Sber Bank User Guide

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Sberbank Online Banking

(as of June 06, 2013)

Table of contents
About Sberbank Online Banking system .................................................................................. 4
General information .................................................................................................................... 4
How to connect?.......................................................................................................................... 4
Login and Password .................................................................................................................... 5
Registration in SOB system via Call-centre ........................................................................... 5
Registration in SOB system using the automated self service devices (banking machines) ... 5
One-Time Password .................................................................................................................... 7
Browser setting ........................................................................................................................... 8
System entry ............................................................................................................................. 13
Main menu ................................................................................................................................... 15
General information .................................................................................................................. 15
"User guide" .............................................................................................................................. 15
Sign out button.......................................................................................................................... 15
"Products" menu ....................................................................................................................... 16
Services menu ........................................................................................................................... 16
Personal profile menu ............................................................................................................... 17
Information menu ..................................................................................................................... 17
Information menu ........................................................................................................................ 18
Payment cards transactions .......................................................................................................... 19
General information .................................................................................................................. 19
The list of cards and detailed information. ................................................................................ 19
Card account statement ............................................................................................................. 21
How to generate card account statement for the
Generation of account statement for

period ......................................... 21

period .............................................................. 22

Money transfers between the cards ........................................................................................... 24

Transfer between your own accounts ........................................................................................ 25
Card blocking ............................................................................................................................ 27
Card unblocking........................................................................................................................ 28
Current accounts transactions ...................................................................................................... 30
General information .................................................................................................................. 30
The list of current accounts........................................................................................................ 30
Statement of current accounts ................................................................................................... 31
Money transfer to cards ............................................................................................................. 32
Money transfer between own accounts...................................................................................... 34
Savings accounts transactions...................................................................................................... 36
General information .................................................................................................................. 36
The list of savings accounts and detailed information. .............................................................. 36

Replenishment of a saving account ........................................................................................... 38

Savings Accounts Statement ...................................................................................................... 40
Credit accounts transactions ........................................................................................................ 42
General information .................................................................................................................. 42
The list if credit accounts and detailed information ................................................................... 42
Credit Accounts Statement ........................................................................................................ 44
Repayment schedule preparation .............................................................................................. 46
Submission of electronic application for crediting ..................................................................... 47
Services of SOB system ............................................................................................................ 48
General information .................................................................................................................. 48
Payment procedure for

............................ 49

Payment procedure for the services of

provider ..................................... 52

Payment procedure for

...................................... 58

with complex receipt structure .................................................................................................. 58

Permanent password change ....................................................................................................... 61

About Sberbank Online Banking system

General information
Sberbank Online Banking system (further SOB system) is the automated
system of remote customer assistance for the customers of Subsidiary Bank of Sberbank
Joint-Stock Company via Internet global network.
Using this system you can minimize you labour, time and financial expenditures in
relation to transport and office costs associated with your visit to bank. Using this service
you can control your accounts and obtain additional banking services staying at home or
in office via electronic network.

How to connect?
To perform operations in the system it is necessary to have any type of Sberbank
payment card with the exception of corporate cards. You may acquire any type of
payment card in any nearest office of Sberbank subsidiaries all over Kazakhstan1.


The access to the system is not provided for the customers of Sberbank of
the Russian Federation.

To enter the system it is necessary to obtain "system user ID" (login) and
"Permanent Password" (for additional information proceed to Step No.2 "Login and
At the moment the SOB system provides basic functionality for payment cards,
and also for current, saving and credit accounts, and also it provides extended
range of transactions which allow you to make payments for services of leading
operators and providers of the Republic of Kazakhstan among which there are
cellular communication operators, commercial television service providers and
Internet providers, housing and communal utilities services and others.
You will be informed immediately when the SOB system is changed or
supplemented with new types of services.

Detailed list of Subsidiary Banks of Sberbank Joint-Stock Company may be found on the Bank's official

Login and Password

You may obtain "system user ID" (Login) and "Permanent Password" following
one of two ways: you may give a call to Call-centre or use the Sberbank self-service
devices (Banking machines). Login and Password are necessary for user authentication
when entering the SOB system.
Registration in SOB system via Call-centre
To register in SOB system using the Bank information system it is necessary to
give a call to Call-centre and follow the procedure of remote authentication and after that
you shall ask the Bank employee to register you in the system.
As soon as the registration procedure in SOB system is passed you will obtain
"system user ID" (login), and then to the cell phone number you have specified in
registration form for SMS-banking service there will be sent an SMS containing your
"Password" for entry into the system.
Using the following contacts you may join the SMS-banking service and obtain
detailed information on products and services provided by the Bank:
Sberbank Call-centre: 8 (727) 250-3020
Toll free call in Kazakhstan: 8-8000-808-808
Toll free call for cell phones: 5030 (for cellular communication operators all over
the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Skype address:



"System user ID" (Login) is generated automatically in system and may

not be changed at the discretion of the customer.

