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Radar Cross Section Reduction of Dihedral and

Trihedral Corner Reflectors Coated with Radar

Absorbing Materials (8- 12 GHz)
E. L. Nohara, M. A. S. Miacci, G. G. Peixoto
1. M. Martin, M. C. Rezende
Abstract - Corner reflectors form the major scattering
centers in the radar signatures of ships, aircrafts and
vehicles. The Radar Cross Section (RCS) reduction of
these flare spots (corner reflectors) plays an important
role in the design of these targets with reduced
detectability in radar. This paper deals with the RCS
reduction of a square dihedral and trihedral corner
reflectors, coated with radar absorbing material (RAM).
The measurementswere carried out in an anechoic chamber at
Centro Tecnico Aeroespacial (CTA)-Ministhrio da Defesa
facilities, and the RAM coating was manufactured at Divislo
de Materiais of Instituto de Aeronautica e Espaqo (1AE)ICTA.
The processed RAM applyed on flat plate was evaluated by
reflection coefficient measurements by using the RCS selfcalibrated technique.
Index Terms - Radar cross section reduction, dihedral,
trihedral, radar absorbing material.

Comer reflectors consist in geometries of special interest
in electromagnetic scattering problems because they provide
a large bistatic or monostatic radar cross section over a
broad range of observation and aspect angles. The large
echoes from these targets arise from the multiple reflections
between two or three mutually orthogonal flat surfaces
forming the reflectors. Dihedral corners have been used by
many workers in RCS reduction studies and also as RCS
calibration target (reference target) [ 1-41. Trihedral comers
yield large backscattering RCS over a wide azimuth and
elevation angular ranges and are widely used for external
radar calibration.
Both dihedral and trihedral comers are usually present in
mechanical structures of ships, aircrafts and vehicles,
contributing as efficient scattering centers of such targets.
Thus RCS reduction of such geometric comer structures are
of great importance in the design and construction of
Manuscript received April 6, 2003. This work have been supported in
part by the Brazilian Defense Ministry, CAPES, CNPQ, and FAPESP.
Nohara, E.L and Martin, 1. M. are with the Universidade de Taubate,
UNITAU - Departamento de Engenharia MecPnica and Departamento de
Matematica e Fisica, respectivelly, TaubateISP, CEP 12060-440, Brazil (email: enohara@directnet.com.br and martin@iae.cta.br).
Miacci, M.A.S is with the the Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica ,
Silo Jose dos Campos/SP, CEP. 12228-904, Brazil (e-mail:
marcelomiacci@directnet.com.br ).
Peixoto G.G is with the Instituto de Aeronautica e Espaqo, Centro
Tdcnico Aeroespacial Silo JosC dos Campos, Silo Paulo, Brazil (e-mail:
Rezende, M. C is with the Materials Division / IAE, Centro Tkcnico
Aeroespacial, SZo Jose dos Campos/SP, CEP. 12228-904, Brazil (phone: 55
(12) 3947-6434; fax: 55 (12) 3947-6405; e-mail: mirabel@iae.cta.br).

