derivitization in order to confer fluorescene or UV activity on the
molecules. Amines are usually quantified by pre-column or post-column
derivitization with dansyl chloride (5-(dimethylamino)-l-naphtalene) or ophthaldialdehyde.
The most widely used HPLC detectors are generally not very selective o f highly
sensitive (UV/vis and refractive index) for trace analysis while others tend to be
very expensive (Mass spectrometry and infrared). The ideal system would be a
combination of a general detection system and a sensitive method o f compound
identification. Most derivitization reactions for HPLC involve the sample or the
column effluent being mixed with a derivitization solution in off-line or on-line
(pre- or post-column) procedure before detection.
Fluorescence detection coupled with HPLC offers possibilities to improve
specificity. Gouygou et al. (1987) used a reverse phase system with pre-column
derivitization with o-phthaldialdehyde to detect histamine in fish. Extraction of
histamine from the fish was achieved by TCA extraction followed by
centrifugation and filtering. The sample pre-treatment is simple and nonselective as interfering compounds are eliminated following acidification o f the
histamine-OPT condensation product. (Shore, 1971a). It was very important to
choose a mobile phase with a high resolution for the histamine fluorescence
without quenching the fluorescence. A mobile phase o f 40% acetonitrile in
water with monosodium phosphate gave good separation in less than 15
minutes. The detection limit was lOOpg histamine per 20(il loop injection.
(Gouygou et al. 1987).
Pre-column derivitization with dansyl chloride with reverse phase linear
gradient elution was used to establish a chemical quality index for canned tuna.
The index can determine the extent o f putrefaction in fish prior to canning by
the putrefactive amines. From the results o f fish analysis it was observed that in
fresh fish the levels o f cadaverine, putrescine and histamine were low and
increased upon decomposition while the opposite was observed for spermine


and spermidine. These observations formed the basis o f the equation for the
quality index. (Mietz and Karmas, 1977).

Index =

histamine + ppm cadaverine + ppm putrescine


+ ppm spermine + ppm spermidine

Class 1: 0-1


Class 2: 1-10


Class 3:



There are several other methods based on derivitization with dansyl chloride for
the simultaneous determination o f biogenic amines in fish, cheese and beer and
have reasonably quick elution times o f 24 minutes or less. (Wei et al. 1995,
Buiatti et al. 1994, Vall and Malle, 1997 and Vall and Gloria 1997).
A group o f reagents (polymeric benzotriazoles) are known to derivatize most
amino acids/peptides rapidly and efficiently and previously were only used for
amino acid protection and peptide synthesis. Gao et al. (1998) developed new
polymeric reagents based on the polymeric benzotriazole with an o-acetylsalicyl
or 9-fluoroenyl labelling group that provided increased UV absorptivity and
fluorescent properties for derivatized amines. Derivatization is performed off
line (pre-column) at 60C for only 10 minutes and the limit o f detection is 1 to 2
picomoles for polyamines using the fluorenyl label and fluorescence detection.
(Gao et al. 1988).

A drawback in these derivatisation procedures in the analysis o f food samples is

that many o f the derivatization reagents will react toward undesired compounds
present in the biological matrix, thus necessitating a sample clean-up step or reextraction o f the derivatized samples to remove the unreacted reagent. HerraezHemndez et al. devised a detection system based on on-line derivatization with







chromatography and fluorescence detection. The reaction between the FMOC

and the amines is completed within a few minutes but the total analysis time
takes approximately 28 minutes, the limiting step being the chromatographic


separation. The limitation o f the method is that is only responsive to primary

and secondary amines. (Herraez-Hemandez et al. 1996).

1.5.4 ELISA Analysis

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a detection system based on
the binding o f an antibody to an antigen and detection using an enzyme label.
The enzyme acts on a colourless substrate to give a coloured product, which is
readily detectable.

Figure 1.7: The presence of an antigen is detected using the enzymelabelled antibody. The amount of coloured product is proportional to the
antigen concentration.

Co Id urles

. L .

Antibody (> )



with Enzyme ( E )


surrounded by

bound to




Research Diagnostics Incorporated (RDI) have developed a kit for the

quantitative measurement o f acylated histamine in food. Sample preparation
involves the acylation o f histamine to form N-acylhistamine. The kit functions
as a competitive ELISA, whereby there is competition between a peroxidaseconjugated and a non-conjugated antibody for a fixed number o f antibodybinding sites (rabbit-anti-histamine). The peroxide conjugated antibody-antigen
complexes bind to the well o f the plates, which are coated with goat-anti-rabbit
antibodies. Any unbound antigen is then removed by washing. The plates are
read and the O.D. (complexes bound) is inversely proportional to the histamine


concentration in the sample, ie: the greater the concentration o f the antigen in
the sample the lower the amount o f labelled antigen binding to the antibody.
The sensitivity o f the assay is 0.8|ig/L.
Serrar et al, developed a monoclonal antibody-based ELISA based on the same
competitive system. In order to obtain antibodies specific for histamine it is
necessary to provoke an immune response from an animal against the
compound. However, histamine is a small molecule and alone is not
immunogenic. It must be coupled to a large immunogenic carrier molecule
usually a protein to stimulate antibody production. Once the monoclonal
antibodies (mAbs) were obtained and purified they were retested against
histamine-protein conjugates, other amines and negative controls to investigate
their antigenic specificity. It was found that they recognised histamine only and
showed high affinity to histamine after chemical derivitisation. The lower limit
o f detection was found to be lOng/ml. (Serrar el al. 1995).

1.5.5 Screening Test for Histamine

This method involves a two step sequential enzyme system and is similar to the
assay for the detection o f decarboxylase activity in dairy-related bacteria
(Sumner and Taylor, 1989).
1. DAO catalyses the breakdown o f histamine forming H 2O 2 as a product.

H 2O 2 is then detected by the formation o f crystal violet from the leuco base in
the presence of oxidase.

3. Colour formation is read at an O.D. o f 596nm.

Specificity o f the test: DAO also catalyses the breakdown o f other amines
associated with decomposition. The amines spermine and spermidine are found
to decrease with spoilage and are usually present in non-interfering amounts but
cadaverine and putrescine increase with spoilage, (Mietz and Karmas, 1977), so
they may add to positive reactions with histamine in the screening test.
However the procedure would fail to detect any non-histamine type spoilage in
Samples are absorbed onto filter paper strips by inserting them into a cut in the
dorsal are o f the fish for 5 minutes. The strips are then placed into reaction tubes


for colourimetric detection. The strip results were correlated with a standard
method o f detection by excising the same fish sample, homogenising and
analysing by the AO AC fluorometric method. Poor correlation was found which
was due to a broad range o f saturation intensities after 5 minutes on the strips,
which led to variations in sample size. The uneven distribution o f histamine in
tuna was also a contributing factor.
To overcome these problems, samples are usually taken from the area o f highest
histamine content, the gills and a smaller amount o f absorbent is used so that the
samples can become saturated quickly. (Lerke et al. 1983).
The sensitivity o f the test can be adjusted to test samples with a particular
histamine level by altering the horseradish peroxidase concentration.