Registration in SOB system using the automated self service devices (banking
To obtain Login and Password you shall use any type of Sberbank payment card
(with the exception of corporate cards and
) and any nearest banking
machine .
It is necessary to choose the SOBING item in main menu of available
transactions and request printing of necessary receipts (the operation shall be
confirmed by Password entry).

Detailed list of banking machines of Subsidiary Banks of Sberbank Joint-Stock Company may be found
on the Bank's official website:

Four last digits of your payment card number;

The type of your payment card;

System user ID (the number consists of 10 random

digits, assigned once and forever);
Password for access to the system;
The address of external website of Subsidiary Banks of
Sberbank Joint-Stock Company.


If you are trying to enter the SOB system at the first time after you
obtained your "system user ID" and Password you will be requested to
change your Password for the purpose of additional security.

If you forgot your Password necessary for entry into the SOB system you may
always reset it by just giving a call to the Call-centre, or printing the receipt with "System
user ID" and with the "Password" using the Sberbankself-service device (bank machinery).

One-Time Password
One-Time Password is used for additional authentication of user when
implementing the most risky operations for reasons of safety.
At the present moment there is only one type of One-Time Passwords is used in the
SOB system.
The receipt with list of 10 passwords;


Several operations of the SOB system may be implemented only using

the One-Time Passwords.

The receipt with the list of 10 One-Time Passwords may be printed through the
Sberbank self-service devices (banking machines). The period of validity of this
type of passwords is not limited by time but when the new receipt is requested the
passwords of the previous one become invalid. The One-Time Passwords usage is
may be possible only when they are taken from the previous receipt.

Four last digits of your payment card number;

The type of your payment card;

The list of ten One-Time Passwords.

The passwords specified in receipt are

numbered. The SOB system specifies the
password number and receipt number subject to
entry when it is necessary to confirm the operations
by means of using the passwords specified in the
receipt. The numbers are required for input in
random order.


When the receipt is lost or the contained information is compromised you

shall immediately obtain new receipt requesting necessary information
through any nearest Sberbank banking machine.

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Browser setting
The SOB operations protection technology applies the modern tools of safety
measures and provide the convenience of services providing high level of reliability and
Alongside with that the safety of the abovementioned tools depends on safety
performance on your part, including the following:
Addition of SOB resource into the list of "Trusted web-pages"
Open your "Internet Explorer"3 browser of seventh edition or later;

Select the "Tools" tab on the upper panel and choose the item "Internet options" in
opened menu;

Choose the "Security" tab, click the "Trusted sites" area and push the button

You shall perform the same operations in any other browser

In the field "Add this website to the zone:" print the following:; push the "Add" button and then

Push the "Custom level" button...

Using the mouse and moving the slider (at the right) adjust the following safety
settings in accordance with the instructions:
The browser settings shall not prevent the implementation of Java Script scenarios;
The popup windows blocking shall be turned off;
The session cookies shall not be blocked;
It is not recommended to block the cookies files. When the cookies are blocked the
system work is assumed but the filters predetermined for the work with lists are
not provided;
File download utility shall be permitted;
At the working places of clients the browser settings shall not block the loading and
work of ActiveX components passed the authentication procedure.

Click "Ok" after the settings adjustment is finished.

Click "Yes" in the appeared window confirming the changes to the safety settings;


Click "Ok" one more time;

The settings related to work with the cookies files are performed through the
"Privacy" tap page in "Tools Internet options" menu.
site: shall not exceed the medium high
level, and the checkbox of "Block pop-ups" item shall not be marked.

Basically all the required settings are set as default (if you did not change the
settings of Internet Explorer) for the "Trusted sites" zone. That's why it is highly

site into the same zone through the
"Security" tab page of "Tools" "Internet Options" menu.


On issues relating to the safety policy of browser refer to the Call-center

of Sberbank.
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System entry
Log in to Sberbank official site ( and click on the "SOB" banner
in upper right corner of the page. Then you will get to the page of "SOB" system user

You shall use your "system user ID" (login) and "Permanent Password" to enter the
site choosing in advance the language appropriate for you.

SOB user authorization page


The following message will appear if the login or Password was incorrect:

You can try to login again using the "Try again" button. This will lead you to user
authorization page again.


