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School of Engineering and Built Environment

Cloud Systems and Security

Prof H. Tianfield
Technical Report on Selected Key Issues of

Kevin Twigg
Matric No: 200305777

Introduction (Q1,2,3,4)..............................................................................................................3
Question 1..................................................................................................................................4
VMs Storage Management.....................................................................................................4
Addition of a Local Disk, Creation, Management and Extension Datastore...................10
Add, Change, or Alter the Size of an Existing Virtual Machine......................................12
Question 2................................................................................................................................13
VMs Creation.......................................................................................................................13
VM Cloning.........................................................................................................................16
Hot Cloning......................................................................................................................17
VM Modification.................................................................................................................18
VM Migrations.....................................................................................................................20
Question 3................................................................................................................................22
VM Access Control..............................................................................................................22
VMs Performance Monitoring.............................................................................................27
Question 4................................................................................................................................29
Resource Pooling.................................................................................................................29
Distributed Resource Scheduling.........................................................................................32

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Introduction (Q1,2,3,4)
The purpose of this report is to provide StudyPlatform (SP) IT engineers technical
instructions and discussions on installation, management and use of the vSphere platform
prior to conversion from local server farms to the Cloud IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).
This report will provide a technical report on key selected issues of vSphere. This report will
provide a technical guide relevant to VM Storage Management, creation, cloning,
modification and migrations. It will also provide a technical guide to access controls, VM
Performance monitoring, resource pooling and distributed resource scheduling. This report
will also explain providing Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and discuss the advantages of
each service within the report.

The screenshots above show the login virtual topology screen and client access screens and
the for the lab sessions used to create this technical report. The default username and
password for this technical are root, vmware. To access ESXi Hosts the username, password
is root, vmware123. Default passwords for StudyPlatform's systems may be different. If you
do not already have usernames and passwords to access your cloud systems, please see the
network manager.
To allow users to complete these configurations both ESXi hosts should be powered on and
logged in using the correct authentication details. These servers will always be powered in a
real-life business environment unless experiencing network downtime or planned downtime
such as scheduled maintenance or upgrades. This ensures constant availability to network
infrastructure wherever an internet connection is available to authorised users. This allows
StudyPlatform employees to work from many locations, including mobile internet
connections available through laptops and internet ready devices. You can check the status by
clicking the status tab on the lab access screen shown above.

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Question 1
VMs Storage Management
This section will illustrate and describe how to use, manage and install storage management
facilities, and many of their features, within a cloud based virtual machine. It will provide a
step by step guide to configuring, managing and assigning storage volumes to a virtual
machine. This section will cover IP storage, hard disk provision and storage management.
Advantages of using VM storage is that cloud providers can provide seemingly endless
amounts of storage (elasticity). This can be extended if and when needed on a pay as you use
basis providing an easily scalable solution for StudyPlatform. This has time and cost saving
benefits as it is easier to acquire new storage. Another advantage is you only use what you
need. There are also strict guarantees known as Service Level Agreements which guarantee a
minimum level of service. If this guarantee is broken it will result in compensation to
StudyPlatform. This increases reliability and reduces cost, waste and inefficiency. Data will
be protected by Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems(IDS/IDP). Security also forms
part of SLAs and sensitive data can be isolated from other data within the multi tenant
The information this section will cover is as follows:

Configuring a VMkernal port on a standard virtual switch

Configure the iSCSI software adapter
Configure access to an NFS datastore
Viewing and accessing of iSCSI and NFS storage information and datastores
Access the vClient by clicking the vClient icon and entering a valid username and
password. as detailed in the introduction section. This will allow access to the
following screens and configuration options:

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1. Navigate to the hosts and clusters section as shown above. Use the navigation bar by
selecting Home > Inventory > Hosts and Clusters.
2. In the Harware Panel select the Networking link as highlighed in the above
3. Within the Networking section, you will find vSwitch0. Click the properties link
next to this icon to view the screenshot below. Click add to launch add network
4. On the Connections page enter VMkernal and click Next. On the VMkernal
Connections Settings page, change Network Label to IP Storage. Leave all other
settings as default, click Next.
5. On the VMkernal - IP Connections settings page select Use the following IP settings
and enter valid IP address as provided by your IP cloud provider or network manager.
For this guide we are using the IP address and subnet mask The default gateway is set to Once these details are
entered click Next.

