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[Last Name] 1

[Your Name]
[Instructor Name]
[Course Number]

[Title]: [Subtitle]

1 of 1
Step 1: Keep a day-by-day journal (diary) for 7 days, recording your normal activities. Make a
quick note (or tag) next to those items that you do each day that pertain to the wellness factors
(physical fitness, mental fitness, and spiritual fitness), discussed in Chapter 7 and in this
lesson. Note: You can just put a P for physical, M for mental fitness, and S for
spiritual fitness next to your journal items to indicate the factor(s) related to the item.
Step 2: At the end of the 7 days, review your journal and write a brief summary (3-4 sentences)
on how well you did (and/or did not do) in respect to your own wellness (based on wellness
factors) and briefly discuss (in 3-4 sentences) which daily decisions you could make to
continue or to improve on your personal wellness. You should look at the Personal
Wellness sections in Chapters 2-22 of your textbook and incorporate at least one element
from two different personal wellness sections of your choosing. You may also use
elements from the course lesson to discuss decisions that can impact your wellness.
Note: You should not change your activities to fit the wellness factors for this assignment or fit
things in. This is a chance for you to take a close look at how you are doing with your wellness.
You will not be graded or evaluated on the type, number, or quality of your activities. Again, the
purpose of this assignment is to encourage self-exploration, self-assessment, and personal
decisions tied to wellness.
In your summary, you are expected to analyze and discuss your journal about the wellness
factors. You are expected to cover all factors discussed in the lesson. You are looking not only
to how well you did with the factors, but also if you found a problem in your wellness, and what
personal decisions could you make to improve those problem areas or to continue on your
healthful path. This is an overall summary of your wellness (good or bad) based on what you
have learned from the lesson.
Each section is worth 25 points.
Note: You should complete your journal and summary off-line; then, cut and paste it into

Each question is worth 5 points. (30 points total)

[Last Name] 2
For this assignment, you will write a short essay discussing the following case. This must be
in essay format, not simply a group of bulleted statements. You must use complete
sentences and proper English grammar, and spelling. This should be a short essay, and you
should cover the items listed below in one or more paragraphs. Dont forget to cite your
references. Review the APA Style citations in your textbook if you need help with citing
sources. You can also find information at the Rio Salado Library page.
1. The elements of communication are listed on page 220 of your textbook. For
the case study below, identify which part of the case study relates to each
element of communication..
2. What communication elements are missing in this case study or could be
3. Could the patient have misinterpreted the message? If so, how? What could
have happened if the message did not come across as intended?
4. Are there things that the nurse could have done better in this situation, and, if
so, what are they?
5. If you were the nurse in this case, what would you have done?
6. Give one example of a nonverbal and a verbal communication cue that the
nurse could have looked for to be sure the message was delivered effectively
A physician wrote in the patient record an order for medication for one of his
patients. In that order, he directs the medication to be taken as one pill three
times a day, approximately 4-6 hours apart and with a meal. He tells the nurse to
give the patient some samples because they have a large number of them and the
patient is on a fixed income. He then asked the nurse to give the patient directions
on how to take the medication. The nurse calls the patient from the waiting room
into her office and gives the patient the samples. As the nurse is escorting the
patient out of her office, she then directs a patient to take one of these pills with
every meal.

For additional guidance on formatting your research paper, consult MLA 7th Edition as
well as your instructor.

[Last Name] 3
Works Cited
AuthorLastName, FirstName. Title of the Book Being Referenced. City Name: Name of
Publisher, Year. Type of Medium (e.g. Print).
LastName, First, Middle. "Article Title." Journal Title (Year): Pages From - To. Print.

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