1.5.6 Biosensors
Currently the food industry is not very receptive to biosensor technology but in
the long run it is hoped that a niche in the market can be developed. Biosensors
have to compete with other analytical methods in terms o f cost, performance
and reliability. Chromatography is the method o f choice for multiple sample
analysis and recently HPLC and GC instrumentation has been improving
making them more cost effective. The fact that they can analyse several
compounds simultaneously increases their reliability and speed o f analysis. Also
simple dipstick tests are easier and more user friendly than portable biosensors
for field testing and these account for why there is only limited acceptance o f
biosensors in the food industry.
The food industry spends 1.5-2% o f its total value sales on quality control and
appraisal. Recent trends in increased regulatory action and consumer awareness
about food safety has created a need for reliable and cost effective analytical
methods. New legislation requires the extensively labelling o f all major and
minor constituents present in the food. (Luong et al. 1997)
The functioning o f a biosensor involves the combination o f biochemical and
electrical interactions. It consists o f a receptor, which is an immobilised,
biologically responsive material linked in close contact to a suitable transducing


The interaction o f the analyte and the biological element produces a

biochemical signal, which is converted into an electrical response by the
transducer. (Graham and Moo-Young, 1985). There are many materials that can
be utilised in biosensors:
Microbial cells
Monoclonal antibodies
Whole sections o f plant
Animal tissues
(Turner, Karbue and Wilson, 1987)

The food industry has a need for simple, rapid and inexpensive methods that are
ideally automated. Process control in food is more complicated than other








Electrochemical sensors allow for the measurement o f many substances such as

those outlined in Table 1.7 (Schaertel and Firstenberg-Eden, 1988).

Table 1.7: Substances determined by enzyme sensors.

Substance Category



Glucose, Lactose, Starch.

Amino Acids

L-arginine, D-alanine.

Alcohols, Phenols

Ethanol, Glycerol, Cholesterol.


NH3, H2, S 0 2, NO.

Amines, Amides

Urea, Histamine, Creatine.

Inorganic Ions

Nitrite, Nitrate, Sulphite.


In order to be sucessful to industry a biosensor must possess the following

1. The biocatalyst must be highly specific for the purpose o f the analyte and be
stable under normal storage conditions.
2. The response should be accurate, precise, reproducible and linear.
3. It should be cheap, small, portable and simple to use.
4. The biochemical reaction should be independent o f physical parameters such as
pH, temperature and stirring.
(Karube, 1992).

The critical factor for biosensor design is maximal retention o f bioactivity and
biostability o f the biological molecule. By increasing these factors, a more cost
effective biosensor can be designed to compete with existing analytical
The AOAC fluorometric assay, HPLC or TLC has traditionally determined the
analysis o f biogenic amines in the food industry. However due to extensive
sample pre-treatment and time consumption, the methods are not as efficient as
Biosensors owing to their many advantages have become more and more
prominent as analytical devices in this industry and much research is being put
into further applications o f them.
Trimethylamine (TMA) is an important component o f the smell o f spoiled fish
and so lends itself as a good detection element for such spoilage. A sensor has
been developed for TMA detection based on an ammonia-sensing electrode,
which consists o f a glass (pH) electrode and a AgCl reference electrode in an
internal filling solution o f ammonium chloride, neutral salts and a dye. The
filling solution is separated from the analyte by a gas-permeable, ion-permeable
membrane. Any dissolved ammonia in the sample diffuses across the membrane
leading to an increase in pH, which is detected. In order to detect TMA, the
internal filing solution has been replaced with 0.01M TMA hydrchloride and
0.04M Potassium chloride. Formaldehyde is added to the sample solution in
order to decrease the response o f the electrode to ammonia. The analyte
concentration range is O.l-lOmM. (Chang et al. 1976).


Ammonia is another compound responsible for the off-flavours and odours

associated with spoiled fish and the ammonia-sensing electrode is a very
popular device for these determinations. (Ward el al. 1979)
Using an amine oxidase enzyme as a biological component a biosensor was
constructed to quantify histamine levels in fish. In a closed reaction cell o f the
sensor the following reaction proceeded:

Histamine + O 2 + H20 imidazoleacetaldehyde + NH 3 + H2O 2

Am ine oxidase

This reaction can be followed by several methods including, substrate

disappearance, oxygen consumption and the production o f ammonia, hydrogen
peroxide and an aldehyde.
Oxygen consumption was measured by an oxygen sensor following the reaction
o f amine oxidase with fish extracts. One mole o f dissolved oxygen was
consumed upon oxidation o f one mole o f histamine, so based on this
relationship o f consumption histamine could be determined selectively. The
assay requires no sample pre-treatment to remove interfering compounds which
allows analysis to proceed rapidly. The enzyme is a fungal amine oxidase,
which was purified from the mycelium extract o f Aspergillus niger AKU-3302
strain. The enzyme from this source most rapidly oxidises the aliphatic

o f C 2-C 6 , benzylamine,




agmatine. Aliphatic diamines, C 4-C 6, are oxidised at a lower rate. (Yamada and
Adachi, 1971).
The method correlated well with the official AO AC method, (AO AC, 1990) and
histamine recoveries were 100%. (Ohashi etal. 1994).
Male el al. (1996) also used this amine oxidase system in the development o f a
amperometric biosensor for determining histamine, cadaverine and putrescine.
The system utilised an amperometric electrode for the detection o f the product
hydrogen peroxide and was linear up to 6 mM with a lower limit o f detection of


25|j,M for the three substrates. The enzyme was a diamine oxidase purified from
porcine kidney, which exhibits specificity towards diamines like cadaverine and
putrescine but also deaminates histamine. (Male el al. 1996).
The influence o f biosensors will rise in the food and beverage industry in the
near future. Advances in improving the stability o f the biological component,
simultaneous analysis o f multiple analytes and mass production o f biosensors
will in the long run create a more cost-effective analytical device.

The aims o f the thesis are to study the different levels o f histamine in both tuna
and five varieties o f Irish cheeses by conventional methods o f detection. These
methods will be High performance liquid chromatography and fluorimetric
detection. The production o f histamine by food microorganisms will also be
monitored over time by the above methods. A new method o f detection utilising
a group o f compounds called calixarenes will be investigated and its potential
use as an analytical tool evaluated.


Chapter 2
Materials and Methods


2.1 Fluorometric Assay for Histamine analysis in food

(Taylor et al. 1978b)
Reagents. Sigma: o-phthaldialdehyde (OPT), methanol, n-butanol, diethyl
ether, sodium carbonate, hydrochloric acid, histamine dihydrochloride.
Food samples were purchased from two separate local retail markets and stored
at 4 C during the experiment.
The procedure according to Taylor et al. (1978b) was followed with a few
modifications carried out. Ten grams o f cheese were homogenised with 50 ml o f
reagent grade methanol for 10 min in a Waring Blender. The blender cup was
rinsed with methanol and added to the homogenised sample in a



stoppered volumetric flask. The flasks were heated in a water bath for 30 min at
60C and allowed to cool before adjusting the contents to 100 ml with
additional methanol. The samples were transferred to capped polypropylene
tubes and centrifuged at 2000 rpm in an IEC PR-6000 centrifuge for
2 ml

portion o f the supernatant was diluted

1 /2 0

min. A

(v/v) with deionized water and a

5 ml aliquot o f this dilution was added to a test tube containing 1ml o f 5M

NaOH. Saturating amounts o f Na 2C 0

were added and the samples were

vortexed. Six ml of water-saturated n-butanol were added followed by vigorous

shaking in order to extract histamine into the organic phase. A 3 ml aliquot o f
the organic phase was then added to 3ml o f 0. IN HC1 and vortexed well.
The upper organic layer was removed and 2 ml o f the acid phase was used for
the fluorometric assay (Shore, 1971b). A reagent blank was carried out by
substituting 5 ml o f deionized water in place o f the 1/20 diluted sample before
proceeding as described. An external standard (5 ml o f a 25 (iM histamine
solution) was added at this same stage and treated likewise. The standard was
used to calculate the unknown samples by comparison o f fluorescence

2.2 Fluorometric Assay

A 400 (j.1 aliquot o f 3M NaOH was added to 2 ml o f the acid phase followed by
100 (il o f 1% (w/v) o-phthaldialdehyde (OPT). The reaction proceeded for 4
min. exactly and was terminated by addition o f 200 pi 3M HC1.
Fluorescent intensities were read on a Perkin Elmer spectrophotometer with
excitation and emission wavelengths set at 360 nm and 450 nm respectively.
The excitation and emission slit widths were set at 10.0 and 5.0 respectively.

