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Iblees Meaning

Iblees is the name for the devil in the Qur'an. Although the term "devil" comes from
the Greek diabolos, the Muslims derived the name from the Arabic, balasa, "he
despaired," which can be interpreted "despaired of the mercy of God" but he is also
al-Shairan, Satan, and "the enemy of God." The latter aspect of Satan is a
commonly shared belief of both Muslims and Christians
The word "Iblis" may be derived from the Arabic verbal root balasa , meaning "he
despaired"; therefore, the linguistic meaning of Iblis would be "he/it that causes
despair". However, some maintain an etymological derivation from the Greek
"Diabolos", from which the English word "Devil" is derived as well.
"Shayn" "Satan" (, from the root n -- )is both a noun and an adjective. As
a noun it means "mischief" and as an adjective it means "adversarial," "opposing,"
or "evil." In popular Islamic culture, Shaitan is often simply translated as "The
Devil," but can refer to any of the beings who rebelled against God. Shaytan has a
similar meaning and origin to the English word Satan.

Family Of iblees
1.Iblees' Wife name is Tartaba and she is with him since beginning.
2. Iblis also doesn't know how many children he has
3. 5 of his sons are Tabar, Aawar, Masaout, Waasim and Zakanbar
Tabar puts disorder, confusion, intricacy and distraction of mind in the minds of
Aawar temps people to do evil things.
Masaout tempts people to lie and decieve
Waasim puts figts between relationships & families and puts fitna in society.
Zakanbar makes fights in people in markets and tempts people to do bad.
Question: Does Iblees have any offspring? If so, is the via marriage? And does he
have a wife?
Shaykh al-Shanqeeti said in his commentary on the aayah (interpretation of the
Will you then take him (Iblees) and his offspring as protectors and helpers rather
than Me?[al-Kahf 18:50]
The word dhurriyah (offspring) in this aayah indicates that the Shaytaan has
offspring. The claim that he does not have offspring clearly contradicts this aayah
as you can see. Everything that clearly contradicts the Quraan is undoubtedly false.

But there is no clear text concerning the way in which his offspring come into being,
whether that is through marriage or otherwise, and the scholars differed concerning
this matter. Al- Shubi said: A man asked me whether Iblees has a wife? I said, That
is a wedding party I never attended!, then I remembered the aayah (interpretation
of the meaning):
Will you then take him (Iblees) and his offspring as protectors and helpers rather
than Me?[al-Kahf 18:50]
Then I realized that he could not have offspring unless he had a wife, so I said, Yes.
Something similar to what al-Shubi understood from this aayah, that having
offspring implies having a wife, was also narrated from Qutaadah. Mujaahid said:
the way in which his offspring came into being is that he inserted his private part
into his private part, then he laid five eggs, and this was the origin of his offspring.
so he impregnates himself in this manner and ten eggs are laid every day, from
each of which emerge seventy male and female devils.
It is obvious that these views are unreliable, because they are not supported by any
text in the Quraan or Sunnah. The aayah indicates that he has offspring, but as to
how these offspring are born, there is no reliable text concerning that, and such
matters cannot be known through mere opinions.

Family Members of Lucifer (Iblees) as per some occult belief. Which of these are
offspring of which, we do not know.
The superior ones are Lucifer, Beelzebuth and Astaroth.
The inferior demons of Lucifer are in Europe and Asia and obey him.
Beelzebuth resides in Africa.
And Astaroth inhabits America.
Of these, each of them has two who order their subjects all that their Emperor
desires to do in the world.
The two under Lucifer are Satanackia and Agalierap.
The two under Beelzebuth are Tarchimache and Fleruty.
The two under Astaroth are Sagatana and Nesbiros.
There are other demons under Duke Syrach:
1. Clauneck - has power over riches, can cause treasures to be found. He can give
great riches to he who makes a pact with him, for he is much loved by Lucifer. It is
he who causes money to be brought.
2. Musisin - has power over great lords, teaches all that happens in the Republics,
and the affairs of the Allies.
3. Frimost - has power over women and girls, and will help you to obtain their use.
4. Klepoth - makes you see all sorts of dreams and visions.
5. Khil - makes great earthquakes.

6. Mersilde - has the power to transport anyone in an instant, anywhere.

7. Clisthert - allows you to have day or night, whichever you wish, when you desire
8. Sirchade - makes you see all sorts of natural and supernatural animals.
9. Hicpacth - will bring you a person in an instant, though he be far away.
10. Humots - can bring you any book you desire.
11. Segal - will cause all sorts of prodigies to appear.
12. Frucissiere - revives the dead.
13. Guland - causes all illnesses.
14. Surgat - opens every kind of lock.
15. Morail - can make anything invisible.
16. Frutimiere - prepares all kinds of feasts for you.
17-Huictiigaras - causes sleep in the case of some, and insomnia in others.
There are quite a few major demons and shayateens which work under Iblees, each
having his own 'army' of hundreds of lesser demons. Altogether the entire satanic
kingdom is huge. It does outnumber humans.
Specific details about the offspring and family of Iblees himself are not clearly
Who was iblees
According to al-Qasim b. al-Hasan- al-Husayn b. Dawud- Hajjaj- Ibn Jurayj- Ibn
`Abbas: Iblis was one of the most noblest angels and belonged to the most honored
tribe among them. He was a keeper of Paradise. He had authority to rule over the
lower heaven as well as earth.
According to al-Qasim- al-Husayn- Hajjaj- Ibn Jurayj- Salih, the mawla of al-Taw'amah
and Sharik b. Abir Namir, either one or both of them- Ibn `Abbas: There was an
angelic tribe of jinn, and Iblis belonged to it. He governed all in between the heaven
and the earth.
According to Musa b. Harun al-Hamdani- `Amr b. Hammad- Asbat- al-Suddi- Abu
Malik and Abu Salih- Ibn `Abbas. Also (al-Suddi)- Murrah al-Hamdani- Ibn Mas'ud and
some (other) companions of the Prophet: Iblis was ruler over the lower heaven. He
belonged to a tribe of angels called jinn. They were called jinn because they were
keepers of Paradise (al-jannah). In addition to being ruler, Iblis was a keeper (of
According to `Abdan al-Marwazi- al-Husayn b. al-Faraj- Dahhak b. Muzahim,
commenting on God's word: "They prostrated themselves, except Iblis. He was one
of the jinn": Ibn `Abbas used to say: Iblis was one of the noblest angels and
belonged to their most honored tribe. He was a keeper of Paradise, and his was the
rule over the lower heaven as well as the earth.

According to Ibn Humayd- Salamah- Abu al-Azhar al-Mubarak b. Mujahid- Sharik b.

`Abdallah b. Abi Namir- Salih, the mawla of al-Taw'amah- Ibn `Abbas: There is an
angelic tribe called jinn. Iblis belonged to them. He used to rule all in between
heaven and earth. Then he became disobedient, and God therefore transformed him
into a stoned Satan.
According to al-Qasim- al-Husayn- Hajjaj- Ibn Jurayj, commenting on: "And whoever
among them says: I am a god besides Him": Whichever angel says: "I am a god
besides Him" calls to worship of himself, and only Iblis said that. Thus, this verse
was revealed with reference to Iblis. (The History of al-Tabari: General Introduction
and From the Creation to the Flood, translated by Franz Rosenthal [State University
of New York Press (SUNY), Albany 1989], Volume 1, pp. 250-251; bold emphasis
One of the events that took place during the rule of the enemy of God while he was
(still) obedient to God is what was mentioned to us on the authority of Ibn `Abbas in
a report told us by Abu Kurayb- `Uthman b. Sa'id- Bishr b. `Umarah- Abu Rawq- alDahhak- Ibn `Abbas: Iblis belonged to a tribal group of angels called jinn. Among the
angels it was they who were created from the fire of simoom. He continued. His
name was al-Harith. He continued. He was one of the keepers of Paradise. He
continued. All the angels except this tribal group were created from light. He
continued. The jinn mentioned in the Qur'an were created "from a bright flame
(marij) of fire"- (marij being) a tongue of fire blazing on its side(s and top). He
continued. And He created man from clay. The first to dwell on earth were the jinn.
They caused corruption on it and shed blood and killed each other. He continued.
God sent Iblis to them with an army of angels. They were that tribal group called
jinn. Iblis and those with him caused a bloodbath among them and eventually
banished them to the islands in the oceans and the mountainsides. His success
went to his head, and he said: I have done something nobody has ever done before.
He continued. God was aware of how Iblis felt, but the angels who were with him
were not. (Ibid., pp. 252-253; bold emphasis ours)
Ibn Humayd gave us about the same account again, reporting from Salamah- Ibn
Ishaq- Khallad b. `Ata'- Tawus or Abu al-Hajjaj Mujahid- Ibn `Abbas, and others.
However, he said: (Iblis) was an angel named Azazil. He was one of the dwellers and
cultivators on earth. The dwellers on earth from among the angel used to be called
jinn." (Ibid., p. 254; bold emphasis ours)
iblis in Cristianity
In Christianity, Iblis is called Lucifer, but the nature of Lucifer is not exactly the
same as Iblis. Lucifer was originally an Archangel, while Iblis was one of the Jinn. In
Islamic theology, angels such as Lucifer do not have free will and thus did not rebel

against Allah. However, a Jinni such as Iblis was capable of taking independent
action and refused Allah's command to bow before Adam. In Christian theology,
angels apparently do have free will. Lucifer, a fallen angel in most Christian
theologies, acted completely outside of God's will when he tempted Adam and Eve.
And it was the angelsnot other Jinnwho followed Lucifer/Satan in the spiritual
History of iblees
1-as per hadeeth,
Ibn `Abbas radiallahu `anhu said, Two thousand years before [mankind] was
created, there were jinn on [the earth], and they caused corruption on the earth and
shed blood. Then, Allah sent against them a troop of angels who beat them and
then cast them away to the islands in the seas. So, when Allah said, (translated), I
am placing a viceregent upon the earth, they said, Will You place therein one who
will cause corruption therein and shed blood, [2 (Al-Baqarah), 30] i.e. just as those
jinn did? Then, Allah said, (translated), I know that which you do not know.
(Related by Al-Hakim.) Thus, jinn were created before mankind, as attested to
clearly by the Quran also. Their origin is from fire. And verily, We created
mankind . . . and the jinn We had created before from smokeless fire. [15 (Al- Hijr),
26-27] They are the descendants of Iblees, who disobeyed Allahs command to
prostrate to Adam, and became known as the Satan (Shaytaan).
2- as per sufism,
The Lord of the worlds created the fire of Sammun. From this Fire of Sammun He
created the Jinn. And the Jinn created We before of fire flaming (Al-Hijr.27). The first
of the Jinn was named Marij and the Lord created second one to be his wife, and she
was named Marija. They had a son and they called him Jinn. From them derived all
the clans of the Jinn, including Iblis. And the Lord gave them the earth to dwell
therein. And they lived and worshipped there for a long time. So much did they
worship that the angels grew amazed, and said to the Lord of the Heavens and
Earth; Oh our Lord, raise them up to heaven, so that we might learn from them and
follow their good example. So the Lord brought Iblis, then Azazil, up to be among
the angels and he lived with them in the first heaven. Others remained living on
earth and, remained righteous, while a number of them became sinners and
transgressed the law, as didi the children of Adam (A.S) after them.
And the earth began to complain of them to the Lord. Oh my Lord, have you created
me that I should be peopled by disobedient-folk?. The Lord answered Oh earth, be
patient, I shall send prophets among them to lead them back to the straight path.
Until that time no prophets had appeared among the Jinn. The Lord sent to them
800 prophets and they killed each one. At last the Lord spoke to Azazil in the first

