Diary Log Week 4

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George Feast

Diary log- Week 4

Upon analysing the 3 required short
films I sought to create an
amalgamation of everything I had
learned through these analyses. To
achieve this I aimed to contrast and
compare 2 of the short films I
analysed; Infidel and The Black Hole.
To complete these tasks I
comparatively mentioned the mis en
scene of the films, their ideological
values, representation and their target
audience. I also juxtaposed several of
these features against each other. This was useful in influencing
my final product as it allowed me to review which conventions
and features of existing short films I wanted to incorporate into
my own one.
During this week I also focused my
attention onto the starting point of the
creation of my short film. My media
teacher advised me to base my
product off of a singular quote, moral
parable or existing script to give a
backbone for my film. Taking this on
board, I researched several scripts
and selected one I believed would
most inspire me for a narrative of my
own short film. Social Good by
Bobby Hudson was the script I settled with. This was due to it
being set in the genre which I wished my short film to be in;
Science fiction and the several themes and ideologies it has
contained within its script. I thought the complex narrative of a
corrupt government being forced to food process the first borns
of every family on their 18th birthdays to combat overpopulation
was an excellent influence on my product. For this reason I
decided to base my final product solely on this script but
heavily adapt it to make it unique and different from the events
within its literature.

George Feast

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