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6. To verify and view these settings click the Networking link within the Hardware
panel as performed in Step 1.
7. The next step is to configure the iSCSI software adapter. In the Hardware Panel,
select the Storage Adapters link. Click Add as shown in screenshot on the storage
adapters table. On the next two screen click OK to complete.
8. Verify that the storage initiator has been created as highlighted in the above
screenshot. Click on this newly created iSCSI initiator and click Properties in the
details section. Ensure the software initiator properties status is Enabled. This should
have been automatically enable as the default setting when added.
9. Click the Dynamic Discovery tab and enter your IP address of the iSCSI target
( and leave the default port setting 3260. Click OK.

10. Once the SCSI send target task completes. You can verify the settings by viewing the
Dynamic Discovery pane as shown in the above screenshot.
11. Click Close on the properties box window. It will prompt you that a rescan of the host
bus adapter is recommended. Select Yes.

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12. Once the scan has completed. The new iSCSI will show in the Storage Adapter list
as highlighted in the screenshot below. Once highlighted, you can view the
configuration settings in the detail pane below, as shown in screenshot below.

13. The next step is to configure access to an NFS datastore. In the Configuration tab,
click the Storage link as shown in the screenshot below.
14. Above the Datastores table click the Add Storage link to launch the add storage

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15. On the next screen select Network File System as shown below. Click Next. A local
Disk or LUN can also be added in this section by selecting DISK/LUN. As shown in
the screenshot above.

16. On the next screen enter the location of the storage option. Enter server IP and folder
locations. This may differ depending on desired data locations and IP addresses. For
the purpose of this guide we are using and folder location mnt/vg-991/nfslib991/nfs_library. Enter a chosen datastore name and click Next.
17. On the next screen click finish to complete the addition of an IP datastore.
18. You can view verify the configuration iSCSI and NFS storage information by clicking
the host server's (ESXI) storage views tab and selecting show all SCSI Adapters
from the drop-down menu as shown in the screenshot below.

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19. To view information about the SCSI storage select Show all SCSI targets (array
ports) from the drop down menu. As shown in the screenshot below. You can also
view all storage volumes by selecting Show all SCSI volumes (LUNS).

20. To browse a selected datastore you right click on the selected datastore and click
Browse Datastore. As shown in the screenshot below.

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Addition of a Local Disk, Creation, Management and Extension

This section will cover the creation, management and extension of a datastore. In this section
we will create and then show how to check the status of the new drive. We will also
demonstrate how to extend the size of the new drive.

1. Select your hosts (ESXi-1 in this guide) configuration tab and click storage in the
hardware pane as shown in the screenshot above. Click Add Storage above the
datastores table and select DISK/LUN. As shown in the screenshot below

2. On the next screen select the datastore from the list which you would like to add and
click Next.
3. There is a choice of storage options available depending on the required specifications
(speed, size etc). For guide purposes we will select VMFS-1 and click next. Enter a
name of the new disk, leaving the default setting of Maximum available space and
click Next. Then Finish. This should add a new datastore to the list of datastores. As
shown in the screenshot below.

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4. You can change the name of a datastore by right clicking on the selected datastore and
clicking rename from the drop down menu, as shown in the above screenshot.
5. To create a VMFS datastore right click the datacentre icon (marked Training in the
guide screenshots). Select Add Datastore from the menu.
6. On the select storage type window, select Disk/LUN. There are several options to
choose difference being the LUN number and storage size.
7. For the purposes of this technical guide we will select LUN 0, 10gb, opnifiler iSCSI
8. The following pages allow configuration of Disk layout and an option to limit or use
maximum available space for creation of the new VMFS datastore. Enter chosen
configuration choices and click next. For this guide we will limit storage size to 5gb.
9. On the Ready to complete window, click Finish and wait for the task to complete.