heaven. And He said to him Go. Azazil. Go and fight the unbelievers of your people
living on earth. Azazil obeyed and descended onto earth and fought the unbelievers,
vanquishing them then the Lord sent down a fire from the skies and it consumed
them, so not a trace remained. The only Jinn left alive were the believing and
worshipping Jinn.
Again Azazil prayed so eagerly that he was raised up into the first heaven, or
according to one narration, he worshipped so much in the first heaven that he was
raised up through all the seven heavens and above them. He worshipped on the
earth. He worshipped on the heavens, until Adam (A.S) was brought into existence.
Then the Lord ordered all the angels to bow down before Adam (A.S).and all the
angels obeyed except Iblis.
From Hassan Al Basri (R.A): Iblis worshipped above the seven heavens for more than
70 000 years, until he was raised to the station of Ridwan which is very high station,
Ridwan being the guardian of Paradise. Iblis was the guardian of Paradise for 1000
years. Once he read an inscription on the gates of paradise, and it read: There is a
servant among the most highly favored servants of the Almighty Lord, and for a
long time he will be obedient and serve his Lord well; there will come a day ,
however, on which he will oppose his Lord and disobey, and he will be driven from
His gates and be cursed. Iblis, who was then still called Azazil, read and wondered
at this prediction. How can that be.He asked. that one of the closest servants to the
Lord should grow disobedient to the Lord of the Worlds and be driven from His Holy
Nearness? Oh Lord, he pleaded. Give me permission to curse that rebellious one,
whoever he may be. The Lord gave him permission, and Iblis showered curses upon
that future sinner for one thousand years, knowing not that it was to be himself.
There is a conflict of opinion between people as to whether Iblis was of the Angels
or of the Jinn. But it is written in the Holy Quran, he was one of the Jinn and
committed ungodliness against his Lords command.
Because of his extreme virtue and the intensity of his prayers, The Lord raised him
up into the heavens to live among the angels. When the Lord ordered them all to
bow down and prostrate before Adam (A.S), he refused and his hidden disobedient
was exposed.
3-as per muslim belief
As we know, Shaytan is created from Jinn and in the same way that humans
descended from Adam (AS), Jinns descended from Shumar. Shumar, also known as
Shuma, is often referred to as Abu-Jinn (father of Jinn). Adams (AS) family multiplies;
likewise Shumars family does as well.

Jinn were present before Adam (AS) and that is why Allah (SWT) said Umma
Khalaqna Tul Jinna Wal Insana (Jinn and Insaan were created for Allah (SWT)s
worship). The stress is on Jinn first and then Insaan. For Jinn, Allah (SWT) made
separate rules and regulations. After 36,000 years of their existence they forgot to
follow Allah (SWT)s law and so Allah (SWT) destroyed them and made a new
community of Jinn. Those who remained obedient, they went into the sea, air and
jungles to secretly obey the law of Allah (SWT), out of the vision of the disobedient
ones. From these obedient Jinn, Allah (SWT) made a new nation of Jinn. Of these
Jinn, Allah (SWT) designated a leader (Nabi) amongst them who would make sure
that these Jinn would follow Allah (SWT)s order. The name of this leader (Nabi) of
the Jinn was Hilyanis. After another 36,000 years these Jinn again became
disobedient and assassinated King Hilyanis, and so, Allah (SWT) destroyed this
community of Jinn. Again Allah (SWT) saved the obedient Jinns and from them
appointed another Nabi called Bilqiya. They again became disobedient and Allah
(SWT) destroyed them. After having destroyed them for the third time, Allah (SWT)
appointed, from the families of those who were the followers of Allah (SWT), another
leader called Hamus.
After another 36,000 years they killed Hamus and became disobedient of Allah
(SWT). Finally it was the period of Shuma, and when again the Jinns disobeyed Allah
(SWT) the Angels came and destroyed this nation. The Angels found only 4 or 6
Jinns who were obeying Allah (SWT), who were hiding inside jungles engaged in
duty. It is from these obedient Jinns that the descendents of Jinn remain today. From
these obedient Jinns, the Angels found a boy called Azazil, whose fathers name was
Khabis and mothers name was Nilbis. The face of Khabis was like a lion and his
nature was alike. Nilbiss face was like a tiger and so was her character. Azazils
character and face was a mixture of his two parents. Allah (SWT) took him to the
place of Angels and he was appointed teacher to them. Azazil was given the title
Angel Makram (Teacher to Angels). He was also referred to as Muellim ul
Malakut (Master of Angels). During one event, the Angels saw written in the arsh
(space), that one of the worshippers will be punished. When the Angels saw this,
they became afraid of Allah (SWT)s punishment and, in fear and wonderment over
who this could be, requested Azazil to pray for them (since he was their teacher).
Azazil gave them consolation that he knew this fact long ago and that they
shouldnt worry - but they insisted that he should still pray and his Prayer was
accepted. He then became known as Mustajibul Wath or Those who Prayer, Allah
(SWT) accepts. Interestingly, Azazil had prayed for everyone but himself. Some
time passed, Azazil saw something written on the arsh again. The words
Authobillahi Minashaytaan Nirajim was written in golden type. After uttering this
Prayer, he requested to Allah (SWT), Who is that outcast, Shaytan? Allah (SWT)
said that he was one of His worshippers. Then Allah (SWT) said, That is one of my
worshippers, I have bestowed upon him much blessing and given him lots of honour
but still he disobeys me. Azazil replied, Rabbiul Izzat (Allah (SWT)s honour) Who
is that disobedient, can I see him? Allah (SWT) said, In time you will meet him.


Concept of jinn
Jinn: brief facts
1- The Arabic word jinn comes from the verb janna which means to hide or conceal
2-Allah says that He created jinn from a flame of fire (maarij min naar) [Surah 55: 15].
However the relationship of a jinn to
fire is the same as the relationship of a man to earth.
3- As Adam is the father of mankind, Jaann is the father of jinns
[Mukhtaar as Sihaah, p 14]
4- There are three types of jinn: one which flies in the air all of the time, another which exists as
snakes and dogs, and an
earthbound type which resides in one place or wanders about. [Tabari and Hakim in Mishkaak al
Masaabeeh vol 2 p 883]
5- Among the jinn which fly are some who eavesdrop on the angels in the lowest heaven. The
jinn then convey the information they hear to fortunetellers. If they narrated only what they heard
it would be correct, but they add to it and mix it with lies. [Sahih Muslim vol 4 no 5538]
6- Allah says, Verily, We created man from dried clay, from black putrid mud. And We created
the jinn before that from the fire
of a scorching wind [Surah 15: 26-27]. Ibn Kathir cites a hadith where the Prophet said that jinn,
the descendants of jaann, were on earth two thousand years before the creation of Adam. [Tafseer
al Quraan al Atheem, vol 1 p 108]
7- Al Aaloosse said that Allahs statement, among the previous generation of jinn and men
that have passed away [Surah 46: 18] isused to prove that jinn die, generation after
generation, like humans. [Rooh al Maanee vol 26 p 21]
What are the jinn?
The reality, which it is obligatory to affirm, is that the jinn are an established world, unseen to us.
They eat, drink and procreate, and among them are both righteous and wicked individuals. The
word jinn itself comes the Arabic root meaning something hidden which cannot be seen.
The existence of the jinn is firmly corroborated by the Quran, authentic sunnah and consensus
of scholars (Ijma`), and thus one who denies their existence is outside the pale of Islam. Suffice it
to say that the word jinn and its derivatives occur at least 29 times in the Quran, and the word
shaytaan and its plural shayaateen together occur more than 80 times. In fact, there is an entire
surah called Surat al-Jinn (72), which speaks in clear, explicit terms about the jinn .
We cannot ordinarily see them, unless they materialize. When they materialize, it is usually in an
unpleasant or ugly form, such as a snake or a black dog, as opposed to angels (who materialize
into pleasant and handsome forms).

They are accountable, just as human beings are. I created jinn and mankind only in order that
they might worship Me. [51 (Adh-Dhaariyaat), 56] There are believers amongst them, who will
be rewarded, and disbelievers, who will be punished. And indeed, there are amongst us
Muslims and amongst us wrongdoers. As for those who accept Islam, they have sought out the
right path. And, as for the wrongdoers, they will be firewood for Jahannam. [72 (Al-Jinn), 1415] Whenever Allah sent a prophet to mankind, the jinn of that time could also receive his
message. Thus, some of them received the message of Prophet Moses `alayhis-salam. Some jinn
came to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu `alayhe wa-sallam one night, and he went with them,
recited Quran to them, and taught them about Islam. (Related by Muslim.)
They eat and drink, and have fiqh regulations similar to ours. Just as we eat meat of animals
over whose slaughter the name of Allah was recited, the jinn are allowed to eat bones of such
animals, and therefore the Prophet sallallahu `alayhe wa-sallam has instructed us not use these
for istinjaa. On the authority of `Abdullah ibn `Umar : the Messenger of Allah sallallahu `alayhe
wa-sallam said, When one of you eats, he should eat with his right hand, and when one of you
drinks, he should drink with his right hand, for Satan eats with his left hand and drinks with his
left hand. (Related by Muslim.) Satan also partakes of our food if we neglect to mention the
name of Allah before eating.
A verse of the Quran indicates that they have conjugal relations. Therein [in Heaven] are
[women] of modest gaze, whom neither human being nor jinn have touched before. [55 (AlRahman), 56] Another verse establishes that they beget children. Will you then take [Iblees] and
his offspring as protectors in preference to Me, although they are an enemy to you? [18 (AlKahf), 50]
Although the jinn tend to have longer lifespans than ours, they also die and pass away, as
evidenced by the Quran [7 (Al- A`raaf), 38] Iblees, however, has been given respite upto the
Day of Arising. [Allah] said, You are, then, among those given respite, upto the day of the time
known [and appointed] [38 (Saad), 81-82]
Shafi said, We will invalidate the witness of anyone who claims to have seen the jinn unless he
is a Prophet [Manaaqib ash Shafi]. Ibn Hajar commented on this statement saying that it refers
to anyone who claims to have seen them (jinn) in theiroriginal form in which they were created.
One who sees them in theiradopted animalforms should not be discredited. [Fath al Baree vol 6 p
In the context of a black dog passing in front of a person who is praying without a sutra, Abu
Thaars student asked, What is the difference between a black dog, a red dog and a tan-coloured
dog? He replied, I also asked the Prophet as youare asking meand he said the black dog is a
devil [Muslim vol 1 no 1032]
1- A type of the earthbound jinn is called qareen (companion). One of these accompanies each
human being from his birth until his death. This jinn encourages a mans lower desires and
constantly tries to divert him from righteousness. [Muslim vol 4 no 6757]

