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2E Human Digestion Revision For Common Test

Instructions: You are required to learn the list of words below and do textbook pages 37 to
38 and 40 to 41. I will check your work on Friday 13th Feb 2015.
Do you know these Science words???

Absorption: Movement of digested nutrients into the small intestine

Amino acid: Basic unit of protein
Amylase: Enzyme that facilitates the breakdown of starch into maltose
Bile: Liver cells secretion that breaks down fats and oils into smaller droplets
Digestion: Breakdown of large, complex molecules of food into a smaller, simpler form
that can move across the cell membranes
Egestion: Elimination of undigested food through the anus
Emulsification: Breakdown of large fat globules into smaller fat droplets
Enzyme: Complex protein that functions as a catalyst to speed up a chemical reaction
Fatty acid: Product of fat digestion which combines with two other fatty acid molecules
and glycerol to form fats
Glucose: A simple sugar and the main source of energy in cells
Glycerol: Product of fat digestion
Ingestion: Intake of food through the mouth
Lipase: Enzyme that facilitates the breakdown of fats into glycerol and fatty acids
Maltase: Enzyme that facilitates the breakdown of maltose into glucose
Oesophagus: Muscular tube that joins the mouth to the stomach

Instructions: Attempt the textbook questions BEFORE you check your answers.
Page 37 Test Yourself
1. (a) Salivary amylase
(b) Oesophagus
(c) Protein is digested into a small protein molecule.
(d) amino acids
(e) bloodstream
(f) Large intestine
Page 38 Test Yourself
2. The small intestine carries out the absorption of small food molecules directly into the
bloodstream but the stomach does not. Hence, there are more blood vessels in the small
intestines for the absorption of the small food molecules.
3. Left side, top to bottom:
salivary amylase
carbohydrates, proteins, fats
Right side, top to bottom:
hydrochloric acid

amylase, protease, lipase

water, mineral salts

Page 40 Get it Right

(a) True
(b) True
(c) False
Enzymes speed up the rate of chemical reactions.
Page 40 Lets Review
1. C
2. C
3. C
4. (a) A: Stomach
B: Small intestine
C: Large intestine
(b) A: Food undergoes physical and chemical digestion here. Food is broken down into
small pieces and mixed with gastric juice.
B: Food is mixed with three juices to help digestion and small food molecules are
absorbed into the bloodstream.
C: Water and mineral salts are absorbed here. The faeces is expelled through the
(c) The baby would suffer from malnutrition, constant diarrhoea, dehydration and
unhealthy weight loss, etc.
5. Enzymes in the digestive system help to break down complex food molecules into
simple molecules. For example, the enzyme amylase breaks down starch into maltose.
The enzyme protease breaks down protein into amino acids and the enzyme lipase
breaks down fats into fatty acids and glycerol.
6. (a) Some nutrients such as sugars (glucose) in apples are small enough to pass
through the cell membrane of the body cells. Hence, these nutrients do not need to
be digested before they can be absorbed into the bloodstream.
How can we test for the presence of specific types of nutrients?
What can we use to represent body cells?
How can we extract nutrients from apples?
(Accept any other reasonable answers.)



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