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Yoga of Devotion

` I prmaTmne nm>
Om r Paramtmane Nama
Aw adzae=Xyay>
Atha Dvdao'dhyya (Gt Chapter XII)
AjuRn %vac (Arjuna Uvca)
@v< sttyua ye aSTva< pyuRpaste,
ye caPy]rmVy< te;a< ke yaegivma>. 1.
eva satatayukt ye bhaktstv paryupsate
ye cpyakaramavyakta te ke yogavittam ||1||
Those devotees who, ever-steadfast, thus worship You(with attributes) and those also who worship the Imperishable,
the Unmanifest which of them are better versed in Yoga?

I gvanuvac (r Bhagavnuvca)
mYyaveZy mnae ye ma< inTyyua %paste ,
ya pryaepeta> te me yutma mta>. 2.
mayyveya mano ye m nityayukt upsate |
raddhay parayopet te me yuktatam mat || 2||
Those who, fixing their mind on Me, worship Me, ever steadfast and endowed with Supreme faith, these in my
opinion are best in Yoga.

ye Tv]rmindeR<Zy< AVy< pyuRpaste ,

svRgmicNTy< c kqSwmcl< uvm!. 3.
ye tvakaramanirdeya avyakta paryupsate |
sarvatragamacintya ca kasthamacala dhruvam ||3||
Those who worship the Imperishable, the Indefinable, the Unmanifest, the Omnipresent, the Immovable and the

siyMyeiNyam< svR smbuy>,

te auviNt mamev svRUtihte rta>. 4.
Sanniyamyendriyagrma sarvatra samabuddhaya |
te prpnuvanti mmeva sarvabhtahite rat || 4||
Having restrained all the senses, even-minded everywhere, rejoicing ever in the welfare of all beings verily they
also come unto Me.

ezae=ixktrSte;a< AVyascetsam! ,
AVya ih gitR>o< dehvirvaPyte. 5.
kleo'dhikataraste Avyaktsaktacetasm |
Avyakt hi gatirdukha dehavadbhiravpyate || 5||
Greater is their trouble whose minds are set on the Unmanifest; for the goal, the Unmanifest is very hard for the
embodied to reach.

ye tu svaRi[ kmaRi[ miy sySy mTpra> ,

AnNyenEv yaegen ma< XyayNt %paste. 6.
ye tu sarvi karmi mayi sannyasya matpar |
ananyenaiva yogena m dhyyanta upsate || 6||
But those who worship Me, renouncing all actions in Me, regarding Me as the Supreme Goal, meditating on Me
with single minded yoga

te;amh< smutaR m&Tyus<sarsagrat! ,

vaim nicraTpawR mYyaveiztcetsam! . 7.
temaha samuddhart mtyusasrasgart |
bhavmi nacirtprtha mayyveitacetasm || 7||
For them whose minds are set on Me, verily I become their instant saviour, O Prtha, from the ocean of changing e
experiences (the Sasra).

mYyev mn AaxTSv miy bui< invezy,

invis:yis mYyev At ^Xv n s<zy>. 8.
mayyeva mana dhatsva mayi buddhi niveaya |
nivasiyasi mayyeva ata rdhva na saaya || 8||
Fix thy mind on Me, place thy intellect in Me, then (thereafter) you shall, no doubt, live in Me alone.

Aw ic< smaxatu< n zaei; miy iSwrm!,

A_yasyaegen tt> maimCDau< xny. 9.
atha citta samdhtu na aknoi mayi sthiram |
abhysayogena tata mmicchptu Dhanajaya || 9||
If you are unable to fix your mind steadily on Me, then by the Yoga of constant practice you do seek to reach Me, O

A_yase=PysmwaeR=is mTkmRprmae v,
mdwRmip kmaRi[ kvRiNsimvaPSyis . 10.
abhyse'pyasamartho'si matkarmaparamo bhava |
madarthamapi karmi kurvansiddhimavpsyasi || 10||
If also you are unable to practice Abhysa Yoga, be you intent on doing actions for My sake; even by doing actions
for My sake, you shall attain perfection.