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Add, Change, or Alter the Size of an Existing Virtual Machine

1. You can also alter add, change, or alter the size of an existing device as shown in the
screenshot above. To do this, right click on the virtual machine you wish to change by
selecting Edit Settings from the drop down menu. This will display the screenshot
2. To change the settings select the hard disk as highlighted in the above screenshot. In
this screen you can see the provision size on the right hand pane. To change this to a
desired value enter a value using the keyboard and click OK and Finish.
3. This can be done at any point. It is not necessary to power down virtual machine
before configuration. A restart may be required depending on what task has been
4. These changes can be confirmed within the Hardware section, under the Storage

Question 2
VMs Creation
This section will cover the creation of Virtual Machines. Log in to an authenticated user with
sufficient user rights as detailed in the introduction to begin this technical guide. This section
will cover the basics of creating a new virtual machine within a cloud systems environment.
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1. Sign in to the vClient icon as described in the introduction section, if not currently
logged in.
2. Navigate to the location Home > Inventory > VMs and Templates using the
navigation bar. As shown in the above screenshot, right click your desired location
and click New Virtual Machine from the drop down menu. This will launch the
virtual machine creation wizard, as shown below.

3. On the configuration page, enter a name for the new virtual machine, choose a
location to save the virtual machine and click Next.
4. On the Host and Cluster screen select your host (in this case ESXi-1) and click Next.
5. On the next screen, select the virtual machine version. For this example we are using
the default, Virtual Machine Version 8. Click Next.
6. The next page allows you to configure CPU allocation and assignment. For this
example we are using the default settings and clicking Next. StudyPlatform may
require different specifications to this guide. Simply enter chosen details where we
have left the default.

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7. The next screen in the wizard is the Memory screen. This screen allows you to assign
RAM to the created virtual machine. We have chosen 4Gb as shown in the screenshot
above. Click Next to continue to the network screen.
8. To connect to the network we must configure NIC options to allow network
connection for virtual machines. Enter the Chosen number of NICs (1). Enter NIC 1
Network, select Production. Under adapter we will use the default (E1000). Leave
Connect at Power On selected (as is default) and click Next.
9. On the SCSI controller page, leave the default selection of LSI logic parallel. Click

10. On the Create a disk, select chosen disk size and disk provisioning. In the chosen
example and screenshot above we have selected 40Gb, thin provisioning and Store
with the virtual machine.
11. On the Advanced Options enter the chosen settings (we chose default for this
example) and select Edit the virtual machine settings before completion.
12. In the Hardware list, select New CD/DVD (adding). Select the location of the chosen
operating system(OS). Click Browse and navigate to the chosen OS. for this example
we are installing windows 2000 Server. The location for this is
nfs_library/Windows/win2ksrv.iso. The default location will vary depending on local
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settings within the StudyPlatform network environment. Use this guide and enter
corresponding network locations and chosen operating systems.
13. In the Properties ensure Connect at power on is selected and click Finish.

14. To complete creation of your virtual machine right click the virtual machine, Power
On and select Open Console from the drop down menu. As shown in the above
screenshot. Upon start up, complete OS installation as according to StudyPlatform's
chosen option and configuration settings. These configuration settings are beyond the
scope of this technical report. Please follow OS and technical manuals to complete
installation of your chosen OS.
15. Install VMware tools by using the navigation bar to VM > Guest > Install > Upgrade
VMware Tools. Follow instructions to complete installation. This will ensure better
compatibility and ease of use for users.
16. To enable time synchronisation between virtual machines and Host Servers, open the
newly downloaded VMtools. Select Time and synchronisation between the virtual
machine and ESX server check box and click OK.
17. Click the Time Configuration tab and enter relevant settings.
18. This completes basic Creation and initial set-up of Virtual Machines.