2-The lowest category of jinn is called hinn. This includes the weakest jinn and also those who
appear as all black dogs. [Lisaan al Arab vol 13 p 132]
3-The jinn that appear in horrible, rapidly changing forms in the presence of human beings are
called ghool (plural gheelan). The Prophet said, If the gheelan appear and transform
themselves beforeyou, call the athaan [Al Musnad vol 3 p 305]
4-Jinns eat and drink [Muslim vol 3 no 5008] Some scholars debated how jinns would eat . One
group said that jinns were invisible as they are incorporeal, and that the processes of chewing
and swallowing could only be doneby corporeal beings. There isnt however sufficient evidence
todetermine the manner in which they eat.[Alam al Jinn fee Daw al Kitaab wa as Sunnah p49]
5- Jinn can affect the subconcious mind of a human being i.e. dreams [Muslim vol 4 no 1224]
6- Jinn can affect the concious mind / thoughts [Bukhari vol 4 no 496]
7- A minority opinion is that of Al Maawardee who said, the intellectual rejects the possibility of
sex between human and jinn due to their differences in species, nature and senses. Man is
corporeal, jinn is incorporeal. Thus mixing, would not be possible with such difference and
offspring would be inconceivable. [Al Jaami li Ahkaam al Quran vol 13 p 211]
8-Leading from this I will briefly describe some categories of Jinn. Like man, Jinn are also a
creation of Allah (SWT) made to worship Him. They cannot be seen by the human eye and have
the ability to possess the human body. In them there are believers (Mumin) who believe in Allah
(SWT) and His Rasul. The other types are:
Shaytan-the enemy of Allah (SWT), who constantly tries to misguide people, Shaytan is the
leader of Jinn.
Afriyat-a very dangerously powerful Jinn. It is very difficult to save oneself from this type of
Jinn. In fact it was this particular Jinn that tried to stop Prophet Mahammad (SAW) from his
Miraage (Ascension) by firing a missile at the Burak (vehicle) that carried him.
Amar-A type of Jinn that stay with adults.
Arwa-These Jinn stay with children. Both are harmful to humans and are enemies of Allah
Apart from Mumin Jinn, they are all followers of the Shaytan.

The shayaateen (devils)

The shayaateen (devils; the singular is shaytaan) are the disbelieving jinn, but the word shaytaan
is also used for those disbelieving human beings who are active in corruption and fighting Islam.
Thus have We made, for every Prophet, an enemy, the shayaateen of mankind and jinn,
inspiring one another with flowery discourses by way of deception. [6 (Al-An`aam), 112] As for

those jinn who are prominent in mischief-making, they are referred to as mareed (plural:
maradah), meaning froward or rebellious. Among mankind is he who disputes about Allah
without knowledge, and follows every froward shaytaan. [22 (Al- Hajj),3]
Prophet Muhammad said, Satan pricks with his finger every newborn child od Adams
descendants. They all begin screaming from satansjab, except Mary and her son (i.e. Jesus).
[Bukhari vol 4p 641]
The word shaytaan comes from the root shatana signifying he was, or became distant or
remote from the truth and the mercy of Allah. Iblees (the personal name of satan), is derived
from ablasa which means he despaired or gave up hope of the Mercy of Allah
Allah says, And we told the Angels, prostrate yourselves to Adam and they prostrated except
Iblees, he refused to be of
thosewho prostrated. [Surah 7: 11]. This verse taken alone suggests that Iblees may have been an
angel, but as explained by Az Zamakhsharee,the Quranic exegesist, When Allah commanded the
angels to prostrate to Adam, Iblees was included in the address, even though he was not from the
same origin
as them, because he resembled them and had become characterized by their deeds. Consequently,
he was included in the address to them and cursed for disobeying the command. [Tafseer al
Quran al Atheem vol 1 p 117]
Az Zamakhsharee continues, The command included Iblees, even though it was specifically for
the angels, because Iblees was in theircompany andhe used to worshipAllah, the way they
(angels) worshipped Him. So when they were commanded to prostrate to Adam and humble
themselves in his honor,it was even moreappropriate for Iblees, who was with them, to humble
himself. [Al Kashaaf an Haqaa at Tanzeel vol 2 p 555]
The jinns possess free will like human beings; as such they may be divided into two main
groups according to theirfaith, Muslims (i.e. believers) and kuffar (disbelievers). The
disbelieving jinn are
referred to as Shaytan. The Quran also refers to human beings who become enemies of
righteousness as shaytan.

Allah says, will you take him (Iblees) andhis children as protestors besides me? And
they are enemies to you!.. [Surah 18: 50]. This verse refers to Satans children
showing that jinns can procreate but angels, being without gender, do not procreate.
[Ahkaam al Jaan pp 199-202]

Allah says, True, there were men among humans who sought refuge from men among the
jinn, but they only increased them in

folly [Surah 72: 6]. The usages of men in reference to jinn implies that there must also be
women amongst them. [Al Aqwwdah alIslaamiyyah wa Ussuhaa vol 2 p 27].

Iblees Council

Sir Muhammad Iqbal -

( November 9, 1877 - April 21, 1938)

Allama Iqbl ( , Allma meaning "The Learned One") in Pakistan, was a

LahoriMuslimpoet, philosopher and politician in British India. He wrote his works in Persian and
Urdu. After studying in Cambridge, Munich and Heidelberg, Iqbal established a law practice, but
concentrated primarily on writing scholarly works on politics, economics, history, philosophy
and religion. He is best known for his poetic works, including Asrar-e-Khudifor which he was
knighted Rumuz-e-Bekhudi, and the Bang-e-Dara, with its enduring patriotic song Tarana-eHind. In India, he is widely regarded for the patriotic song, Saare Jahan Se Achcha. In
Afghanistan and Iran, where he is known as Eghbl-e-Lhoor ( Iqbal of Lahore), he is
highly regarded for his Persian works. Iqbal was a strong proponent of the political and spiritual
revival of Islamic civilisation across the world, but specifically in South Asia; a series of famous
lectures he delivered to this effect were published as The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in
Islam. One of the most prominent leaders of the All India Muslim League, Iqbal encouraged the
creation of a "state in northwestern India for Muslims" in his 1930 presidential address. Iqbal
encouraged and worked closely with Muhammad Ali Jinnah, and he is known as Muffakir-ePakistan ("The Thinker of Pakistan"), Shair-e-Mashriq ("The Poet of the East"), and Hakeem-ulUmmat ("The Sage of Ummah"). He is officially recognized as the national poet of Pakistan. The
anniversary of his birth ( - Ym-e Weldat-e Muammad Iqbl) is on November
9, and is a national holiday in Pakistan.
Iqbal's poetry was an amazing amalgamation of religious principles, social psychology and
political awareness.The current situation of the Muslims could be summed up through Allama
Iqbal's poem, 'Iblees Ki Majlis-e-Shura' which clearly explained that there was little that the
Satan had to do to disrupt our ranks as we were so divided through colour, caste, creed and sects.
He said democracy was not un-Islamic but the blend of capitalism which was the usual mode of
governance was in direct conflict with the Islamic principles.

Iblees ki Majlis e Shura -The Devil's Council.

Iblees is sitting with his five advisors and starts a meeting with self-praising
statements and explains what he has done so far to take the world at this stage. First
advisor affirms his strategies and explains the state of people around the world.
Second advisor reminds them about a threat. But first advisor corrects him and refutes
his fear. Third advisor reminds them about another serious threat. Forth advisor

provides the solution to that threat. Fifth advisor explains that serious threat again in
more detail to let Iblees understand the seriousness of the matter. Iblees who is
listening to all advisors refutes all of the fears that they have but discloses his own
fear and considers it a Real threat to his satanic system. He explains why he is
afraid of that threat and then he finally tells them what to do.

An old game of needs this mean worlds tact,
To heavenly host hopes a cold blood act.
That Great Maker bent to wreck earth soon,
Who gave it a name of KAF and NOON.
To Europe I gave the kingships dream,
I broke the spell of church and mosques team.
I taught to the poor a lesson of fate,
To the wealthy I gave the wealths craze great.
Who can put out that fires big blaze,
Of riots whome Satan had set ablaze.
To plants we watered, caused to be trees,
Who can bring that old tree to knees.

The Satans order is firm every where,
The masses too like the servitude snare.
The bows were writ for the poor in fate,
A pray without stay their natures trait.
Either in his heart a wish does not lie,
If wakes up ever, would be raw and die.
Isnt this a marvel of constant push hence,
That Mullah is tied with kingship fence.

A best booze it was to Eastern nature then,

No lesser vice singing to eloquence ken.
The Haj and Kaaba Rounds yet a rite though,
The nude sword of Moniin is blunt I know.
On whose despair he formed a queer view,
"On Muslim war is banned in this age new"

Is this roar in goodness that masses are kings?
You know not new mischiefs of underlings.

A good point well, my seeing eye hails,
No danger too there from a kingships veil.
We gave to kingship the masses rules dress,
Self conscious now is man with selfs ingress.
The kingship science has a different sense,
It needs not a garb of a monarch hence.
May be Nations Council or Kaisers court,
A kings eye craves a foreign land or port.
Didnt you see western democratic track,
Whose face is shining but inner is black.

What is the harm if lives the royal soul,
What is the answer to that Jews wicked role.
That Moses sans vision! that Christ sans cross,
Hes not prophet, but, keeps Book for a gloss*.
How to show that heathens shameless eyes,

To East, West nations a doomsday lies.

No worst cancer looks than his natures bent,
That the slaves have toppled the. masters tent.

Its counter action see in Romes big halls,
We have shown his Sons, dream of Caesars call.
Who is now wrapped with waves of Roman Sea,
Like lute they weep oft, oft they grow like pines tree.

I cant admire his prudence and care,
Who laid bare the Europes statecraft snare.

Due to thy burning this world gets balance,
When you wished laid bare each hidden face hence.
Thy heat in his clay the worlds pomp and show,
You taught the heavens fool, a wisdom so.
Than thee He knows not the nature of men,
Who is famous as God, in the fools ken.
Whose duty was praise, rosary and round,
Due to thy envy, in shame ever bound.
All wise men of West are thy pupil though,
I have no faith yet in their wisdom so.
That mischief monger Jew, the Muzdaks soul.
Each tunic gets torn from his crazy goal.
A crow looks prone to seize the hawks force,

How quick the time changes natures course.

Being restive she scanned the skies vast space,
Like fools we counted dust of human race.
The horrors of future, looking so great,
With hills and vales shiver the brooks in spate.
My Master! that world is going to doom,
The world which looks to thy Leaderships boom.

(To His Advisor):
Thus lies in my hold the worlds pomp an show,
This earth, the Sun and Moon, the Skys glow.
Shall see the East and West my game and roar.
As soon I warm up Western nations gore.*1
The pontiffs of church, the leaders of State,
My one dins echoe for them a dread great.
To her a modern world if a fool espies;
This cultures wine cups will someone break and sea?
The collars to whom the Nature has torn,
The logic of Muzdak*2 to them cant darn.
How can frighten me the Socialist lads,*3
Since long jobless, confused and loafing lads.*3
From that nation but I feel a threat grave,
whose heart yet holds hidden embers of crave.
A few of them I espy in this nation yet,
At dawn who take Wuzu*4 with tear drops jet.
He knows on whom hidden Times are bright,
The Islam, not Muzdak is the futures fright.

