Articles From General Knowledge Today: GK & Current Affairs: May 1, 2014

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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs: May 1, 2014

2014- 05- 03 10:05:58 GKToday

1. Former Indian Air Force Chief N K Browne has been appoint ed as Indias
next ambassador t o____?
[A]Pakist an
[B]Net herland
[C]Aust ralia
Former Chief of t he Air St af f Norman Anil Kumar Browne has been appoint ed
as India's next Ambassador t o Norway. Air Chief Marshal Browne will succeed
Mr RK T yagi as India's envoy t o Norway
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2. According t o World Bank report , India has replaced which among t he
f ollowing count ries t o become t hird largest economy based on purchasing
power parit y (PPP)?
As per t he World Bank report India replaced Japan as t he world's t hird largest
economy as f ar back as 2011. T he ranking is based on purchasing power
parit y (PPP) in dollar t erms.
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3. T he newly f ormed T elangana st at e has how many assembly and
Parliament ary seat s?
[A]120 and 17
[B]119 and 17
[C]134 and 20
[D]125 and 23
119 and 17
T he T elangana has 119 assembly seat s and 17 parliament ary seat s.
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4. Which among t he f ollowing hormones is popularly called happiness

[A]Serot onin
Serot onin is popularly called t he happiness hormone. It regulat es t he mood,
prevent s depression and makes f eeling happy.
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5. T he Project 75I of India is a project relat ed t o ___?
[A]Milit ary
[B]Irrigat ion
[C]Renewable Energy
[D]Pharmaceut icals
T he project 75 is one of t he Indias most closely guarded milit ary project s.
Under t his project st ealt h, land-at t ack capabilit y and t he abilit y t o incorporat e
f ut urist ic t echnologies, all t he new submarines will be equipped wit h airindependent syst em t o boost t heir operat ional capabilit ies.
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6. Who among t he f ollowing has been honoured as t he Most Popular All T ime
Int ernat ional St ar in India at IIFA awards 2013-14?
[A]Johny Depp
[B]Kevin Spacey
[C]John T ravolt a
[D]T om Cruise
John T ravolta
John T ravolt a t he f amous super st ar of Hollywood honoured as most popular
All T ime Int ernat ional St ar in Int ernat ional Indian Film Academy (IIFA) awards
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7. Fight ing Povert y in Asia and t he Pacif ic is t he mot t o of ______?
[C]Asian Development Bank
Asian Development Bank

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8. T he so called Nort hern Limit Line is a disput ed marit ime demarcat ion line
bet ween _____?
[A]Russia and China
[B]China and Japan
[C]Nort h Korea and Sout h Korea
[D]Germany and France
North Korea and South Korea
T he Nort hern Limit Line or Nort h Limit Line is a disput ed marit ime demarcat ion
line in t he Yellow sea bet ween t he Democract ic Peoples Republic f Korea on
t he nort h and t he Republic of Korea on t he sout h. T his line of milit ary cont rol
act s as t he de f act o marit ime boundary bet ween Nort h and Sout h Korea.
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9. Which among t he f ollowing St ock Exchanges will shut it operat ion af t er it
f ailed t o adhere t o several new regulat ory requirement s?
[A]Bangalore St ock Exchange
[B]Madras St ock Exchange
[C]Bombay St ock Exchange
[D]Delhi St ock Exchange
Madras Stock Exchange
T he 76 year old Madras St ock Exchange will cease t o exist f rom May 30 af t er
it f ailed t o adhere t o several new regulat ory requirement s, including increased
net wort h as out lined by market regulat or Sebi.
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10. Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea Virus (PEDv) af f ect s which among t he
f ollowing animals?
[C]Cat s
[D]Cat t le
Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea Virus (PEDv) has killed some seven million piglet s
in t he US in t he past year. T he disease has also been f ound in Canada,
Mexico and Japan. It is not harmf ul t o human.
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