VM Cloning
This section will cover the cloning of existing Virtual Machines. We will detail cloning to a
template and also cloning from a virtual machine while powered on (hot cloning). You
require authorised user credentials with sufficient user privileges to perform cloning of virtual

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An advantage of using clones in a cloud environment is that you can quickly replicate
existing users. This can be advantageous as it saves time and ultimately money.

1. Initially we will create a template for which to use to create cloned virtual machines.
We will use the existing virtual machine as a the template for cloned machines
created. To continue ensure virtual machine is powered off before selecting Template,
Clone to Template.... (As shown in the drop down menu in the above screen shot).
The Template wizard will guide you through the creation of the template. Choose a
name for the template (kevin in this example)
2. On the Host/Cluster page, select your chosen ESXi host as shown in the above
3. On the Storage page ensure Same format as source is selected.
4. Select a datastore from the list, we chose VMFS-1 in this example, click next.
5. On the Ready to Complete page, click finish to begin cloning to a template.
6. To create a cloned virtual machine from this template, right click on the newly created
template and select Deploy Virtual Machine from this template. This will open the
Deploy Template Wizard which will guide you through the creation of a new virtual
machine based on the chosen template.

Hot Cloning
1. The next Section will detail cloning of a virtual machine that is powered on (Hot
Cloning). To begin right click the powered on virtual machine which you would like
to clone. As shown in the previous screenshot. This will bring up the clone virtual
machine wizard as shown below.

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2. The first screen is the Name and Location screen. Select your chosen name and
location for the new virtual machine you would like to create. Click Next.
3. The next screen is the Host and Cluster screen as shown in the above screenshot.
Select your chosen host on which to create the new virtual machine. Click Next.
4. The next page is the Datastore page. In this example we chose VMFS-1.
5. On the disk format page, leave the default to create an exact copy of the virtual
machine template. If desired you may change disk format options depending on the
6. On the Guest Customisation page, select Customise using an existing custom
specification and select your previously created custom specification. As shown in
the screenshot on the next page. Click Next.

7. To complete configuration click Finish to begin cloning of the virtual machine while
powered on. This completes cloning of virtual machines.

VM Modification
This section will cover the modifications of Virtual Machines once they have been created.
This will show you how to modify an existing virtual machine once it has been created. This
scenario may occur if StudyPlatform wish to upgrade or add a new device to an existing
virtual machine. In a cloud computing environment upgrading and adding new devices is
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much easier and is done remotely without having to purchase new physical devices. To
perform this configuration guide sign in using authorised details with sufficient privileges to
perform the desired tasks. Log in to the vSphere platform as detailed in the introduction to
begin this technical guide. A virtual machine in most instances should be powered down
during modification. If not a restart may be required before new settings take effect.
1. The first step is to navigate to Home > Inventory > VMs and Templates using the
navigation bar as seen in the screenshot below. Right click on the chosen virtual
machine you would like to edit and select Edit Settings from the popup menu. In this
example we have chosen the SP virtual machine.

2. This will display the Add Hardware window as shown in the screenshot below. This
displays a list of devices you can add. This step will vary depending on the task
StudyPlatform wish to complete. For this example we will modify the hard disk and
memory. Select your choice of device and click Next.

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3. To change to size of the storage device you can use the keyboard to enter your desired
size. You can see in the screenshot above we have chosen to increase the size of the
virtual machine hard drive to 40Gb. Click OK.

4. Next, select the Memory from the list of hardware. This will bring up the sliding bar
and Memory size box as shown in the above screenshot.
5. To modify the amount of memory assigned to the virtual machine, enter the desired
amount or use the sliding bar. For this example we have chosen 4Gb of memory.
Click OK once you have completed this task.
6. To rename a virtual machine, right click ok it at any point and select Rename.
7. To inflate a virtual machine to take up all available space it was provisioned, right
click on it and select .vmdk file and select Inflate.
8. To delete a virtual machine, right click on it and select Delete from Disk from the
menu. You will be asked to confirm deletion.