The Client will be automatically blocked by system for 15 minutes in

case of incorrect input of Permanent Password three times. When the
blocking time is elapsed you may try to log in again using your current

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Main menu
General information

Main menu is the primary one and is available immediately after the procedure of
entry and located in the upper part of each page.
The main menu displays general information including your first name and last
name, contact telephone numbers of information service Call-center, and also the
following buttons:

"User guide";
"Sign out";
"Personal profile";

"User guide"
To get acquainted with detailed and comprehensive information about the "SOB"
system you may read User guide documentation. For this purpose push respective button
in upper right corner of the page.
The User guide file has the extension of
and is always available for
downloading. It is highly recommended to install the latest version of Adobe Reader
software for proper displaying of User guide information.

Sign out button

For proper closing of the session it is necessary to implement log out from the
"SOB" system pushing the appropriate Exit button in upper right corner.


It is highly recommended to finish the work in the "SOB" system using the
"Exit" button.


"Products" menu

You may perform card transactions, current accounts, savings accounts and credit
accounts transactions which are available in the "SOB" system.

Services menu

You may make payments in "Services" menu for the services of leading service
providers and operators of the Republic of Kazakhstan, among which there are cellular
communication operators, commercial television and Internet providers, housing and
public utilities providers, security alarm system operators, Tax Committee of the Ministry
of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other.
In "Services" menu you may also see what services you have already registered in
"SOB" system.


Personal profile menu

The utility of change of permanent password is always available in "Personal

account" menu.

Information menu

"Information" menu ("Frequently asked questions") is temporarily unavailable.

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Information menu

"SOB" system information menu is available on the left of each page as well as the
main menu.
The following information is available for downloading from the main menu.
"ATMs" clicking on this button you may download and get acquainted
with up-to-date information concerning the location of Sberbank self-service
devices (Banking machines) which allow you to obtain "system user ID" and
"password" for entry into "SOB" system at any time;
"Sberbank Branches and offices" clicking on this link you may find out the
addresses of the nearest Sberbank offices;
"Rates for individuals" clicking on this link you may download and get
acquainted with current rates for transactions implemented by individuals
by means of "SOB" system;
"Contact us" here you can find all necessary contact telephone numbers of
"Customer service" clicking on this link you may find out contact
telephone numbers of Sberbank information Call-centre service.


All files of information menu are in PDF extension

and it is
recommended to install the latest version of Adobe Reader software for
proper displaying of information.

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Payment cards transactions

General information

In "Cards" tab of the "Products" menu you may see the list of your cards, the access
to which is granted in the "SOB" system, also you can find detailed information on your
cards, perform money transfer transactions between your cards and from cards to current
accounts, and also you can block and unblock your cards here.

The list of cards and detailed information.

In the window "The list of cards" you will have access to the following information:

Account number (the account number is displayed immediately after you enter
the cards list window; the account opens when any of payment cards is chosen);
Card number (the list of cards is displayed when you click on the account
Card number (three first digits and three last digits of your card
Card type (credit card %, or debit card , VISA, or MasterCard);
Card status (whether the card is active or blocked );
Card validity term (for example the displayed date "13/03" means that the
validity period of the card expires in march of the year 2013);
Available balance on the account/card (the value of current balance on your
Total available balance on account;
Available balance on each card individually;
Card currency;


Blocked amount of the account/card (usually the amount of money subject to

deduction from the card account for various services is being blocked at first
until complete finish of processing procedure performed by the card system);
Used credit limit (used credit limit means the used amount of credit funds of
your credit card; this value is referred only to the credit card).

To get the detailed information on your card it is necessary to click on appropriate

card number in the cards list.
The following information will be available to you in the window of detailed
information on chosen card:

Card number with current available balance on the card;

Number of an account of your card;
Card validity period (in format "Year/Month");
Full name of the card owner;
Current status of the card;
The product name (for example Electron/ Classic/ Gold);
Blocked amount of the card account;

Also you may generate statement of card account for the reporting period (Billing period) in the window of
detailed information.

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Card account statement

How to generate card account statement for the


The following steps are required to be performed to generate the card account
statement for the reporting period (month):
Open the detailed information window of necessary card;
Choose the appropriate reporting period for the account statement in the dropdown list of "Billing period" field;
To continue the operation implementation procedure press Proceed button;
Press "Cancel" button if you want to stop the operation implementation procedure.

