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Mary Magdalene

2:2 Crystal Light Chamber

Channelled through Michelle Eloff
Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 27 January 2009 for the activation
taking place on 2 February 2009
To find out more about Michelle Eloff and The Lightweaver, please visit
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Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the channelling. You
will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing and Purpose.

To download the audio version of this channelling go to

I am Mary Magdalene and I greet and welcome you at this time of divine inspiration,
this time of expansion and the integration of your divine truth. Greetings each one of
It is an honour to be present with each of you upon this day as we bring forth the
vibrations of crystal light; this light is used for the purpose of focusing directly on that
which is contained within the structure of your DNA. Each time you undergo a deep
transformation, such as each of you have been experiencing on a personal level, the
DNA begins to weave its way into the inner realms of your divine consciousness.
One of the reasons why it is considered that only two strands of DNA is active within
the human body is because there are many dimensions of wisdom and information
that cannot be accessed unless the individual has attained a specific level of spiritual
maturation and emotional maturity. Without this core balance within the individual that
which is accessed could prove to be devastating to the person and to those around
The time however has come for more and more people to access these chambers of
higher wisdom. Master Kuthumi has been working intensively with many of you
already with the Fire Gates, which take you into the deeper realms of your chakras,
this is a very important part of being able to access these chambers within the DNA for
it teaches you about yourself and until you know the inner depths of yourself it is very
dangerous for you to venture into these realms. I say this because there are specific
responsibilities that you take on and if you are not equipped emotionally, spiritually
and mentally as well as physically to contain and work with these energies you could
become very ill physically and it could also lead to psychological disharmony very
similar to the Kundalini that is activated prematurely, therefore it is the wise person
who ventures into the realms of the unknown with an open heart and an open mind,
with grace, with ease and according to divine timing. Those who wish to rush into
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those realms find their worlds are turned upside down.