I know this nation to Quran holds not,
The old craze for wealth is the Momin s thought.
In dark nights of East this point I behold,
The sleeves of Harem Sheikhs no white hand hold.
I am but afraid that modern age needs,
May not force this age to know Prophets creed.
Beware! hundred times from the Prophets Act,
It guards women honour, makes man perfect.
A death knell to those who made the mar, slave,
It ruled out kingship, no beggary it gave.
It cleaned the mans wealth from every stain,
It made the rich trustees of wealths wrong drain.
No bigger change could be of deeds and thoughts,
This earth owns to Allah, to a king not.
His Law be kept hidden from whole worlds eye,
To my solace Moumin lacks a faith high.
Let him be fastened in metaphysics lone,
In his own meanings of the Korans tone.

Whose call God is Great*5 broke the world spell,
That conscious mans night why not a bright deli.
Did the Christ died or alive from start*6?
Are Gods attributes His Part or apart?
Is the coming Christ Hindi Nasirs dad?
Is he a mujaddid*7 like the Marys lad?
Are Gods words mortal or old like Him hence?

Which sect of the Ummah will have riddance?

Arent now enough for Muslims of this age?
His dogmas gods he found in his rummage.*8
From a practical life keep him away,
Get all his pawns beaten in this nice way.
Hes better a slave upto the dooms day,
Leave the mortal world for others hey-day.
The verse and mysticism suits for his deen.*9
Which hides from his eyes lifes vital scene.
I fear from this Ummah lest they awake,
Being his faiths base, world account he would take.
In prays at dawn keep him rapt*10 and grave.*11
Make him zealot*12 fan of tombs and graves.

(Allama Iqbal)


1. Gore; (in poetry) blood from cut and wound, (chiefly in descriptions of fighting).
2. Muzdak; who introduced a new religion. He was beheaded on the orders of King Nausherwan. He
3. Fad; (Khabt) a fanciful craze, as full of f. and fancies, or a stamp collecting fad.

4. Wuzu; ablution (as a religious function).

5. Allah-o-Akbar=Takbir=God is Great.
6. From startadded for Rhyme only.
7. Mujaddid; a reformist.
8. Rummage; careful search; upheaval.
9. Deen, faith.
10. Rapt; (adj.) raised to raputres; transported, instrance.
11. Grave, adj., serious.
12. Zealot: fanatic.

Stories of Iblees
Stories of iblees
1- iblees and wali.
Once a Wali-Allah dreamt that Shaytan was advancing towards him and the WaliAllah was trying to beat off the Shaytan with his staff. The Wali-Allah then heard a
voice saying that Shaytan cannot be beaten with a staff. Upon hearing this, the
Wali-Allah stood back and after a few moments asked Shaytan to come towards
him. In reply Shaytan asked, What have you got for me to come to you? The WaliAllah replied, What do you want? to which Shaytan said I want the world but you
dont have it so what is the use of me coming to you?

2-iblees in the battle of badr

In the battle of Badr, Iblees materialized into the form of a man named Suraqah ibn
Malik, and urged on the disbelievers, saying, There is none who can overcome you
today, [8 (Al-Anfaal), 48] Then, Allah sent the angel Jibreel (Gabriel) against him,
and when Iblees saw him he cried out to the disbelievers, I have nothing to do with
you! I see that which you do not see! I fear Allah, and Allah is severe in retribution,
and then he fled
3.Haji and iblees.
Hazrat Faridudin Attar relates in his book, Conference of Birds,Once a young man

approached a fasting saint and said "The Shaytan is a highway robber, a thief. He
has robbed me of my belief". "Oh really?" the saint said. The Shaytan too came here
to complain. I heard him say "You tell this new pilgrim on Gods holy way, To stay
out of my way, I attack him as his fingers pry into this world, Which is mine.
4.iblees and adam.
Know that when Allah (Taala) created the soul of Muhammad (Nafs
Muhammadiyah) from His essence, and the essence of the Truth gathers two
opposites, He created the higher angels from the attributes of beauty, light and
guidance of the soul of Muhammad (saw) as it has preceded, and He created Iblis
and his followers from the attributes of Jalal, darkness and misguidance of the soul
of Muhammad (saw), and his name was Azazil, and he was worshiping Allah (Taala)
for many thousands of years before the creation (of this world).
And the Truth had told him: O Azazil, do not worship other than Me, and when
Allah created Adam (aley salam) and ordered the angels to prostrate towards him,
the matter became confuse (iltabasa) to Iblis, and he thought that if he prostrated
towards Adam, he would worship other than Allah, and he did not know that
prostrating upon the order (of Allah) means in fact prostrating towards Allah, this is
why he refused, and he was only named Iblis because of this confusion (Talbis) that
occurred to him, understand this! Else his name before was Azazil and his Kuniyah
Abu Marrah.
When Haqq (Taala) said to him: What prevents you from prostrating yourself to
one whom I have created with Both My Hands. Are you too proud (to fall prostrate to
Adam) or are you one of the high exalted? ( Sad : 75) The high exalted are the
angels created from the light of Allah like the angel called Nun and his similar, and
the others were created from the elements (water, air and others) and they were
those who were commanded to prostrate towards Adam.
He replied: I am better than he, You created me from fire, and You created him
from clay. ( Sad : 76) This answer shows that Iblis is among most knowledgeable of
the creation about the etiquettes of the presence (with Allah) and most cognizant
about questioning and what it necessitates from answer, because Haqq (Taala) did
not ask him about the cause preventing (prostration), and if it was such, the syntax
would be: Why did you refuse to prostrate to one whom I have created with Both
My Hands? Rather, He asked him about the substance preventing (prostration), so
he spoke about the secret of the matter and said: I am better than he, meaning the
reality of the fire, that is the natural darkness from which You created me is better
that the reality of clay from which You created him, so this is the cause that
necessitate that I should not prostrate
And he (Iblis) did not add to this (any explanation) because of his knowledge that
Allah (Taala) knows his secret, and he knew that the station was the station of Qabd
(restriction) and not the station of Bast (contraction), and if it was the station of
Bast, he would have said after this: I intended to do what You commanded me, that
I should not worship other than You but as he saw that the place was a place of

blame, he showed good manners, and he knew from this blame that the matter had
been confused to him originally, because Allah called him (by the name) Iblis and its
morphology comes from confusion (Iltibas), and he was not called by this name
before, so he realized that the matter was gone from him, and he did not show any
remorse and regret, did not repent and seek forgiveness because of his knowledge
that Allah does only what He wills, and that what Allah wills, it is what realities
necessitate, and there is no way to change it or alter it, so Haqq expelled him from
the place of proximity to the lower land
And His saying till the Day of Recompense (in the verse And verily!, My Curse is
on you till the Day of Recompense.) (Sad : 78) means restriction, when the day of
recompense will pass, there will be no curse upon him, because the ruling of natural
darkness will be raised on the day of recompenseSo there will be no more curse
on Iblis, meaning he will be removed from the presence only until the day of
recompense because of what his original matter necessitates, and these are the
natural matters preventing the soul from realizing the divine realities. As for after
(the day of recompense), the natural dispositions will have perfection, so there is no
curse rather pure proximity, and at this time, Iblis will return to the state of divine
proximity in which he was, and this is after the disappearance of hell, because
everything that Allah created must return to his original state, this is a certain
matter, so understand!
It has been said: verily Iblis when he was cursed, became excited and agitated
because of the intensity of (his) happiness and he filled the universe with himself. It
was said to him: Do you behave like this while you were expelled from the
presence? He replied: This is a gifted cloth by which my Beloved (Habeeb)
distinguished me, neither a close angel nor any send Prophet will wear it.

5.iblees and musa

the following story comes from Ahmad Ghazali, a Sufi master from the late-eleventh
and early-twelfth centuries:
Encountering Eblis on the slopes of Sinai, Moses hailed him and asked, O Eblis, why
did you not prostrate before Adam? Eblis replied, Heaven forbid that anyone
worship anything but the One. [] (This command by Allah was a test).
6.iblees and adam/eve
The following narrative is ascribed to Termedhi.
When Adam and Eve came together and their repentance was accepted, one day
Adam went out on business. Then Iblis brought his child called Khannas to Eve.
Something important has come up, he told her. Please look after my child till I
Eve consented to do so, and Iblis went on his way.
Who is this? demanded Adam on his return.

The child of Iblis, Eve answered. He left him in my charge.

Why did you consent? Adam reproved her. In a fury he slew the child and cut him
into pieces, and hung each piece from the branch of a tree. Then he went off.
Presently Iblis returned.
Where is my son? he asked.
Eve reported to him what had happened. He cut him in pieces and hung each piece
on the branch of a tree.
Iblis called to his son. He reassembled and became alive and ran to his father.
Take him, Iblis begged Eve again. I have another task to do.
At first Eve would not agree, but Iblis pleaded and entreated her so earnestly that at
last she consented. So Iblis took his departure, and Adam returned to find the child
there again.
What is this? he demanded.
Eve explained what had happened. Adam beat her severely.
I do not know what the mystery of this is, he cried, that you disobey me and
obey that enemy of God, and are duped by his words.
He slew the child and burned his body, then scattered his ashes, half in the water
and half to the winds.
So he departed.
Iblis came back again and asked for his son. Eve told him what had come to pass.
Iblis shouted to his son, and the pieces reassembled and came to life, and sat
before Iblis.
Once more Iblis spoke to Eve, and she refused him. Adam will kill me.
Iblis adjured her with many oaths, until she consented. Iblis then departed, and
Adam returned to discover the child with her once more.
God knows what will happen now, he cried out in anger. You heed his words and
not mine.
Furious, he slew Khannas and cooked him. He ate one half himself, and the other
half he gave to Eve. (They also say that on the final occasion Iblis had brought
Khannas back in the form of a sheep.) Iblis returned and demanded his son. Eve
recounted what had transpired.
He cooked him. One half I ate, and one half Adam.
This was what I was after, Iblis shouted. I aimed to insinuate myself into Adam.
Now that his breast has become my abode, my purpose is realized.
7.iblees and prophet Mohammed (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
It was narrated that Abul-Darda said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) stood (in prayer) and we heard him say: I seek
refuge with Allaah from you. Then he said: I curse you with the curse of Allaah,
three times, and he reached out his hand as if to take something. When he had
finished praying, we said: O Messenger of Allaah, we heard you say something in
your prayer that we have never heard you say before, and we saw you reaching out
your hand. He said: The enemy of Allaah Iblees came with a brand of fire to throw