As soon as you pushed the Proceed button there will be displayed the
confirmation window for card account statement generation procedure where you shall
check the correctness of all specified data and after that you may perform one of the
following operations:
Confirm operation. To confirm the operation implementation you shall push the
Proceed button.
Back. You may return to the detailed information window by pushing the "Back"
When confirming the operation the card account statement will be generated in
individual window/tab of your browser and will be available to you for further


Generation of account statement for


You may also generate the card account statement as of random date. You shall get
to "account statement" tab as it is shown in figure below:

To generate the account statement as of random date you shall implement the
following operations:

Choose the card which is subject to account statement generation from the dropdown list of the Card field.
In the field "Period beginning (YYYY-MM-DD)" you shall specify the date of the
period beginning for the required statement. The date shall be specified in proper
format (for example:
Then in the field "Period end (YYYY-MM-DD)" you shall specify the date of the
period ending for the required statement. The date shall be specified in proper
format (for example:
If you want to stop the implementation of the present operation you shall push the
"Cancel" button.
To continue the implementation of operation push the Proceed button;


After you pushed the Proceed button there will be opened a card account
statement confirmation window as of random date where you shall check correctness of
data input and after that one of the following actions may be performed:
Confirm operation. Push Proceed button to confirm operation.

Back. To return back to the account statement generation window

push "Back" button.
When the operation is confirmed the account statement as of random date will be
generated in individual window/tab of your browser and will be available to you
for further utilization.

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Money transfers between the cards

If you want to perform money transfer from any card to your card you shall
perform the following operations:

Out of the drop-down list of "Source-card" field choose the card from which you
want to transfer money.
Out of the drop-down list of "Card-recipient" field choose the card to which you
want to transfer money.
Then in the "Amount" field specify the amount of money you want to transfer and
also specify the currency.
To continue the operation implementation procedure press Proceed button;
Press "Cancel" button if you want to stop the operation implementation procedure.
After you pushed Proceed button there will open operation confirm window
where you shall check the correctness of the specified data and perform one of the
following operations:
Confirm money transfer. To continue the
implementation procedure press Proceed button.



Back. To return back to the previous menu page push "Back"


Then the notification about the successful implementation of payment procedure

will appear.

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Transfer between your own accounts

If you need to transfer money from your account to current account you shall
perform the following operations:

Out of the drop-down list of "Source-card" field choose the card from which you
want to transfer money.
Out of the drop-down list of "Account-recipient" field choose the current account to
which you want to transfer money.
Then in the "Amount" field specify the amount of money you want to transfer and
also specify the currency.
Press "Cancel" button if you want to stop the transaction implementation
To continue the transaction implementation procedure press Proceed button;


After you pushed Proceed button there will open transaction confirm window
where you shall check the correctness of the specified data and perform one of the
following transactions:
Confirm money transfer. To continue the
implementation procedure press Proceed button.


Back. To return back to the previous menu page push "Back"

Then the notification about the successful implementation of payment procedure
will appear.


At the present moment the money transfer between the own current
accounts and cards are allowed only in KZT.

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Card blocking
At the page "Card blocking" you are allowed to block your card if it was lost or you
are sure that it was stolen.

To block the card perform the following procedures:

In the field "Card" out of the dropdown list choose the card which is subject to be
In the field "Reason for blocking" please specify the reason for blocking out of the
available list of reasons;
In the field "Commentary" please enter your commentaries (for example the
circumstances under which the card was lost).


The "Commentary" field is mandatory.

After you pushed Proceed button there will open blocking confirmation window
where you shall check the correctness of the specified data and perform one of the
following actions:
Confirm blocking. To continue the blocking implementation
procedure press Proceed button.

Back. To return back to the previous menu page push "Back"



The notification will be shown in case when the blocking procedure is successfully


If you specified that the card was "Stolen/Lost" in the field of reason for
blocking, the unblocking of the same card is impossible and it is necessary
to perform re-issue of the card.
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Card unblocking.
At the page of "Card unblocking" you may unblock only the card which was earlier
blocked in SOB system with the specified reason for blocking as "Other".

To perform unblocking of the card you shall implement the following actions:
Choose the card subject to be unblocked out of the drop-down list of available cards
in the "Cards" field.
You may unblock only the cards the reason of blocking of which was
specified as "Other reasons".
When opening the card unblocking confirmation window you will need to enter
into the field of One-Time Password one of 10 passwords specified in your receipt
for completion of the operation. The SOB system automatically requests the
password from the list of One-Time Passwords specified in receipt randomly.


It is necessary to enter the

password under the appropriate
number into the field of One-Time
The One-Time Password
The counter of unused
containing the list of One-Time
The receipt number (RRN)
corresponding to the receipt printed
through the banking machine.
To return into the previous menu push "Back" button.
The notification concerning the successful card unblocking will show up when the
procedure is completed.