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VM Migrations
This section will cover the migration of data and virtual machines from one server to another.
For this example you will need an authenticated user credentials with the appropriate
privileges to perform the desired actions. Once you have added a host StudyPlatform can
simply drag and drop existing virtual machines between different hosts.
The following section technical guide will detail the addition and configuration of a new host,
the migration of active (powered on) hosts and the use of the vMotion utility. To perform this
guide within StudyPlatform's cloud environment you will require authorised user credientials
as discussed in the introduction. You will also require relevant user priviliges to peform the
task, as discuessed in the Access Control chapter.

1. The first step of live data migration is to add a second host. Power on the Virtual
Machines by right clicking on them and selecting Power On.
2. To add a second host, navigate to Home > Inventory > Hosts and Clusters using the
navigation bar. Right click on the folder containing your first host as shown in the
screenshot above and click Add Host.
3. This will launch the add host wizard. You will asked to enter the configuration data
for the new host. This will vary depending on the scenario being performed by
StudyPlatform. Ensure the new host is on the same network and IP details are
correctly configured. These details will be available from your network manager if
you do not already possess them. After this you will have to configure hardware
properties, including adding storage locations, networking and iSCSI as described in
the Storage Management chapter. Care must be taken to ensure you use a different
datastore from where you store the initial ESXi host and hypervisor. If you get an
error message select a different disk.
4. Once you have completed the configuration of your new host you will be asked to
rescan the adapter before continuing. Click Yes to complete.

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5. The next step is to configure a port group for the vMotion migration. Select your
initial host and click the Networking tab. Click Add Networking.
6. This will open the Add Network Wizard. Click VMkernel and select vmnic2 or the
appropriate adapter within StudyPlatform local network environment.
7. Enter the network label and select Use this port for vMotion.
8. Enter the ESXi host IP details and subnet mask and click Finish.
9. You can verify successful creation of this virtual switch within the networking pane.
10. Repeat step 5-9 for your second host to ensure both hosts meet vMotion requirements.
11. The next step is to perform the migration of a live virtual machine. Navigate to Home
> Inventory > Hosts and Clusters. Ensure that virtual machines are powered on
before performing the next steps by right clicking them and selecting Power On.
12. Right click on the virtual machine you wish to migrate and select Migrate.
13. This will launch the Migrate Host Wizard.
14. Select Change Host and select the host you wish to transfer to from the inventory.
Click Next.
15. On the vMotion priority page, leave the recommended settings (High). Click Finish.
16. This completes the migration of a live virtual machine. To verify this task has been
completed successfully. You can view the inventory page to show the screenshot
below. This screenshot shows the John-2 virtual machine having been successfully
migrated from esxi-1 to esxi-2 hosts.

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Question 3
VM Access Control
This section will cover the addition, deletion and policy settings of users within a cloud
systems environment. As StudyPlatform have 1000 staff and 23,000 registered users
worldwide, there will have to be strict policy settings in place to ensure security and efficient
running of the business. These access policies can also be applied to groups of users saving
vast amounts of time for the business. It is important to ensure effective policy control so
users have access to the relevant files and possess the relevant privileges to perform the
desired task. Poor configuration of this section will create a potential security risk for
StudyPlatform intellectual material, data and infrastructure.
Access control is an essential component of StudyPlatform's Infrastructure as a Service
model. It helps provide security and added control over data and intellectual material. This
will help to provide access to software on a need by need basis. This can also be provided by
cloud providers (Software as a Service).

1. The first step is to sign in to the vCenter host from the initial introduction topology
screen as shown in this report's introduction section. Click on the vCenter icon on this
topology screen. This will produce the above screenshot. Press return to log in and
enter valid username and password as shown in the screenshot below.