0-7803-7824-5/03/$17.00 02003 IEEE

ships and aircrafts which will be under surveillance of radar

systems. It has been reported that RCS reduction of dihedral
comers can be achieved by altering the mutual orthogonality
of the flat surfaces [l]. This technique involves changes in
original engineering design of the target. Meanwhile, the use
of RAM can also overcome this problem.
RAM have attracted considerable interest in recent years
since they are used in many civilian and military
applications, in order to minimize electromagnetic
reflections from large structures, to cover the walls of
anechoic chambers and for electromagnetic interference
(EMI) shielding [5,6]. As electromagnetic radiation, mostly
in the high frequencies (e.g. radio-frequency, such as those
emanating from cellular phones) tends to interfere with
electronics (e.g. computer), the EM1 shielding of both
electronics and radiation source is needed and nowadays this
requirement is strongly required by society around the
world. The importance of EM1 shielding relates to the
demand of todays society on the reliability of electronics
and to the fast growth of radio-frequency radiation sources
Unique materials with electrical and magnetic designs can
be used to absorb, attenuate, and virtually to trap high
amount of energy of an impinged wave. A specific RAM
can be formulated for absorption of discrete microwave
frequency band or for broadband absorption. The main
problem for the RAM design is related to the choice of the
material. The complex permeability (pjp), the
and the loss constant (tan 6 ) of a
permittivity (E-$),
constituent material of RAM determine its reflection and
attenuation characteristics [7,8].
Probably, the first application of RAM occured during the
World War I1 for purpose of achieving radar camouflage of
submarine snorkel and periscope. In the early 1940s,
effective signal reductions with both resonant and
broadband RAM were demonstrated. Since that time, the
information about such applications has been limited in
view of the importance of RAM to the military area [9].
It is mentioned that RAM has been extensively used on
the exterior surfaces of stealth aircraft. The F117A was the
first operational U.S Air Force Stealth fighter aircraft, with a
frontal RCS equal to 1.0 m2 in the X band [lo]. The US Air
Force didnt acknowledge the aircrafts existence until 1988,
and the plane was publicly displayed for the first time in
1990. In the same year, the first Northrop B-2 Stealth flying
wing bomber was shown to the public for the first time [9].
Others stealth aircrafts from United States of America
include the YF-22 and YF-23, two flying prototypes
developed by an industrial group consisting of Lockheed,
General Dynamics and Boeing. The philosophy of the US
stealth aircrafts is the reduction of RCS value mainly by
using adequate geometry and RAM on the exterior surfaces.


Proceedings SBMOiIEEE MTT-S IMOC 2003

But the stealth-geometry causes limitations on

aerodynamics, manobrability, payload, etc. For instance, the
first U.S. stealth prototype, Lockheed F-19 Heave Blue
(Figure l), had flight stability on the horizontal axis equal to
+/- 12 degrees, and maximum operational gravity load (gload) equal to 1.5 g [lo].

Figure 1. U.S. stealth prototype Lockheed F-19 Heave Blue

Russian researchers have also performed extensive works
concerning RAM and RCS reduction. MIG Russian
designers (Mikoyan and Guryevich) started systematic
works on low obsevability of it's aircraft in the early 80's.
MIG formed a special group on low observable technology
with the philosophy of reducing the RCS by proper location
of RAM on the exterior surface (shining points), without
changing of the optimal characteristics of shape,
aerodynamics, manobrability and payload. By 1983 it built
the first tactical fighter prototype with low radar return
based on MIG 23. It's radar profile was 8.6 dB lower than of
the same plane without RAM. According to the Russian data
the design cost of the special coating was 1000 US dollars
(Lockheed spent U$ 300 million on it's F117A) [lo]. But
the absorbing coat lacked desired adhesive qualities and was
too corrosive to be accepted. In 1985 was built another
prototype with different coating. It's radar profile was 1.72.3 times lower than that of the same fighter in service. In
1987 the same coating was tried on MIG 29, but the work
stopped in 1988 due to the finance lack. It restarted in 1993
and in 1997 MIG designers created a new coating and tested
it on MIG 29. The absorbent qualities were 3 times better
than all previous ones, reducing the MIG-29 frontal radar
cross section to 0.2-1.0 m2 in the X-band, without changing
of shape and aerodynamic. For instance, the maximum
operational g-load of Russian stealth MIG 29 is 9.0 g [lo].
The study of electromagnetic and physical properties of
RAM'S as well as the techniques for determining their
reflection coefficient at microwave frequencies are essential
for industrial applications. The measurement and evaluation
of RAMs are difficult, consuming time in the tasks. A large
number of papers describing the accurate determination of
the reflectivity of RAM'S have been published [ll-151. The
measurements are either of the destructive type (as in
waveguide or coax measurements where the sample is cut
properly to fit into fixtures) or nondestructive type (as in the
Naval Research Laboratories' arch, large waveguide
methods and some RCS techniques) [1 I, 121. These methods
take into account only one reflection of the incident signal
on the material.
Radar cross section is a measure of scattered power in a
given direction when a target is illuminated by an incident
wave. RCS is normalized to the power density of the
incident wave at the target so that it does not depend on the

