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The KingsTreasure Room markers

13= Owl
C= 1,000 feet
13C= 1,300 feet
I hope this post helps individuals tracking the old Spanish Trail recnogize and OWL and helps them to
decode the distance.
Just rebember the that the closer you get to the Treasure room the smaller and more abstract the
OWLS will become.
In the books written by Charles Kenworthy we are told about the number "40." He explains
how this number can actually be used as a non-number, mainly by confusing you into
thinking that 40 feet is a measurement that you must make when in reality the actual
distance can be much shorter than 40 feet.
On the reverse side of that thought we have the number 30. This number will be found on
paper maps as well as in the field. The number 30 is just the opposite of the 40. In the case
of the 30, it is not a measurement that you must make, but instead it is a symbol that you
need to locate, specifically, it is the Eagle symbol that you must find. The letters in the word
Eagle add up to 30 and, as you can see, this could cause some serious failure on your part if
you try to measure 30 feet. The actual Eagle symbol will be located much further away than
the 30 feet that you are measuring and you must locate this symbol in order to move
successfully to your next step given on your map or given in code at the treasure site.

the number 8 from Dign

The number 8 is an important treasure symbol. It also has many other symbols that are
connected to it.
The letter H is the alphabetical equivalent to the 8, and as you already know, the H is an
important symbol that represents a tunnel.
The Biblical meaning for the number 8 is "new beginnings." This "new beginning" can also
be applied to the New World (as America was called in the "beginning." Also, The New
World Order can be applied to this "new beginning" meaning. It is a new world that the
Illuminati are trying to create, a new world without God and under their control.
The number 8 has another very important interpretation to it, and many treasure hunters
have failed numerous times because of their lack of knowledge about this other meaning.
The number 8, when found in the "last steps" of a treasure trail means to "double the
number you have been given." Let me give you an excellent example of this "doubling."
At a recent John site, there was a duck rock map found at the location given, and this duck
rock told about how the steps that you were following to the treasure are only correct to
the sixth step, that the true 7th step had "ducked-out" on you, which left you following a
false trail.
After locating the true seventh step, the duck rock now had to be rotated to give you the
bell symbol. This bell symbol has a numerical value of 31, which is the number of feet that
you need to measure to get to the treasure room....or is the 31 just a lie?
Remember that as we leave the 7th step we are now on our 8th step, and this tells us
automatically that we need to "double the final number." But how do we know that this
step is the final step? By doubling the 31 feet (that we get from the bell) we get a new
number of 62. Now generally, the number 6 is used as a death trap symbol, etc. However, in
this case, we need to convert the 6 to its alphabetical "brother," which gives us the letter

"F." The "F", in the latter stages of your treasure steps means "final" or "final step."
The 2 (from the number 62) refers us to the letter "B." As I have stated before the "B" is a
closed-up 13, the 13 being another symbol of the owl, the owl being the symbol for
treasure, or treasure room. So, breaking down the number 62 into these letters gives us a
meaning of "this is the final step to the treasure room."
I cannot stress enough the importance of understanding the relationship between the
alphabet(s) and the number systems. And this relationship is not limited to the English
alphabet and number systems.
I hope this info helps someone get to their "rainbow." If you have any questions, about
ANY treasure symbol, please feel free to e-mail me.

A while back I posted a topic concerning the huge number 7 that can be found carved on a
mountainside. Kenworthy states that this 7 points to a campsite and I added to that
information, saying that this 7 can/will also point you to a fairly massive owl monument
that will be found along the base of this mountain. Once at this owl monument you need to
pay close attention because within a few dozen (or so) feet from this owl monument you
will find other boulders, such as the eagle, etc.
You may remember how I told you to look for a notch in one of these other boulders, and
that you need to sight through this notch, which will lead you to a very specific spot on the
ground. Now you need to go to this spot and, laying down, put your head on this spot and
then look around you. You will find partially buried rocks that give you the information to
every treasure room in that area.
I wasn't able to finish this topic due to censorship on the local library computer, in fact, this
is the first time I've been allowed to post in quite some time. What I need to tell you is that
when spotting these partially rocks (in these information areas), make sure that you have a
compass with you so that you can take a compass reading from the point where your head
is at. In other words, these types of "information sites" not only give you the exact shape of
the area/hill that holds the treasure room, they also give you the exact color of the
area/hill, and they also give you exact compass directions and distances to these treasure
accumulation rooms (One foot equals approximately 100 yards. This measurement is to be
taken from the area where your head was resting, and measure the distance to each
partially buried rock.)
Looking closely at each of these partially buried rocks, you will find that they contain all of
the vital information that you need to recover this treasure. You will be shown EXACTLY
where the opening (to the accumulation room) is located.
These "information areas" can be tough to locate and decipher for novices and pro's alike.
But if you have located a number 7 on a mountainside, then simply walk along the face of
the mountain and look for the massive owl monument.
You will find that the better you know an area, then the better your chances are of spotting
these "information areas" as well as the partially rocks, and recognizing them for what they
These info areas are generally found in locations that, while being literally "right there" in
front of you, they are concealed by bushes, trees, etc. The owl monument, however, is
generally sitting right out there in the open, just waiting for you to recognize it for what it
In mountain ranges that stretch out for miles and contain mines up the ying-yang, look for
these information areas to be placed all along the range.
This information, as I stated, locates only treasure accumulation rooms. Once you're at one
of these rooms you will find the best monuments for pin-pointing the mines that

"contributed" to that specific room. These mines can be worth checking out, as they will
most likely contain mined ores that just never quite made it to the accumulation room.
In closing, many of you have e-mailed me asking for help with symbols and signs. Feel free
to write, I try to help all I can for free, including coming to your site if I happen to be "in
the area." The only exception to this is if you are hunting on Indian Reservations. I deal
with these people in a much different way. There are far too many treasure sites out there
that you can hunt leagally. Stay away from the Reservations. If you're an American Native,
I'd be pleased to help if you have a site on a Reservation (these lands are some of the
richest you'll ever find).


Hello Rangler, The theory about drill holes are that the vikings used them, ( I think
the Jesuit Priest and others ) as trail markers across country, they seem to be
measured in Cordell's, longer distance = larger hole, it seems to work out that
keeping in mind that 4" wide X 4" across = 10cm X 10cm or 2 X circumference =
( circumference = 35.5 ) = 69 paces, or 189 feet, then you can use the same math
to figure a 16" wide, 16" deep drill hole, each 4 inch deep and wide = a Cordell in
that thought 4 cordell X 69 = approx 760 feet, one other drill hole you may come
across regular is 1 inch across and 16 inches deep is the same thing as a 4X4, then
you get into round bottom, flat bottom, sharp bottom, other carvings that you may
find in the bottom generally are directional, always follow those in reverse, they are
coming from a area of interest, regardless of the size any drill hole that's on an
angle should always be considered as a mooring hole there will always be 2 of them
as a the top part of a tent needs to be secured from 2 directions and forms a upside
down V or an A without the crossbar, such as you may find that secures a ship, or
cache, very important drill hole, flat bottom seems to indicate measure X 2 .
There's so much to learn about drill holes and I don't understand why others don't
post and help, usually the 3 " deep / wide round bottom are to be measured by the
foot. That's all for today

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