it in my face, so I said, I seek refuge with Allaah from you, three times, then I said:
I curse you with the full curse of Allaah, but he did not go back, three times. Then I
wanted to seize him, and by Allaah, were it not for the prayer of our brother
Sulaymaan, this morning he would have been tied up and the children of the people
of Madeenah would have played with him. Narrated by Muslim, 542.
8-iblees and jibrael
Name was Azazeel. He is also known as Iblees. He used to pray a lot and even used
to give lectures to the angels. One day there was a notice in the heavens which said
that someone was going to be ordered out of the heavens. All the angels were very
worried because they thought it might be one of them. They went to Jibrael who was
one of the most important angels to ask him whether he could do anything. Jibrael
said he too was worried because it might be himself. Jibrael suggested that they go
to Azazeel because he was very clever. Azazeel told them not to worry at all for the
would pray to Allah for all of them. He forgot himself thinking he was the best and it
could never be him. He had kibr (pride). Allah made the first human being - Prophet
Adam (as). He asked all the angels including Azazeel to do sajdah to Prophet Adam
(as). Iblees disobeyed Allah and refused to do sajdah saying that he was better than
Prophet Adam (as) and so he would not do sajdah."I am made out of fire and he is
made out of earth!" he told Allah. You see, he was only looking at the outside and
not the inside and more important, he disobeyed Allah. He was ordered out of
9-iblees and Shaikh Abdul Qadar Al-Jilani(RA)
Another instance is when Shaikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani (RA) had an encounter with a
man that came complaining about his daughter. He said that a Jinn had taken his
daughter Fatima. Shaikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani (RA) told the man to go to a hill in the
desert and draw a circle with the intention of Shaikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani (RA). The
man then went and did this and he said that when he sat there troops of Jinn went
past in various forms and not one of them came close to the circle, finally the king
of Jinn went past him. Seeing the man the king said what brings you here, the man
told him of his situation and that Shaikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani (RA) had told him to
come here. Hearing this, the king jumped to the ground and sat before the man. He
then enquired with his courtiers which Jinn was stupid enough to go and take the
daughter of a man that was guarded by the Shaikh. None of the Jinn knew who had
taken the girl. Finally the rebel Jinn was brought before the king and executed by
him. Then the mans daughter was returned.
10-iblees and prophet Mohammed (SAW)
Once Our Prophet Mahammad (SAW) met Shaytan and said to him Why are you an
enemy of Allah (SWT)? Dont you realise that you will be punished for your

activities? Shaytan replied, I know a dua (Prayer) that will allow me to enter
Heaven (You can say that it is a key for the door of Heaven). Jibril (AS) appeared at
that moment and said to Prophet Mahammad (SAW) Shaytan does indeed know the
Dua which will enable him to enter Paradise, but forty days before his death Allah
(SWT), the Almighty, All Powerful and All Knowing will take this dua away from
Shaytans memory. Jibril (AS) then unveiled this Dua to Prophet Mahammad (SAW).
11-iblees and his children
As Allah (SWT) created Shaytans wife from his left thigh, in a similar manner as
Adam (AS)s wife was created from the rib. When Shaytans wife was pregnant, she
laid 21 eggs from which Shaytans children were hatched. These children then
spread themselves all over the world across jungles, mountains, rivers, seas etc.
Once Prophet Mahammad (SAW) said There is nobody without a Shaytan with him.
After hearing this, one of the Sahaba asked Prophet Mahammad (SAW) Is there any
with you? To which our Prophet replied Yes, but Allah (SWT) has made this
Shaytan Musalmaan and he is always giving me good inspirations.
12-iblees and shyatan eggs
Once Abu Bakr (R), Umar (R), Uthman (R), Ali (KA), Salman Farsi (R) and Amer Ibn
Yasar (R) found Prophet Mahammad (SAW) coming back from somewhere, sweating.
The Prophet (SAW) wiped the sweat from his forehead and said May Allah (SWT)
cast the cursed Shaytan. He then looked down. Ali (KA) said to him whom are you
casting upon? Prophet Mahammad (SAW) replied, The enemy of Allah (SWT), the
outcast Shaytan, has just put his tail in the cave and laid seven eggs from which
seven Shaytan were born. Their duty is to deceive the sons of Adam (AS).
Prophet Mahammad (SAW) then proceeded to name these seven Shaytan: the first
one is called Mudhas and his duty is to tempt and attract the Alim (religious
scholar). The second one is called Hodish and his duty is to distract people from
their Prayer and offer distractive attractions and amusements. Hodish makes people
sleepy during their Prayer and when someone awakes after having been asleep,
they continue their Prayer without wudu. They falsely believe that they never went
to sleep in the first place and therefore do not require fresh wudu. The third
Shaytan, called Zal Banun, has its undertaking in the market place in order that
traders do not weigh and measure honestly or care for the quality of their goods.
The Zal Banun also enables people to walk wondrously around the market place and
encourage them to spend their money unwisely. The fourth Shaytan, Bothaar,
makes people restless by attacking their patience. Manshoot, the fifth Shaytan,
draws people towards backbiting and lying and peoples sense of justice is
destroyed by the sixth Shaytan, Dasham. Lastly the seventh Shaytan, Auoawar,
tempts people to steal and become thieves in the belief that this way their need will
be met and that they could always ask for forgiveness later from Allah (SWT) and

will surely be excused.

Prophet Mahammad (SAW) also said there is a Shaytan called Dal-han. He deceives
people when they make wudu. Our Prophet Mahammad (SAW) advises Mumins to
be aware of him and ask Allah (SWT) against this Shaytan. There is another Shaytan
called Khanzub who always deceives people during Prayer. Beside these there are
other Shaytan who always stay with you when you are bathing whether it be inside
or outside the house (such as bathroom, seaside etc). They are always there
because this is their place of stay.
13-iblees and Musa(AS)
One day Musa (AS) asked Allah (SWT) for some advice on how to deal with a certain
issue. Astonishingly, Allah (SWT) instructed Musa (AS) to go to Shaytan and ask him
how to deal with the issue. Musa (AS) being surprised said to Allah (SWT) "I am Your
Prophet and that is Shaytan." Allah (SWT) replied by saying "It is My command that
you should ask Shaytan." Out of obedience Musa (AS) went to Shaytan and asked
him for advice, in reply Shaytan told Musa (AS) what to do and Musa (AS) carried
out the task in accordance with Shaytans advice. However, Shaytan came to Musa
(AS) the following day and said, Oh Musa (AS) what I told you yesterday, dont do
that, do this. Musa (AS) replied, What you told me yesterday was the truth what
you have told me now is false. It involves your deceitful planning. Nevertheless,
our effort should be present. We must exert full effort in fighting Shaytans
deception and obeying the command of Allah (SWT).
14-iblees and Musa(AS)
Iblis introduced logic instead of obedience to Allah (SWT). A concept that was
completely new because all the Angels and obedient creation would carry out Allah
(SWT)'s command without logic or questioning. Even the disobedient Jinns, (as
mentioned before) did disobey Allah (SWT) yet not because of logic therefore only
Iblis introduced logic. An experience Musa (AS) had with Shaytan is outlined below.
Allah (SWT) said to Musa (AS) once "Go out and find the secret truth that haunts the
devils mind."
When Musa (AS) met with Shaytan that same day he asked for his advice and heard
him say
"Remember this and repeat this constantly, dont speak of me or you will become
like me
If life holds you by a single hair the end of all your toil will be despair
No matter how you prosper there will rise before your face a hundred smirking I

15-iblees and his throne on sea

Iblees has his throne in the sea, and he sends out his dispatchments who aggravate
people. The greatest of them before him is the one who has caused the most fitnah.
One of his workers comes and tells him, I did not leave [my victim] until I brought
about separation between him and his wife. Iblees draws him near, and says to
him, Yes! You (are the best!) (Related by Muslim.)
Eavesdropping on the heavens

16-iblees and Allah(SWT)

Allah (SWT) ordered everyone to bow before Adam (AS), yet Iblis out of his hidden
pride and jealousy did not bow because he intended to see why Allah (SWT) told
everyone to bow. Iblis asked Allah (SWT) As there was no place on Earth where I did
not prostrate to You, what are You going to give me in return for this worship? Allah
(SWT) replied, Say what do you want? Iblis asked for the power to enter into Adam
(AS)s body and into the body of all his descendents (Bani Adam (AS)). He asked for
the permission and power to enter and leave Bani Adam (AS)s body 70 times within
one pulse beat (a pulse beat occurs 60 times a second). Allah (SWT) granted him
this request. Iblis then said to Allah (SWT) I will be standing between You and the
sons of Adam (AS), at the front, at the back, at the left, at the right and I will be all
around him. I will make it difficult for him to find the Siratul Mustaqim (the straight
path) to come to you. Allah (SWT) said, You can do whatever you want but
remember, whoever is My servant will find the way to come to Me. Allah (SWT),
The Most Powerful, then outcast Iblis from His blessings.
17-iblees and its doomed history
The nature of Shaytan and the role it plays
See you that We have sent the Shaytan (devils) against the disbelievers to push
them to do evil.
(Surah 19:83)
Before we discussed the nature of Shaytan, it is important to first explain its origin.
As we know, Shaytan is created from Jinn and in the same way that humans
descended from Adam (AS), Jinns descended from Shumar. Shumar, also known as
Shuma, is often referred to as Abu-Jinn (father of Jinn). Adams (AS) family multiplies;
likewise Shumars family does as well.
Jinn were present before Adam (AS) and that is why Allah (SWT) said Umma
Khalaqna Tul Jinna Wal Insana (Jinn and Insaan were created for Allah (SWT)s

worship). The stress is on Jinn first and then Insaan. For Jinn, Allah (SWT) made
separate rules and regulations. After 36,000 years of their existence they forgot to
follow Allah (SWT)s law and so Allah (SWT) destroyed them and made a new
community of Jinn. Those who remained obedient, they went into the sea, air and
jungles to secretly obey the law of Allah (SWT), out of the vision of the disobedient
ones. From these obedient Jinn, Allah (SWT) made a new nation of Jinn. Of these
Jinn, Allah (SWT) designated a leader (Nabi) amongst them who would make sure
that these Jinn would follow Allah (SWT)s order. The name of this leader (Nabi) of
the Jinn was Hilyanis. After another 36,000 years these Jinn again became
disobedient and assassinated King Hilyanis, and so, Allah (SWT) destroyed this
community of Jinn. Again Allah (SWT) saved the obedient Jinns and from them
appointed another Nabi called Bilqiya. They again became disobedient and Allah
(SWT) destroyed them. After having destroyed them for the third time, Allah (SWT)
appointed, from the families of those who were the followers of Allah (SWT), another
leader called Hamus.
After another 36,000 years they killed Hamus and became disobedient of Allah
(SWT). Finally it was the period of Shuma, and when again the Jinns disobeyed Allah
(SWT) the Angels came and destroyed this nation. The Angels found only 4 or 6
Jinns who were obeying Allah (SWT), who were hiding inside jungles engaged in
duty. It is from these obedient Jinns that the descendents of Jinn remain today. From
these obedient Jinns, the Angels found a boy called Azazil, whose fathers name was
Khabis and mothers name was Nilbis. The face of Khabis was like a lion and his
nature was alike. Nilbiss face was like a tiger and so was her character. Azazils
character and face was a mixture of his two parents. Allah (SWT) took him to the
place of Angels and he was appointed teacher to them. Azazil was given the title
Angel Makram (Teacher to Angels). He was also referred to as Muellim ul
Malakut (Master of Angels). During one event, the Angels saw written in the arsh
(space), that one of the worshippers will be punished. When the Angels saw this,
they became afraid of Allah (SWT)s punishment and, in fear and wonderment over
who this could be, requested Azazil to pray for them (since he was their teacher).
Azazil gave them consolation that he knew this fact long ago and that they
shouldnt worry - but they insisted that he should still pray and his Prayer was
accepted. He then became known as Mustajibul Wath or Those who Prayer, Allah
(SWT) accepts. Interestingly, Azazil had prayed for everyone but himself. Some
time passed, Azazil saw something written on the arsh again. The words
Authobillahi Minashaytaan Nirajim was written in golden type. After uttering this
Prayer, he requested to Allah (SWT), Who is that outcast, Shaytan? Allah (SWT)
said that he was one of His worshippers. Then Allah (SWT) said, That is one of my
worshippers, I have bestowed upon him much blessing and given him lots of honour
but still he disobeys me. Azazil replied, Rabbiul Izzat (Allah (SWT)s honour) Who
is that disobedient, can I see him? Allah (SWT) said, In time you will meet him.
Then Azazil resumed engagement in Allah (SWT)s Ibaadat. He spent thousands of