distance of the target from the illumination source. This

removes the effects of the transmitter power level and the
distance to the target when the illuminating wave decreases
in intensity due to inverse square spherical spreading. RCS
is also normalized so that the inverse square fall-off of
sacattered intensity due to spherical spreading is not a factor
so that we do not need to know the position of the receiver.
RCS measurements are used to evaluate the target
characteristics and not to determine the effects of transmitter
power, receiver sensitivity, and the position of the
transmitter or receiver distance. Another denomination for
RCS is echo area [ 1 11.
One of the RCS methods to evaluate RAMs requires a
double face flat panel, where one side is used as reflector
material (reference) and the other is coated with RAM (Fig.
1-A). The panel is fixed on a rotating support, which is
positioned in front of the receiving and transmitting horns.
The advantage of this methodology is that it allows the
evaluation of the reference and RAM, by rotating the device
from 0 to 360", evaluating both sides of the panel, one after
the other. Fig.1-A shows a simplified scheme of the device
used in this RCS method Ell]. With this method is not
necessary to make two separate measurements, because the
RCS diagram of the RAM is made by rotating the device
from 0 to 180" and the reference (metal plate-reflector) is
made from 180 to 360". Thus, it is a self-calibrating
measurement [l I]. This method takes into account only one
reflection of the incident signal on the material. Neverthless,
in many situations are observed multiple reflections of the
signal on the structure covered by RAM before the signal be
reflected toward the detection system.
To calculate the RCS, it must be considered the power
that is reflected back from a target, in a free space condition,
to the transmittingheceiving radar antenna, being this
antenna the same one used to launch the radiation. The radar
cross section (0)of the target is a transfer function which
relates incident power density and reflected power density.


B. Dihedral

A. Flat panel

C. Trihedral
Fig. I

- Devices schemes used for the RCS measurement [l I].

The effect of lower RCS values on reducing of the vehicle

detection range is illustrated by (1). The final term of the
equation indicates the relationship between radar cross
section and range (distance between the target and the
receivindtransmitting antenna) [111.
P, = P,

utilized 2 pieces, one as reference and the other coated with

the RAM.
TX Antenna



G 2 h 2 CT

P, = Received energy (W)

G = Antenna gain (dBi)
CT = Radar cross section (m')


Pt = Transmitted energy (W)

h = Wavelength (m)
R = Range (m)

HPIB interface

This article provides results involving the RCS reduction

of a square dihedral and trihedral corner reflectors, coated
with radar absorbing material (RAM) developed at CTA.
The characterization was performed using an anechoic
chamber in the frequency range of 8 - 12 GHz.

Fig. 3 - RCS setup description.



The used setup for RCS measurements is constituted by:

Anechoic chamber, matched at 2-1 8 GHz;
sweep model HP 83630B (Hewlett Packard);
spectrum analyzer model HP8593E;
PC computer with HPIB interface;
low loss coaxial cables from Huber-Suhner Company,
model Sucoform SM-141-PE (50R);
antennas in the range of 8-12 GHz, in monostatic
aluminum flat plate as reference (perfect reflector)
with dimensions of 17x 17cm;
aluminum square dihedral with dimensions of
aluminum square trihedral with dimensions of
12xl2cm, and
IO) RAM coating.

