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There's certainly no doubt about the fact that John F Kennedy and Martin Luther

have done significant contribution towards the masses of the United States.They
were the forerunners for many causes.However there are several other leaders who
have made a significant difference for their respective countries in the times
of adversity and lead them from front to achieve the positive ends efficaciously
.One such leader whom i would like to discuss about is the person who is the cyn
osure of every eye.His name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi or simply M.K. Gandhi.
"The Father of the Nation" or "Bapu" are some of the sobriquets given to this pr
e-eminent personality of Indian politics.He was the apostle of truth,non-violenc
e,self-sacrifice and perseverence.He was the main person behind India's struggle
for Independence.He led many mass movements like Satyagraha Movement which addr
essed the grief of salt workers in the arid areas of Kutch,a part of state Gujra
t in India.He was the driving force behind ousting most of the British Imperials
from india.He was revered by the public for his honest and clear motives of ach
ieving the positive ends.He eschewed the means of violence to achieve independe
nce and hence he was despised by severe extremists of that time namely Bhagat Si
ngh,Chandrashekar Azad who led the revolt on the individual basis to cause irrit
iation and trouble for British Empire in North India.The problem with these extr
emists and revolutionaries was that they were not very persuasive in getting th
eir things done.Their mode of operation mainly involved violence and therefore w
ere rendered ineffective on most accounts in front of mighty colonials.And most
of them met cruel ends at the hands of Britishers.However In these regards Gandh
i can be considered very perspicacious as his charisma always kept British on th
eir knees.Take for instance the Non Co-operation movement which he carried out w
here he asked all indians to shun all British clothing and accessories .His pers
ona was of such gargantuan proportion that his followers who were spread through
out the country immediately complied and this was marked as one of the most impo
rtant milestones in the India's struggle to independence.
M.K. Gandhi was eloquent yet simple.His hermetic image was so appealing that he
became popular not only in India but also in many other parts of the world.He w
as also known to carry out the successful mass movements in South Africa where h
e fought to secure the rights of black which was undermined by British colonists
.Hence his popularity was widespread.Infact the Britishers also acknowledged hi
s endeavours and this could be corroborated from the fact that several British f
olks who had anti-Indian feelings suddenly became a part of Indian freedom movem
To sum up,he was the true world leader who not only addressed several issues rel
ated to racist tendencies of colonial rules but also successfully carried out ma
ss movements and ensured the positive results which were guaranteed because of h
is personality.

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