Now when one ventures into these chambers of crystal light within it brings about a
complete restructuring of ones life, it begins with the basis, the foundation, in other
words your base chakra and this helps you to take each layer, one at a time, and filter
through this crystal light. This helps you to recognise what it is from your past and
parallel and alternate realities that have attached itself to the lower ego, which often
leads to feelings such as disillusionment, cynicism and a disconnectedness from ones
spirit therefore I, Mary Magdalene, bring forth upon this day two hundred and twentytwo new threads of light which we shall weave into the DNA of your body, these
threads hold very fine crystals within them each of them containing information.
Over the next twenty-two weeks this information will be released into the cells of your
body, which will then communicate with the rest of your system and begin creating the
changes that you are now ready to experience. What this will result in is the ability to
address that which challenges you emotionally, mentally or physically from the
perspective of the God/Goddess mind, heart and vision. This will also assist you in
being able to detach from that which is causing you disharmony or imbalance so that
from the observers perspective you can understand that which has come to challenge
you. This in truth is a very blessed experience because then you begin to understand
the various aspects of yourself and how these multiple personalities in a manner of
speaking work through you.
Each personality (if I can call it this) is attached to a specific emotion or attitude that
has become a comforting pattern in your life, not necessarily a productive one though,
however when you can recognise the different aspects of your personality and how it
attaches to these various identities you begin to discover exactly what motivates you
in different situations and how to manage those parts of yourself. For years now you
have been groomed to reach this point and this point is grooming you for that which
will come in the future. We are now beginning to prepare all of you for the time period
of 2018 to 2022 which in fact will be the time where the greatest physical Earth
changes will take place. Even if some who are working with this material will no longer
be in their physical body at that time you will still be very active and present from the
other side assisting those who will journey through that particular time portal.
The gateway that shall be activated between 2018 and 2022 pulls humanities spiritual
consciousness into the Thirty-third Universe. Within this space there is a dynamic new
fusion that shall take place bringing all four lower bodies together and uniting it with
the divine and sacred aspects of the almighty Monad. Once this has been integrated
you will see that the technology of your world will be accelerated beyond anything that
you have ever seen before and let me add at this time the technology I speak of is that
of a spiritual and mental nature. During this time from now, 2009, leading up to 2018
the human brain will undergo dramatic change and the children that are born during
this period will display amazing skills and abilities, they are the ones that shall reveal
to the rest of humanity just how powerful the human brain is, the difference however
will be a unique thread will run from the heart chakra to the brain representing the full
connection between heart and mind.
There was a time when heart and mind where connected and as result of the
separation that has taken place over the past few cycles it is that humanity cannot
understand when the heart is speaking and when the mind is speaking. When these
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two are merged as one sacred entity it is unbelievable what the human can achieve.
There are individuals who have mastered many aspects of the brain who have
accessed the chambers that I spoke of earlier on, however some of these people do
not hold the highest intentions of light within their heart and this is one of the reasons
why we have had to be very, very careful that this information, these chambers, could
not be penetrated by too many who are not ready to deal with it.
Armageddon as it has been written would have been the end result of the accessing of
these chambers by ignorant ones for then the ignorant ones would have joined forces
with those who know how to use this but not for the greater good of the whole, we are
delighted to say however that there are more than enough Lightworkers who have
taken it upon themselves to take responsibility for their actions, for their thoughts, their
words and have chosen to walk the pathway of light and to become spiritual warriors
of divine truth. Now you are ready.
This particular key date activation for the 2nd of February is one that opens all of the
inner Earthian; the subterranean portals and the heavenly Cosmic portals and an
exquisite exchange of energy will take place and this is when these two hundred and
twenty-two threads will be absorbed. This will result in a new reconnection between
the divine masculine and the divine feminine bringing about a greater sense of
harmony within the heart and the minds of those who are following and walking the
pathway of their authentic truth. As more and more people begin to realise that their
fate is a prison and that there is a way to ascend out of this prison so more people will
have the motivation to address all the aspects of self that result in their mundane life
of pain and suffering.
Kuthumi has said before that as you ascend this spiral stairway to heaven it does not
mean that your challenges cease, the challenges are still going to come your way
however what it relates to is a completely different nature, a completely different
dimension of experience and the way you deal with these challenges will be very
different therefore, beloved ones, let us now prepare your energy for this sacred day
of bringing forth these threads of crystal light. Please close your eyes if you have not
already and settle your body relaxing and letting go of any thoughts, concerns or
Breathe in deeply exhaling fully, relaxing body and mind.
I want you to imagine yourself in an exquisite forest and you will notice that in front of
you crystals lie ahead of you and I want you to follow these crystals to the entrance to
an exquisite crystal cave.
Before you enter the cave ask permission from Mother Earth to enter her womb and
as you step through the cave lights up and you will see that it is encrusted with
exquisite crystals everywhere. I, Mary Magdalene, accompany you into the heart of
this cave, an exquisite crystal chamber and in the middle of this chamber is a beautiful
crystal bed. When you are ready climb onto it and lie down.
As you lie on this crystal slab I, Mary Magdalene, place the palm of my right hand on
your solar plexus and we begin to open the chambers of your chakras that contain this
infinite wisdom and very advanced knowledge, love, and truth.
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Breathe in deeply and exhaling fully as the cells of your body respond to the energy
coming from the crystals through my body and your into yours.
This energy travels into your brain and begins to release many new fibres of
