Issues in National Bauilding and Integration

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The aim of social studies in education is aimed at building an individual to be sound and
effective citizen, and provide education opportunities for all citizens of the nation. The aims and
objective of the national educational which linked with the philosophy are:
1. The opinion in of national consciousness that is (set of ideals) of national unity
2. The opinion of the right types of values and attitudes for the survival of the individual
and the Nigerian society.
To make this effect the government has stressed that a conscious effort with respect to
civics, it should be made to teach the principal of beliefs to the good citizens at all level of
The nature of social studies it is often say that man is social animal. This broadly means
that the living of every individual human being is marked by a strong interest to associate with
other of his/her kind in this sense social means forming or having

a tendency to form

cooperative and something that depend on each other mingling with ones people.
A society has to do with living in particular physical environment people settle and live
on a particular land and area with everything that appears on the surface of that land.
Social studies as a subject tries to teach children the summation of all experiences within
their environment which they need to live in the world. This subjects aims at developing their
skills with the attitude that will make them to become a person who works to achieve political or
social change that contribute to the community.
Literature Review on Definitions of social studies
We can classify the various definition of social studies into three groups namely
1. Definitions according to the contents of the subject
2. Definitions according to the purpose of social studies.
3. Definitions according to methods social studies.
We can illustrate with a few examples .
Definitions according to contents of social studies are the earliest and perhaps most popular. This
definitions attempt to understand what social studies should be as a subject this careful describe

what the subject is all about and its helpful to the curriculum planners teachers and student to
delimit and clarify the constituent of social studies.
Definition according to purpose can be said as a definition to correct the errors noted in the
definition by content and describe what social studies ac is rather than what social studies
should be also have similarities of focusing on citizenship education on common experiences of
the society problems.
Lastly definition according to method of social studies describe social studies as it is being
taught or ought to be taught to student e.g bar (1970) definition and Debey and Bath (1980).
Nature and Functions of Educational Goal
The real nature of this discipline can be well understood by analyzing the above

A unique combination of various disciplines

A study of human relationships
A study of mans development through ages
A realistic course of study
It form an important part of the core-curricullum
It includes commitment to action
Aim at preparing the learner for wholesome social living.
The Aim of Nigeria Education

this can be classified or identifying by the federal

government and philosophy or Nigeria education that embodied the goals on education
can be formulated without first identifying the overall philosophy and objective of the
nations which are as follows

A free and democratic society

A just and egalitarain society
A united strong and self-reliant nation
A great and dynamic economy
A land of bright and full opportunities for all citizens.

Note : this are very broad aims and they do not specify what should be the actual content of
education the objectives of social studies teaching in Nigeria the main objective of social studies
teaching in Nigeria goes thus :
1. To create

an awareness and an understanding of our evolving

social and pysical

environment as a whole
2. To develop a capacity to learn and to equire certain basic skills.
3. To ensure the acquisition of that relevant body of knowledge and information
4. To develop a sympathetic appreciation of the diversity and interdependence of all
member of the local community
5. To develop the student positive attitudes and togetherness towards a healthy nation.

Note to have better understanding of the objective of social studies it is advisable to group them
under broad categories of
1. Knowledge
2. Skills
3. Attitudes and values.
One of the major driving forces behind the quest for independence in Africa in 1950s and
1960s was the belief that development would be a natural follow up. A country attained her
independence. Regrettably, development seems to have alluded us after many years of
independence, instead of resigning ourselves to the face under-development.
Concept of development by nationalist
The major forces that encouraged the early nationalist in their struggle for independence. Africa
was the desire the desire to develop their nation.
In Nigeria, because of collaboration with Britain, development was seen with the frame of the
British political system of government.
What is notable here is that nationalist who took over from departing colonist saw development
in the form of what is obtained in Europe and the united state.
Nigeria national development policies.
The achievement of independence in 1960 the Nigeria political decision makers saw the need to
fulfill their election promises. The western Nigeria government they soon sworn into action. The
independence of Nigeria announce the introduction of a five year development (1960-1966)
which has become a feature of Nigerias development policies. The first development plan of
Nigeria aimed at developing the expanding educational system with the act of seeing or looking
at the production of high level man power resources, it also aimed the expanding of the
agricultural base of the country increasing the numbers of industries and social service that
provide more infrastructures and social services and increasing the Gross National Product

The second development plan in 1970-1974 also place importation on agriculture, industry,
transportation and expansion in education with establishment of more universities, polythenics
and colleges of education for manpower development under the second and third national
development between 1970 and 1980 education policy shifted towards a more functional
approach, and education was regarded as a powerful instrument for social change and nation
building. Efforts were gear towards expanding facilities.
Value and ethnic necessary for national development
Despite the expansion in social services, industry and infrastructure there had been no
meaningful development in Nigeria.
Failure of the country to develop politically and economically has led to the setting up and
formulation policies that will bring about social. Political and economic order. Among such steps
taken wee the establishment of MAMSER, the introduction of SAP, NOA, and VISION 2020.
For a nation to become great, there are some attitude that the citizens has to cultivate for
Nigerian nation to achieve greatness the following vales must be inculcated in the citizen they
Patriotism: in essence it means the ability of a citizen to render selfless service to the course and
ideals of Nigeria and strong resistance against external influence that may undermine these
course and ideals.
Loyalty: to be loyal means to be true to oneself, ones friend group and the nation loyalty is
required for trust and harmonious relationship.
Honesty: this is the act of being trustworthy. That is, being above board. We must cultivate the
habit of honesty in all what will do and our actions towards our fellow country men and women.
Dedication to duty: we exist as members of the nation because the nation exist. If the nation
should collapse economically, every individual will be affected.
Failure in achieving development
The poking needs emphasis is that despite the expansion in social services and infrastructure,
there had been no meaningful development in Nigeria. There was absence of consideration to
improvement of a stable political culture, and of the quality of life of society. What led to our
failure to attain a high level of development.

Firstly, on attainment of independence the Nigerian political leaders adopted the west minister
system of government, thus some members of the opposition soon began to contemplate on using
violent measures to overthrow the government in power.
Secondly, members of the government party felt acquire the status of the colonial rulers.
Thirdly, the top civil servants who had the technical skills and were therefore to abuse the
politicians were themselves tribalistic and corrupt.
Fourthly, though the military came into power with a view to correct the trend of affairs, their
concept of development was the enforcement of law and order. Because of lack legislative, the
military relied heavily on top civil servants who were themselves not immune from corruption,
ethnic rivalries and powers

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