If there isn't any yours blocked card there will be the corresponding message.
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Current accounts transactions

General information

In "Current accounts" tab of the "Products" menu you may see the list of your
current accounts the access to which is granted in "SOB" system, also you can generate
account Statement of current accounts for the random date, perform money transfer from
account to a card, and money transfer from account to an account.

The list of current accounts

Each account of the current accounts list displays the following information:
Account number;
Account balance (the amount available on your account);
Currency (the currency of your account).

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Statement of current accounts

To generate the Statement of current account it is necessary to perform the
following actions:

Choose the account which is subject to account statement generation from the dropdown list of "My accounts" field.
In the field "Period beginning (YYYY-MM-DD)" you shall specify the date of the
period beginning for the required statement. The date shall be specified in proper
format (for example: 2011-01-01).
Then in the field "Period end (YYYY-MM-DD)" you shall specify the date of the
period ending for the required statement. The date shall be specified in proper
format (for example: 2011-01-01).
If you want to stop the implementation of the present operation you shall push the
"Cancel" button.
To continue the implementation of operation push the Proceed button;
After you pushed the Proceed button there will be opened a current account
statement confirmation window as of random date where you shall check correctness of
data input and after that one of the following actions may be performed:
Confirm operation. Push Proceed button to confirm operation.

Back. To return back to the account statement generation window

push "Back" button.

When the operation is confirmed the account statement will be generated in

individual window/tab of your browser and will be available to you for further

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Money transfer to cards

If you want to transfer money from your account to your card you shall perform the
following actions:

Out of the drop-down list of "Payer account" field choose the account number from
which you want to transfer money.
Out of the drop-down list of "Card-recipient" field choose the card to which you
want to transfer money.
Then in the "Amount" field specify the amount of money you want to transfer and
also specify the currency.
Press "Cancel" button if you want to stop the transaction implementation
To continue the transaction implementation procedure press Proceed button;


At the present moment the money transfer between the owner's current
accounts and cards are allowed only in KZT.


After you pushed Proceed button there will open operation confirm window
where you shall check the correctness of the specified data and perform one of the
following actions:
Confirm money transfer. To continue the
implementation procedure press Proceed button.


Back. To return back to the previous menu page push "Back"

Then the notification about the successful implementation of payment procedure
will appear.

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Money transfer between own accounts

If you want to transfer money between your accounts you shall perform the
following actions:

Out of the drop-down list of "Payer account" field choose the account number from
which you want to transfer money.
Out of the drop-down list of "Account-recipient" field choose the account to which
you want to transfer money.
Then in the "Amount" field specify the amount of money you want to transfer and
also specify the currency.
Press "Cancel" button if you want to stop the transaction implementation
To continue the transaction implementation procedure press Proceed button;


At the present moment the money transfer between the owner's current
accounts and cards are allowed only in KZT.

After you pushed Proceed button there will open transaction confirm window
where you shall check the correctness of the specified data and perform one of the
following actions:
Confirm money transfer. To continue the transaction
implementation procedure press Proceed button.

Back. To return back to the previous menu page push "Back"


Then the notification about the successful implementation of payment procedure

will appear.

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Savings accounts transactions

General information

In "Deposits" tab of the "Products" menu you may see the list of your savings
accounts, also you can request detailed information on deposits and generate the deposit
statement here.

The list of savings accounts and detailed information.

In the window "The list of cards" you will have access to the following information:
Deposit account number;
Available balance (the currency and amount on your account at this date):
Interest Rate (the amount of remuneration charged by the bank for the amount on
deposit at the current moment);
Effective interest rate (the interest rate in terms of valid calculation, on an
annualised basis, effective calculation, measured calculation on attracted deposits
calculated in accordance with the normative legislative acts of the authorized body;
the rate is calculated on the basis of initial terms of the deposit opening).


To get the detailed information on your deposit account it is necessary to click on

appropriate account number in the deposit accounts list.
The following information will be available to you in the window of detailed
information on chosen account:

Savings account number;

The amount of deposit;
Type of deposit;
Capitalized interests;
The interest amount available for payment;
Interest Rate;
Effective interest rate;
Date of the deposit opening;
Deposit expiration date;
Date of deposit prolongation beginning;
Date of deposit prolongation end;

Press "Back" button to return to the page with the list of your savings accounts and
request detailed information on another deposit.