2.3 Fluorometric Assay for Histamine production in bacteria

A 5 ml broth culture o f Providencia retgerri 865 was grown overnight and was
used to inoculate one 100 ml culture o f LB broth and one 100 ml L-histidine
supplemented culture o f LB broth. A growth curve was constructed by taking
O.D. readings at 550 nm at regular intervals. Simultaneously samples were
taken for histamine quantification by a fluorometric method as follows.
A 1.0 ml aliquot o f broth culture was added to 9.0 ml o f methanol and heated at
60 C for 15min and allowed to cool. 1.0 ml o f the methanol extract was run
through an ion exchange column (Dowex 1X-8 in the hydroxide form, 80 x 5
mm). The column resin was prepared as described (AOAC, 1980). The column
was washed with 35 ml of distilled water and the eluant was collected in a 50 ml
volumetric flask and the volume raised to 50 ml with distilled water. (Behling
and Taylor, 1982).
Flistamine content was determined using a fluorometric assay (Shore, 197 lb),
Column eluant (2 ml) was placed into a test tube followed by 0.4ml o f 3M
NaOH and the tube shaken. A 100 pi aliquot o f 1% (w/v) o-phthaldialdehyde
(Roth, 1971) was added, mixed and the reaction was let to proceed for 4 min
exactly. The reaction was stopped by addition o f 200 pi 3M HC1. Fluorescence
was measured at an excitation wavelength o f 360 mn and an emission
wavelength o f 450 nm (slit widths: excitation 10.0, emission 5.0).


2 .4

M ic ro b io lo g ic a l M e d ia

All media constituents were obtained from Oxoid unless otherwise stated.
M edia were solidified with 1.2% agar No.3 where necessary. D istilled water
was used in all preparations. Sterility was ensured by autoclaving at 151b/in2 for


Luria Bertani (LB)



Yeast Extract


NaCl (Sigma)



1 Litre

pH 7.5

Differential Plating Medium for Quantitative Detection o f Histamine-Producing

(Niven elal. 1981)



Yeast Extract






C aC 0 3

0 . 1%



Bromocresol purple


pH 5.3


2.5 Bacterial strains

Providencia retgerri 865 (obtained from NCIMB Aberdeen, Scotland)

Escherichia coli D H 5a (DCUstocks)

Proteus vulgaris (DCUstocks)

2.6 Differential Plating Media for Quantitative Detection of HistamineProducing bacteria

(Niven etal. 1981)
A loopful o f a single bacterial colony from a streaked plate was transferred to
5ml o f LB broth and grown overnight at 37C. Decimal dilutions ( 1 0 1 to 10~9)
were prepared from the broth by diluting with sterile Ringers reagent.
Duplicate pour plates were prepared for each dilution with the solidified agar
being overlaid with ~5ml o f the same medium to suppress spreading colonies.
Plates were incubated for 72 hours at 37C. Controls o f bacterial free media and
definite non-histamine producing strains were run in parallel. Plates were
examined for purple colonies with a purple halo on a yellow background
indicating positive histidine decarboxylating colonies.


2.7 HPLC Analysis of Histamine

2.7.1 Derivitisation with Benzoyl Chloride

(Yen and Hsieh,1991)







bicarbonate, ammonium acetate and magnesium sulphate. (Sigma), benzoyl

chloride (Aldrich), HPLC grade acetonitrile, acetone and Mili-Q water. Sodium
hydroxide, perchloric acid, toluene, ammonia, sulphuric acid, sodium chloride,
phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid.
All analysis was carried out on a Varian liquid chromatograph which consisted
o f a Varian 9012 solvent delivery system, a Rheodyne model 7125 syringe
loading sample injector, a Varian 9050 variable wavelength uv-vis detector and
a Hichrom lichrospher RP-18-5 reversed phase column (5|j,m x 12.5cm x
4.6mm i.d.).

Histamine dihydrochloride (165.7 mg) was dissolved in 10 ml o f de-ionised
water. This gave a concentration o f lOmg/ml.
To the histamine solution (50 (4,1) an aliquot o f 2M NaOH (1ml) was added,
followed by the addition o f 10 (j.1 o f benzoyl chloride. The solution was then
vortexed for 30 seconds and then left standing for a further 20 minutes.
Saturated sodium chloride (2ml) was then added, followed by extraction with
4mls o f diethyl ether.


Chromatographic Conditions
A gradient elution system was employed. The gradient elution program was set


ml m in 1 at room temperature, starting with a methanol: water mixture

(55:45, v/v) for 2.5 minutes. The program proceeded linearly to methanol: water
88:22 (v/v), with a flow rate increasing from 1.1 ml min ' 1 to 1.3 ml min ' 1 over
3.5 minutes. This was followed by the same composition and flow rate for 2
minutes, then decreased over 7 minutes to methanol: water (55:45 v/v) at 1.1 ml
m in 1. Finally the system was re-equilibrated at methanol: water (55:45, v/v) for

minutes before the next injection.

2.7.2 Derivitisation with Dansyl Chloride

(We ie ta l. 1995)
Sigma. Sodium carbonate, dansyl chloride, histamine dihydrochloride, nbutanol, methanol, diethyl ether.
Labscan. Acetonitrile.
The method o f analysis is based on a derivatization o f histamine samples
followed by HPLC separation and detection by UV.

Derivatization Reaction
A concentrated solution o f histamine dihydrochloride (16.57 mg/100 mL water
and diluted

1 /1 0 0

v/v) was prepared.

A 200 ^1 aliquot o f this solution was placed in a round-bottomed flask to which

2.0 ml dansyl chloride (10.0 mg/ml acetone) and 3.0 ml o f 4% (w/v) sodium
carbonate was added. All solutions were freshly prepared before each
experiment. The flask was foil covered, as the dansyl chloride is light sensitive.
A blank (containing no histamine) was derivatized along with the standard. This
solution was placed in a water bath at 40C with constant stirring overnight. The
following day, 15.0 ml o f M iliQ water was added to the reaction mixture,


washing the sides o f the flask thoroughly. The solution was then extracted with
three 5,0 ml portions o f diethyl ether, the ether layers were then combined and
evaporated using a rotary evaporator set at 60C. The residue in the flask after
evaporation was dissolved in acetonitrile and made up to a volume o f

1 0 ml.

From this stock solution, other dilutions were made up with acetonitrile (80, 60,
40 and 20%). A 20 pi sample o f each solution was injected into HPLC (Waters)
by a fixed loop. A 200 jj.1 aliquot o f extracted sample was treated in the same
way as the standards.

Chromatographic Conditions
Separating Column: Inertsil 50D S-2 (250mm x 4.6mm, 5|j,m)
Mobile Phase: Acetonitrile: Methanol: W ater (3:10:3)
Flow Rate:

1.2 mL/min




Chapter Three.
Fluorometric Method of Analysis


3.1 Introduction
A simplified fluorometric assay for food analysis, as described by Taylor et al.
(1978b), was established as the standard method for determining levels o f
histamine in various foods. The method involved extraction o f histamine from
the biological matrix into methanol followed by protein denaturation and
precipitation and then further extraction into n-butanol. The organic extraction
step was selective for histamine and was dependent on the presence o f a salt
(sodium carbonate), its concentration and the type o f organic solvent used. Prior
to analysis it was important to assess the specificity and accuracy o f the method
and also to investigate possible interferences in the assay. The amount o f
histamine that is recovered from the sample clean-up process is an essential
factor and so spiking samples with known amounts o f histamine should show
the efficiency o f the procedure. A linear correlation between fluorescence and
histamine concentration is necessary in order to determine histamine levels
present in samples and this is demonstrated by Fig. 3.1 which shows a high
degree o f linearity with a R 2 value o f 0.997.