days in one prostration and whenever he returned from prostrating he would recite
what he could see, Lanut Ullahi Iblis (the curse of Allah (SWT) upon Iblis), without
knowing who Iblis was. He asked Allah (SWT), Who is this Iblis? To which Allah
(SWT) replied, "He is one of my worshippers. I have given him and bestowed upon
him thousands of my blessings." By reciting Lanut Ullahi Iblis Azazil cursed upon
himself, unknowingly.
Azazil never knew that one day his name would be changed to Iblis. Azazil
prostrated 5 times and each prostration lasted for 1000 years and in each
prostration Azazil would recite "Lanut Ullahi Iblis", meaning may Allah (SWT)s curse
be upon Iblis. Overall, for 5,000 years Azazil recited Lanut Ullahi Iblis. and after
this he started to pray everywhere in the space and on Earth. There was no space
where he did not prostrate. Whenever he lifted his head from each prostration he
would see the same line Lanut Ullahi Iblis. Azazil felt that after so much worship,
he had gained everything and that there would not be any other creation more
powerful than him. He thought nothing could harm him. He saw nothing like him in
the entire Earth and space and consequently developed pride within himself. He
addressed all the Angels and asked that if Allah (SWT) were to appoint anyone in
competition to him or in equality to him, whom would they obey? The angles
replied, We obey Allah (SWT). In anger he said, "If I find anyone at the same level
as me, I will challenge Allah (SWT) by myself. I am in no need of anyone. Then
Allah (SWT) created Adam (AS). Allah (SWT) sent news to Earth that I am going to
create a being made from you. Of the descendents of Adam (AS), some will be
obedient and will reside in Heaven forever and some will be disobedient and burn in
Hell forever. At this point the Earth began to cry; this is why the Earth refused to
give clay to the Angels for the creation of Insaan because the Earth was informed.
Allah (SWT), The Exalted, created Jinn and Insaan solely for his Ibaadat (worship).
Shaytan belongs to the class of Jinn; a life form created from smokeless fire (like
electricity) that existed long before Adam (AS) did. At the time when the whole
nation of Jinn became disobedient to Allah (SWT), the Angels were ordered to
destroy them completely. As the Angels set about their task they discovered one
particular Jinn who had been engaged in Prayer and they asked Allah (SWT) for
guidance on how to deal with him. In reply, Allah (SWT) ordered the Angels to bring
this particular Jinn back with them to the Kingdom of Malaika (Angels). This saved
Jinn is called Iblis who is also known as Angel Makram. Iblis had devoted nearly
eighty thousand years to Allah (SWT) in worship and since he had acquired vast
knowledge, Allah (SWT) appointed him as teacher to the Angels. When Almighty
Allah (SWT) willed to create Adam (AS), certain Angels were ordered to bring some
clay from the Earth. One by one the Angels proceeded to collect the clay but the
clay pleaded to them For the sake of Allah (SWT) please dont take me from this
Earth. (As they did not want to be part of the destruction that the family of Adam
would come to cause). So the Angels returned without the clay. Allah (SWT) then
ordered Angel Azrail (AS) to collect this clay and when the clay made the same plea

to him, Azrail (AS) replied that it was his order to take the clay back and without
hesitation, Azrail (AS) took the clay as he was ordered but he reassured the clay
that it would be returned back to it at the time of death. Allah (SWT) The Most Wise
told Azrail (AS) that it would also be him who would take the soul at the time of
death. Allah (SWT) assured Azrail (AS) that he would not be blamed for the death of
Insaan, as Allah (SWT) would create some excuse for their death.
While the Angels were busy collecting the clay from the Earth they were delayed in
attending the class lead by Iblis. Upon their return Iblis queried the Angels about
their late arrival. When Iblis heard the reason for their delay, he became very
jealous that Allah (SWT) was creating a new life form and that he alone was not
enough for worship. Iblis requested to be taken to the location where Allah (SWT)
was creating Adam (AS) but as the Angels were strictly ordered not to take anyone
to this location, they refused. Iblis did however eventually discover the location and
managed to visit Adam (AS). During his visit Iblis went inside Adam (AS) and
discovered the mechanism to his body. He returned to the Angels and stated that
Adam (AS) was useless and that they should follow Iblis and not Adam (AS). The
Angels replied that they only follow Allah (SWT).
After some time had elapsed and the creation of Adam (AS) was complete, Allah
(SWT) ordered the Angels to prostrate in front of Adam (AS). The Angels obeyed this
order of Almighty Allah (SWT), the Creator and The Most Wise but when Allah (SWT)
gave the same order to Iblis he refused to bow down like the other Angels did,
giving the following excuse. Allah (SWT) asked Iblis What prevented you from
prostrating before that which I created with my own hands? Iblis replied, I am
better than him. You have created me from fire but him You have created from clay
(Surah Al-Araf, 12). Allah (SWT) then said, Get out of here. You are cast out. My
curse is on you till the Day of Judgement (Surah Al-Hijr, 34-35). Allah (SWT) says
And behold We said to the Angels, bow down to Adam (AS) and they all bowed
down. Not so Iblis, he was disobedient. He was with those who rejected faith (Surah
Al-Baqarah, 34) and again in Surah Saad (71-85) When thy Lord said unto the
Angels: Lo! I am about to create a mortal out of clay and when I have fashioned
him and breathed into him My Spirit then fall down before him and prostrate. The
Angels fell down and prostrated, everyone except Iblis; He was scornful and became
one of the disbelievers (Kafir). Allah said O Iblis! What prevents you from
prostrating before that which I have created with both hands? Art thou too proud or
art thou of the high exalted? He said I am better than him. Thou created me from
fire whilst him Thou create from clay. He said Go forth from hence, for lo! Thou art
outcast. And Lo! My curse is on thee till the Day of Judgement. He said Reprieve
me till the day when they are raised. Allah said Lo! Thou are of those reprieved
until the day of the time appointed. He said Then by Thy might I surely will beguile
them everyone. Save thy single-minded slaves amongst them. Allah said The truth
is and the truth I speak that I shall fill Hell with thee and those of them as follow
thee, together.

Allah (SWT) ordered everyone to bow before Adam (AS), yet Iblis out of his hidden
pride and jealousy did not bow because he intended to see why Allah (SWT) told
everyone to bow. Iblis asked Allah (SWT) As there was no place on Earth where I did
not prostrate to You, what are You going to give me in return for this worship? Allah
(SWT) replied, Say what do you want? Iblis asked for the power to enter into Adam
(AS)s body and into the body of all his descendents (Bani Adam (AS)). He asked for
the permission and power to enter and leave Bani Adam (AS)s body 70 times within
one pulse beat (a pulse beat occurs 60 times a second). Allah (SWT) granted him
this request. Iblis then said to Allah (SWT) I will be standing between You and the
sons of Adam (AS), at the front, at the back, at the left, at the right and I will be all
around him. I will make it difficult for him to find the Siratul Mustaqim (the straight
path) to come to you. Allah (SWT) said, You can do whatever you want but
remember, whoever is My servant will find the way to come to Me. Allah (SWT),
The Most Powerful, then outcast Iblis from His blessings.
Allah (SWT) then taught Adam (AS) how to pray and seek help from Allah (SWT).
Allah (SWT) taught Adam (AS) not to ask for Allah (SWT)s help from the front, nor
the back, nor from the right or from the left: Adam (AS) should ask for Allah (SWT)s
help from above. This was the only place Iblis (who is now Shaytan) had not
requested to stand between, as this passage was the way that Shaytan could enter
in and out of the body of Adam (AS).
There are two entrances into Bani Adam (AS)s body: one is called was-wasa
whereby Shaytan gives bad temptations. The other entrance known as the mulhim is for the sole use of Angels through which they give Ilham (knowledge) or
good news. The Ilham could thus emanate directly from Allah (SWT) or from the
Bani Adam (AS)s own destiny. Allah (SWT) has placed an Angel to guard the mulhim and likewise Shaytan has placed one of his agents at the was-wasa. Shaytans
instrument is bad temptation, which he uses to deceive Bani Adam (AS).

The Traps of Iblis

Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah rahimahullaah
At-Tafsir Qayyim of Shaykh Ibn Qayyim
It is not possible to encompass one of Iblis' evils, let alone all of them. Since Iblis'
evil is of six types, Iblis remains behind the son of Adam until he gets him to do one
or more of these six evils.
Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam. If he gains this from the son of Adam, his

moaning is eased, and he rests from his ordeal with this man. Further, this is the
first thing Iblis wants from al-'Abd (the worshipper). If Iblis gains this, he makes this
person part of his army, one of his soldiers, and he appoints him as a deputy or
agent against other human beings. Then, this person becomes one of the deputies
or callers of Iblis.
If he despairs of enticing him with the first evil, and if this person is one of those for
whom it was written that he would be a Muslim in his mother's womb, Iblis tries the
SECOND CLASS OF EVIL. THIS IS BID'AH (innovation). Iblis loves Bid'ah more than
debauchery and disobedience because the harm of Bid'ah is in the essence of the
religion. Moreover, it is an unrepentable sin and is against the call of the
messengers and is a call to a message different from the one conveyed by Ar-Rasul.
Bid'ah is a gate to Kufr and Shirk. Therefore, if Iblis gains the performance of Bid'ah
from a person and makes him one of the people of Bid'ah, he also becomes one of
his agents and a caller of his.
If Iblis fails and is unable to trap Al-'Abd at this class, and if he is one of those who
were granted by Allh the gift of As-Sunnah and hatred of the people of Bid'ah and
error, he proceeds to the THIRD CLASS OF EVIL, which is the class of MAJOR SINS in
their various forms.
Iblis is very covetous of letting a person fall into major sin, especially if he is a
scholar who is followed. Iblis is covetous of that, so that he may repel people from
him and spread his sins and disobedience amongst the people. He uses some
people as his agents to spread this person's sins under the false pretence that this
will help them to get closer to Allh. But in fact this person is the deputy of Iblis
without knowing it. For those who would like abomination to be spread amongst the
believers there is a great torment in this life and in the Hereafter especially if they
take charge of spreading about enormities, not out of advice, but by obeying Iblis
and being his agent. All this is to repel people from the Scholar and from his benefit.

