Sonogram: Sac Membrane Division Tissue

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Frances Rica L.


An image that shows how a signal varies with time, also known as a spectrogram, used to identify phonetic sounds,
to analyze the cries of animals, and in the fields of music, sonar/radar, speech processing and seismology.

is a closed sac, having a distinct membrane and division compared to the nearby tissue. Basically, a cyst is a cluster
of cells that have grouped together to form a sac (not unlike the manner in which water molecules group together,
forming a bubble); however, the distinguishing aspect of a cyst is the cells forming the "shell" of such a sac, are
distinctly abnormal (in both appearance and behaviour) when compared to all surrounding cells for that given

An abnormal mass of tissue. Tumors are a classic sign of inflammation, and can be benign or malignant
(cancerous). There are dozens of different types of tumors. Their names usually reflect the kind of tissue they arise
in, and may also tell you something about their shape or how they grow. For example, a medulloblastoma is a tumor
that arises from embryonic cells (a blastoma) in the inner part of the brain (the medulla). Diagnosis depends on the
type and location of the tumor. Tumor marker tests and imaging may be used; some tumors can be seen (for
example, tumors on the exterior of the skin) or felt (palpated with the hands).

is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the
body. Not all tumors are cancerous; benign tumors do not spread to other parts of the bodyPossible signs and
symptoms include: a new lump, abnormal bleeding, a prolonged cough, unexplained weight loss, and a change
in bowel movements, among others. While these symptoms may indicate cancer they may also occur due to other
issues. There are over 100 different known cancers that affect humans.

ending to produce death or deterioration, tending to infiltrate, metastasize, and terminate fatally

not causing death or serious injury, without cancer : not cancerous, not causing harm or damage

is a medical test commonly performed by a surgeon, interventional radiologist, or an interventional cardiologist
involving sampling of cells or tissues for examination. It is the medical removal of tissue from a living subject to
determine the presence or extent of a disease.

is an oscillating sound pressure wave with a frequency greater than the upper limit of the human hearing range.
Ultrasound is thus not separated from 'normal' (audible) sound by differences in physical properties, only by the fact
that humans cannot hear it. Although this limit varies from person to person, it is approximately 20 kilohertz (20,000
hertz) in healthy, young adults. Ultrasound devices operate with frequencies from 20 kHz up to several gigahertz.

is a physician who examines tissues, checks the accuracy of lab tests, and interprets the results in order to facilitate
the patients diagnosis and treatment. He or she works closely with the patients other doctors and is a vital member
of the patients primary health care team. Pathologists work in many areas of the medical laboratory and often serve
as the Lab Director. Contrary to popular depictions of this career, the task of performing autopsies constitutes just a
small part of the typical pathologists practice.

producing or tending to produce cancer

Ovarian tissue
is of interest to women who want to preserve their reproductive function beyond the natural limit, or whose
reproductive potential is threatened by cancer therapy, for example in hematologic malignancies or breast cancer.]

Metastasis or Metastatic disease,

is the spread of a cancer from one organ to another. The new occurrences of disease thus generated are referred to as
metastases (sometimes abbreviated "mets"). It was previously thought that only malignant tumor
cells and infections have the capacity to metastasize (also spelled metastasise); however, this is being reconsidered
due to new research.[3]

Lymph node
is an oval-shaped organ of the lymphatic system, distributed widely throughout the body including
the armpit andstomach and linked by lymphatic vessels.

are the smallest of the blood vessels and serve as the connection between the arterial and venal systems of the
cardiac system. The action of the diaphragm and muscles in the arms and legs exerts a massaging effect that helps to
move blood back to the heart.

is a medical term for predicting the likely outcome of one's current standing. When applied to large statistical
populations, prognostic estimates can be very accurate

is an X-ray image of your breast used to screen for breast cancer. Mammograms play a key role in early breast
cancer detection and help decrease breast cancer deaths.

Is a change of the nucleotide sequence of the genome of an organism, virus, or extrachromosomal genetic element.
Mutations result from unrepaired damage to DNA or to RNA genomes (typically caused by radiation or
chemical mutagens), errors in the process ofreplication, or from the insertion or deletion of segments of DNA
by mobile genetic elements.

is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals that occurs in nature when
organisms such as bacteria, insects or plants reproduce asexually.

Metastatic brain tumor

is cancer that started in another part of the body and spread to the brain.

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