3.2.1 Specificity of Organic extraction for histamine

3.80 ppm solutions o f histamine and other amines were prepared with 1 ml
sodium hydroxide and saturating amounts o f sodium carbonate prior to the
addition o f n-butanol. Following phase separation the fluorometric assay
was performed on the solutions and recoveries calculated (Table 3.1). A
variety o f amines, amino acids and histidine were assayed fluorimetrically
to show the specificity o f the assay for histamine and to show the
interference, if any o f other amines. An amino acid solution containing
lysine, leucine, proline and glutamine were investigated as possible
interferants in the assay also. (Table 3.3). Both Figure 3.7 and Table 3.3
show that histidine can be detacted by the fluorimetric assay to some degree
but a the use o f ion chromatography can totally eliminate this interference.


Table 3.1 Recoveries of various amines following butanol extraction.


Histamine +
Histidine (a)
Histamine +
Histidine (b)
glutamine and
trvptophan. (a)
glutamine and
tryptophan, (b)

(ppm )










(a) and (b): duplicate analysis

3.2.2 Estimation of interfering compounds in the assay/specificity of the
fluorometric assay for histamine

Two food samples (canned tuna) were extracted and treated according to the
method described by Taylor et al (1978b) and subjected to the fluorometric
assay. The assay was performed with and without the acidification step by 3N
hydrochloric acid and the results were read fluorometrically. Table 3.2 shows
the differences in amine levels in tuna samples.
Table 3.2 Levels of amines in tuna with and without acidification of the
OPT-histamine condensation complex.

Tuna sample (a)

Tuna sample (b)

- Acid
218.0 ppm
199.8 ppm

+ Acid
214.7 ppm
197.4 ppm


Figure 3.1 Linear Range for Fluorometric Assay for Histamine

Table 3.3 Fluorometric Assay on Various Amines and Amino acids

Cone, (ppm)




* Amino acid solution


(pre. col.)

(post col.)




Amino acids*






3.3.1. Analysis of Irish Cheeses for Histamine Content

A detailed study was carried out into histamine levels in Irish produced cheeses.
The five cheeses, (Cheddar, Cooleney, Brie, Edam and Emmental) were
analysed over a three week period, before and after their expiry best before
dates and were purchased from two retail outlets to examine batch to batch
variation. Analysis was carried out in triplicate and standard deviations
calculated. Samples were stored at 4C during decomposition to emulate
conditions in retail outlets and storage fridges. The results are displayed in
tabular form (Table 3.4) and as a bar graph (Figure 3.2).

Table 3.4 Histamine Levels in Irish Cheeses with Standard Deviations

C h eese
Cheddar 1*
Cheddar 2
Cooleney 1
Cooleney 2
Emmental 1
Emmental 2
Edam 1
Edam 2
Brie 1
Brie 2

A n a ly s is 1
( m g /1 0 0 g )
0.452 0.1
4.31 0.22
0.355 0.03
0.519 0.127
1.953 0.32
0.986 0.1 9
0.219 0.0 9
2.643 0 .1 7
2.912 0.12
1.847 0.22

A n a ly s is 2
( m g /l0 0 g )
0.704 0.11
2.95 0.38
6 .6 8 0.58
3.15 0.54
2.28 0.9 6
1.71 0.33
0.273 0.023
1.892 0.14
0.633 0.03
0.453 0.05

A n a ly s is 3
( m g /1 0 ( ) g )
0.539 0.02
0.281 0.04
8.522 0.71
1.758 0.12
6.314 0.6 7
5.906 1.31
3.071 0.2 9
4.073 0.62
0.375 0.05
0.119 0.04

*The numbers indicated after the cheeses represent which outlet they were
obtained from.

Analysis 1: Carried out 7 days before the expiry date.

Analysis 2: Carried out on the expiry date.
Analysis 3: Carried out 7 days after the expiry date.


3.3.2 Spiking of Cheese Samples and Recoveries

A decomposed cheese sample (Emmental) was spiked with a 200 ppm

histamine standard following homogenisation with methanol and brought
through the extraction process as described in Chapter 2 (2.1). Recoveries were
derived by calculating how much o f the


ppm histamine spike was

detectable in a cheese sample o f known histamine concentration after the

extraction procedure was carried out, ie. Adding 200 ppm histamine to a 47 ppm
histamine cheese would yield a 100% recovery if 247 ppm histamine was
detected. Table 3.5 shows the recovery o f histamine spikes in the cheese

Table 3.5 Recoveries o f histamine standards from cheese



Spike 1

Spike 2

Spike 3











Figure 3.2 Bar graph of Histamine Levels in Irish Cheeses over three-week period.

H i s t a m i n e L e v e l s in I ri sh C h e e s e s
Analysis 1
(-7 d a y s )

An a lys is 2
( e xp i r y d a t e )

Analysis 3

3 .3 .3 H i s t a m i n e A n a l y s i s i n c a n n e d t u n a
Two brands o f canned tuna were chosen for the survey. Samples were obtained
as with the cheese survey from two different retail outlets to observe batch to
batch variations and analysis was carried out in triplicate.
Canned tuna was tested on opening (Time =0) and then left in storage at room
temperature and at refrigeration temperatures to decompose. Further analysis
was conducted at daily intervals in triplicate.

F i g u r e : 3 .3 A n a l y s i s o f H i s t a m i n e l e v e l s o v e r t i m e o n C a n n e d T u n a a t
R o o m te m p e r a tu r e s to ra g e fro m O u tle t 1.

(R.T.: Room temperature)


Figure 3.4 Analysis o f Histamine levels over time on Canned Tuna at Room
temperature storage from Outlet 2.

Histamine Content in Canned Tuna,

Outlet 2 (Storage RT.)
- -t> - B r a n d 1
B ra n d 2


1 i

12 24 36 48 eo 72 84 96 108 120

Time after opening


Figure 3.5: Histamine Analysis in Canned Tuna at 4C Storage from Outlet 1.

hfistanine Levels in CannedTina,

Outlet 1, (4 C Storage)


- -a- - B r a n d i


12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120

Time after opering(hours)

Figure 3.6 Histamine Analysis in Canned Tuna at 4C storage from outlet 2

H H arireL e^hC E rv^T iraf^^






T a b l e 3 .6 S p i k i n g a n d R e c o v e r i e s o f H i s t a m i n e i n T u n a
A 200ppm histamine spike was added to three turn samples prior to homogenisation
and extraction and the percentage o f histamine spike recovered was determined by


Spike 1

Spike 2

Spike 3

















3.3 Histamine Analysis in other foods

Foods that have reported low histamine levels such as vegetables and fruits were
analysed in order to show comparative figures to the high histamine levels in
canned tuna. The vegetables were prepared and extracted in the same way as the
cheese and tuna samples. Table 3.7 shows that there was no histamine present in
the samples.

Table 3.7. Histamine levels in fruit and vegetables.