Figure 4 shows the absorption curve of the RAM obtained

from 8 to 12 GHz with normal incidence of the
electromagnetic wave. From this it is observed a resonant
behaviour, with the maximum absorption at 10 GHz (20 dB
= 99%). Figure 5 shows the RCS diagrams measured at 8,
10 and 12 GHz, from -180" to 0' to the reference flat plate,
and from 0 to + 180' to the RAM coated side. All RCS
diagrams of the flat plates show a peak at 0" due to the
normal incidence of the electromagnetic wave. The position
of the plate is a critical point for the success of the
measurements, where changes of? 5", for example, can alter
the signal intensity in nearly 10-20 dB. This abrupt dropping
of the signal for angles different from 0" is due to the flat
geometry of the target, scattering the electromagnetic wave
impinged on it in different directions of the receiving


The RAM coating was prepared at Divislo de

Materiais/IAE/CTA. The RAM preparation involved the
mixture of 60 % (w/w) of a commercial epoxy matrix filled
with 40 % (w/w) of fillers, being ferrites of MnZn (30 %),
NiZn (5 %) and MgZn (5 %). Physico-chemical
characteristics of the fillers and the epoxy resin as well as
the coating preparation procedures were previously
described [16,17]. The RAM was applied on the aluminum
surface of the targets (flat panel, dihedral and trihedral) by
brushing, with thickness equal to 2.0 mm.
The setup is shown in Figure 3 [18]. The transmitted
output of a microwave generator is directed toward a target.
Microwave receiver and one PC computer with HPIB
interface detect the energy reflected from the target to the
receiving antenna.
RCS measurements were carried out at the frequencies
of 8, 10 e 12 GHz. In each frequency, the flat panel, the
dihedral and the trihedral were fixed on the rotating support
(Figure I-A, Figure 1-B and Figure 1-C respectivelly) and
rotated from -180' to +180" (flat panel) and from -90" to
+90 (dihedral and trihedral), at a scanning rate of 0.15 rads.
For the flat panel, both sides of the panel was characterized,
i.e., the reference side and the RAM painted side, from 0 to
-180' it is scanned the reference side and from 0 to + 180'
the RAM coated side. For the dihedral and trihedral were

48 I




E -15






Frequency (GHz)

Fig. 4 - NRL arch reflection coefficient of aluminum flat panel

recovered with RAM ( 17x 17 cm).

At the frequency of 8 GHz in aspect angle range of Oo

and +180" (RAM coated side) it is observed a reduction of
nearly 9 dB (absorption of 87%) for the principal peak of the
RCS diagram (+90) in relation to the diagram of the
metallic side (wihout RAM) (-90") and a reduction of 2-5 dB
for other aspect angles. Meanwhile, the characteristic profile
of the RCS diagram of the reflector flat panel remains
similar in the RAM coated flat panel. At 10 GHz it is
observed a deep reduction of the RCS diagram, changing the
characteristic profile of the reference panel. The main peak
at (+90") decreased nearly 20 dB (99%).













Aspect angle (degrees)

Aspect angle (degrees)


10 GHz








-180 -135

. ! . , . !


, .


I , . I

- 3 0 ! . ,
-180 -135


, ! . , . I . , . I . ,

Aspect angle (degrees)










Aspect angle (degrees)




.-; o




:: -10
















Aspect angle (degrees)







Aspect angle (degrees)

Fig.. 5 - RCS diagram ofan aluminum flat panel (17x17 cm),

reference side (-180"to 0"),RAM coated side (O'to +180').

Fig. 6 - RCS diagram of a dihedral (12x12 cm), reference side (-18O'to

On), ram coated side (0"to + I 80").

At 12 GHz it is observed a reduction of the RCS diagram

for the all aspect angles. The principal peak presented a
decrease of nearly 14 dB (96%). Comparing these results to
those obtained at 8 GHz it is verified the same profile of the
curve, i.e., occurs the RCS diagram reduction but preserving
the typical behaviour of the diagram of a reflector flat panel.
The princiapl peak reduction of the RAM coated panel are
related to absorption Figure 4, in the frequency range of 812 GHz, showing that in both, Figures 4 and 5, the measured
reflectivity coeficient takes into account only the impinged
wave on the material. In Figure 4, attenuation values of 8,
20 and 14 dB are observed at 8, 10 and 12 GHz,
respectively. Figure 5 shows attenuation of the main peaks
in the RCS diagrams of 9, 20 and 14 dB, respectively, at the
same frequencies. Figure 6 shows the results at 8, 10 and 12
GHz of the reference dihedral (-180" to 0") and this target
coated with RAM (0"to +180").


