Diary Log Week 7

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George Feast

Diary log-week 7
During this week my main objective was
to gain influences on how my production
could be created through research. This
was achieved by annotating an existing
short film, identifying my short films story
arc and revising my knowledge on camera
By annotating the short film PROXiMITY
by Ryan Connolly I identified how
different shots connoted meaning
through the films duration. I was
inspired by one shot to mimic its angle
and shot to connote the same level of
desperation Connolly wanted to. From
watching the short film I was convinced I
wanted this shot to be incorporated into
my final product and believed that it
would be effective in highlighting the
intensity of a fight scene within my product.
I then utilised my research oriented
around narrative theories to distinguish
the story arc of my final product. It was
easy to identify that my narrative
nearly follows Todorovs Narrative
theories but breaks the conventions of
2/5 stages. Identifying my story arc
was essential in weighing up whether
the narrative would be appreciated by
the audience and to abstract. By
correlating it to Todorovs narrative
theory I was assured that it wouldnt
be even though it contrasts 2 of the stages (Equilibrium and
New Equilibrium.)

George Feast

Turning my attention to the actual

production of my short film I
researched camera shots and what
meanings they present to the
audience. These allowed me to choose
whether the shots I had decided were
appropriate when compared with what
stage the narrative was in.

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