Histamine (mg/100g)*

Potato (a)

Potato (b)



*(Analysis in triplicate)

3.4 Identification of a Histamine producing micro- organism

A screening method based on the differential media developed by Niven et al.
(1981) was employed to identify histamine-producing bacteria. The bacteria,
following overnight growth were diluted to various concentrations and plated on
the medium and incubated for 72 hours at 37C. Three bacterial strains were
grown on this media, with only one bacteria, Providencia retgerri 865
exhibiting positive purple colonies indicative o f histamine producing bacteria.
(Table 3.8). P.retgerri was used for further histamine studies, with its optimum
growth rate established growing on LB media (Figure 3.8). Figure 3.9
demonstrates where the optimum production o f histamine occurs in the lifetime
o f the species, which correlates to Figure 3.8 where exponential growth occurs



Table 3.8 Micro-organisms showing histamine decarboxylase activity on

differential plating medium.
Bacterial species

Differential media

Providencia retgerri 865

Proteus vulgaris

Escherichia coli


F i g u r e 3 .7
E ffe c tiv e n e s s o f th e io n - c h ro m a to g r a p h y c o lu m n in r e m o v in g h is tid in e
fr o m c u ltu r e flu id s a m p le s .

Standard Curve for Histidine

(Fluorometric Assay)

-pre. column
post column


F i g u r e 3 .8 : G r o w t h C u r v e f o r Providencia retgerri 8 6 5 i n u n s u p p l e m e n t e d a n d
h is tid in e s u p p le m e n te d L B b r o th .

QoAlhQivefcrP. reM
gai inLBandLBtistidre







-h H4

I - - -I

H- ~h +H -h

8 10 12 1 4 1 6 1 8 2 0 2 2 2 4 2 6

T m e(hoifs)


Fig 3.9: Production of Histamine by Providencia retgerri on unsupplemented and

histidine supplemented LB media.

3.5 Diamine Oxidase Activity

Diamine oxidase was added to histamine samples extracted from tuna at various
concentrations and at different incubation times to observe the effect o f its activity.

Table 3.9 Effect of Diamine Oxidase (DAO) on Histamine in tuna.


Histamine (mg/100g)

Tuna (a sample)*


Tima (b sample)*

6 8 .8

+ DAO (5min)


+ DAO (15 min)


+ DAO (overnight)

0 .0

* decomposed canned tuna


3.6 Discussion
Taylor et al. (1978b) showed water saturated n-butanol to be the best organic solvent
for the extraction of histamine with a partition coefficient o f 33. However Shore,
(1971b) suggested that in samples where there are high histidine levels like in the case
of canned tuna, n-butanol-chloroform (3:2) should be used. However these solvents
only have a partition coefficient o f 0.04 and may leave the majority o f histamine in
the aqueous phase and not the desired organic phase. Table 3.1 shows that some
histidine was carried through into the organic phase (up to 4%) and displayed some
residual fluorescence. The putrificative amines cadaverine and putrescine were
analysed in the same way as they are associated with decomposition in fish and may
be a source o f interference. A solution o f these amines along with glutamine and
tryptophan gave an average recovery o f 109%, again indicating that some o f these
substances were not totally excluded from the butanol phase. However these
interferences were greatly decreased by the extraction steps and should not interfere to
any great extent in the food assays.
The fluorometric assay is based on the reaction o f o-phthaldiadehyde with amines at a
high pH. Upon acidification all complexes are dissociated with the exception o f the
acid stable fluorophore OPT-histamine complex. Therefore it should be possible to
observe the total amine levels by eliminating the acidification step and comparing
levels to an acidified sample having only histamine fluorophores. This result would
again demonstrate whether any other amines are being extracted along with histamine
in the procedure. It is apparent from Table 3.2 that there was a difference in levels o f
upto 3 ppm (0.3mg/100g) between the acidified and unacidified samples which is the
amount o f interference coming through the butanol extraction and complexing with
the OPT.
A broad linear range (0-10 p.g/ml) was achieved for histamine with fluorescence
detection (Figure 3.1) and both cheese and tuna samples fell within this range
following dilutions in the sample preparation stages.
Table 3.3 lists a range o f amines and amino acids subjected to fluorescence detection
after butanol extraction in comparison to histamine. Tyramine and the putrificative
amines putrescine and cadaverine showed little or no fluorescence even at very high
concentrations. The amino acid solution showed some activity but only at high

(1 0 0

ppm) where its fluorescence corresponded to that created by


0 .1

ppm histamine. Histidine exhibited about 10% fluorescence compared to histamine

but after subjecting it to an ion-exchange column all such fluorescence was
The results indicate that the assay is specific enough for histamine determination in
food samples without major interference from other amines and that an ion-exchange
column is useful in the cases o f high histidine levels that need removing.
Histamine levels in fresh Irish cheeses produced were low in comparison to levels in
the reported literature, ranging from 0.2 to 4.3mg/100g and proved to be nonhazardous for consumption in relation to recommended safe levels (50mg/100g).
Separate studies would be needed to analyse tyramine levels in case o f a cheese
reaction. The extraction o f histamine from the cheese matrix was deemed to be
satisfactory with an average 93.3% recovery o f spiked histamine standards.
Upon putrefaction at refrigeration temperatures a rise in histamine levels would be
expected to some extent due to microbial decarboxylase activity and this was
observed in most cases with the exception o f Brie and Cheddar from outlet 2. An
explanation for the drop in levels may be the presence o f an oxidase-producing
fungus. Brie is a soft cheese that contains a mould, which is added for flavour during
the processing stage. The mould is usually a Penicillium species and may have the
capacity to produce amine oxidase, which would deaminate any histamine formed in
the cheese. As Cheddar contains no such mould the fungus would have had to come
from an external source. There was evidence o f batch to batch variation in the
samples from each o f the two outlets. Histamine levels in cheddar varied between 0.4
and 4.3 mg/lOOg and histamine levels in Edam varied between 0.2 and 2.6 mg/lOOg.
An investigation o f the microbial population by isolating decarboxylase positive
colonies on differential media would act as a further method to confirm the increase in
histamine levels and identify its source.
From the study it can be concludcd that histamine levels in Irish-produced cheeses are
well within safety limits although, like all other cheeses, are prone to spoilage and
histamine production.
Histamine levels in canned tuna from the two outlets ranged from 10 to 20mg/100g, a
figure that is notably high when reported results indicate that a level o f 2 0 m g/ 1 0 0 g is
considered evidence o f decomposition. The FDA hazard action level for histamine in
tuna is 50 mg/lOOg o f fish (Food and Drug Administration, 1998). This level is
achieved in canned tuna (both brands) 96 hours after being opened and let putrefy at


room temperature. From figures 3.3 and 3.4 an increase in histamine levels can be
seen. Both brands purchased from outlet 1 show similar trends with histamine
increasing at a steady rate over time. The brands from outlet 2, show histamine
remaining constant up to 24 hours followed by an increase and further levelling off
after 72 hours. It must be noted that during the course o f the study the brine, which
normally acts as a preserving agent, was removed from the tuna samples thus
allowing spoilage to occur more rapidly. The effect o f storage temperatures is very
noticeable from the comparison o f the trends in figures 3.5 and 3.6 to the previous
figures. Refrigeration temperatures slow down the rate o f decomposition and this can
be seen by the small increases in histamine levels. Temperature is critical for the
growth o f micro-organisms and cold incubation conditions are usually good inhibitors
o f growth. A net increase o f 10 mg/100g occurs at 4C storage compared to an
increase o f 20-30 mg/100g at room temperature storage. These results verify the
critical need for cold storage temperatures o f fish upon harvesting on board fishing
vessels and also in prolonging their safe shelf life.
Recoveries of histamine from the fish flesh were very efficient with an average
recovery o f 106%.
The number o f microbial species with histidine decarboxylase activity within the
microflora population of a food sample is relatively small in size. A screening process
involving the utilisation o f the differential plating medium (Niven et al, 1981), would
be required to distinguish producing from non-producing strains. For the purpose o f
the experiment three bacterial strains were screened for decarboxylase activity, a
known producer, Providencia retgerri 865 obtained from the National Collections of
Industrial and Marine Bacteria Limited (NCIMB) and two unknowns Proteus valgaris
and Escherichia coli D H 5a from DCU stocks.
Positive growth o f colonies on the differential media was represented by purple
colonies growing on a yellow media background indicating that histamine has been
produced from the histidine substrate. This was achieved for the Providencia retgerri
865 strain at a dilution o f 10

No growth appeared on plates from the other two

strains even at lesser dilutions (Table 3.8), while decreased dilutions for the
Providencia strain resulted in a complete colour change o f yellow to purple for the
whole plate.


