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Assignment On

Creative Thinking
Submitted to;
Malik Aamir hafeez
Submitted by;
M: Aamir irshad
Roll No. 2686
BS.IT 5th semester
Evening section B

University of education Lahore

Multan campus

1. Creativity get started --------- things
i. not already existed
ii. already existed
iii. none of these
2.Creativity refer to-----i.thinking
iii.spirit as well as mind
Ability to connect seemgly--------i.idea
ii.connected iii. unconnected
Ans. (iii)
2. The perceive relation is between------i.utterly
iii. incomplete
3. concept of creative thinking -------- In the dark.
i. thinking
ii. ideas
iii. leap
4. Thinker = ------/creator.
i. thought
iii. creative
5. Sadness is------thinking.
ii. not
iii. Part of
Ans (ii)
6. Creativity base on -----i.power
ii. thinking
iii. mind
7. Thinking is a gate way to ------ things.
ii. old
iii. presant
Ans. (i)

8. Your creativity is the ...... of your mind.

i.reflection ii. shadow
iii. task
Ans. (ii)
9. Is every human being can be creative.
i. no
ii. yes
iii. Dont know
10. Creativity is the product of ------i. strength
ii. thinking
iii. plan
11. Man cant create anything out of -----i. mind
ii. nothing
iii. hardworking
Ans. (ii)
12. Thinking will leads you to------i. plan
ii. idea
iii. action
Ans. (iii)
15. Familiarity leads to-----i. conformity
ii. unknown
iii. complete
Ans. (i)
16. Creativity is the ability to generate-----i. Innovative ideas
ii. ideas
iii. plans
Ans. (i)
17. Creativity is the process of create something------ Into
i. new
ii. modern
iii. old
Ans. (i)
18. The main purpose of creative thinking is
i. Upgrade things
ii. Create something new
iii. Degrade things

19. Thinking will lead you to action and it will give you
-----i. plan
ii. ideas
iii. exploration
Ans. (iii)
20. Analog is a way of explaining something by way
comparing it with ------- Else.
i. something
ii. new
iii. odd
Ans. (i)
21. in the stepping store of analogy in this sentence
store link 2 words nature and------i. inventor
ii. discover
iii. think
Ans. (i)
22. Every cloud has a silver------i. lining
ii. bright
iii. none
Ans. (i)
23. Thinking depends upon
i. ideas
ii. mind iii. deviating
24. Re-make leads to-------i.
Add some extra ii. as it is iii. old
Ans. (i)
25. Thinking is a natural------i. ability ii. job
iii. quality
Ans. (iii)
26. Nature suggests------i.
model ii. work
iii. task
Ans (i)
27. Creativity is faculty of -----i. product
ii. idea
iii. mind
28. We make ideas in----i. creative
ii. ideas
iii. mind

Ans. (iii)
29. strange thing -----i. known
ii. unknown iii. identify
Ans. (ii)
30. Familiar things------i. known
ii. discover
iii. rediscover
Ans. (i)

Chapter no 1
Q1. What is creativity?
Ans. Creativity is the ability to generate innovative ideas
and manifest them from thought into reality. The process
involves original thinking and then producing.
Q2. What is the main purpose of creative thinking?
Ans. The main purpose of creative thinking is personality
development. Here personality shows skill.
Q3. What is thinking?
Ans. Thinking is a process that will lead you to action and
it will give you exploration.
Q4. Define creativity according to Joseph V Anderson?
Ans. Creativity is nothing more than seeing and action on
new relationship there by bringing them to life.
Q5. What is brain storming?
Ans. There is huge amount of information in our mind. We

pick the specific information according to need and speak

out the answer.
Chapter no 2
Q6. What is analogy?
Ans. Analogy is a way of explaining something by way
comparing it with something else.
Q7. What is the importance of thing by analogy?
Ans. Thinking by analogy, analogizing plays a key part in
imaginative thinking. This is especially so when it comes to
creative thinking.
Q8. Which do thing help us to suggest the solution of
Ans. Nature suggests models and principles for the solution
of problems.
Q9. How do we find the solution?
Ans. Nature helps us to make the model. We make sketch
of problem then think the ideas and choosing the best
solution of the problem.
Q10. Which did thing inspire the Engineer Honda to
design motorbikes face?
Ans. The statue of Buddhas face inspired the Engineer
Honda to design motorbike front.
Chapter no 3
Q11. What is mean ofCreative thinking involve a leap in
the dark?
Ans. It means hard job demand because in thinking you
cant see any thing, in simple impossible task.
Q12. Explain this sentence make the strange familiar and
the familiar strange?

Ans. This meas that to get information about unknown

things and that things we know about them, using them to
create new thing.
Q13. Give the example of making familiar strange?
Ans. We know about water if we boil the water then it
converts into gases state this is strange.
Q14. Give the example of strange familiar?
Ans. Iron is a element that is found in the eath. Scientists
observed that the electric current and thermal energy pass
though the iron then they made theory that iron is a metal.
Q15. According to Anon what is creative act?
Ans. The essence of the creative act is to see the familiar as
Chapter no 4
Q16. What is the mean of chapter name widen your span
of relevance?
Ans. It means we should think limitless to be creative.
Break the all boundary limits and think every thing is
Q17. What are the function of creative people?
Ans. 1) To perceive relation between utterly. 2) To combine
them in some new form.
3) To have power to connect seemingly un-connected.
Q18. What is existing common?
Ans. When we think about to create new thing then we
make it according to our thought.
Q19. What is the 3rd function of creative people?
Ans. Its mean that you have a power to think better for
creation but apparently show that you have nothing power
to do this.

Q20. How to make creative contribution?

Ans. The transfer of technology from one field to another
usually with some degree of alteration and adaptation is
one way in which you can make a creative contribution.
Long questions
1) Briefly describe creative thinking?
2) Explain the creativity?
3) Write note on human creativity in detail?
4) What is familiar and familiar strange explain briefly ?
5) Explain the term Re-Engineering?
6) Leap in the dark give a note?
7) Define relation between psychology and Creative
8) What are the main function of creative people?
9) Explain Brain Storming?
10) Describe rediscovery?

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