The dihedral RCS diagram is characterized by multiple

reflections of the wave between the orthogonal faces, with
two peaks in the aspect angles of -135" and -45" (Figure 5 reference dihedral). These peaks are attributed to the wave
normal incidence on the flat side of the dihedral. It can be
observed at 8 GHz (Figure 6) an attenuation of nearly 10 dB
to the peaks at -135" and -45' (reference dihedral) in RCS
diagram of the RAM coated dihedral in cornparition to the
reference one. Between +45" and + I 35" angles it is verified
an attenuation of 17-20 dB, attributed to multiple eflections
of the wave between the ortogoanl faces of the dihedral.
The reflection coeficient of the RAM coated flat panel, at
8 GHz, taking into account only one refletion of the
microwave signal, presents an attenuation value of nearly 9
dB with regard to the reference panel (Figures 4 and 5 ) . In
the dihedral case, the wave is attenuated up to 20 dB,
i.e., 10 dB higher than to the flat panel, due to the multiple
reflections of the wave between the dihedral faces.


the angle range of +135" - +180" and 0" - 45" is observed aa

signal increase related to the reference trihedral.
Figure 7, at 10 GHz, is observed a reduction of nearly 20
dB over all aspecd angles of the reference diagram. At 12
Ghz, between +70 e + I 10' is observed an attenuation of 30
dB related to the reference trihedral and an attenuation of
approximatelly 17 dB of the lateral peaks of the diagram.

8 GHz



The processed RAM at Divisgo de Materiais/IAE/CTA

was evaluated by RCS method, using a flat panel, dihedral
and trihedral geometries in the frequency range of 8 to 12
GHz into an anechoic chamber. The processed RAM coating
is able to attenuate nearly 20 dB when it is impinged on flat
plate, 24 dB on the dihedral and 30 dB on the trihedral. The
methodology and the devices adopted in this work allowed
obtaining reliable RCS diagrams contributing to the
establishment of a competence in this area in Brazil. These
collected results make part of a project supportting the RCS
diagram determination of complex targets.









Aspect angle (degrees)


10 GHz






f .




The authors thank FAPESP (project no: 98/15839-4),

CAPES and CNPq (project no: 300599/96, Proc. n. 30022887) for the financial support and Prof. Leonard K.


Aspect angle (degrees)



12 GHz



Aspect angle (degrees)




Fig. 7 - RCS diagram of a trihedral (12x12 cm), reference side (-180" to On),
ram coated side (0"to + 180).

At 10 GHz (figure 6) is observed an attenuation of nearly

24 dB at +9O0 in relation to the refrence dihedral, and an
reduction in attenuation of the lateral peaks at +45" and
+135" of 13.6 and 10 dB, respectively. At 12 GHz it is
observed a reduction close to 20 dB between the aspect
angles of +45" and +135", as well as a decrease of nearly 10
dB in the lateral peaks. As observed in the RCS diagrams of
the RAM coated flat panels (Figure 5), the large attenaution
was observed at 10 GHz.
Figure 7 depictes the results at 8, 10 and 12 GHz of both,
the reference trihedral (-I 80" to 0") and the RAM coated one
(0" to +180"). The trihedral RCS diagram is characterized by
multiple reflections of the wave among these three faces,
showing a RCS diagram similar to the dihedral. Figure 7, at
8 GHz, shows a RCS diagram reduction of the RAM coated
trihedral of 17 dB in cornparition to the reference one,
between the aspect angles of +45" and +135". However, in


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