Once the histamine producing strain had been identified it was decided to investigate
the level o f histamine production over a time period by Providencia retgerri 865. The
bacterial strain was grown on two types o f media, ordinary LB broth and LB broth
supplemented with histidine to act as a substrate for decarboxylase activity. A growth
curve was constructed in order to observe the different phases o f growth especially
the exponential phase where maximum activity takes place. The lag phase proceeded
for about 2.5 hours, which is the time it takes for the micro-organism to adapt to its
surroundings. This was followed by exponential growth until

hours. This is the

period o f maximum activity and growth where the rich supply o f nutrients in the
media is utilised. Eventually the nutrients begin to be exhausted and a balance is
achieved between growth and cell death where a plateau in growth is obtained called
the stationary phase.
The bacteria were grown overnight in 5 mis o f LB broth and transferred to two culture
flasks containing LB broth and histidine supplemented LB broth at a dilution o f
1/100. At regular intervals optical density measurements were taken to observe
growth and also culture extracts were subjected to the fluorometric assay according to
the procedure by Behling and Taylor, (1982). This involved the use o f an ion
exchange column to remove histidine and figure 3.7 shows the extreme effectiveness
o f the technique. Figure 3.8 clearly shows the production o f histamine by Providencia
retgerri 865 by decarboxylase activity on the histidine substrate as compared to the
lack o f production when the substrate is absent. The availability o f histidine
supplement in the medium did not influence growth rate.
A rapid increase in histamine levels occurs in the early hours o f growth (0-6 hours)
corresponding to exponential phase on the growth curve where maximum activity is
expected with increased growth. Histamine production levels off once stationary
phase is reached with a level o f ju st over 200 ppm produced after 24 hours. This level
corresponds to 1.8 ^moles/ml. Each o f these growth stages can be seen from figure
3.9. A similar level was produced by Citrobacter freundii T3 after 24 hours at similar
incubation temperatures with levels continuing to rise on further incubation. Tuna fish
infusion broth was used as the medium for growth in this case and based on the
weight o f tuna fish used to prepare the broth, it was calculated that a histamine level
o f 2.5 |amoles/ml was equivalent to 50 mg/100g, which is the FDA Hazard action
limit for histamine in tuna. (Behling and Taylor, 1982).


Although a different medium was used in our studies and may not be a true
representation o f conditions in tuna fish flesh, the species Providencia retgerri 865
was observed to produce less histamine than some o f the major producers like
Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus morganii. However like these bacteria it was
capable o f producing histamine in a short period o f time which is o f concern as
although some fish may look unspoiled in appearance, they m ay contain significant
levels of histamine.
Table 3.9 shows the ability o f the enzyme diamine oxidase to successfully break down
histamine. In this study histamine was extracted from tuna samples according to the
method described by Taylor et al. (1978b). Diamine oxidase (20mg/ml) was added to
the extracted histamine and incubated at 37C for various time periods (5 min, 15 min
and overnight). A clear reduction in histamine levels resulted over time with the
complete elimination o f histamine after overnight incubation. Increasing the
concentration o f the commercial enzyme or using a more purified form o f the enzyme
would result in decreasing the time to totally eliminate the histamine levels. This has
significant implications in the development o f enzyme based sensors for histamine
detection (Bouvrette et al. 1997). Obviously an enzyme that can breakdown histamine
completely in the shortest time in order to detect one o f the breakdown products is
essential to the detection system.


Chapter 4
HPLC Analysis


4.1 Introduction
High performance liquid chromatography has been a very popular method for
the analysis o f biogenic amines (Gouygou et al. 1987, Vall and Malle, 1996,
Vall and Gloria, 1997) and the method o f detection has varied from UV to
fluorescent detectors. Biogenic amines with the exception o f the aromatic
amines, do not possess any chromophore or fluorophore, which means that they
have to undergo derivitisation to render them active.
Two methods o f HPLC analysis were employed for the determination o f
histamine. The first method involves benzoylating the amino acid groups on the
amines with benzoyl chloride followed by separation in a methanol:water
gradient coupled with UV detection. (Yen and Hsieh, 1991). However due to
the failure o f this method to successfully detect histamine a second method
according to Wei et al. (1995) was investigated. This method was based on
derivitisation with dansyl chloride, separation in acetonitrile: methanol:water
and UV detection. It is capable o f analysing seven biogenic amines
simultaneously with good sensitivity and selectivity.
Once the method had been successfully adopted and optimised the ability to
identify and quantify histamine in both standards and food samples was
examined. The extent o f the correlation between the fluorimetric method and
the HPLC method for analysis o f histamine in food samples was examined.


4.2 Results
The results from derivitisation with benzoyl chloride were deemed to be
inconclusive and shall only be discussed (section 4.4 below).
After derivitisation with dansyl chloride histamine standards were separated on
a C i 8 column and analysed by UV detection. A number o f peaks emerged and
based on the linear increase in peak area corresponding to an increase in
histamine concentration the peak at 11.5 minutes was selected as a possible
candidate peak for histamine. The peak was also observed in decomposed tuna
samples. The sensitivity of the detection method was established by repeated
analysis o f a lower standard range. Eventually a range o f 0.066 to 0.33|ag/200(j.l
was determined (Figure 4.3) which corresponded to a range o f

to 40 mg/lOOg

in food samples after allowing for the dilutions in the extraction procedure
(Taylor et al. 1978b).

Figure 4.1 Standard Curve for Benzoylated Histamine

Standard Curve for Benzoylated





S 3







H istam ine (ppm )




Figure 4.2 Chromatogram of Benzoylated Histamine Standard












Figure 4.4 Chromatograms for HPLC Dansylated Histamine Standards.


4.2.1 Verification of Histamine Peak

In order to verify that the peak actually represents histamine a number o f
experiments were undertaken. A tuna sample was spiked with a histamine
standard (2 0 0 ppm), and brought through the extraction procedure and histamine
was determined by HPLC analysis. In a similar way the effect o f diamine
oxidase (lOmg) on this peak was investigated.

Figure 4.5 Histamine Spiked Tuna Sample


Figure 4.6 C hrom atogram showing histam ine peak in (a) tu n a and (b)
tuna treated with diam ine oxidase.


4.2.2 Correlation of HPLC analysis with the Fluorometric Assay.

A tuna sample was divided into two portions, one part spiked with histamine
(200mg) and the other left untouched. Analysis on the individual portions was
to be carried out both by the fluorometric assay and by HPLC analysis. Analysis
was carried out in duplicate. Table 4.1 shows the comparative results.