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Replenishment of a saving account

In order to replenish a saving account it is necessary to perform the following

Select a saving account from the drop-down list in the field Payee account,
which you would like to replenish.
To continue the transaction, click the button Continue;
Further you will see the functional window for replenishment of a saving account,
where you must perform the following actions:

Specify a number of a card/current account/saving account from the drop-down

list in the field Payer account, from which you want to transfer the funds to
replenish a saving account selected by you.
A saving account, which you selected before and which will be replenished, will
be stated in the non-editable field Account payee.
Then enter an amount, by which you want to replenish, in the field Amount.
To continue the transaction, click the button Continue.
In case you want to discontinue this transaction, click the button Cancel;



One saving account may only be replenished from another saving

account within the limit of available accrued fee.


At the current moment transaction of replenishment of a saving

account are made between accounts opened in the local currency.

After you clicked the button Continue, you will see the window with confirmation
of replenishment of a saving account, where you must check accuracy of entered data,
following which you may perform one of the following actions:
To confirm replenishment. To confirm the transaction, click the
button Continue.

To go back. To return to the window of replenishment of a saving

account, click the button Back.
In the event of successful replenishment of a saving account a notice of successful
completion of the transaction will be opened.
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Savings Accounts Statement

To generate the Statement of savings account it is necessary to perform the
following actions:

Choose the account which is subject to account statement generation from the dropdown list of "My accounts" field.
In the field "Period beginning (YYYY-MM-DD)" you shall specify the date of the
period beginning for the required statement. The date shall be specified in proper
format (for example: 2011-01-01).
Then in the field "Period end (YYYY-MM-DD)" you shall specify the date of the
period ending for the required statement. The date shall be specified in proper
format (for example: 2011-01-01).
If you want to stop the implementation of the present operation you shall push the
"Cancel" button.
To continue the implementation of operation push the Proceed button;
After you pushed the Proceed button there will be opened a deposit account
statement confirmation window as of random date where you shall check correctness of
data input and after that one of the following actions may be performed:
Confirm operation. Push Proceed button to confirm operation.

Back. To return back to the account statement generation window

push "Back" button.
When the operation is confirmed the account statement will be generated in
individual window/tab of your browser and will be available to you for further


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Credit accounts transactions

General information

In the "Credits" tab of the "Products" menu you may see the list of your credit
accounts, request additional information on credits, generate the statement, request the
credit account repayment schedule and use the service of submission of electronic loan
application form.

The list if credit accounts and detailed information

Each account of the credit accounts list displays the following information:
Credit account number;
Loan product name (for example "Loan for consumption");
Outstanding amount (the total amount of indebtedness under credit as of the
current date);
Interest rate (the amount of charge payable to the bank for use of money loan
expressed as a percentage);
Effective interest rate (the interest rate in terms of valid calculation, on an
annualised basis, effective calculation, measured calculation on attracted deposits
calculated in accordance with the normative legislative acts of the authorized body;
the rate is calculated on the basis of initial terms of the deposit opening).


To get the detailed information on your credit account it is necessary to click on

appropriate account number in the deposit accounts list.
The following information will be available to you in the window of detailed
information on chosen account:

Credit account number;

Current account number;
The date of loan granting;
The date of repayment of credit;
Credit agreement number;
The name of loan product;
The amount of granted loan;
Interest rate;
Effective interest rate;
Commission for credit certificate preparation;
Commission for loan granting;
Commission for credit prolongation;
The loan balance as of current date;
Credit period (in months).

Press "Back" button to return to the page with the list of your credit accounts and
request detailed information on another credit.
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Credit Accounts Statement

To generate the credit account statement it is necessary to perform the following

Choose the account which is subject to account statement generation from the dropdown list of "My accounts" field (the statement will be generated not of the credit
account but of the current account open for the chosen credit);
In the field "Period beginning (YYYY-MM-DD)" you shall specify the date of the
period beginning for the required statement. The date shall be specified in proper
format (for example: 2011-01-01).
Then in the field "Period end (YYYY-MM-DD)" you shall specify the date of the
period ending for the required statement. The date shall be specified in proper
format (for example: 2011-01-01).
If you want to stop the implementation of the present operation you shall push the
"Cancel" button.
To continue the implementation of operation push the Proceed button;
After you pushed the Proceed button there will be opened a credit account
statement confirmation window as of random date where you shall check correctness of
data input and after that one of the following actions may be performed:
Confirm operation. Push Proceed button to confirm operation.

Back. To return back to the account statement generation window

push "Back" button.