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2. Once logged in to an authorised account, you can create new users by typing the
command <useradd -n example>.
3. You can then choose a password for a user by typing <passwd example>. This will
prompt you to enter a new password as shown in the screenshot above. You will be
asked to re-enter and confirm your password before it is accepted and validated.
4. Now we have created our users we can apply policy settings (in this example we are
using Windows Server). The next section details how to apply these policy settings
and also group policy settings using preconfigured custom roles.

5. The first step is to access the vClient as detailed in the introduction section of this
report. Ensure you are signing in with a user with the desired privileges to perform the
desired task (normally the administrator account). Using the navigation bar, navigate
to Home > Administration > Roles. This screen also allows StudyPlatform the
option to alter the privileges of other roles in the right hand pane. As shown in the
above screenshot.
6. To create a new custom role, click the Add Role link in the top left as shown in the
above screenshot. This will allow roles, privileges and access to specific data or
software to be added to specific roles that exist within the cloud environment.
7. The next screen asks you to provide your custom role specifications and privileges.
For this example we entered the follow details, this may vary depending on the type
of user and policies StudyPlatform wish to add. Care must be taken during the
planning and implementation of this task to ensure accurate configuration.
Datastore - allocate Space
Network - Assign Network
Resource - Assign virtual machine to pool
Virtual machine - Add new disk, add or remove device, memory
Virtual machine - Interaction, select chosen privileges for this technical report
we selected all
Virtual machine > inventory, select create new
Click ok to complete privilege configuration

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8. To add permissions navigate to Home > Inventory > VMs And Templates using the
navigation bar. Right click within this window and select Add Permission, as show in
the above screenshot.

9. Select the chosen users and groups from the list as shown in the screenshot above.
Care must be taken by StudyPlatform during this section as potential security and
accessibility issues can occur with poor planning and poor configuration. Click Next
when you have selected the relevant users and groups.
10. In the assignment role, select the chosen policy group and apply to the users or groups
by clicking next. The permission can be review in the permissions tab as shown in the
screenshot below.

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The above screenshot shows the roles within the virtual machines.
The screenshot below shows the assigned roles within the storage locations associated with
the virtual machines.

11. To assign access privileges to storage locations, navigate to Home > Inventory >
Datastores. Select the chosen datastore and click the permissions tab as shown in the
above screenshot.
12. Permissions can be added to storage locations as performed with the users and groups
in step 8.
13. To add networking privileges, navigate to Home > Inventory > Networking. Select
the chosen network. Select StudyPlatform's network and as the relevant permissions
as performed in step 8.
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14. To remove or alter a user group right click on it and select the relevant option from
the popup menu. The screenshot below shows the warning message displayed before
removing the user root. This is often done as a security procedure and is common
practice within an enterprise and cloud environment.

15. To verify configurations attempt a forbidden task with a user who does not possess
adequate privileges. An error message should be produced and the user prevented
from proceeding. It is also worth testing all privileges settings changes before using
them in a live environment.

VMs Performance Monitoring

This section will give a technical guide to using and configuring the performance monitoring
utility within vCenter Server. Performance monitoring is a useful tool as it allows us to
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understand the efficiency and potential drawbacks of our cloud platform. It then allows us to
optimize and remedy and potential problems such as suboptimal resource allocation that may
have occurred. This application can monitor many performance issues such as bandwidth,
RAM and individual virtual machine performance. In this example we will demonstrate how
to use to utility and how to monitor CPU performance. StudyPlatform may wish to perform
different tasks depending what is relevant to the current scenario. This can be varied in step 4.

1. You can view the performance details of virtual machines by highlighting them in the
left pane and selecting the Performance tab in the right pane. As shown in the above
2. Click the Advanced button in the top right to view the current, real-time data being
generated live.
3. The drop down menu in the top right of the above screenshot can be changed to show
different objects to monitor depending on the scenario or problems encountered. For
the purpose of this demonstration we have selected CPU.
4. To change the data captured and shown on your graph select the Chart Options link.
This section is where you can define the boundaries such as time scale for monitoring
of performance and producing the graph.