Table 4.1 Comparison of Histamine levels in Tuna by HPLC and

Fluorometric analysis


(mg/1 OOg)
HPLC Analysis

*Tuna 1

(mg/1 OOg)

*Tuna 2



Spiked Tuna*




* Decomposed canned tuna

4.4 Discussion
The chromatogram from the analysis o f histamine derivitised with benzoyl
chloride showed far too many peaks so it was decided to try to improve the
extraction technique in order to achieve a cleaner chromatogram. Derivitisation
was allowed to proceed for

hour instead o f twenty minutes and the aqueous

phase was extracted 2 x 2 times with diethyl ether. Three main peaks were now
observed, 6.08, 7.08 and 7.39 minutes. A blank was run and the only significant
peak occurred at 7.4 minutes indicating that this is not an analyte peak but
probably due to benzoyl chloride.
The most significant peak resulting from histamine standard injections occurred
at 7.01 minutes and a standard curve (Figure 4.1) indicated that this peak was
that o f histamine with a R 2 value o f 0.9396 which is indicative o f linearity. It
was thought that the linear response might have been improved by using an
alternative to diethyl ether in the extraction, as volatile losses were thought to
have been a potential source o f error. Hexane was tried as an alternative but


proved to be a very poor extracting solvent with respect to the benzoyl ated
histamine. Butanol was considered but owing to its high boiling point (117C) it
would not have been compatible with the evaporation step. As no substitute was
found, diethyl ether was used for further investigations. It was found that many
o f the interfering peaks could not be successfully removed so it was decided that
it would be more advantageous to achieve good separation in the presence o f
these interferences than to eliminate them from the analysis altogether. The poor
separation o f the histamine peak at 7.08 minutes was slightly improved by
making the mobile phase more polar but two shoulders could still be observed
on the analyte peak (Figure 4.2). Increasing the polarity o f the mobile phase
further did not improve the separation. The pH o f the mobile phase was adjusted
to pH 4 and the gradient run was changed such that the program proceeded
linearly to 70:30, methanol: water. This improved separation but baseline
resolution was not being observed. The mobile phase was increased to 65:30:5,
methanol:water:acetonitrile and the pH dropped further but no improvement in
resolution occurred and peak tailing was becoming evident. It was decided that
baseline resolution would be difficult to achieve. The method could possibly be
used if peak heights were used, but problems may be encountered whereby the
interference peaks may swamp the signal at the retention time o f histamine. This
could result in a very high detection limit. Quantitation would be difficult based
on peak areas owing to the poor separation achieved.
Analysis o f dansylated amines proved to be less complicated and more accurate,
but analysis time was prolonged due to the overnight derivitisation procedure.
Chromatograms were clearer with relatively few peaks observed. Figure 4.4
shows the range o f peaks obtained from the analysis o f histamine standards and
the peak at 11.5 minutes was postulated to be that o f histamine. From the
injection of a range o f histamine concentrations a standard curve was
constructed based on a retention time o f 11.5 minutes and a linear response was
found with a R 2 value o f 0.9967. This was not conclusive evidence that the peak
at 11.5 minutes was that o f histamine, as an increase in peak area was observed
with the peak at 9.5 minutes. Spiking a tuna sample with a known amount o f
histamine would lead to an increase in peak area in the identifying peak. From
Figure 4.5 a notable increase in height/area is seen in the peak eluting at 11.5


minutes while the peak at 9.0 minutes remains unchanged. Further confirmation
is achieved through treating a tuna sample with the enzyme diamine oxidase,
which due to its activity on histamine results in a corresponding decrease in
peak height at 11.5 minutes. (Figure 4.6). It is interesting to note that a decrease
in peak height is also associated with the 9.0-minute peak, that aids in its
identity. As it is subject to deamination by diamine oxidase, it therefore must be
a diamine, which has passed into the organic layer during the extraction
procedure. The figures in Tables 3.1 and 3.3 that identify the possibility o f other
amines or amino acids being selected to some degree by the extraction
procedure suggest that the identity o f the diamine may be cadaverine or
putrescine. However the peak is also present in chromatograms o f histamine
standards which exclude the possibility o f other diamines being present unless
contamination o f the stock histamine has occurred which is unlikely. A new
stock o f histamine was analysed with the same resulting chromatograms. The
peak therefore is likely to be due to some component in the extraction or
derivitisation procedure. A blank was derivitised according to procedure and the
resulting chromatogram showed a large peak at 2.5 minutes, this is either the
dansyl chloride itself or 5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-l-sulfonic acid, which is
a hydrolysis product o f dansyl chloride. (Hui and Taylor, 1983).
Table 4.1 compares histamine levels in tuna as detennined by the two methods.
The methods compare favourably with a 0.56% error between methods for
sample 1 and a 5.02% error between methods for sample 2. However, although
the fluorometric assay confirmed the spike with 86.5% o f the 200mg detected
the HPLC method failed to do so to such an extent. This may be as a result o f
the spike being much greater than the linear range which measures from 0-4.2
mg/lOg i.e.: 0-4.2mg in the 100ml methanol extraction step where the spike is
added. This overloading would account for the non-detection o f the spike.
Both methods work well in this study o f histamine but the HPLC method would
prove to be more beneficial elsewhere as it has the ability to simultaneously
detect several biogenic amines. In terms o f analysis time the fluorometric assay
has a distinct advantage over the HPLC method which requires overnight
derivitisation. However the assay does not provide rapid analysis o f analyte or
high sample throughput needed in the food industry.


Chapter 5
Histamine Detection by Novel Methods


5.1 Introduction
Nitrophenylazophenol cailx[4]arene belongs to a group o f compounds called
chromogenic calixarenes that have the property o f upon complexation with lithium
and to a lesser extent sodium, in the presence o f a base undergo a change in
absorption. A colour change o f yellow to red corresponding to a wavelength shift
from 380 to 520nm. Colour generation arises from the deprotonation o f the acidic
chromophore (-COH) attached near the ligand polar cavity. A proton acceptor is
required for the colour formation, which cannot procced just by the formation o f the
metal ligand complex itself.

Equation 1: L-COH + M* LM+ + COH

Equation 2: L-COH + M+ + B o LM* + CO + BH+

No deprotonation occurs in the absence o f a base (equation 1) while equation 2 shows

deprotonation o f the acidic chromophore. ( McCarrick et al. 1994 ).

Figure 5.1 The structure of the chromogenic ionophore, nitrophenylazophenol

calix[4]arene used in this study.


Figure 5.2 Representation of the deprotonation of lithium nitrophenylazophenol

calix[4)arene complex as a result of the basic nature of ammonia gas.

By complexing the metal with the ligand it is now possible to determine the presence
o f a base by observing the generation o f a colour change (equation

2 ),

which is the

procedure by which McCarrick et al used to detect trimethylamine (TMA).

TMA is a degradation product o f bacteria in marine fish after death and is often used
as an indicator o f spoilage in fish. Previous methods o f detection ranged from
colourimetric methods to gas chromatograpic analysis involving either elaborate
handling or the need for instrumentation. The use o f calixarenes as a non-instrumental
indicator system that responds rapidly to volatile amines would benefit the food
The calixarene complexes were immobilised onto filter discs and a colour change was
generated on exposure to the gaseous amine. The detection limit ranged from 0.02 to
30 ppm and the reaction time was under 2 minutes. (McCarrick et al. 1994).
The ability o f this compound to detect gaseous TMA led Grady et al to investigate the
effect o f ammonia gas (another volatile base) on a poly (vinyl chloride), PVC,
membrane which incorporated the nitrophenylazophenol calix[4]arene ligand. The
sensor configuration employed in this study was based on evanescent wave


interactions between guided radiation in an optical fibre and the calixarene

immobilised on the core o f the optical fibre. The characterisation system consisted o f
mass flow controllers which allowed known concentrations o f ammonia to be passed
over the optical fibre, a white light source and an Ocean Optics Spectrometer to
collect the light from the fibre and disperse it to detectors.

Figure 5.3 The absorbance spectra o f the PVC coated fibre with the calixarene
for the addition o f different ammonia concentrations.