Furthermore, the sins of this person (scholar), even if they reach the sky, are less to
Allh than the sins of those who would like to spread his sins about. The scholar's
sins are wrongdoing to himself. If he seeks forgiveness from Allh and repents, Allh
will accept his repentance, and He will change his bad deeds to good deeds.
However, the sin of those who spread about abominations are doing wrong to the
believers by looking for their mistakes and by intending to expose them. Allh is in
close observation, and He knows about this ambuscade. Nothing hidden in the chest
or soul is hidden to Allh.
If Iblis is unable to snare Al-'Abd at this degree he moves him to the FOURTH CLASS,
or the MINOR SINS. These sins may ruin a person if they accumulate. That is why ArRasul sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said, Be aware of the minor sins, because the

simile of the minor sin is like the people who went to a desert. Then he sallallaahu
'alayhi wa sallam mentioned a Hadith the meaning of which is that every one of
them brought a stick of wood until they had kindled a huge fire (just as the minor
sins add up little by little until they become a major sin). The person continues
taking the matter of minor sins easily until he considers them inconsequential.
Therefore, a person who commits major sins but fears their effect is in a better
condition than he is.
If the Al-'Abd has prevented Iblis from trapping him at this level, he moves him to
do not gain him reward or punishment. However, the punishment of this level is
caused by passing the reward missed by being occupied with these deeds. If Al-'Abd
has kept Iblis from succeeding at this level, and if he is careful about his time, being
covetous with it, knows the value of moments, and knows the value of what comes
of comfort or torment, Iblis transfers him to the sixth level. The SIXTH CLASS is to
OCCUPY HIM WITH DEEDS OF LESSER REWARD to keep virtue away from him and to
prevent him from attaining the reward of the favoured deed.
Therefore, he orders him to do a good action with less reward if that includes
leaving a better action. Very few people are aware of this. Because if a person feels
a strong urge to some kind of obedience, he does not doubt that it is true obedience
and that he is getting closer to Allh. He never thinks that this call is from Iblis
because he believes that Iblis never calls one to do good. Therefore, he thinks that
this call is from Allh. Actually he is excused because he never knew that Iblis would
call one to seventy doors of good deeds either to get him to one door of evil or to let
a better deed than these seventy deeds pass away from him.
This cannot be known except by a light from Allh, a light he instils in the heart of
Al-'Abd. The source of this type of knowledge is following the way of Ar-Rasul
sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam and taking care of the levels of deeds with Allh, the
deeds of His favoured ones, the deeds more pleasing to Him, and those more
beneficial to Al-'Abd, and deeds that have more Naseehah (guidance) from Allh,
His Rasul, His Book, and His believing worshippers. No one has this type of
knowledge except the inheritors of Ar-Rasul sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, his
deputies in the Ummah, and his successors on earth. In addition, most of the
creation is screened from this. This call does not come to their hearts. Allh gives
His favour to whomever He wills from among His worshippers.
If Al-'Abd prevents Iblis from trapping him at any of these six levels, and if it
becomes difficult for Iblis, he empowers his party of jinn and human beings with
AN INNOVATOR, WARNING PEOPLE AGAINST HIM, and intending to weaken him and
to disturb his heart. Iblis, by using this method, tries to confuse this person's
thinking and tries to PREVENT PEOPLE FROM BENEFITING FROM HIM. Therefore Iblis

expends his utmost effort to empower the defenders of falsehood, from human
beings and from jinn, against him. Then the believer is at war until death. Whenever
he gives up, he is hurt or is taken captive. Hence the believer is in Jihaad until he
meets with Allh.

Ibn Qayyim said: "From him (shaytan), his followers learned the method of calling
haraam things by names which people find attractive. So they called wine; the
mother of joy, and they called intoxicants; morsels of delight, and they called Riba
(usury); business dealing." (Wabil as-Sayyib); "Among the plots and traps of the
enemy of Allah, with which he seeks to trap those who posses little knowledge,
reasoning and religious commitment and trap the ignorant is the listening to
whistling and clapping of hands and singing accompanied by forbidden musical
instruments, which closes people's hearts to the Qur'an and makes them devoted to
immorality and sin. This is the 'qur'an' of the shaytan, an impenetrable barrier
which blocks them from the Most Merciful. This is the means that leads to sodomy
and fornication, by means of which the shaytan ensnares the hearts of those who
follow falsehood and makes it appear attractive to them by way of deceit and
trickery. He inspires them by means of specious arguments to regard it as
something good, so they accept this idea and for the sake of argument to regard it
as something good, so they accept this idea and for the sake of singing they forsake
the Qur'an." (Igaathat al-Lahfaan, 1/242)

Ibn al-Jawzi said: "Iblis tricks people in whatever way he can, and his power over
them increases and decreases according to their alertness or negligence, their
ignorance or knowledge. Note that the heart is like a fortress, and the devils are
always going around the fortress watching for the guards to become heedless. The
guard should know all the gates of the fortress which he has been appointed to
guard, and he should not let his attention slip for a moment, for the enemy never
lets his attention slip. A man said to Hasan al-Basri: Does Iblis sleep? He (ra) said: If
he slept, we would have a break!" (Talbis Iblis, 52)

"One of Shaytan's methods in deceiving Ahlul Hadith is:
to persuade them to put down those who give sermons on softening the heart.and

to call them: story tellers.the objective of the Shaytan is that they stop attending
gatherings where their hearts will become softer.story telling is not something bad
all over. Because Allah SWT said: We narrate to you the best of stories. He also said:
So narrate (O Muhammad) the stories.story tellers were criticized only because they
exaggerate in telling stories that do not include beneficial knowledge, some of them
say things that are impossible.however, if the story is truthful, and it results in
softening the heart, then it is commended,
Imam Ahmad used to say: people are in so much need of a truthful story teller".

From the deception of Ibls upon the Scholars, is their mixing with the Rulers and
flattering them and abandon censuring them when able to do so. And perhaps they
find allowance for them where really there is no allowance, in order to attain a
worldly goal - and threefold corruption comes about through this:
Firstly: The Ruler - he says: If it were not correct, then the Scholar would have
censured me - and how can I not be correct - and he eats from my wealth?
Secondly: The common person says: There is no harm with this Ruler, nor his
wealth, nor his actions, because the Scholar does not criticise him.
Thirdly: The Scholar - because he corrupts his Dn through that. Ibls may deceive
them into entering upon the Ruler saying: We enter in order to intercede for a
Muslim. This deception is uncovered by the fact that if a different person entered to
intercede - the Scholar would not be pleased with that; and perhaps speak ill of him
- since he wishes to be alone in the Rulers attention.
So entering upon the Ruler involves great danger, since the intention may be good
when you first enter, but then may be changed by their honouring you, or
bestowing things upon you, or by having ambitions and by not being able to avoid
flattering them and leaving-off censuring them. Sufyn ath-Thawr used to say: I do
not fear from their debasing me, but I fear from their being generous towards me so
that my heart inclines towards them.

The Deception of Satan in Causing People to Fall Into Either of Two
Shams ud Deen Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah
Ighaathatul lahfaan fee massaid ash-shaitaan 1/222-226

So from his (i.e. Satans) strange plot/stratagem is: that he will test the Nafs (soul)
in order to see what it has with it. This he does to determine which of the two
resolutions is a mainstay over it:
The resolution of fearlessness and bravery; or:
The resolution of turning away and abstention and contempt.
For if he sees that its mainstay upon the soul is: contempt and abstention, he then
begins to hinder him and weaken his endeavour as well as his intent from that
which he was commanded with. Thus he makes it burdensome for him, and so he
demeans it upon him in order that he should abandon it such that stage by stage
he abandons it; or falls short in it; and so neglects it. However if he sees that its
mainstay over it is: the strength of fearlessness and being strong-hearted; he then
seeks to cause his underestimation of that which he was commanded with. Thus he
causes him to fall into the illusion that he has not sufficed in it; therefore needing
exertion with that along with that which is additional. So he causes the first type to
fall short whilst the second he causes to go to extremes. It is just as some of the
Salaf said:
Allah The One free of all imperfections never commanded with a command except
that Satan had in it two incitements: either towards negligence and shortcoming; or
towards transgressing the bounds and extremism and he (Satan) does not care to
which of them his achievement lies. Indeed most of the people have diverged to
these two wadis (valleys) with the exception of lesser than a few. That being the
wadi of falling short and the wadi of transgressing the bounds and transcending.
Yet a very small number of them are firm upon the path which the Messenger of
Allah (Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) and his companions were upon. For there are a
people who he caused to fall short in performing the obligatory acts of purification.
Yet there are a people whom he caused to go to extremes such that they exceed
such bounds through whisperings. He caused a people to fall short in extracting that
which was obligatory from their wealth.
Yet there are a people whom he caused to go to extremes such that they sent forth
all that was in their hands. Thus left sat at the neediness of the people; looking to
that which was in their hands.
He caused a people to fall short in attaining that which they needed by way of food
and drink and clothing such that they were harmed by way of it through their
bodies and hearts.

Yet there are a people whom he caused to go to extremes such that they took more
than they needed; thus harming their hearts and their bodies. Likewise he caused a
people to fall short in giving the rights to the Prophets and their inheritors such
that they killed them.
Yet he caused others to go to extremes such that they worshipped them. He caused
a people to fall short in regards to mixing with the masses such that they became
solitary from them in the acts of obedience such as the Jumuah prayer and the
congregational prayers and the Jihaad and seeking knowledge.
Yet there are a people whom he caused to go to extremes such that they mixed with
them (the masses) and so partook in oppression and sinfulness and crime. He
caused a people to fall short such that they were unable to slaughter so much as a
sparrow or a sheep in order to eat from it.
Yet caused others to go to extremes such that he led them to the audacity of spilling
innocent blood. Likewise he caused a people to fall short such that he prevented
them from busying themselves with knowledge which benefits them.
Yet caused others to go to extremes such that they made knowledge itself as the
goal against implementation of it. Likewise he caused a people to fall short such
that he made them eat grass and the pastures meant for the creation other than
the nutrition of the progeny of Aadam.
Yet caused others to go to extremes such that he made them eat from that which
was purely Haraam (forbidden). He caused a people to fall short in such a way that
he made alluring to them the abandonment of the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) by way of Nikaah (marriage). Thus they turned away
from it in totality.
Yet caused others to go to extremes such that they undertook that which led them
to commit that which was forbidden. He caused a people to fall short such that
they left off the Scholars who were from the people of Religion and rectification; and
so they turned away from them and did not establish for them their rights.
Yet caused others to go to extremes such that they worshipped them along with
Allah The Most High. Likewise he caused a people to fall short such that he
prevented them from the acceptance of the statements of the people of knowledge
and giving it their total attention.
Yet caused others to go to extremes such that they made Halaal that which they
(the people of knowledge) made Halaal and made Haraam that which they made
Haraam. So they gave precedence to their statements over the clear and correct
Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam). He caused a
people to fall short such that they said: indeed Allah The One free of all

imperfections does not decree the actions of His servants nor does He will for them
(the actions) from them. Rather that they perform them without the will of Allah The
Most High and without His decree.
Yet caused others to go to extremes such that they said: they do not perform an
action whatsoever; rather it is Allah The One free of all imperfections Who is The
One who performs those actions in reality. So it is His action not their action, so the
servants have neither the ability and nor perform the action at all. He caused a
people to fall short such that they said: indeed The Lord of the creation The One
free of all imperfections is not inside His creation; and nor is he distinct from it.
Likewise He is not above them and nor is He below them, and neither is He behind
them and nor is He in front of them; and neither is He on their right hand side and
nor is He on their left hand side.
Yet caused others to go to extremes such that they said: He is in every place in His
essence just as the air is found in every place.
He caused a people to fall short such that they said: The Lord Who is free of all
imperfections does not speak with even a single word at all.
Yet caused others to go to extremes such that they said: He has not ceased to and
does not cease to and is always speaking saying: O Iblis; what prevented you from
prostrating to that which I created with My own Hand? Soorah Saad: 75
And He says to Moosaa: Go to Firawn Soorah An-Naaziaat: 17
So He does not cease to speak with this and it is heard from Him, such is the case of
the attribute of life with regards to Him also. He caused a people to fall short such
that they said: Indeed Allah The One free of all imperfections does not allow anyone
to intercede for anyone else at all. Nor does He have mercy upon anyone due to
the intercession of anyone.
Yet caused others to go to extremes such that they claimed that the creation can
intercede along with Him without His permission, just as the one with authority and
their likes can intercede with Kings. He caused a people to fall short such that they
said: That the Eemaan (belief) of the most wicked of people and the most
oppressive of them is like the Eemaan of Jibreel and Mikaeel (Alaihimus salaam)
let alone that of Abu Bakr and Umar.
Yet caused others to go to extremes such that they exited people from the fold of AlIslam due to having committed a single major sin. He caused a people to fall short
such that they denied the realities of the Names of The Lord The One free of all
imperfections and Most High as well as His attributes; and they changed the
meanings of them for Him.

