2015 PSRANM Call For Papers

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PSRANM 23 rd Annual Conference

June 10-12 2015

Albuquerque, NM

Finding Your Light in the Face of

the Storm
Call for Papers

The Psychosocial Rehabilitation Association of New Mexico (PSRANM) will

hold its 23rd conference on June 10-12, 2015 at the Sheraton Airport Hotel
in Albuquerque. People in recovery, practitioners, advocates, families and
administrators will come together to share knowledge, skills and values,
that promote PSR best practices.
This years theme, Finding Your Light in the Face of the Storm: is
intended to reflect the knowledge that recovery is a wellness journey in
which holding the hope is an essential piece. Whether one holds their own
hope, or someone else temporarily holds the hope for them, its the power
of the belief that things do get better and change does happen. People in
recovery who are creating their change path have the right to Trauma
informed care, safe affordable housing, behavioral health supports that
assist them in avoiding a life of chronic disease through prevention, early
intervention and wraparound supports.
PSRANM seeks enthusiastic and knowledgeable presenters who will
emphasize PSR competencies in the following areas:
Illness Management

Facilitated AA
PSR Evidence based Practices
PSR principles and Models

Health Management

Following are suggested workshop themes:

Peer Support Specialist Roles and Competencies
WRAP for Recipients of Services and Practitioners
PSR Code of Ethics
Psychiatric advance directives
Ethical Concerns that Arise with Peer/family Specialists
Conflict Resolution
Wraparound Model
Peer Run Business
Employment Services
Employment Issues for Forensic Service Recipients
Impact of State CCSS Regulations on Rural areas
Impact of Comprehensive Community Support Services and
Rehabilitation Services
Roundtable Forums on Specific Issues e.g. state and local
Legislation 101
Support for Parents with Children with SMI

Breaking Loose/Letting GoWhen People Leave Services

Trauma Informed Care
Heading Home
Homelessness support
Support/Treatment for people with Chronic Substance
Best Practice for people with DDMI
Support for Veterans
Jail Diversion
Hospital Diversion
Traumatic Brain Injury
Crisis Intervention Teams

Presenters Must Register for the Conference if They Are Planning to

Attend Other Sessions
Abstract Deadline: April 1, 2015.
Mail Proposals to:
PSRANM Conference Program
P.O. Box 20552, Albuquerque NM
or email to:

Gail.Robertson@stae.nm.us (Type PSRANM Call for Papers in the Subject

Questions? Call the PSRANM Executive Director Heather Clark at 505962-6655

Walking the Path to Wellness

Application to Present
Badge Title: _____________________________________________
Agency: ________________________________________________
City: _____________________ State: ________ Zip: _______
Telephone: ______________ Email:____________________
Presenters: Please attach credentials and resume for each presenter on
separate sheets. This information is essential to attain Continuing
Presentation Abstract: Include title, purpose, learning objectives and
teaching methods. Identify at least one of the seven
competency areas. Please print or type abstract on a separate sheet
if more space is needed.
Length of Presentation: (1 hour & 15 min.) __________________
AV equipment needed: _________________________________________
[ ] I will bring my own AV equipment.

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