electromagnetic energy causing all of the synapses in your brain to fire and as this
happens this electromagnetic energy is able to determine which of the information is
supporting you and which is not and filters its way into the areas of your brain where
the debilitating and the destructive attitudes, belief systems and fears are contained
from this lifetime and from parallel and alternate lifetimes.
As this energy moves through your brain penetrating every cell of your brain the
exquisite Archangel Michael manifests within this chamber with us, he places his
hands on your head. At that moment Archangel Uriel joins us and places hands upon
the souls of your feet. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale the three energies
between myself, Archangel Uriel and Michael form a powerful grid of light and this
begins to course its way up and down your spine, through your chakras and moves all
the way into your DNA penetrating every molecule and every atom within it.
Breathe in deeply exhaling fully relaxing your muscles so that this energy can flow
freely. While this is happening the crystal bed beneath you comes to life emanating
exquisite energies, each vibration of these energies speaks to the DNA inside of your
body. The DNA responds to this and I, Mary Magdalene, begin to pull in the two
hundred and twenty-two new threads and very gently these threads weave
themselves into your DNA. These threads bring deeper insight, a stronger sense of
self, greater self-awareness, a deeper sense of purpose. It washes through your guilt,
your fear, shame, blame and any other destructive emotion, thought, belief and
attitude you have about yourself.
Take another deep breathe in and as you exhale open all of your chakras allowing the
negative and old paradigm energies to be sucked out of them by the crystals that are
above you.
These threads penetrating your DNA will weave around all twelve strands and each
weave is unique unto each individual. As each thread is woven its pattern is a divine
and sacred signature and that sacred signature is a sound, a unique sound, it is this
sound that the cells of your body respond to. I want you now to try and imagine a
sound emanating from your DNA and filling every cell of your body.
These sound frequencies move deep into the pineal gland, into the pituitary gland,
moves into the thyroid and the parathyroid, into the thymus and the hypothalamus.
Now at the very tip of your spine in the base of your neck there is a chakra, this chakra
will now become activated, it will take the twenty-two weeks that I spoke of earlier on
to become fully activated for it is through this chakra that you draw in the Golden
Kundalini of the Cosmic Mother and the Cosmic Father. When this Golden Kundalini
energy merges with your own that is when the expansion of your world, your personal
world, takes place on a whole new level. The cells of your body will be filled with this
golden energy ensuring, and if need be, forcing out all of that old paradigm debilitating
energy that may result in times you falling back into old patterns.
Remember precious ones that which we are working with you now is not just for 2012,
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this is the energies that you are drawing into yourself for 2022.
Take a deep breath in exhaling fully.
The energies are still moving through your body and it is at this point that Lord
Maitreya joins us, as does Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek. Each of them bring
you a unique energy, a sacred gift and a sacred sound.
Lord Maitreya moves to your third eye chakra, he places the energy that he has
brought you into your third eye. These energies unite with the energies that I, Mary
Magdalene, Archangel Michael and Uriel are still filtering into your body. That which
has been placed into your third eye is also supporting the changes within your brain
and the cellular rearrangement that shall take place; as the cells of your body
rearrange they are able to absorb the vibrations of the cosmic configuration of divine
light and truth of solar love and solar light and this is what shall enable you to
recalibrate your system and have it functioning in perfect and harmonious alignment
with the cosmic configuration I have spoken of.
Lord Metatron now comes forward and places that which he has brought for you over
your heart chakra, breathe it in and relax. These energies penetrate your lungs and
this begins to remove all of the embedded belief systems that you have adopted from
your father and all previous fathers from your genetic lineage from this lifetime and all
parallel and alternate lifetimes and this begins to open your space giving you more
room to breathe, more space to be yourself.
Lord Melchizedek now steps forward and he takes that which he has brought for you
and places it in your sacral chakra and here it is that these energies begin to shift all of
those negative attitudes, belief systems and fears that have been taken on from your
mother and all mothers along your genetic lineage from all parallel and alternate
lifetimes including this one.
All six of us now still have our hands upon you and we join together chanting the
sacred sound of the Cosmic configuration that you have been united with, open your
body to receive this healing and just relax.
Your body begins to vibrate upon the crystal slab as the energies of the crystal slab
begins to intensify and accelerates the rate at which it releases this energy to you.
You imagine every cell in your body opening up and letting go. Your DNA begins to
release everything it no longer needs drawing from the atomic structure of your body
and releasing.
Breathe in and relax as you exhale.
Our chanting has now prepared the energy for our Almighty Cosmic Father and
Cosmic Mother to enter this chamber. Our Divine Cosmic Father stands to your right
and our Divine Cosmic Mother stands to your left. Just be aware of their energy and
breathe it in.
They both begin to whisper words in an ancient tongue, the holiest and most sacred
language ever to be uttered and the sound of each word now filters into the cells of
your body, into your DNA, into the very core of your atoms and your body begins to
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remember. The cells of your body strengthen, your DNA strengthens and becomes
energised by the words that they are uttering. No other beings in existence may utter
these words other than our Cosmic Mother and Father, therefore their presence and
you hearing these words is one of the most unique experiences you will ever have in
your life, very few have been blessed with these sacred words.
Lord Maitreya, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek now remove their hands from
your chakras.
I, Mary Magdalene, step back as our Cosmic Parents take their place alongside you.
The Cosmic Mother places one hand on your heart and one your base. Our great
Cosmic Father places one hand on your solar plexus and one on your throat. They
place pressure and then release it and every time they apply pressure to your chakras
there is more energy being programmed into your body and each release is the
chakra breathing out.
Breathe in, exhale and relax.