Yet caused others to go to extremes such that they resembled Him with His creation
and gave Him similarities to them. He caused a people to fall short such that they
became enemies towards the people of the household of Allahs Messenger
(Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) such that they killed them and made lawful their
Yet caused others to go to extremes such that they claimed that there was found in
them the qualities of Prophethood from the likes of infallibility and other than it; and
perhaps even claimed divinity in regards to them. Likewise he caused the Jews to
fall short with regard to the Messiah such that they declared him a liar. They
accused him and his mother of that which Allah The Most Highfreed them both from.
Yet caused the Christians to go to extremes such that they made him the son of
Allah; and they made him as a Deity to be worshipped along with Allah.
He caused a people to fall short such that they denied the reasons (of occurrence)
and the power and that which is natural as well as the natural disposition.
Yet caused others to go to extremes such that they made these affairs as necessary
matters which are unchangeable and nor are they replaceable; and possibly go on
to make some of them independent due to effect. He caused a people to fall short
such that they worshipped with that which was impure and they are the Christians
and those that resemble them.
Yet caused others to go to extremes such that he brought them to demolition and
shackles through whisperings and they are those that resemble the Jews. He
caused a people to fall short such that they made alluring for the people as well as
make apparent for them actions and aspects of worship that they would then make
praises upon them for.
Yet caused others to go to extremes such that they made apparent for them (the
people) from those foul things and from the evil actions as would cause their dignity
to fall with them and they call themselves Al-Malaamatiyyah (An off-shoot group
from the groups of the Soofiyyah al-Baatiniyyah) He caused a people to fall short
such that they fell into disregard concerning the actions of the heart and so they
did not pay attention to that. Instead enumerating it as excess or a matter of
secondary importance. Yet caused others to go to extremes such that they fell short
in their glance and their practice upon it and instead didnt pay attention to many of
the actions of the limbs saying instead that: for the one who knows, then his
inspiration/notion does not diminish due to the specified time of day or night
devoted to worship.


On the Ways of Satan in Leading Humans Astray

Imam Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah
'From his strategem is that he always bewitches the mind until he can deceive the
person. No one is safe from his bewitching except whomsoever Allah wills. He
makes good looking to him what harms him the most, until he imagines that it is the
most beneficial act for himself. And he makes him flee from the most beneficial act
until he thinks it is something harmful to him. Certainly, there is no god but Allah.
How many humans have been tested by such sorcery. How many hearts have been
kept from Islam, faith and goodness [by such sorcery]. And how many support and
present falsehood in the best form and hate truth and present it in the worst form
[because of his deception]. And how much falseness is adorned and shown in a
desirious manner to the alert. And how much falseness is spread among the wise.
He is the one who bewitches the mind until it follows different desires and various
evil opinions. He makes them follow every path of misguidance. He leads them to
actions, one after another, that cause their destruction. He makes appealing to
them the worship of idols, the breaking of familial relationships, the killing of
daughters, marrying one's mother and so on. And he promises them the victory of
paradise with their infidelity, wickedness and acts of disobedience. He presents to
them polytheism in the most honorable fashion. And he presents rejection of Allah's
attributes, of His transcendence and of His speech in the guise of antianthropomorphism of Allah. He presents abandoning ordering good and eradicating
evil in the guise of having mercy for others, behaving with others in a good manner,
and applying the verse, "O believers, you are in charge of your own souls" (alMaidah 105). And he presents turning away from what has come from the
Messenger in the guise of blindly following the Imams (taqleed) and the sufficiency
of following one who is more knowledgeable. And he presents hypocrisy and
compromising with respect to Allah's religion in the guise of being flexible and
mixing admirably with the people.'

From Shaytan's Deceptions: Going to Extremes
Imam Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah
"Al-Waabil al-Sayib", p. 19
"Allah never orders anything except that Satan takes two contradictory stances
towards it: either shortcoming and negligence or overzealousness and
exaggeration. It does not matter [to him] by which of these two mistakes he
becomes victorious over the slave. He comes to the heart of the slave and
examines it. If he finds in it listlessness and looking for loopholes, he deals with him

from that vantage. He impedes him and makes him sit. He strikes him with laziness,
listlessness and lethargy. He opens for him the door to reinterpretations (ta'weel),
hopes and so forth until the slave may not fulfill anything of what he is commanded.

If he finds in the slave's heart alertness, seriousness, desire to work and potential,
Satan despairs from attacking him through the above means. Instead, he orders him
to strive even harder. He convinces him that what he is doing is not sufficient for
him. His ambition is to be greater than that. He must work more than the other
workers. He should not sleep when they sleep. He should not break his fast when
they break their fasts. He should not rest when they rest. If one of them washes his
hands and face three times, he should wash them seven times. If one makes wudhu
for prayer, he must make ghusl. [He orders him to] similar acts of exaggeration and
extremism. He makes him go to extremes and beyond the limits. He makes him
stray from the straight path in the same way that he makes the first person
[described above] fall short of the straight path and not approach it. Satan's
intention for both is to keep them from the straight path: the first by making him
not come close or near to it and the second by making him pass it and go beyond it.
Many of creation are misled by these two strategies. There is no escape from them
except deep knowledge, faith and the strength to fight Satan and stay along the
middle path."

Ibn al-Jauzi, Talbees Iblis, p. 458
Concerning this point, Satan has many ways and means. It is recorded in sahih alBukhari that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said,
"During your sleep, Satan ties three knots at the back of your Decks. He breathes
the following into them, 'The night is long so keep on sleeping.' If the person wakes
and praises Allah, then one of the knots is unfastened. And if he performs ablution,
the second knot is unfastened. When he prays, all of the knots are unfastened. After
that he will be energetic and happy in the morning. Otherwise he would get up
listless and grouchy."
It is also recorded in Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that he said,
"When one of you rises from your sleep he should make ablution. He should rinse
his nose three times. For Satan stays in the upper part of one's nose during the

Al-Bukhari also records that the Prophet (peace be upon him) was asked about a
man who sleeps until the morning comes, that is, after the time of the dawn prayer.
He said,
"That is a man whom Satan has urinated into his two ears."
What we have mentioned is from among the ways that Satan hinders the human
from doing some actions. He also whispers into the human a love for laziness,
postponing or procrastinating actions and thinking about what a long period of time
one has for such and such action or work. Ibn al-Jauzi has written on this topic,
How many of the Jews or Christians have considered in their hearts love for Islam.
But Iblis always hinders them. He says to them, "Do not be hasty. Look closer into
the matter." And they postpone their conversion until they die as unbelievers. In the
same way the one who is disobedient to Allah postpones his repentance. He sets his
sights on his desires and he hopes he will repent later. But, as the poet said, "Do not
rush to perform the sins you desire and think about the period of repentance
beforehand." How many are determined to do something and then they postpone it.
Perhaps a scholar is determined to return to his study. Satan says, "Rest for a while."
Or a servant is alerted to the prayer at night and he says to him, "You have plenty of
time." He will not stop making people love laziness and postponing of actions and
he makes the person rely on hopes and dreams.
It is necessary for the energetic person to take matters into his own hand and act
upon his energy. The energetic finds the time to do things and does not
procrastinate and he turns away from just dreaming. The one who has a real fear of
Allah does not feel safe of punishment. The soul never stops in its dispute about evil
and facing the good. But it always expects that it will have plenty of time to
complete the good. One of the early scholars said, "Beware of procrastinating. It is
the greatest of the soldiers of Satan." The serious, non-procrastinating person and
the one who rests on his hopes and puts off working are like two who are passing
through a city while journeying. The serious, energetic one buys his provisions early
and waits for his traveling out of the city. The procrastinator says, "I will wait, as
perhaps we will stay here a month," and continues to put off buying his provisions
and preparing for his departure, until the last minute wherein he becomes rushed
and mistake prone. This is how people are in this world. Some of them are prepared
and alert. When the angel of death comes, he is not sorrowful. Others are deceived
by thinking they can procrastinate and they will despair when the time to move on
comes. It is part of ones nature to love laziness and dreams but then Iblis comes
and builds upon that. This makes it difficult to struggle against him in that matter.
But the one who is alert knows that he is in the middle of a battle. He knows that his
enemy does not rest. And if it seems that he is resting, it is actually just part of his


Iblis was the First to use Qiyas (Analogical Comparison)
Ibn Jarir recorded that Al-Hasan commented on Shaytan's statement,
("You created me from fire, and him You created from clay.'') "Iblis used Qiyas
[analogy], and he was the first one to do so.'' This statement has an authentic chain
of narration. Ibn Jarir recorded that Ibn Sirin said, "The first to use Qiyas was Iblis,
and would the sun and moon be worshipped if it was not for Qiyas'' This statement
also has an authentic chain of narration.
The Tafsir of Surat Al-A`raf ayaah 12 by Ibn Kathir
Protect from Iblees

Six Attacks by Shaytaan - Ten Defenses

The evil of Shaytaan is limited to six categories, he continues [to assault]
mankind until he succeeds in one or more of them:
1) The evil of polytheism and disbelief;
2) Then innovations;
3) Next are the major sins;
4) Then the minor sins;
5) Subsequently, busying people with practicing Mubahaat [Actions that one
is neither ordered to do or prohibited from performing specifically]
6) Next is busying them with practicing deeds which are good instead of
deeds which are better.
The reasons that safeguard a servant from the Shaytaan are ten:
1) Seeking refuge with Allah from him;
2) Reading al Mu'awathatain [ Surat an Nas and Surat al Falaq];

3) Reading Ayatul Kursi;

4) Reading Surat al Baqarah;
5) Reading the ending of Surat al Baqarah [last two verses];
6) The believer reading from the beginning of {Haa Meem.} until {to Him is the final
return.} [Ghafir: 1-3];
7) Saying what translated means: 'There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah,
alone having no partners, to him belongs the dominion, to him belongs all praise,
and He has the ability to do all things.' One hundred times;
8) Practicing the remembrance of Allah a lot;
9) Performing ablution along with prayers;
10) Refraining from supernumerary (extra) looking around, talking, eating
and mixing with people.
*Compiled from Ibnul Qayim's book: Badaa-'i al fawaa-id.

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