When the operation is confirmed the account statement will be generated in

individual window/tab of your browser and will be available to you for further

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Repayment schedule preparation

To generate the Repayment schedule it is necessary to perform the following

Choose the account which is subject to repayment schedule preparation from the
drop-down list of "My accounts" field (the statement will be generated not of the
credit account but of the current account open for the chosen credit);
If you want to stop the implementation of the present transaction you shall push
the "Cancel" button.
To continue the implementation of transaction push the Proceed button;
After you pushed the Proceed button there will be opened a repayment schedule
preparation confirmation window as of random date where you shall check correctness of
data input and after that one of the following actions may be performed:
Confirm operation. Push Proceed button to confirm operation.

Back. To return back to the repayment schedule preparation

window push "Back" button.
When the operation is confirmed the repayment schedule will be generated in
individual window/tab of your browser and will be available to you for further

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Submission of electronic application for crediting

You shall perform the following actions to submit an electronic application for
In third level menu choose the item "Application for crediting";
At the page of electronic application form fill all field marked with * signs
(mandatory fields);
In the field "Code from picture" you shall enter the unique code shown in the
picture. If it is not possible for you to decipher the figures in the picture then you
shall refresh the picture by pushing the "Refresh the picture" button and try to
enter the code again;
If you want to stop the implementation of the present operation you shall push the
"Cancel" button.
To continue the implementation of operation push the "Next" button;


You shall check the data input before you push the "Next" button and
submit the application for crediting.

The system will display the following information when the operation is
implemented successfully.

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Services of SOB system

General information

You may get acquainted with the list of services available for payment in SOB
system in the "Services catalogue" of the "Services" menu. For your convenience there is
an interactive map of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan using which you may
easily find out what kind of services are available for payment in you region.
At the moment the SOB system allows you to make payments for services of
leading operators and providers of the Republic of Kazakhstan among which there are
and others.
In the tab "My services" of the same menu you may always find the list of services
you have already registered in SOB system.
The number of new services available for payment in SOB system and you will be
informed immediately when the new elements are introduced.


To perform the payments for services of any services provider you shall
accounts/Agreements/cell phones numbers in the "SOB system.
Sberbank Call-centre number:
8 (727) 250-3020
Toll free call in Kazakhstan:

Toll free call for cell phones:

5030 (for cellular communication
operators all over the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Skype address:


Registering your accounts/Agreements/cell phone number in SOB system once

you will always be able to perform the payments for services of various providers without
additional addressing to Call-centre.
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Payment procedure for

To perform a payment for the mobile and fixed phone telecommunication services
through the SOB system you shall perform the following simple actions:
Login to the Services catalogue page;
Specify the Services region using the interactive map;


When the Services region is chosen specify the payment category below, in this
particular case "Communication service";
In the dropdown list of the services providers available for the chosen region click
on logo or the name of the mobile and fixed phone telecommunication services
provider for the benefit of which you are going to perform a payment;
Next you will be transferred to the functional window of the services payment for
the benefit of the service provider where you shall specify the payment details:

To perform payment for the benefit of chosen services provider you shall perform
the following actions:
In the field "Payment source" specify your card from which you are going to
transfer money and perform payment for the mobile and fixed phone
telecommunication services.
In the field "Telephone number" choose the mobile or fixed phone number from
the drop down list, the number shall be previously registered in the "SOB"
system by means of Call-center service.
Then in the field "Amount" you shall input the amount you would like to
transfer (the only available currency is KZT).
If you want to stop the implementation of the present operation you shall push
the "Cancel" button.
To continue the implementation of operation push the Proceed button;
When opening the remittance of funds confirmation window to the benefit of
chosen operator of mobile or fixed telephone communication services you shall push the
"Next" button to continue the operation or "Back" button to return to the previous menu
interface and change the payment details.


The notification concerning the successful payment implementation will show up


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Payment procedure for the services of


To perform a payment for the commercial television services through the SOB
system you shall perform the following simple actions:
Login to the Services catalogue page;
Specify the Services region using the interactive map;
When the Services region is chosen specify the payment category below, in this
particular case "Television";
In the dropdown list of the services providers available for the chosen region click
on logo or the name of the commercial television services provider for the benefit of
which you are going to perform a payment;
Next you will be transferred to the functional window of the services payment for
the benefit of the service provider where you shall specify the payment details:


To perform payment for the benefit of chosen services provider you shall perform
the following actions:
In the field "Payment source" specify your card from which you are going to
transfer money and perform payment for the commercial television services.
In the field "Agreement number" choose the Agreement number from the drop
down list, the number shall be previously registered in the "SOB" system by
means of Call-center service.
Then in the field "Amount" you shall input the amount you would like to
transfer (the only available currency is KZT).
If you want to stop the implementation of the present transaction you shall push
the "Cancel" button.
To continue the implementation of transaction push the Proceed button;
When opening the remittance of funds confirmation window to the benefit of
chosen operator of commercial television services you shall push the "Next" button to
continue the operation or "Back" button to return to the previous menu interface and
change the payment details.