5. To produce the graph in a separate screen ready for saving or printing, click the
Popup Chart button. As seen in the screenshot below.

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6. Exit this screen to return to the performance tab. StudyPlatform have the ability to
perform diagnostic and optimization tasks from this area. To select a different virtual
machine or server you can simply select your choice from the left hand panel as seen
in the screenshot below. To produce a performance report on another component
within a virtual machine or server select an option from within the drop down menu in
the top right of the performance tab as seen in the screenshot below.

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Question 4
Resource Pooling
This section will cover creation and use of resource pools. Resource pools can be created to
assign resources to a specific group of devices or users. Effective use of resources is
important as in a cloud computing platform. It is often on a 'pay as you go' service. The more
effective use of available resources will lead to cost savings. This can be useful for
StudyPlatform to assign resources to their higher priority user groups or devices. This will
allow network managers to control their available resources and assign them where they are
needed. This gives them better control of the allocation of the available resources. Follow
instructions to sign in as detailed in the introduction to begin this technical guide. Ensure you
are signed in with an authenticated user with sufficient user privileges.

1. The first step is navigate to Home > Inventory > Hosts and Clusters using the
navigation bar. Right click on your ESXi host and select New Resource Pool... from
the popup menu as shown in the screenshot below.

2. This will bring up the create resource pool window as shown in the screenshot below.
Here you can configure CPU and memory reservation. Select your chosen
configurations, name your resource pool and click OK to complete. For the purpose
of this lab we have configured a low CPU share and named it SP - TEST.
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3. Once you have created your resource pool you can grad and drop virtual machines in
to the new resource pool. This will assign resources to the virtual machines within the
pool as configured in the previous step.
4. You can view the summary by left clicking the resource pool and clicking the
Summary tab as shown in the screenshot below. This screen will allow
StudyPlatform to verify configuration and status of the resource pool.

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5. The above screenshot shows configuration of a production group with high (8000)
CPU share. To modify a resource pool right click on it and select edit settings. This
completes the creation and use of resource pools. This section also shows memory
and resource pool basic information.
6. The screenshot below shows successful configuration virtual machines as part of the
SP-prod resource pool with low CPU share (2000) assigned.

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Distributed Resource Scheduling

This section will cover creation and use of Distributed Resource Scheduling (DRS).
Distributed Resource Scheduling can be used to apply rules based on resources and apply
them automatically. This section provides a guide how to configure and use DRS within a
live environment.
Advantages of DRS include added control over hardware parameters. This can leads to
optimisation of hardware resources dependant on the current resource requirements. This
allows for downtime free server maintenance, optimization of energy efficiency and
ultimately cost savings.

1. The first step is to navigate to Home > Inventory > Hosts and Clusters using the
navigation bar. Right click on the lab cluster and click Edit Settings.
2. Name your lab cluster and select to Turn on vSphere HA and Turn on vSphere
DRS. Click Next.

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3. Click vSphere DRS as shown in the screenshot below...

4. This screen allows you to select the power management options for your DRS. Select
manual and use your mouse to slide the DRM Threshold bar to your chosen
configuration. In the above screenshot it is at the default (medium) setting.

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5. The next section allows you to apply riles to the DRS. This can be done at any time
by right clicking the DRS cluster and selecting edit settings from the drop down
6. This next screen will bring up the screenshot shown above.

7. The screenshot above shows the alternate configuration for the other host.

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1. To add a rule click add. As shown in the above screenshot.

2. On this screen you can choose to separate or keep virtual machines together and also
name your rule. Configure two virtual machines with opposite settings (one separate,
one together) to contrast DRS operation.
3. Once you have added your chosen rules click OK. Click on the lab cluster DRS tab
and click the Run DRS link. This will generate a recommendation based on the rules
4. This rule setting will separate virtual machines so that they are running on different
ESXi hosts. Many other rules can be created by following this guide and altering the
rule added depending on the scenario and required configuration of StudyPlatform's

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