Our Divine Cosmic Parents have gathered with you today to bring to you a sacred gift
you were promised you would receive should you follow your pathway to this particular
point. The fact that you have arrived is in itself a cause for great celebration. All of you
receiving this activation today you become the crystal beacon of sacred and divine
light preparing the pathway for that which shall come into being between 2018 and
2022. You are preparing the grids of your Planet to be aligned with these Crystal Grids
so that the Crystal Temples of higher awareness can return and be accessed by those
with open hearts, open minds and open spirit.
They now release their hands, their whispering ceases. The Cosmic Mother places a
beautiful cluster of pink Quartz Crystals on your heart, this is not Rose Quartz, it is
Quartz Crystal filled with the divine essence of the Pink Ray of the Cosmic Mothers
The Cosmic Father places a cluster of Quartz Crystal filled with golden light on your
solar plexus and the golden light is the sacred and divine love of the Cosmic Father.
These crystals begin attuning your body.
Breathe in and relax.
Archangel Michael and Archangel Uriel now create a aura of energy around you
containing all of the energies that you have received today ensuring that the weave of
the twenty-two lights of your divine self be absorbed into your heart chakra and that
the sacred weaves of the two hundred and twenty-two new threads come to settle in
divine harmony within your DNA.
If there is anything you wish to say to our Cosmic Parents at this time, any assistance
you need, any gratitude you wish to express then please do so now.
Our Cosmic Mother places a beautiful Sapphire gemstone on your third eye, an
Amethyst gemstone on your throat chakra and an Emerald on your heart.
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Our Cosmic Father places a Fire Opal on your solar plexus, a beautiful golden
Diamond on your sacral chakra and an exquisite deep red Garnet on your base and at
the top of your head by your crown a brilliant white Diamond.
These gems seal the energy that you have absorbed and holds everything in place
with this auric field around you for the next twenty-two weeks.
Take a deep breath in now and exhale as you give thanks to our Cosmic Parents for
that which they have brought forth. Give thanks to Archangel Michael and Uriel, to
Lord Matraiya, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek.
We will leave you to lie on this crystal slab for approximately another thirty minutes so
that the energies can be flowing freely and gracefully and be in perfect balance with
every aspect of your life physically, emotionally, mentally, intellectually and spiritually
ensuring that every aspect of your life on a physical, emotional, mental, intellectual
and spiritual level is working in divine harmony continuing the sacred weave that you
have integrated into your body today.
Give thanks to yourself for the choice you have made to be a part of this today.
Take a deep breath in and draw you consciousness back into your physical body even
through you will remain with on the crystal slab and relax.
Take another deep breath in drawing your energy from your crown down your spine
out through your base and rooting yourself firmly within Mother Earths body.
Stretch your arms and rotate your wrists, stretch your legs and feel yourself fully
grounded in your human body.
Precious Lightworkers the energies that you have received today is the beginning of
many, many important changes to come, this is linked to the foundation I spoke of
earlier on. Over the next twelve weeks the foundation of your life will be addressed
and many changes will take place; all of these changes are for your highest good and
will ensure that passageways that no longer are a part of where you are going be shut
so that the new ones can open and that you can have the vision to see the journey
you have chosen is the one of the true soul liberator. You have moved beyond many
of the initial realms of the quantum world and you have delved deep within the body of
our Cosmic Creators, and it is from within this place that you will discover greater
truths about yourself and about life. The gifts that you will receive as a result of this is
the insights regarding the expanded world and what exists within the world that you
have not been able to see up until this point. So be prepared for some important
change, be ready to take on life with a whole new attitude, a whole new level of
energy with passion and with fervour and be at peace knowing that what you have
brought upon yourself is an exquisite opportunity to release that which humanity now
needs into the ethers so that all can grow.
As the sacred sound of the Cosmic Parents is revived within the hearts, the body, the
soul and mind of humanity so it is that the great change on a spiritual level can
continue to grow. 2012 is a point where the change in human consciousness will be
most noticeable but your world is not going to end, much will have changed but it is
the beginning of a new cycle post 2012. So stretch your mind, stretch your vision,
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move beyond 2012 because in truth all of you who are working with this energy right
now you have already lived 2012.
Kuthumi said many, many months (perhaps even years) ago that life has accelerated
at a rapid rate and that you are living many years of experience in as little as a few
weeks and a few months, therefore you have moved through the 2012 gates already.
The other ascension gateways that are coming up will be a part of your experience
and that is purely for your physical body so that your physical body can catch up with
all the changes that are taking place spiritually and energetically, but on a spiritual
level all of you present here have already moved beyond 2012. This has got nothing to
do with stroking your ego or making you to feel better than anyone else, all it means is
that you have done the work, you have gone within and you have taken the
opportunity to move beyond the realms of the old world, to move beyond the matrix
and to dive deeply into the Universal waters of an expanded consciousness that no
one could ever imagine and this, precious ones, is why we are already beginning to
work with you with energies that are many years into the future for you are ahead of
your time, in a manner of speaking, in relation to the rest of the world but that means it
is your responsibility to serve and to bring that light out into the open and as Kuthumi
always says, lead by example, and when you bring that light out into yourself it pours
forth into world and that is how the change will take place.
It is an honour for me to work with each of you to guide you along this journey, to
inspire you and it is most certainly an honour to experience the love that each of you
express and are made up of. May your journey continue to delight you, to liberate you
and to ground you within the Earth world as a master of alchemy, a master of love,
creation, manifestation and divine ability.
I am Mary Magdalene and my deepest love is with you. Au revoir.

To download the audio version of this channelling go to

Michelle Eloff
2:2 Crystal Light Chamber 2009

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