AwEtdPyzae=is ktu m*aegmait>,

svRkmR)lTyag< tt> k ytaTmvan!. 11.
athaitadapyaakto'si kartu madyogamrita |
sarvakarmaphalatyga tata kuru yattmavn ||11||
If you are unable to do even this then taking refuge in Me, self-controlled, renounce the fruits of actions.

eyae ih }anm_yasat! }ana(an< iviz:yte,

XyanaTkmR)lTyag> TyagaCDaiNtrnNtrm! . 12.
reyo hi jnamabhyst jnddhyna viiyate |
dhyntkarmaphalatyga tygcchntiranantaram ||12||
Better indeed is knowledge than practice; better than knowledge is meditation; better than meditation is
renunciation of fruits of actions; peace immediately follows renunciation.

Aea svRUtana< mE> k[ @v c,

inmRmae inrh<kar> sm>osuo> ]mI. 13.
adve sarvabhtn maitra karua eva ca|
nirmamo nirahakra samadukhasukha kam || 13||
He who hates no creature, who is friendly and compassionate to all, who is free from attachment and egoism,
balanced in pleasure and pain and forgiving

sNtu> stt< yaegI ytaTma Finy>,

mYyipRtmnaebui> yae m> s me iy>. 14.
santua satata yog yattm dhanicaya |
mayyarpitamanobuddhi yo madbhakta sa me priya ||14||
Ever content, steady in meditation, self-controlled, possessed of firm conviction, with mind and intellect dedicated to
Me, he, My devotee is dear to Me.

ySmaaeijte laek> laekaaeijte c y>,

h;aRm;RyaeegE> muae y> s c me iy>. 15.
yasmnnodvijate loka loknnodvijate ca ya |
harmarabhayodvegai mukto ya sa ca me priya ||15||
He by whom the world is not agitated (afflicted) and who cannot be agitated by the world; who is free from joy,
envy, fear and anxiety- he is dear to me.

Anpe]> zuicdR]> %dasInae gtVyw>,

svaRrMpirTyagI yae m> s me iy>. 16.
anapeka ucirdaka udsno gatavyatha |
sarvrambhaparityg yo madbhakta sa me priya ||16||
He who is free from wants, pure, prompt, unconcerned, untroubled, renouncing all undertakings (or
commencements) he who is (thus) devoted to Me, is dear to Me.

yae n :yit n ei n zaecit n ka']it,

zuazupirTyagI imaNy> s me iy> . 17.
yo na hyati na dvei na ocati na kkati |
ubhubhaparityg bhaktimnya sa me priya ||17||
He who neither rejoices nor hates, nor grieves, nor desires, renouncing good and evil, full of devotion, is dear to

sm> zaE c ime c twa manapmanyae>,

zItae:[suo>oe;u sm> sivvijRt>. 18.
sama atrau ca mitre ca tath mnpamnayo |
toasukhadukheu sama sagavivarjita ||18||
He who is the same to foe and friend, and also in honor and dishonor, who is the same in cold and heat and in
pleasure and pain, who is free from attachment

tuLyinNdaStuitmaERnI sNtuae yen kenict! ,

Ainket> iSwrmit> imaNme iyae nr>. 19.
tulyanindstutirmaun santuo yena kenacit |
aniketa sthiramati bhaktimnme priyo nara ||19||
To whom censure and praise are equal, who is silent, content with anything, homeless, steady-minded, full of
devotion that man is dear to Me.

ye tu xMyaRm&timd< ywae< pyuRpaste ,

xana mTprma> aSte=tIv me iya> . 20.
ye tu dharmymtamida yathokta paryupsate |
raddadhn matparam bhaktste'tva me priy ||20||
They, indeed, who follow this Immortal Dharma (Law of Life) as described above, endowed with faith, regarding
Me as their Supreme Goal, they, such devotees, are exceedingly dear to Me.

` tTst! #it ImgvItasu %pin;Tsu iv*aya< yaegzae Ik:[ajuRnsMvadee iyaegae nam

adzae=Xyay> ,
Om tatsat iti rmadbhagavadgtsu Upaniatsu Brahmavidyy yogastre
rkrjunasavde Bhaktiyogo nma dvdao'dhyya .

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