The notification concerning the successful payment implementation will show up


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Payment procedure for

To perform a payment for the public utilities services through the SOB system
you shall perform the following simple actions:
Login to the Servicescatalogue page;
Specify the Services region using the interactive map;
When the Services region is chosen specify the payment category below, in this
particular case "Payment for public utilities services ";
In the dropdown list of the services providers available for the chosen region click
on logo or the name of the public utilities services provider for the benefit of which
you are going to perform a payment;
Next you will be transferred to the functional window of the services payment for
the benefit of the service provider where you shall specify the payment details:


To perform payment for the benefit of chosen services provider you shall perform
the following actions:
In the field "Payment source" specify your card from which you are going to
transfer money and perform payment for the public utilities services.
In the field "Personal account number" choose the Account number from the
drop down list, the number shall be previously registered in the "SOB" system
by means of Call-center service.
Then in the field "Amount" you shall input the amount you would like to
transfer (the only available currency is KZT).
If you want to stop the implementation of the present transaction you shall push
the "Cancel" button.
To continue the implementation of transaction push the Proceed button;
When opening the remittance of funds confirmation window to the benefit of
chosen operator of public utilities services you shall push the "Next" button to continue
the transaction or "Back" button to return to the previous menu interface and change the
payment details.

The notification concerning the successful payment implementation will show up


Important !

The payment procedure described above for the benefit of public utilities services
provider covers all services providers except for those requiring more complicated
procedure of receipt form filling:
"Alseco" JSC (Almaty region)
"IVC" LLP (Almaty region)
"AlmatyEnergoSbyt" (Almaty region)
"Astana-ERC" (Akmola region)
"AstanaEnergoSbyt" (Akmola region)
"ZhezkazganEnergoSbyt" (Karaganda region)
Municipal Utility Service "Oskemen-Vodokanal" (East-Kazakhstan

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Payment procedure for

with complex receipt structure
The following payment procedure covers only the following services providers:
"Alseco" JSC
Municipal Utility Service "Oskemen-Vodokanal"

To perform a payment for the public utilities services through the SOB system
you shall perform the following simple actions:
Login to the Services catalogue page;
Specify the Services provider region using the interactive map;
When the Services region is chosen specify the payment category below, in this
particular case "Payment for public utilities services";
In the dropdown list of the services providers available for the chosen region click
on logo or the name of the public utilities services provider for the benefit of which
you are going to perform a payment;
Next you will be transferred to the functional window of the request for receipt
necessary for payment to the account registered previously in Call-center service:

To make request for the receipt you shall choose your account from the down drop
list and push the "Next" button, and after that the system will transfer the request to the
database of the service provider account you have specified and will provide you with the
invoice for payment. To perform payment of the invoice you shall click on the appropriate

After you have chosen the appropriate receipt the system will display the personal
data on account and provide you with the electronic receipt where you may fill all the data
necessary for payment procedure. In the receipt you shall fill all the payment fields related
to the types of services connected to your personal account.

In the field "Source card" out of the down fall list choose the card subject to money
transfer and after that you shall push the Proceed button to continue the
implementation of transaction and if you want to stop the implementation of the present
transaction you shall push the "Cancel" button.

Important !

An electronic receipt corresponds to the receipt in hard copy!

Then the confirmation window of the services provider receipt payment will show
up where you shall check all the data input and after that you may perform on of the
following actions:


Confirm transaction. To confirm the transactionimplementation push the

Proceed button.
"Back". If you want to return to the previous menu please push the "Back"

The notification concerning the successful payment implementation will show up


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Permanent password change

In the "Password change" tab of "Personal account" menu you may perform
necessary adjustments and change your permanent password necessary for user
authorization in the "SOB" system.

To change the permanent password for entry into the "SOB" system you shall
perform the following actions:
Enter your new password strictly following the requirements of safety policy.
Minimum length of the password is 8 characters;
The password shall contain uppercase and small Latin letters;
The password shall contain digits;
The password shall contain special symbols (for example: !, @, #, *, $ etc);


The password may contain any special symbols with the exception of:
< > &

Enter your new password again in the field of "Password confirmation" and push
the Proceed button to continue the operation;
Push the "Cancel" button if you wish to cancel the implementation of operation".
To confirm the password change you shall enter your current password which you
used for login to the "SOB" system in password change confirmation window.


If the entered password corresponds to the safety policy you will see the following
message after the password change procedure:

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