It was possible to alter the sensitivity o f the calixarene membrane to ammonia by

varying the lithium/ligand mole ration or by changing the metal ion from lithium to
potassium. The sensor was able to detect the ammonia gas at very low levels (10
ppm). (Grady et al. 1997).
The ability o f this system to detect ammonia gas at low levels prompted an
investigation o f its suitability in detecting endogenous diamines and monoamines in
food and those produced by micro-organisms. An amine oxidase based system
coupled to the ammonia-sensing sensor would provide a simple and efficient method
for the detection o f amines.


5.2 Results
A crude sensor based on the amine oxidase-caiixarene detection system was designed.
An ammonia source (the reaction o f diamine oxidase and a substrate or pure
ammonia) was enclosed by a gas permeable teflon seal and the calixarene complex
was immobilised onto a filter disc and placed the other side o f the teflon membrane.
The whole system was enclosed with non-permeable parafiim.

Figure 5.4 Schematic diagram of the detection system.

Para film
C a iix a re n e

.Substrate + Enzym i


A number o f different conditions were investigated in order to achieve a colour

change by the calixarene, these included pH, temperature, substrate and enzyme
concentrations and the presence/absence o f moisture.

Tabie 5.1 Conditions for coiour generation in calixarene.





















X T_


15 mins





45 mins





15 mins


Substrate: 100|il o f Im M histamine dihydrochloride

Enzyme: 40^,1 5mg diamine oxidase = u.056 Units


Table 5.2 Controls for calixarene colour generation.



Aqueous ammonia


Histamine only


Diamine oxidase only


T a b l e 5 .3 L e v e l o f h i s t a m i n e d e t e c t a b l e b y c a l i x a r e n e .




0.5 mM

12 hours


0.25 mM

48 hours


0.1 mM

48 hours


0.05 mM

48 hours


0.01 mM


F i g u r e 5 .5 C o l o u r G e n e r a t i o n o n C a l i x a r e n e d o p e d f i l t e r d is c s .

A . G aseous b ase ab sen t

B . G aseo u s b ase p re se n t

Table 5.4 Colour generation from a positive histamine-producing bacterial

species with the calixarene-amine oxidase system.

Substrate and Enzyrae


Providencia retgerri 865 + Diamine


Providencia retgerri 865 - Diamine



Histamine was extracted from cheese samples according to Taylor et al. (1978b) and
treated with and without diamine oxidase. The samples were applied to the crude
sensor as shown in figure 5.4. In most samples the red colour was generated
regardless of diamine oxidase outlining the difficulties posed by background
ammonia. However in one cheese sample colour was only seen after the addition o f
the enzyme which indicated that the system detected ammonia as a result o f the
oxidation o f histamine in the food sample.

5.3 Discussion

The reaction o f an amine with an oxidase enzyme yields a product o f ammonia and in
this case histamine is reacted with diamine oxidase. The chromogenic calixarene,
which has been immobilised onto a filter paper disc, undergoes a colour change from
yellow to red on exposure o f ammonia gas. The reaction between enzyme and
substrate produces ammonia but in the aqueous phase and so in order to cross the
teflon barrier the ammonia must be encouraged to enter into the gaseous state.
Ammonia was encouraged to cross the membrane in a number o f ways. Firstly,
knowing that ammonia is a volatile base, heat was applied, then moisture was added
to the calixarene disc on the opposite side o f the reaction to force ammonia across and
also by increasing the pH the NH 4 molecule is deprotonated forming NH 3 gas.
Firstly no colour change was observed at a pH o f 8.4 even at 44C and the presence o f
moisture. The pH was raised to 10.3 for the remainder o f the experiment, as it proved


successful in producing a colour change. The substrate used waslOOul o f Im M

histamine and the enzyme quantity was (40ul) 5mg.
The trial was carried out at 44C at pH 10.3 and using the above enzyme and substrate
values but with no added moisture. A slight colour change was observed after 60
The best reaction occurred at a pH o f 10.3, with added moisture and no heat was
needed. A red tinge was observed after about 15 minutes.
Table 5.2 lists the controls used in order to verily that the calixarene could detect
ammonia and secondly that the substrate-enzyme reaction was the unique ammonia
Both the histamine and enzyme on their own could not produce a colour change.
The sensitivity o f the system was investigated by finding the lower limit o f detection
for histamine. W ith 0.5 mM histamine as substrate a red/orange tinge was observed
around the edges o f the calixarene disc after 60 minutes. After 12 hours an orange
tinge was seen over 90% o f the disc and a fully developed red colour produced after
24 hours. At levels o f 0.05 mM histamine an orange colour developed after 48 hours
but very little colour change was observed at levels o f 10|jM.
Lower limits o f detection can be obtained and hence increasing sensitivity by altering
the lithium-ligand mole ratio. (Grady et al. 1997).
Provedencia retgerri 865, a positive histamine producing strain identified in Chapter
3 with a differential media was grown in histidine supplemented LB broth and a
culture fluid extract was obtained according to Behling, A.R. et al. (1982).
This fluid was examined using the crude calixarene-amine oxidase sensor. A colour
change occurred both in the presence and absence o f diamine oxidase, which meant
that a gaseous base was been generated from another source. The culture was
examined for urease activity by streaking out a loopful o f the culture on a urease
slope. The slope, yellow in its uncontaminated form turned to red indicating that the
culture was positive for urease activity. Two controls, Proteus vulgaris and
Escherichia coli were also streaked onto the slopes and a negative result was observed
with the slopes remaining yellow. Urease is an enzyme present in microorganisms
which hydrolysis urea, producing ammonia. This would explain the change in colour
o f the calixarene in the absence o f diamine oxidase in the culture fluid extract.
Screening for a positive histamine producing bacterial species with negative urease


activity would yield an ideal microorganism to test with the sensor system. However
the floral content in food is not o f a homogenous nature and may include several
microorganisms that possess this urease activity. This background level o f ammonia
present in the food matrix represents a difficulty in the detection o f ammonia from
amine oxidation.
The solution to the problem is to use a differential measurement o f histamine in food,
firstly without an enzyme added which would represent any background ammonia and
secondly after addition o f an oxidase, so only ammonia produced as a result o f the
enzyme activity on amines present would be detected. The experiment described here
includes the lengthy extraction procedure in isolating histamine so this would not be a
solution to a rapid and efficient method o f analysis. For an ideal detection system the
enzyme would have to be applied directly to a food sample and the evolution o f
ammonia monitored from a difference measurement.The system also would have to
be in an enclosed environment as the calixarene is very sensitive and may be
influenced by contamination, a problem experienced in one o f the laboratories.
It was found that the specific activity o f commercial enzyme used in the study was
very low, 0.14 units/mg solid (1 fimol putrescine oxidised/hour at 37C). Using the
more conventional unit definition (pmol/min), the specific activity would be 0.0023
units/mg solid. Male et al. (1996) cited that for the development o f an amperometric
biosensor for diamines with a satisfactory response, sensitivity and detection limit, the
enzyme must have a specific activity o f about 1 unit/mg solid. This necessitates the
need for purification of the enzyme from a source such as porcine kidney or the
fungus Aspergillus niger. Already in existence are several biosensors capable o f
measuring histamine either by detecting the product o f an amine oxidase reaction,
hydrogen peroxide (Male et al. 1996), measuring the rate o f oxygen consumption by
the same enzyme reaction (Ohashi et al. 1994) and detecting gaseous trimethylamine
directly using the nitrophenylazophenzl calix[4]arene (McCarrick et al. 1994).
The detection system used in this study is based on the same calixarene used by
McCarrick et al. (1994) but is used to detect another product o f the amine oxidase
reaction with biogenic amines, ammonia. The sensitivity o f the calixarene offers great
potential in a detection system and with more investigations may be eventually used
for histamine detection in the food industry.




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