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Personal statement

Create with the heart, build with the mind. Criss Jami, Killosophy.
I our modern world from today everything depends on engineering. They are the ones
who put their souls into their projects and they can bring to life objects which people use
everyday like cars, phones, and, of course, houses where we spent a lot of time and we create a
lot of memories.
That I want to do! I felt that since I was in High School and I had in my mind a very
precise goal and I followed it. I joined at Construction and Installation College at Tehical
University Gheorghe Asachi from Iasi because I wanted to do what I love so much and in the
same time I wanted to build my career in construction. The construction area or the sitework
wasn`t a strange thing for me because since I had 16 years old during the summer holidays I
worked with different people on the sitework, they have learned me a lot of practical skills in
construction`s work, but with all this I still wanted to take everything to a higher level.
I chose this profession because not everyone is capable to do this, therefore, it is special
job. In four years at Construction and Installation College I depth my knowledge, I attended to
many educational activities and didactic projects like Foundation Project, Civil Engineering
Projects, Metal Structures and I joined some educational conference. For example Advance
Graitec Concret Conference. I have learned in the same period to use architectural and design
programs (AutoCad from AutoDesk, Axis VM12, Advance Concret, Etabs). At Construction
University from Romania I studied disciplines like Tehnical draw, Reinforced concret,
Dynamics, Rehabilitation of buildings which helped me to see this profession from another point
of view.
All my personality spins around the activity how make in my free time, outside
University and projects I like very much to go at gym. I consider this activity to be important
because it is about health and it create a big part of my character, made me stronger, ambitious
and I gained a self-discipline which I needed. I love a lot to travel and to visit a lot of cities. I
was in Paris, Rome and in almost all cities in Belgium and I investigated the constructions and
the architecture of the cities.
I become familiar with Brussels and with Belgium people because I was there for
many times in holidays and I have also visited a lot of siteworks in development building
because I consider that to be a chance for me to is the way of life there.
I wish very much to study in Brussel because I appreciate this city, it is very beautiful, a
true cultural city and the people who live there are special. I consider this Master in Civil
Engineering at Vrije Universiteit Brussel can be a springboard for my engineer career.
In the future I see myself making projects on the site work because I don`t feel that I am
made for office work because I am a very active person.
I want to apply at Master of Science in Civil Engineering from Vrije Universiteit
Brussel because I want to improve my skills and my knowledge and this University can offer me
the opportunity to learn new things from the best teachers.

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